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Calorie Source for UK males at different life periods.

Percentage of total intake.
The bar chart shows the different calorific sources of UK males of varying age
groups, 0-24, 25-4 and 50!" The sources are dairy, meat, pulses and vegetables"
#etween being born and reaching 24 the main source of calories was dairy products,
with over 40$ coming from dairy products, and the other sources e%ual at around
20$, e&cept pulses which represent around '($" )or the 25-4 age group by far the
largest source was meat at e&actly 50$ of total calorie inta*e, followed by dairy at
25$, vegetables at '5$ and pulses representing +ust '0$" ,egarding the over 50
group the largest contributor were pulses at well over -0$, followed by meat, dairy
and vegetables in that order"
.verall it is clear each group leans towards one predominant caloric source over the
rest" /ulses were the least favoured choice for the younger groups, with vegetables
also ma*ing up a minority contribution amongst every age group"
'5- / B.Worthington, entire document, IELTS questions and IELTS essay.
Expected City Visits by Country of Origin for 2!" #$%ousands&year'
The bar chart shows the forecasted visits to four 0uropean cities, 1ondon, /aris,
2adrid and 3stanbul, from three countries the United 4tates, 5anada and 2e&ico"
The U4 represents the highest number of e&pected travellers by a large margin,
followed by 5anada then 2e&ico" 3n 20'( the most popular destination overall is
/aris and the least popular is 3stanbul"
)or 6mericans, in the future their most popular destination will be /aris, at '00
thousand visits, the least 3stanbul at -0 000, 2adrid7s e&pected travellers reach 80
000 and 1ondon7s (0 000" 3n 20'( 3stanbul is the most popular for 5anadians at 80
000 followed by 1ondon and /aris at 50 000 and 45 000, and the least desirable is
2adrid at +ust 90 000 e&pected visits" 2adrid will be by far the most popular
destination, +ust over -0 000, the other cities only reach between 20 000 and 25 000"
To summarise the graph shows that each country has widely varying preferences, the
most mar*ed being 2e&ico7s preference for 2adrid, 6merica7s favourite would be
/aris and 5anada7s 3stanbul"
'88 / B.Worthington, entire document, IELTS questions and IELTS essay.
Council Expenditure by $%ree (egions in t%e UK) 2!*
:or*shire ;erbyshire 1ancashire
The three pie charts show the distribution of spending between three counties in
northern 0ngland in 20'4"
.f the 9 regions :or*shire spent the most on education, followed by 1ancashire, and
finally ;erbyshire" ;erbyshire spent the most on leisure, representing about 95$,
:or*shire spent 25$ and 1ancashire slightly more at 90$" ;erbyshire also spent the
most on community care, reaching 20$, while the other two spent less, :or*shire at
'($ while 1ancashire at '2$"
6ll 9 counties spent a similar proportion on the environment between 5 -'0$,
;erbyshire having the highest amount" 4ocial services e&penditure was at '5$ for
:or*shire, '0$ for 1ancashire and +ust 9$ for ;erbyshire representing the lowest of
the three" ,egarding the category of other, the amounts were broadly similar,
representing between 8$ and '0$ for each of the three"
.verall amongst the three regions education and leisure ma*e up the largest
e&penses, followed by the environment and social services representing the lowest" / B.Worthington, entire document, IELTS questions and IELTS essay.
+oreign ,irect -n.estment in /ustralia 0 years
The bar chart shows the foreign investment of countries in 6ustralia over 9 years,
3n 20'' 2alaysia invests the highest however, all countries invested between (0 and
'00, e&cept 4omalia which invested around 20 U4; million" 3n 20'2, all countries
increased the amount invested while <ermany almost doubled its investment and
reached '(0m U4;, the other countries also increased but only by around '5$"
4omalia more than doubled the amount invested and reached 50mU4;"
#y 20'9 =ew >ealand had overta*en <ermany and had invested 200m U4; while
the latter was at '0m U4;, both 2e&ico and 2alaysia had increased and reached
'40m U4; and '90 U4; respectively" 4omalia almost doubled the amount sent again
to reach 0m U4;, to bring it on a par with Thailand" 3n 20'4 investment grew from
each country e&cept 2e&ico, which remained steady, while 4omalia dropped to its
20'' level of around 20m U4;"
.verall every country increased their investment in 6ustralia for each consecutive
year bar 4omalia which reduced it in the final period"
'8' / B.Worthington, entire document, IELTS questions and IELTS essay.
