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Homeless brace themselves for winter

(Continued from Page 6) says. ““You sleep with your
clothes on.””
strooms. They had built a shack as
““Three paper towels,”” he the cold set in. During the day,
says. ““One hot (water). Then they would gather around a
I take another piece, get one fire inside it. The smoke once
soaped, and another piece to went through a hole above but
dry.”” also turned the tin-siding roof
Aside from the bathrooms from white to brown.
at the shopping center and in The fire is now outside.
town, they have a toilet seat The shack has been convert-
they can place over a five- ed into a free-standing cabin.
gallon bucket. Inside, two mattress, atop
Todd and Pam Maliska boxsprings, sit on the left
saved up some of Todd’’s un- side. A thin, long mirror runs
employment and, in Septem- horizontally above, midway
ber, purchased a red 1996 up the wall. A few small
Dodge Neon with 187,000 shelves on the walls hold toi-
miles on it. Now people can letries and clothing. Higher
go on errands and get rides still, pink insulation lines the
to appointments. intersection of wall and roof.
““It runs very good right There are more beds in
now,”” Pam Maliska says. the room: one in the north-
And when it no longer east corner, one on the
does? ground along the east wall,
““We know people that can one hanging from the wall
help us out,”” Todd Maliska above it, supported by pieces
says. of wood.
But, as Todd Maliska is On one side of the door is
quick to remind, life for them their grill —— a window by the
isn’’t quite an extended camp- grill opens —— and shelves
ing trip. containing food such as
““People think it’’s so easy baked beans, peanut butter,
out here,”” he says, looking at rolls, stuffing, mashed pota-
his grimy hands. ““This is toes and cereal.
work.”” Another wood stove sits by Todd Maliska walks into a shelter that he and other homeless people live in. The shelter is insulated, has electricity from a
They cut wood to keep the door, the chimney pipe generator and a wood stove.
warm. With so many former that leads from it visible
construction workers, they al- from outside.
so build —— when it was Above that, a piece of the Their trash goes in because they had no work, Maliska said in October. isn’’t planning on leaving ——
warmer, they made shelving. wall has names written in garbage bags, which used to which meant they had no By November, she was in yet.
Over the many months, marker, identifying those end up in trash bins at the money beyond disability pay- a shelter. ““I came out March 14. I’’ve
they have contended with who live there and those who shopping center. Now they ments, which meant they had Earl and Pam aren’’t the on- sworn to myself I’’m going to
various conditions, with rain have visited. leave the bags by the bench no homes. ly ones no longer living in Tent be here ’’til March 14.””
and bugs giving way to freez- On the other side of the near the entrance and pay a They found a place that City. A younger couple, whose And after?
ing temperatures. door is the television, and an friend to pick them up. suited their personalities, their children lived with their ““Who knows,”” he says.
““This is like a frozen tundra opening to the bathroom area. Many bags are filled with idiosyncrasies, their habits, grandmother while their par- ““It’’s my mission. I’’m not tak-
out here,”” Todd Maliska says. Light comes in from several beer cans. their lifestyles. That doesn’’t ents stayed in Tent City, left ing nothing from the state.
They used to talk to each windows, and from lights, The men speak of aggrava- mean they want to stay. the group earlier in the year. I’’m just going to be here.
other from within their tents at hanging from the pieces of tim- tion and depression. They med- ““I want an apartment,”” ““I’’m trying to get back out ““I’’m going to stay here as
night, back before they started ber that serve as beams, pow- icate themselves with beer. Doyle says. there,”” Archambault says. long as I can. As long as I’’m
spending nights in the shack. ered by the generator outside. ““It just mellows me out, so ““Come January, I usually ““It’’s either jobs are already allowed.””
““You get very cold,”” Ar- It took weeks to build. I ain’’t thinking so much,”” bounce around friends’’ hous- taken, or we’’re just too old.
chambault says. ““Even Plywood, siding and insula- Earl says. es,”” Earl says. The jobs that are out there, David Greisman can be
though you’’ve got sleeping tion came from a couple of ““I do like it out here, but they’’d rather hire teenagers reached at 352-1234, exten-
bags, a couple of blankets.”” Todd Maliska’’s former em- Where to go next it’’s getting to a point where at less money per hour.”” sion 1439, or dgreisman@kee-
““Put it this way,”” Earl ployers, he says. They came to Tent City it’’s too cold for me,”” Pam Todd Maliska, however,

BRIEFS U.S. student in Italy found guilty

Knox convicted Relatives and friends in
Seattle clasped hands as they
mate’’s. They say Knox had
grown to hate Kercher.
