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Senator CDianne Peinstein

'1 Dl'1'1t1 e'''r B- efl =>-t'-l'tl"110- ]'} :::>1' I' :::>'ld' '})
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7'/ie Punafor t/ie :Majority
rruesday, Decenlber 8
6:30 PM
r-rhe Caucus Roon1
, . '1 (th --. N'VT
40 ) ., Street, J \-\1
\X!ashington, I)C
SUl';gc'stcd c()ntribution:
H<)st: $5,000 C>}"lfost: $2,500
'1'0 RSVP ()f for please contact:
'rnn,'" r'ulh::'1'SOI" 'H (')O?')' 54()-f')')O or tonV't(a>tonV'1fu lkcrson,C0111 o. ) f.l .. . '\ ...... ,{ ( . ._. _'. _. 6...,,_ ,.. ._ ... t. .._,/' __ .' ( . I'.. '" ......
1Jie Punafor tfie :A1.ajority CFAC
Dinner with Senator [i'einstein, l)cccmber R, 2009
Yes, I. 'would like to attend the reception with Senator Feinstein and contribute:
o Host: $5,000 0 $2,SOf)
_.__,_ Sorry, I am unable to attend the event, but enclosed is my contribution of $_. _
Please make checks payable to The Fund for the Majority and rnail to:
1\ rtn. 'ronya Fulkerson
42(, C; Stn,:d, NE.
Washirw.:toll, DC 20002
... t.? .. .... .-. .
credit card contributions can be sent via fax to (202) 449 4118.
F'edcral Jaw requires us ro usc our best" efforts ro colleer ilnd report the name, mailing address,
OCCUFhHioll, ;lt1d name of employer for individuals whose conrributiom exceed $200 in ;l.ll deCltClll cycle.
N;llTlt:: .__ __ ,_"_- , . . ,__ _
i\ddrcss: _
(:ity/SralelZip: _
OLqlrMtiol1:__ w ..__m' .',"'_,,,.. ,,,,,.. ,w,,"",,"""'.. '..',','..,,.. ....,,__"",W'.', w .. bill pJ ()yt.: r :"' ',, '.,, "",..',,,"w,,..,,'''''"' ,' _" , ,,'.,..,,'''' ..U'O'",''... ,'.,, _''..wM..''''
llome Phone: \X/ork Phone:
---------------- -----------------
1;;1X: _
If yUll prd"er to pay by l'ERS()N/\ I. credit card, plc:lse fiJI uut thl;' inf()t'UI;\tion:
::: Visa ''':: i\m.cri.can Express C: MasterCard
(:;mi Numb('r: Exp.: Al'nounr: $
Name on (:;\td: , _
Fedcml CQuu:i1:m.ti.Q.!LLimi!!fiu.kI.illllli
/\n individuAl [llrty c()utriIHlr<;:: up to $5,0()() per calendar year to a p/\c.
married couple may contribmc LIp 10 $l!),O(IO per calendar year; ;\ cOLlple rhilt wishes It) make it
joint con.tri.bu.tion of $"\ 0.000 may usc One cbcck but each pcr"nn mnst sjml the check or ilD
P:l.rtllerships comribure up to $S/100 per cllendar year; bowever, colHribuf-iul1 ;i Iso
counts against p;uticillafit1g p,\ttncr's own contribution limit fOJ" that yeal'.
J\1ulrj,candidafe political action commiftees rna)' contribute up to S5,O(lO per calendar year.
C:onttibutiofls hOD') corrOJ:ilttons, bbor ol"!!/Inlz;ltion trC:lsury tlwds, fon:ign nationals, find
government COfltractors aft prohibit('d.
C'rJtlIJiIJIIliill!.I" If) FbI' J"'/l/rdjlll' !bi' /JJI.ljol'i(l' fltr !to! lax dcd/ldiM1'.liJl'.ti'dem/ il1tWlf !IIXjWljl(J.fC.(
-----------,_._--,_.--- ... ,- . .. -' . . ,-_.--'---_._----,._--,
P' for The Fund ftj1" lhe :\1ajl)til'y ;wel nol' ;It,,lth(lrizcd by any or cwdid:ltc's cOlnmifl-c:e.

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