4.U,50? http?@@timelineview"blogspot"com"es@2008@0-@ten-trend-charts-from-dod-%uarterly"html
NB. An oicia! IELTS "a"er #ou!d use inormation much !ess "o!itica!, this chart #as used entire!y or con$enience.
The bar chart shows the amount of wee*ly attac*s on targets ranging from 5oalition
forces, 3ra%i citiAens and 3ra%i 4ecurity forces, in given political periods over a period
of 9 years"
6ttac*s on coalition forces remain at around 400 per wee* then reach -00 per wee*
once the government is established, the fre%uency of attac*s remain at roughly this
level thereafter" 6ssaults on 3ra%i 4ecurity forces are greater each period for 8 out of
the periods, thereby reaching an almost 20 fold increase by the end of the time-
scale" Unfortunately attac*s on 3ra%i civilians also see an increase for every period
reported e&cept in the pre-constitution stage where the fall by more than 50$, only to
rise repeatedly afterwards"
.verall it is clear the amount of attac*s have increased, although the largest
proportion is represented by attac*s on coalition forces, the group seeing the largest
increase in attac*s in percentage terms are the 3ra%i security forces"
'5- / B.Worthington, entire document, IELTS questions and IELTS essay.
The bar chart shows the changes in public funding for transit e&penses over an eight
year period, 2000-200(" There is also a *ey showing the percentage annual growth
rate of each fund, 1ocal, 4tate and )ederal"
1ocal funds consistently represent the largest contribution throughout the said period,
followed by )ederal funds, then 4tate funds" 4tate funds have the highest annual
percentage growth rate of "9$, followed closely by 1ocal funds at "2$, whereas
)ederal funding is only growing at 5"9$ annually"
;espite dipping in 2004 and 2005, the general trend is that e&penditure is increasing
year on year with total e&penditure starting at "' billion U4;, and finishing at '-"'"
the 4tate is the smallest contributor overall, however the amount given doubles from
' billion to 2 billion over the said period" )ederal funds increased by around 50$
from 4"9 billion to -"4 billion"
To summarise, funding for transit capital e&penditure is increasing, the largest source
is 1ocal funding, then 4tate" )ederal funding contributes the least and is also growing
the least on an annual basis"
'8- / B.Worthington, entire document, IELTS questions and IELTS essay.

NB. An oicia! IELTS "a"er #ou!d use inormation much !ess "o!itica!, this chart #as used entire!y or con$enience.
The bar chart shows the percentage of people registered as eligible voters from state
to state, by race and year, '-5 and 2004"
3n '-5 there are clearly more white eligible registered voters than blac*, the largest
gap between these groups is in 2ississippi where blac*s reached +ust 8$, and whites
were at almost (0$" The highest percentage of white registered voters was in
1ouisiana, followed by 4outh 5arolina" The highest percentage of blac* registered
voters was in Birginia at +ust over 40$ closely followed by 4outh 5arolina"
,egarding 2004 the trend of more white than blac* registered voters continues in
every state e&cept 2ississippi" )urthermore, the percentage of white voters falls in
almost every state" The lowest percentage of blac* voters is now Birginia at slightly
under -0$ whereas the highest reaches 85$, 2ississippi"
.verall white voters are still in the ma+ority in almost all cases, however, over the
forty year period the trend points to a harmonising of voter numbers in each state"
'- / B.Worthington, entire document, IELTS questions and IELTS essay.