Boeing says fix day after Jay Edelson, an-
other attorney for Blagoje- of murder; will watched TV and waited for
the verdict. Her uncle, Mick
During the trial, the most
intimate details of Knox’’s life
thrust reversers vich, told the AP that he
would take the Fifth in the
serve 26 years Huff, cried, ““Oh God, no”” were examined, from her lax
when it was announced. hygiene —— allegedly a point
CHICAGO —— Boeing Co. civil lawsuit. Other friends buried their
said on Friday that it is rec- By ALESSANDRA RIZZO of contention with Kercher ——
Associated Press faces in their hands and to her sex life.
ommending that airlines fix
a key piece of equipment on N.Y. senator shook their heads.
““They didn’’t listen to the
Knox said Kercher was a
PERUGIA, Italy —— Ameri- friend whose slaying shocked
its 777 airliner to make sure
that engine heat doesn’’t
put on probation can college student Amanda facts of the case,”” said Elisa- and saddened her.
cause damage. Knox was found guilty of mur- beth Huff, Knox’’ grandmoth- Defense lawyers have de-
NEW YORK —— New York
Boeing said the new ser- dering her British roommate er. ““All they did was listen to scribed the American, who
state Sen. Hiram Monserrate
vice bulletin applies to 225 and sentenced to 26 years in the media’’s lies.”” made the dean’’s list at the
was sentenced Friday to pro-
aircraft, including 55 regis- bation and domestic abuse prison today after a year-long Madison Paxton, Knox’’s University of Washington, as
tered to U.S. carriers. counseling for dragging his trial that gripped Italy and ASSOCIATED PRESS friend from university, said: a smart and cheerful woman,
The fix involves a device bleeding girlfriend through drew intense media attention. ““They’’re convicting a made- at one point even comparing
Amanda Knox enters the up person,”” Paxton said.
on the engine called a thrust his apartment building lobby Her Italian ex-boyfriend her to film character Amelie,
courtroom prior to hearing ““They they’’re convicting ‘‘foxy
reverser. It directs the jet’’s in a violent scene caught on Raffaele Sollecito was also the innocent and dreamy girl
power backward, and is used security cameras. convicted and sentenced to 25 the verdict Friday. Knoxy.’’ That’’s not Amanda.”” in the 2001 French movie of
as the plane lands to slow it Monserrate told Justice years. The prosecutors contend the same title.
down on the runway. William Erlbaum he took full As soon as the judge read said, turning around immedi- on the night of the murder, That is the film Knox and
the verdict after some 13 ately after hearing the ver- Knox and Sollecito met at the Sollecito say they were watch-
responsibility for his actions. dict. Her family had insisted apartment where Kercher and
““I am so sorry for the hours of deliberations, Knox ing at his home on the night
R.I. prosecutor harm Karla Giraldo endured began weeping and mur- she was innocent and a victim Knox lived. They say a fourth
of the murder, where they say
mured, ““No, no,”” then hugged of character assassination. person was there, Rudy Her-
pleads not guilty and suffered,”” he said.
Monserrate and Giraldo one of her lawyers. Knox and Sollecito were mann Guede, an Ivory Coast
they smoked marijuana and
had sex. Knox said she went
WARWICK, R.I. —— A fed- have been under a court or- Minutes later, the 22- charged with murder and citizen who has been convict- home the next morning to
eral prosecutor from Rhode der not to see each other. year-old Knox, who is from sexual assault in the slaying ed in the murder and sen- find the door to the house
Island has pleaded not She has been seeking to Seattle and the 25-year-old of Meredith Kercher more tenced to 30 years in prison. open and Kercher dead.
guilty to drunken driving af- have the order lifted and Sollecito, were put in police than two years ago. All three Guede says he was in the
Knox gave contradictory
ter police decided to charge said Friday that the two vans with sirens blaring and were studying in Perugia in house the night of the murder versions of the night of the
him following questions planned to marry, but the driven back to jail. Italy’’s central Umbria region but did not kill Kercher.
slaying, saying at one point
about whether he was let off judge said he was keeping Prosecutors had sought life at the time. The prosecution says Knox she was home and had to cover
the hook because of his con- the protection order in place. imprisonment, Italy’’s stiffest Kercher’’s body was found and Kercher started arguing, her ears to block out Kercher’’s
nections. Erlbaum said he would sentence. Courts often give in a pool of blood with her and that Knox joined the two screams and accusing a Con-
Assistant U.S. Attorney be willing to lift the protec- less severe punishment than throat slit on Nov. 2, 2007, in men in brutally attacking golese man of the killing.
