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Waiting for Godot

Samuel Beckett
Samuel Beckett was born in Dublin in 1906. He befriended the famous Irish noelist !ames !o"ce# and his
first $ublished work was an essa" on !o"ce. In 19%1 and 19%&# Beckett wrote his most famous noels# the
trilo'" Molloy, Malone Dies, and The Unnameable.
Waiting for Godot, Beckett(s first $la"# was written ori'inall" in )rench in 19*+ ,Beckett subse-uentl"
translated the $la" into .n'lish himself/. It $remiered at a tin" theater in 0aris in 19%&. 1his $la" be'an
Beckett(s association with the Theatre of the Absurd# which influenced later $la"wri'hts like Harold 0inter
and 1om Sto$$ard.
1he most famous of Beckett(s subse-uent $la"s include Endgame ,19%+/ and Krapp's Last Tape ,19%9/. He
also wrote seeral een more ex$erimental $la"s# like Breath ,1969/# a thirt"2second $la". Beckett was
awarded the 3obel 0ri4e in 1969 and died in 19+9 in 0aris.
1wo men# 5ladimir and .stra'on# meet near a tree. 1he" conerse on arious to$ics and reeal that the" are
waitin' there for a man named 6odot. 7hile the" wait# two other men enter. 0o44o is on his wa" to the
market to sell his slae# 8uck". He $auses for a while to conerse with 5ladimir and .stra'on. 8uck"
entertains them b" dancin' and thinkin'# and 0o44o and 8uck" leae.
9fter 0o44o and 8uck" leae# a bo" enters and tells 5ladimir that he is a messen'er from 6odot. He tells
5ladimir that 6odot will not be comin' toni'ht# but that he will surel" come tomorrow. 5ladimir asks him
some -uestions about 6odot and the bo" de$arts. 9fter his de$arture# 5ladimir and .stra'on decide to leae#
but the" do not moe as the curtain falls.
1he next ni'ht# 5ladimir and .stra'on a'ain meet near the tree to wait for 6odot. 8uck" and 0o44o enter
a'ain# but this time 0o44o is blind and 8uck" is dumb. 0o44o does not remember meetin' the two men the
ni'ht before. 1he" leae and 5ladimir and .stra'on continue to wait.
Shortl" after# the bo" enters and once a'ain tells 5ladimir that 6odot will not be comin'. He insists that he
did not s$eak to 5ladimir "esterda". 9fter he leaes# .stra'on and 5ladimir decide to leae# but a'ain the" do
not moe as the curtain falls# endin' the $la".
Vladimir 2 :ne of the two main characters of the $la". .stra'on calls him Didi# and the bo" addresses him as
;r. 9lbert. He seems to be the more res$onsible and mature of the two main characters.
Estragon 2 1he second of the two main characters. 5ladimir calls him 6o'o. He seems weak and hel$less#
alwa"s lookin' for 5ladimir(s $rotection. He also has a $oor memor"# as 5ladimir has to remind him in the
second act of the eents that ha$$ened the $reious ni'ht.
Pozzo 2 He $asses b" the s$ot where 5ladimir and .stra'on are waitin' and $roides a diersion. In the
second act# he is blind and does not remember meetin' 5ladimir and .stra'on the ni'ht before.
Lucky 2 0o44o(s slae# who carries 0o44o(s ba's and stool. In 9ct I# he entertains b" dancin' and thinkin'.
Howeer# in 9ct II# he is dumb.
Boy 2 He a$$ears at the end of each act to inform 5ladimir that 6odot will not be comin' that ni'ht. In the
second act# he insists that he was not there the $reious ni'ht.