The bar chart shows the life e&pectancy of males and females at birth, and at -5, the
data is from four countries, 0ngland, 4cotland, Cales and =orthern 3reland"
)emales from 0ngland have the highest life e&pectancy at ('"5 years, beating women
from =orthern 3reland by - months" )emales from 4cotland have the lowest life
e&pectancy of 8"- years, meaning a gap of around '9 months between the highest
and lowest" 0nglish female life e&pectancy at -5 is also the highest, and the 4cottish
is also the lowest"
,egarding male life e&pectancy the highest is from 0ngland and reaches 88"2, almost
an e&tra 2 years over the lowest, 4cotland, at 84"-" Cales is the second lowest at 8-"-
years, followed by =" 3reland at 8-"'" 6t -5 the order is the same with 0ngland first,
Cales and =" 3reland broadly similar and 4cotland at the lowest with '5"( years of
life e&pected after -5"
3n all countries observed, and at all age points, women out live men, and regarding
countries, 4cotland has the lowest life e&pectancy while 0ngland has the highest"
'(0 / B.Worthington, entire document, IELTS questions and IELTS essay.
The bar chart shows the increase in consumption for four countries, <ermany, Dapan,
the U4 and 5hina, over a three year period 20''-20'9, in billions, in U4;"
The U4 and 5hina both e&perienced growth in consumption every year, although the
increase was less following each subse%uent year" Dapan and <ermany followed
similar patterns e&cept for in 20'2 <ermany e&perienced a negative increase as did
Dapan in 20'9"
5hina attained the largest consumption increase in 20'', reaching over 800 EU4;
billionsF, Dapan was responsible for the largest fall in consumption, e&periencing a
fall of almost (00 EU4; billionsF" Throughout the entire period 5hina consistently
grew its consumption the highest, while <ermany was repeatedly the country with
lowest growth e&cept in 20'9 when it was Dapan"
.verall the ma+ority of the countries e&perienced positive increase in consumption
e&cept individual countries during 20'2 and 20'9"
'42 / B.Worthington, entire document, IELTS questions and IELTS essay.
)igure 8"'"4 6verage monthly telecommunications retail revenues, 20'2
The bar chart shows the average monthly revenue from retail telecommunication
subscribers from eight countries in =orth 6merica, 0urope, 6sia and .ceania" 0ach
country is represented by three bars, green for mobile, brown for data, and blue for
3n practically all cases services represents the highest revenue source per client,
followed by data and internet and lastly mobile" 6ustralia has the highest revenue per
customer for services at G'0, however overall Dapan has the highest revenue per
customer because data and mobile revenues are considerably higher than the other
3taly has the lowest revenue figures overall, with mobile revenue at G'-, data at G44,
and services at G5'" The =orth 6merican figures are broadly similar, both countries
reach around G0 for services, G-5 for data and between G59-G44 for mobile" The
UK, <ermany and )rance have similar figures e&cept )rance has the highest data
revenue for the 0uropean countries"
The lowest revenue figures are found in 0urope, the highest are in 6sia, namely
Dapan, while =orth 6merican revenue numbers in the middle"
'84 / B.Worthington, entire document, IELTS questions and IELTS essay.
-nternational Student Enrolment in 1ritis% Uni.ersities 2232!*
The bar chart shows the percentage of international student enrolled in #ritish
universities in two years, '0 and 20'4"
)or the ma+ority of the universities managed to increase the percentage of
international students preset at their institutions" The universities that e&perienced the
largest gain were the 4cottish ones, <lasgow +umped from 4$ to -$, while
0dinburgh7s percentage doubled from 9$ to -$" 3n 0ngland, Huddersfield also grew
its percentage of foreign students considerably" The university with the largest
percentage in both '0 and 20'4 was #righton, '2$ and '9$ respectively"
The only university to loose international students in percentage terms was 5ardiff,
falling from 2$ to '$" 6ll universities underwent some change e&cept 1iverpool
whose proportion of international students remained stable at ($" 2anchester, #ristol
and 1eeds each e&perienced an increase albeit of a smaller proportion, in the range of
'-2 percentage points growth"
.ver the twenty four year period changes in the percentage of students enrolled has
fluctuated but generally towards an upward trend" The decrease was in 5ardiff and
falls short of the leader #righton, by '2 points"

#E$% 200&
#E$% 20"4

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