Gerard Sullivan appeared in tion order if the couple could what prosecutors demand. the bedroom of the house she and sexually assaulting the
District Court Friday and prove that they could ad- The American’’s father, shared with Knox. Prosecu- Briton under ““the fumes of
was released after he dress their problems. He al- Curt Knox, asked if he would tors contended the 21-year-old drugs and possibly alcohol.””
promised to appear at his so suggested that Giraldo, fight on for his daughter, Leeds University student was Throughout the trial, pros-
next court hearing Dec. 15. who attended the sentenc- replied, with tears in his murdered the previous night. ecutors depicted Knox as a
He left without commenting. ing, seek therapy. eyes: ““Hell, yes.”” Knox and Sollecito had promiscuous and manipula-
Sullivan was pulled over ““This is just wrong,”” her been jailed since shortly after tive she-devil whose personal-
for driving erratically early stepmother, Cassandra Knox, the slaying. ity clashed with her room-
Thanksgiving morning. Po- Brokaw unhurt
lice say he told them he had
had too much to drink, and
mentioned several times he
in fatal accident
NEW YORK —— Former
Racial tensions lead to fights in Philly
was a prosecutor and knew NBC News anchor Tom By ASSOCIATED PRESS tions and cultural awareness. nored.
their chief before refusing a Brokaw and his wife said ““What gets lost in all of The school, with some
breathalyzer test. He was ini- they escaped injury in a PHILADELPHIA —— Ten- this is the fact that the 1,200 students, is 70 percent
tially charged only with re- three-car accident on a New sions between black and school, the community and black and 18 percent Asian. It
fusing a chemical breath test. York City highway that Asian students at a public the students have worked serves mostly low-income
killed a 30-year-old woman high school erupted in a se- hard over the past two years neighborhoods south of down-
and injured a mail truck
Blagojevich to driver Friday afternoon.
ries of assaults over two
days, leading to 10 suspen-
to foster that kind of positive
learning environment,”” said
town and has been labeled
““persistently dangerous”” by
testify at his trial The accident happened
about 1 p.m. as Brokaw was
sions and several students James Golden, the school dis- the state, based on the number
seeking medical treatment. trict’’s chief safety executive. of safety incidents reported.
CHICAGO —— A defense driving in the left lane of the Asian students at South ““Despite what happened this
attorney for Rod Blagojevich Wei Chen, president of
northbound Bruckner Ex- Philadelphia High School say week, that positive learning the school’’s Chinese-Ameri-
says the former Illinois gov- pressway in the Bronx. two off-campus fights and a environment prevails.””
ernor will take the stand at can Student Association, said
Police and the Brokaws lunchroom attack left them Lin said his efforts to fa-
his fraud trial but claim his the attacks stem from bully-
said a 1998 Ford Expedition feeling unsafe and helpless, cilitate community meetings
Fifth Amendment right ing over cultural differences
swerved to avoid a spool of ca- in part because they say
against self-incrimination if and cultural training at the and Asian students’’ poor En-
ble bouncing in the far right school security guards often
called to testify in a $90 mil- lane, which caused the driver school have been largely ig- glish.
turn a blind eye.
lion civil suit. of the SUV to lose control. More than a dozen teens
Attorney Samuel E. The Expedition over- skipped school Friday to
Adam said Friday he won’’t turned and then collided with share their concerns at a
shrink from taking the stand the mail truck, police said. news conference with adult
when he comes to trial start- Suejas Estrada of the Bronx advocates.
ing June 3. was thrown from the Expedi- ““We are outraged,”” said
The civil lawsuit involves tion and killed. She was pro- Xu Lin of the Philadelphia
four casinos forced to pay $90 nounced dead at the scene. Chinatown Development
million to five racetracks un- The Brokaws said the out- Corp., who works with immi-
der legislation signed by of-control Expedition forced grant students. ““The parents
Blagojevich. The casinos con- the mail truck into the cou- are very, very concerned.””
tend he signed the bills as ple’’s lane. The truck collided School officials say this
part of a deal to get campaign with Brokaw’’s vehicle. week’’s clashes were an aber-
money from a track owner. ration that belie strenuous
Adam’’s comment comes a From news service reports. efforts to improve race rela-


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