Godot 2 1he man for whom 5ladimir and .stra'on wait unendin'l". 6odot neer a$$ears in the $la". His
name are character are often thou'ht to refer to 6od# chan'in' the $la"(s title and sub<ect to Waiting for
9ct I= Introduction > 0o44o and 8uck"(s .ntrance
.stra'on is tr"in' to take off his boot when 5ladimir enters. 1he two men 'reet each other? 5ladimir
examines his hat while .stra'on stru''les with his boot. 1he" discuss the ersions of the stor" of the two
thiees in the 6os$els# and 5ladimir wonders wh" one ersion of the stor" is considered more accurate than
the others.
.stra'on wants to leae# but 5ladimir tells him that the" cannot because the" are waitin' for 6odot# who the"
are su$$osed to meet b" the tree. 1he" wonder if the" are waitin' in the correct s$ot# or if it is een the correct
.stra'on falls aslee$# but 5ladimir wakes him because he feels lonel". .stra'on starts to tell 5ladimir about
the dream he was hain'# but 5ladimir does not want to hear his @$riate ni'htmares.@ .stra'on wonders if it
would be better for them to $art# but 5ladimir insists that .stra'on would not 'o far. 1he" ar'ue and 5ladimir
storms off the sta'e# but .stra'on coninces him to come back and the" make u$.
1he" discuss what to do next while the" wait# and .stra'on su''ests han'in' themseles from the tree.
Howeer# after a discussion of the lo'istics# the" decide to wait and see what 6odot sa"s.
.stra'on is hun'r"# and 5ladimir 'ies him a carrot. 1he" discuss whether the" are tied to 6odot when the"
hear a terrible cr" nearb" and huddle to'ether to await what is comin'.
1he be'innin' of the $la" establishes 5ladimir and .stra'on(s relationshi$. 5ladimir clearl" reali4es that
.stra'on is de$endent on him when he tells .stra'on that he would be @nothin' more than a little hea$ of
bones@ without him. 5ladimir also insists that .stra'on would not 'o far if the" $arted. 1his de$endenc"
extends een to minute# eer"da" thin's# as .stra'on cannot een take off his boot without hel$ from
1he be'innin' of the $la" makes 5ladimir and .stra'on seem interchan'eable. )or exam$le# one of the
characters often re$eats a line that the other has $reiousl" said. 1his ha$$ens in the er" be'innin' when the
two characters switch lines in the dialo'ue# with each askin' the other# @It hurtsA@ and res$ondin'# @HurtsB He
wants to know if it hurtsB@ In addition to demonstratin' the wa" that the two characters can be seen as
interchan'eable# this textual re$etition will be found throu'hout the $la" as an indicator of the re$etitieness
of life in 'eneral for 5ladimir and .stra'on.
5ladimir(s discussion of the stor" of the two thiees brin's u$ the -uestion of textual uncertaint". He $oints
out that the four 'os$els $resent entirel" different ersions of this stor"# and wonders wh" one of these
ersions is acce$ted as definitie. 1his -uestion about the reliabilit" of texts mi'ht cause the reader ,or
audience/ of this $la" to -uestion the reliabilit" of this $articular text. 9lso# the re$etition of the stor" b" the
four 'os$els mi'ht allude to the re$etitieness of the action of the $la".
1he re$etitieness of the $la" is best illustrated b" .stra'on(s re$eated re-uests to leae# which are followed
each time b" 5ladimir tellin' him that the" cannot leae because the" are waitin' for 6odot. 1he exact
re$etition of the lines each time this dialo'ue a$$ears# includin' the sta'e directions# reinforces the idea that
the same actions occur oer and oer a'ain and su''ests that these actions ha$$en more times than the $la"
In this be'innin' section we 'et the onl" clue of the nature of 5ladimir and .stra'on(s relationshi$ with
6odot. 1he" mention that the" asked 6odot for @a kind of $ra"er...a a'ue su$$lication#@ which he is currentl"
considerin'. 1his creates a $arallel between 6odot and 6od# also su''ested b" their similar names# and it
seems that 5ladimir and .stra'on do consider 6odot a kind of reli'ious fi'ure when the" mention comin' in
on their hands and knees.
