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Leadership Styles
Student Name
LET1 (Tas !" #$%
August !1& !'1(
)*urse +ent*r Name
Leadership is a series *. a-ti*ns ,y /hi-h an indi0idual inspires *thers t* a-hie0e a tas and
leads the -*rp*rati*n t* mae it m*re -*herent and -*hesi0e1 Leadership means the /illingness
and a,ility t* lead and in.luen-e *thers1 A leader -an ,e the )E2 *. a -*rp*rati*n& *r a leader
/h* leads his *r her team t* su--ess ,ehind the s-enes1 The a,ility t* lead e..e-ti0ely is ,ased *n
a num,er *. ey sills (3a44& n1d1"1 Three styles *. leadership /ill ,e dis-ussed& identi.ied& and
e0aluated t* understand these styles ,etter and t* de-ide /hi-h style /*uld ,est repla-e a retiring
)E2 *. a -*rp*rati*n1
Leadership Styles
Leadership styles ha0e su,stantial e..e-ts *n the -*rp*rate /*rld1 These styles -an a..e-t
e0ery pers*n .r*m higher management t* the m*st re-ent empl*yee1 They generate the -ulture *.
a -*rp*rati*n that -an in.luen-e the -*rp*rati*n5s *perati*ns1 The -ulture *. a -*rp*rati*n is
n*rmally an e..e-t *. the leaders5 pers*nalities1 )*rp*rati*ns need t* ,e a/are *. the type *.
leadership they are presenting i. they desire t* manage the types *. a-ti0ity and -*mmuni-ati*n
they pr*du-e in their -*rp*rati*ns1 Leadership styles ha0e str*ng in.luen-es *n -*rp*rate -ulture
,e-ause empl*yees seem t* mirr*r their leaders in their a-ti*ns1 The e4pressi*n 6the /ay /e d*
things6 de.ines -*rp*rate -ulture (3a44& n1d1"1 T* understand these leadership styles ,etter and t*
de-ide /hi-h style /*uld ,est repla-e a retiring )E2 *. a -*rp*rati*n three styles *. leadership
/ill ,e dis-ussed& identi.ied& and e0aluated1
Three Styles of Leadership
In the gi0en s-enari*& E4e-uti0e A has ,een p*rtrayed as a )E2 /h* is e4tremely
am,iti*us& dri0en& and -*mpletely .*-used *n the su--ess *. the -*rp*rati*n1 This -*rp*rati*n
/as -*mpletely deteri*rating /ith their st*- dr*pping in 0alue and l*sing milli*ns *. d*llars
yearly ,e.*re E4e-uti0e A t** *0er as )E21 E4e-uti0e A /as a,le t* in-rease st*- 0alues and
de0el*p a pr*.it /ithin m*nths1 E0en during and a.ter this impressi0e leadership he ne0er
a--epted any re-*gniti*n .*r his *utstanding su--ess1 Instead he /*uld dri0e all the attenti*n and
-redit t* his -*rp*rate leaders and /*rers1 H*/e0er& E4e-uti0e A /*uld al/ays ,e .irst t*
a--ept resp*nsi,ility .*r .ailure1 A le0el 7 leadership ,est supp*rts E4e-uti0e A5s style *.
leadership1 A leadership that is 0ery m*dest and hum,le /ith a str*ng pr*.essi*nal /ill and
determinati*n (R*,,ins 8 9udge& !'1!"1
This -*rp*rati*n is de-iding *n a repla-ement .*r the )E2 p*siti*n ,et/een Leader :
and Leader ) ,e-ause E4e-uti0e A /ill ,e retiring s**n1 Leader : shares E4e-uti0e A5s l*ng;
term 0isi*n and ideas& and has /*red intently /ith E4e-uti0e A1 A transa-ti*nal leader ,est
supp*rts Leader :5s style *. leadership ,e-ause this leader m*ti0ates empl*yees t*/ard g*als *.