9ct I= 0o44o and 8uck" Scene
0o44o enters# driin' 8uck" ahead of him b" a ro$e around his neck. 5ladimir and .stra'on wonder if 0o44o
is 6odot# but he tells them that he is 0o44o and asks if the" hae heard of him. 1he" tell him that the" hae
not. 0o44o commands 8uck" to $ut down his stool# and sits down and be'ins to eat some chicken. 7hile he
eats# 5ladimir and .stra'on circle around 8uck"# ins$ectin' him. 1he" notice a sore on his neck and be'in to
ask him a -uestion# but 0o44o tells them to leae him alone.
.stra'on asks 0o44o if he can hae the bones from his chicken# and 0o44o tells him that 8uck" 'ets $riorit"
oer them. .stra'on asks 8uck" if he wants the bones# but he does not re$l"# and 0o44o tells .stra'on that he
can hae the bones. He comments that he has neer known 8uck" to refuse a bone and ho$es that he is not
5ladimir suddenl" ex$lodes with an'er at 0o44o(s treatment of 8uck"# but then seems embarrassed at his
outburst. 0o44o decides to 'o# but then decides to sta" and smoke another $i$e. 5ladimir wants to leae# but
0o44o reminds him of his a$$ointment with 6odot.
.stra'on be'ins to wonder aloud wh" 8uck" does not $ut down his ba's. 0o44o be'ins to answer the
-uestion# after much $re$aration inolin' his a$ori4er s$ra"# but 'ies a conoluted and contradictor"
res$onse. 5ladimir asks 0o44o if he wants to 'et rid of 8uck"? 0o44o res$onds that he does and is takin' him
to the fair to sell him.
8uck" be'ins to cr"# and 0o44o hands .stra'on a handkerchief to wi$e awa" his tears. .stra'on a$$roaches
8uck"# but 8uck" kicks him in the shins. 0o44o tells 5ladimir and .stra'on that he has learned a lot from
8uck"# and that 8uck" has been serin' him for nearl" sixt" "ears. 5ladimir becomes an'r" that 0o44o is
'oin' to 'et rid of 8uck" after so much time# and 0o44o 'ets u$set. 5ladimir then 'ets an'r" at 8uck" for
mistreatin' 0o44o.
0o44o calms down# but he reali4es that he has lost his $i$e and be'ins to 'et u$set a'ain. 7hile .stra'on
lau'hs at 0o44o# 5ladimir exits# a$$arentl" to 'o to the bathroom. He returns# in a bad mood# but soon calms
down. 0o44o sits down a'ain and be'ins to ex$lain the twili'ht. 7hen he finishes# he asks them to ealuate
his $erformance and then offers to hae 8uck" $erform for them. .stra'on wants to see 8uck" dance# while
5ladimir wants to hear him think# so 0o44o commands him to dance and then think.
8uck" dances# and .stra'on is not er" im$ressed. 0o44o tells them that he used to dance much better.
5ladimir asks him to tell 8uck" to think# but 0o44o sa"s that he cannot think without his hat. 5ladimir $uts
8uck"(s hat on his head and he be'ins to think aloud# s$outin' a lon' stream of words and $hrases that
amount to 'ibberish. 9s he 'oes on# the other three suffer more and more and finall" throw themseles on him
and sei4e his hat to make him sto$. 0o44o tram$les on the hat# and the men hel$ 8uck" u$ and 'ie him all the
0o44o is about to leae# but finds that he cannot. He decides that he needs a runnin' start# so he starts from the
o$$osite end of the sta'e and dries 8uck" across as the" exchan'e 'ood2b"es.
0o44o(s statement about his $i$e# that the second $i$e is neer as @sweet@ as the first# can a$$l" to ex$erience
in 'eneralCit su''ests that feelin's and eents dull with re$etition.
De$etition of eents in the $la" is em$hasi4ed b" further textual re$etition. 7hen 5ladimir and .stra'on
alternate short lines back and forth# .stra'on often re$eats himself at the end of a strin' of lines. 1his occurs
for the first time in this exchan'e= @Estragon= 1he circus. Vladimir= 1he music2hall. Estragon= 1he circus.@
1his same tro$e will recur seeral times in a row at the be'innin' of the second act# alwa"s with .stra'on
re$eatin' himself.
7e see here that 5ladimir su$$orts .stra'on after .stra'on is kicked b" 8uck"= when he cries that he cannot
walk# 5ladimir offers to carr" him# if necessar". 1his illustrates 5ladimir(s attem$t to $rotect and take care of
5ladimir is often er" -uick to chan'e his mind. 7hen he learns of 8uck"(s lon' term of serice to 0o44o# he
becomes an'r" with 0o44o for mistreatin' his serant. Howeer# when 0o44o 'ets u$set and sa"s that he
cannot bear it an" lon'er# 5ladimir -uickl" transfers his an'er to 8uck"# whom he re$roaches for mistreatin'
his master after so man" "ears. 1his illustrates how 5ladimir(s o$inion can be easil" swa"ed b" a chan'e in
In this section we see the first su''estions that 5ladimir and .stra'on mi'ht re$resent all of humanit". 7hen
0o44o first enters# he notes that 5ladimir and .stra'on are of the same s$ecies as he is# @made in 6od(s
ima'e.@ 8ater# when 0o44o asks .stra'on what his name is# he re$lies @9dam.@ 1his com$arison of .stra'on
to 9dam# the first man# su''ests that he ma" re$resent all of mankind? and this link between .stra'on and
9dam also relates to the idea of 6odot as 6od.
0o44o(s in-uir" about how 5ladimir and .stra'on found him su''ests that 0o44o is 'iin' a $erformance.
1his notion is reinforced when he has 8uck" $erform for them. It seems that 0o44o and 8uck" a$$ear
$rimaril" to entertain 5ladimir and .stra'onCafter 0o44o and 8uck leae# the other two men comment that
their $resence hel$ed the time $ass more ra$idl".
0o44o(s failure to de$art antici$ates the wa" that 5ladimir and .stra'on remain waitin' at the end of each of
the acts# after sa"in' the" will de$art. Howeer# een after sa"in'# @I don(t seem to be able to de$art#@ 0o44o
does actuall" mana'e to leae. 0o44o moes on while 5ladimir and .stra'on remain fixed een as the curtain
falls at the end of each act.
9ct I= 0o44o and 8uck"(s .xit to Conclusion
9fter 0o44o and 8uck" de$art# 5ladimir once a'ain tells .stra'on that the" cannot leae because the" are
waitin' for 6odot. 1he" ar'ue about whether 0o44o and 8uck" hae chan'ed# and .stra'on suddenl"
com$lains of $ain in his other foot.
9 bo" enters timidl"# sa"in' that he has a messa'e from ;r. 6odot. .stra'on bullies the bo"# who reeals that
he has been waitin' a while but was afraid of 0o44o and 8uck". 7hen .stra'on shakes the bo"# bad'erin'
him to tell the truth# 5ladimir "ells at him and sits down and be'ins to take off his boots.
;eanwhile# 5ladimir talks to the bo". He asks him if he is the one who came "esterda"# but the bo" tells him
that he is not. 1he bo" tells 5ladimir that ;r. 6odot will not come this eenin'# but that he will surel" come
tomorrow. 5ladimir then asks the bo" if he works for ;r. 6odot# and the bo" tells him that he minds the
'oats. 1he bo" sa"s that ;r. 6odot does not beat him# but that he beats his brother who minds the shee$.
5ladimir asks the bo" if he is unha$$"# but the bo" does not know. He tells the bo" that he can 'o# and that he
is to tell ;r. 6odot that he saw them. 1he bo" runs off the sta'e and# as he 'oes# it suddenl" becomes ni'ht.