the -*rp*rati*n ,y -lari.ying r*le and tas re<uirement1 Leader : supp*rts re/arding empl*yees
.*r high per.*rman-es and in the apparent -hain *. -*mmand1 H*/e0er& in -ase *. .ailure *r
pr*,lems in the -*rp*rati*n this leader dire-ts the ,lame t* the empl*yees1 This leader /*uld
disperse punishment /ith*ut -*nsidering h*/ his leadership may ha0e a..e-ted the empl*yee5s
mistae (R*,,ins 8 9udge& !'1!"1
Leader ) als* shares the g*als and missi*ns highly regarded ,y E4e-uti0e A1 A
trans.*rmati*nal leader ,est supp*rts Leader )5s style *. leadership ,e-ause this leader sets high
e4pe-tati*ns .*r empl*yees and implants a sensati*n *. satis.a-ti*n in the -*rp*rate empl*yees1
This leader ,elie0es that huge a--*mplishments -an ,e attained /hen empl*yees are enthusiasti-
a,*ut the -*rp*rate 0isi*n and re/ards them .*r their high per.*rman-e1 Leader ) uses a
reas*na,le and sensi,le meth*d t*/ard the pr*,lems *. the -*rp*rati*n (R*,,ins 8 9udge&
!'1!"1 +*st uni<ue this leader re-*gni=es spe-ial e0ents and empl*yee ,irthdays& and /ants
empl*yees t* see him n*t as a manager ,ut lie a ment*r *r -*a-h1
Affect of Leadership Style
A.ter e0aluating Leader : and Leader ) a de-isi*n needs t* ,e made that /*uld ,est
repla-e E4e-uti0e A5s retirement1 The -*rp*rati*n sh*uld sele-t a leader /h* eeps this
-*rp*rati*n m*ti0ated and -*ntinu*usly impr*0ing pr*.its and st*- 0alues1 Leader :5s
transa-ti*nal leadership style seems t* ,e -* t* E4e-uti0e A5s le0el 7 leadership style1
Leader : supp*rts re/arding empl*yees .*r high per.*rman-es ,ut /ants all the -redit1 This
leader /ill ,lame all the -*rp*rate .ailures *n the empl*yees /ith*ut a--epting any himsel.1 This
is -*mpletely di..erent t* /hat the empl*yees ha0e ,een e4perien-ing1 I. Leader : taes -harge
as the )E2 empl*yees may de0el*p resentment t*/ard the -*rp*rati*n& /hi-h -*uld de-rease
-*rp*rate per.*rman-e and pr*.its1 The empl*yees may .eel unappre-iated and un?ustly treated
,e-ause this leader is una,le t* ,e m*dest and hum,le lie E4e-uti0e A5s Leadership1
Leader ) seems t* resem,le -l*sely E4e-uti0e A5s Leadership1 This leader m*ti0ates his
empl*yees 0ery /ell& and this al*ne -*uld in-rease per.*rman-e and pr*du-ti*n1 I. Leader )
taes -harge as the )E2 the empl*yees /ill ,e respe-ted as indi0iduals n*t a num,er1 He
dem*nstrated this ,y taing an interest in them pers*nally and remem,ering their ,irthdays1 The
-*mpany -*uld -*ntinue t* in-rease per.*rman-e and pr*.its .r*m Leader )5s trans.*rmati*nal
leadership style ,e-ause it is 0ery -*mpara,le t* E4e-uti0e A5s le0el 7 leadership style1 The
empl*yees /ill learn t* trust this leader and thin they ha0e gained a ment*r n*t a manager1
The le0el 7& transa-ti*nal& and trans.*rmati*nal leadership styles /ere dis-ussed&
identi.ied& and e0aluated am*ng the three leaders in this gi0en s-enari* .*r the -*mmer-ial
printing -*rp*rati*n1 The ,est leader t* -h**se is Leader ) .*r repla-ing E4e-uti0e A a.ter his
retirement1 The trans.*rmati*nal leadership style *. Leader ) and the le0el 7 leadership style *.
E4e-uti0e A are similar in many /ays& /hi-h /ill permit empl*yee m*ral and -*rp*rate
per.*rman-e t* stay inta-t and sta,le1 This /ill mae the -*rp*rati*n a pla-e /here empl*yees
/ill /ant t* /*r and /ill .eel respe-ted1
R*,,ins& S1P1 8 9udge& T191 (!'1!"1 Organizational behavior (17th ed1"1 %pper Saddle Ri0er&
N9: Prenti-e Hall1
3a44& 91 (n1d1"1 Effect of leadership styles on an organization. Retrie0ed .r*m

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