.stra'on 'ets u$ and $uts his boots down at the ed'e of the sta'e. 5ladimir tells him that the bo" assured him
that 6odot will come tomorrow. He tries to dra' .stra'on offsta'e to shelter# but .stra'on will not 'o.
.stra'on wonders if the" should $art# but the" decide to 'o to'ether. 9s the curtain falls# the" remain still.
1his section be'ins with the most commonl" re$eated dialo'ue in the $la"# in which .stra'on wants to 'o and
5ladimir tells him that the" are waitin' for 6odot. 1his section $roides eidence for a reli'ious readin' of
the $la" as .stra'on com$ares himself to Christ when he decides to 'o barefoot. 7hen 5ladimir tells him not
to com$are himself to Christ# .stra'on res$onds that @all m" life I(e com$ared m"self to him.@
5ladimir(s statement that he $retended not to reco'ni4e 0o44o and 8uck" su''ests that he has met them
before. 1his indicates that the actions $resented in the first act of the $la" ma" hae ha$$ened before# callin'
attention to eents that occur outside the frame of the $la". 1he same thin' occurs when 5ladimir asks the bo"
if he came "esterda"# reealin' that the" were waitin' "esterda" with the same result. 1his su''ests that the
same eents hae been 'oin' on for some time? the two acts of the $la" are merel" two instances in a lon'
$attern of ceaselessl" re$eatin' eents.
1he end of 9ct I establishes 5ladimir and .stra'on(s ho$elessness. .en when the" both a'ree to 'o# and
5ladimir sa"s @Ees# let(s 'o#@ the two men do not moe. .en their resolution to 'o is not stron' enou'h to
$roduce action. 1his inabilit" to act renders 5ladimir and .stra'on unable to determine their own fates.
Instead of actin'# the" can onl" wait for someone or somethin' to act u$on them.
9ct II= Introduction > 0o44o and 8uck"(s .ntrance
9ct II takes $lace the next eenin'# at the same time and $lace. 1he tree now has four or fie leaes on it.
.stra'on(s boots and 8uck"(s hat remain onsta'e when 5ladimir enters# looks around# and be'ins to sin'.
.stra'on enters and su''ests that 5ladimir seemed ha$$ier without him. He sa"s that he does not know wh"
he kee$s returnin' to 5ladimir# since he too is ha$$ier alone# but 5ladimir insists that it(s because .stra'on
does not know how to defend himself.
5ladimir su''ests that thin's hae chan'ed since "esterda"# but .stra'on does not remember "esterda".
5ladimir reminds him about 0o44o and 8uck"# and the" be'in to ar'ue about whether .stra'on has eer been
in the ;acon countr". .stra'on once a'ain sa"s that it would be better if the" $arted# but 5ladimir reminds
him that he alwa"s comes crawlin' back. 1he" decide to conerse calml" but soon run out of thin's to sa"#
and 5ladimir 'rows uncomfortable with the silence.
5ladimir looks at the tree and notices that it is now coered with leaes# althou'h "esterda" it was bare.
.stra'on sa"s that it must be s$rin'# but also insists that the" were not here "esterda". 5ladimir reminds him
of the bones that 0o44o 'ae him and the kick that 8uck" 'ae him and shows him the wound on his le'. He
asks .stra'on where his boots are andCwhen .stra'on re$lies that he must hae thrown them awa"C$oints
out the boots on the sta'e trium$hantl". .stra'on# howeer# examines the boots and sa"s that the" are not his.
5ladimir reasons that someone must hae come b" and exchan'ed his boots for .stra'on(s.
5ladimir 'ies .stra'on a black radish# but since he onl" likes the $ink ones# he 'ies it back. .stra'on sa"s
he will 'o and 'et a carrot# but he does not moe. 5ladimir su''ests tr"in' the boots on .stra'on# and the" fit#
but .stra'on does not want them laced. .stra'on sits down on the mound and tries to slee$. 5ladimir sin's
him a lullab"# and he falls aslee$# but soon wakes u$ from a ni'htmare.
5ladimir is $leased to find 8uck"(s hat on the 'round because he beliees it confirms that the" are in the
correct $lace. He $uts on 8uck"(s hat and hands his to .stra'on# who takes off his hat and hands it to
5ladimir. 1his switch occurs seeral times until once a'ain 5ladimir wears 8uck"(s hat# and .stra'on wears
his own hat. 5ladimir decides that he will kee$ 8uck"(s hat# since his bothered him. 1he" be'in to $la" 0o44o
and 8uck"(s roles# with 5ladimir imitatin' 8uck" and tellin' .stra'on what to do to imitate 0o44o. .stra'on
leaes# but -uickl" returns because he hears someone comin'.
5ladimir is sure that 6odot is comin'# and .stra'on hides behind the tree. He reali4es that he is not hidden
and comes out# and the two men be'in a watch with one stationed on each side of the sta'e. 7hen the" both
be'in to s$eak at once# the" 'et an'r" and be'in insultin' each other. 9fter the" finish their insults# the"
decide to make u$ and embrace. 1he" briefl" do some exercises and then do @the tree#@ sta''erin' around on
one foot.
5ladimir(s son' about the do' who stole a crust of bread re$eats itself $er$etuall". 1he two erses follow each
other in succession so that it can be sun' foreer# althou'h here 5ladimir onl" sin's each erse twice. 1his
son' is a re$resentation of the re$etitie nature of the $la" as a whole and of 5ladimir and .stra'on(s circular
lies. 8ike the erses of the son'# the eents of their lies follow one after another# a'ain and a'ain# with no
a$$arent be'innin' or end.
1he hat switchin' incident is another illustration of the endless# often mindless# re$etition that seems to
characteri4e the $la". 8ike 5ladimir(s son' at the be'innin' of 9ct II# the hat switchin' could 'o on
$er$etuall" and onl" sto$s when 5ladimir decides arbitraril" to $ut an end to it.
5ladimir and .stra'on(s discussion about the noise made b" @all the dead oices@ brin's back the theme of
.stra'on re$eatin' himself to end a strin' of conersation. 1hree times in a row# .stra'on re$eats his $hrase#
with silence followin' each re$etition. .stra'on(s re$etition of the $hrases @like leaes@ and @the" rustle@
em$hasi4es these $hrases# es$eciall" since .stra'on comes back to @like leaes@ in the third $art of their
In this section we see a'ain 5ladimir(s desire to $rotect .stra'on. He beliees that the $rimar" reason
.stra'on returns to him eer" da"# des$ite his declarations that he is ha$$ier alone# is that he needs 5ladimir
to hel$ him defend himself. 7hether or not 5ladimir actuall" does $rotect .stra'on# 5ladimir clearl" feels
that this dut" and res$onsibilit" defines their relationshi$.
.stra'on(s statement that he will 'o and 'et a carrot# followed b" the sta'e directions @he does not moe#@
recalls their immobilit" in 9ct I(s conclusion# and is another illustration of the wa" that the characters do not
act on their words or intentions. 5ladimir reco'ni4es this $roblem after he decides that the" should tr" on the
boots? he sa"s im$atientl"# @let us $erseere in what we hae resoled# before we for'et.@ 5ladimir(s clear
awareness of his own $roblem makes his inabilit" to sole itCto act and to moeC"seem een more
frustratin' and unfathomable.
9ct II= 0o44o and 8uck" Scene
7hile 5ladimir and .stra'on sta''er about $it"in' themseles# 0o44o and 8uck" enter. 0o44o is blind and
runs into 8uck"# who has sto$$ed at the si'ht of 5ladimir and .stra'on. 1he" fall# alon' with all the ba''a'e.
5ladimir welcomes their arrial since it will hel$ to $ass the time. 0o44o calls for hel$ while 5ladimir and
.stra'on discuss askin' him for another bone. 5ladimir decides that the" should hel$ him# but first he and
.stra'on discuss how the" hae ke$t their a$$ointment.
0o44o continues to cr" for hel$# and eentuall" 5ladimir tries to assist him. Howeer# he falls also while
tr"in' to $ull u$ 0o44o. .stra'on threatens to leae# but 5ladimir be's him to hel$ him u$ first# $romisin' that
the" will leae to'ether afterward. .stra'on tries to hel$ him u$# but ends u$ fallin' as well.
9ll four men now lie on the 'round# and 5ladimir and .stra'on be'in to na$. 1he" are woken shortl" b"
0o44o(s shoutin'# and 5ladimir strikes 0o44o to make him sto$. 0o44o crawls awa"# and 5ladimir and
.stra'on call to him. He does not res$ond# and .stra'on decides to tr" other names. He calls out @9bel#@ and
0o44o res$onds b" cr"in' for hel$. He wonders if the other one is called Cain# but 0o44o res$onds to that
name as well# and .stra'on decides that he must be all of humanit".
5ladimir and .stra'on decide to 'et u$# which the" do with ease. 1he" hel$ 0o44o u$ and hold him# and
0o44o tells them that he does not reco'ni4e them since he is blind. 1he" tell him that it is eenin'# and then
be'in to -uestion him about the loss of his si'ht. He tells them that it came u$on him all of a sudden and that
he has no notion of time.
0o44o asks the men about his slae# and the" tell him that 8uck" seems to be slee$in'. 1he" send .stra'on
oer to 8uck"# and .stra'on be'ins kickin' 8uck". He hurts his foot and 'oes to sit down. 5ladimir asks
0o44o if the" met "esterda"# but 0o44o does not remember. 0o44o $re$ares to leae# and 5ladimir asks him to
hae 8uck" sin' or recite before the" leae. Howeer# 0o44o tells him that 8uck" is dumb. 1he" exit# and
5ladimir sees them fall offsta'e.
Here a'ain 5ladimir seems to reco'ni4e the $roblem of inaction when he decides that the" should hel$ 0o44o.
He becomes suddenl" ehement and shouts# @8et us not waste our time in idle discourseB 8et us do somethin'#
while we hae the chanceB@ 1his call to action seems like an ur'ent rall" a'ainst the trend of inaction he and
.stra'on hae been followin' throu'hout the $la"? howeer# 5ladimir still takes $lent" of time to be'in to
hel$ 0o44o to his feet. 1his su''ests that# een with 'ood intentions and resolution# the habit of inaction
cannot be broken immediatel".
In this s$eech 5ladimir also declares that at this $oint# @all mankind is us# whether we like it or not.@ 1his
continues the theme of 5ladimir and .stra'on(s re$resentation of mankind as a whole and shows that 5ladimir
is himself aware of this com$arison. .stra'on also illustrates the $arallel between the two men and the rest of
humanit" when he tells 5ladimir that @billions@ of $eo$le can also claim that the" hae ke$t their
a$$ointment. In this case 5ladimir attem$ts to distin'uish them from the rest of mankind# but .stra'on insists
that the" are actuall" the same.
9nother biblical allusion is $resented here throu'h the com$arison of 0o44o and 8uck" to Cain and 9bel.
Howeer# when 0o44o res$onds to the names Cain and 9bel# .stra'on decides that @he(s all humanit".@ 1his
su''estion indicates once more that the characters in the $la" re$resent the human race as a whole.
5ladimir(s need of .stra'on(s hel$ in order to 'et u$ is somewhat of a role reersal. )or a brief exchan'e#
.stra'on holds the $ower in the relationshi$ as 5ladimir calls to him for hel$. Howeer# when .stra'on does
finall" stretch out his hand to hel$ 5ladimir u$# he onl" falls himself. 1his seems to indicate that .stra'on
does not belon' in this $osition of $ower and res$onsibilit" and cannot act to fulfill it.
9ct II= 0o44o and 8uck"(s .xit to Conclusion
9fter 0o44o and 8uck" leae# 5ladimir wakes .stra'on. .stra'on is u$set at bein' woken u$# but 5ladimir
tells him that he was lonel". .stra'on 'ets u$# but his feet hurt# so he sits down a'ain and tries to take off his
boots. ;eanwhile# 5ladimir reflects u$on the eents of the da". .stra'on do4es off a'ain after unsuccessfull"
stru''lin' with his boots.
1he bo" enters and calls to 5ladimir. 5ladimir reco'ni4es the routine and knows what the bo" is 'oin' to sa"
before he sa"s it. 1he" establish that the bo" was not there "esterda"# but that he has a messa'e from ;r.
6odot sa"in' that he will not come this eenin'# but definitel" tomorrow.
5ladimir asks the bo" what ;r. 6odot does# and the bo" re$lies that he does nothin'. 5ladimir asks the bo"
about his brother# and the bo" tells him that his brother is sick. 5ladimir asks if ;r. 6odot has a beard and
what color it is. 1he bo" asks 5ladimir what he should tell ;r. 6odot# and 5ladimir tells him that he should
sa" that he saw him. 1he bo" runs awa" as 5ladimir s$rin's toward him.
1he sun sets. .stra'on wakes u$# takes off his boots# and $uts them down at the front of the sta'e. He
a$$roaches 5ladimir and tells him that he wants to 'o. 5ladimir tells him that the" cannot 'o far awa"#
because the" hae to come back tomorrow to wait for 6odot. 1he" discuss han'in' themseles from the tree#
but find that the" do not hae an" ro$e. .stra'on sa"s that the" can brin' some tomorrow. .stra'on tells
5ladimir that he can(t 'o on like this# and 5ladimir tells him that the" will han' themseles tomorrow# unless
6odot comes. 5ladimir tells .stra'on to $ull u$ his trousers# which hae fallen down when he remoed the
cord holdin' them u$ in order to determine whether it would be suitable for han'in'. 1he" decide to 'o# but
once a'ain do not moe as the curtain falls.
B" this $oint in the $la"# the dialo'ue about waitin' for 6odot has been re$eated so man" times that een
.stra'on knows it. .er" time he asked 5ladimir to 'o $reiousl"# the" went throu'h the entire dialo'ue
about wh" the" could not 'o. Howeer# this time# .stra'on 'oes throu'h a miniature ersion of this dialo'ue
b" himself= @8et(s 'o. 7e can(t. 9hB@ It seems that the numerous re$etitions of this dialo'ue hae finall"
im$ressed its ho$eless resolution u$on .stra'on(s mind.
Similarl"# b" the time the bo" arries in 9ct II# 5ladimir alread" knows what he will sa"# and the bo" does not
hae to tell him an"thin'. 1his su''ests that this dialo'ue has occurred man" times before and furthers the
indication that the $la" is <ust a re$resentatie sam$le of the lar'er circle that defines 5ladimir and .stra'on(s
1he $la"(s conclusion echoes the end of 9ct I. .en the sta'e directions reflect this similarit"= after bo"(s exit
and the moonrise# the sta'e directions read# @as in 9ct I# 5ladimir stands motionless and bowed.@ 7hile a lie
audience would not read these directions# the" sere to em$hasi4e the $arallel between the two acts for
readers and for actors $erformin' the $la".
1he re$etition of the final two lines from the $reious act at the $la"(s conclusion shows the continued
im$ortance of re$etition and $arallelism in Waiting for Godot. Howeer# the characters hae switched lines
from the $reious act# su''estin' that ultimatel"# des$ite their differences# 5ladimir and .stra'on are reall"
interchan'eable after all.

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