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Instructions for Completing:

Cadet Command Form 104R, dated May 2013

Planned Academic Worksheet Program
1. Hours vs Credits: You must understand Hours versus Credits.
Hours are the number of hours the course is, as in MS 301 is a 3 hour class.
Credits are the number of credit requirements on the degree audit that are met by taking the specific class.
or e!ample, MS 301 is a 3 hour class, normally used to meet elective credit requirements on the degree audit"
ho#ever if a student has already met all of the elective credit requirements #ith previous classes, and MS 301 can
not be used to fulfill any other degree audit requirements, the 3 hour MS 301 class counts as 0 credits to#ards the
$t is important to understand this for the %&rs' and %(ts' columns in )lock *.
+. 104-R Accuracy:
,se the %&-. /- 012$Y /&1 1032 $S 4((,24/1' at the end of this document to check for accuracy.
3. Complete locks in the !ollo"ing order:
5163 6 page 1
5* 6 page 1 7 +
58 6 page 1
59 6 page 1
5:611 6 page 1 7 +
51+613 6 page +
Blocs 1!3: 1nter your name, ma;or, and the date the form is completed < this info #ill auto populate page 3
Bloc 4: a= 1nter the school you attend>#ill attend as a cadet ?$S,, @rake, )0 or Arand 0ie# (ollegeB
b= (heck the type of school this is ?$S,C&ost, @rakeC(ross61nrolled, A0(C(ross61nrolled, )0C(ross6enrolledB
c= $f you donDt attend at the &ost School, enter the &ost School name ?$S,B
Bloc ": (omplete )lock 9 as described in the table belo#.
6 /he goal is for 9d to accurately reflect the credits remaining to finish all degree and 2-/( requirements as of
the end of the last completed semester.
6 /he total of all %(ts' columns for all remaining semesters, including the current semester, should match the
result obtained in block 9d.
"# CR$%I& '()R*
*elect *emester or +uarter ,*-+. ?select the cell and use the pull6do#n menu to select %S' for %Semesters'B
a# &otal /ours re0uired for degree: ?@oes not include 2-/(, get this from your school catalog for your degreeB 1+0
,1. R(&C 'ours t/at do not count: ?$nclude 2-/( hours that donDt count as credits to#ards degree.
Aet this by adding up the differences bet#een %&rs' and %(ts' entries for the follo#ing courses= $S,= MS 101,
101E, 10+, 10+E, +01, +01E, +0+, +0+E, 301, 301E, 30+, 30+E, 301, 301E, 30+, 30+E" @rake= M$ES 011, 01+,
0+1, 0++, 101, 10+, 111, 11+. 1nter the sum of these hours that donDt count as credits to#ards the degree here.B
,2. &otal 'ours Re0uired for 123*: (automatically calculated) 130
1ormal 2cademic 3rogression *tandard ,123*. (automatically calculated) ?(alculates the normal
number of credits per semester to take in order to graduate.B
4# &ransfer credits accepted to5ard degree: ?/his is the number of credits of degree requirements on the
degree audit that are met by classes taken at other schools and transferred to the current school. @onDt count credits or
hours that transferred to the current school that donDt help meet degree credit requirements on the degree audit. 1!ample=
3 hours of Fing Fong transferred from 4cme (ommunity (ollege as 3 hours of Fing Fong at $S,, ho#ever the three
hours of Fing Fong #ill not fulfill any degree audit requirements so it doesnDt get counted. 4lso, only count the number
of credits on the degree audit that are met, not necessarily the number of credits or hours that are transferred. 1!ample= 3
credits of $ntro to Fsychology transferred as 3 credits of $ntro to Fsychology at $S, on your transcript, but the only
requirement on the degree audit it can be used to#ards is Humanities and you only have a degree requirement for 3
credits of Humanities, so only count those 3 credits instead of all 3 that transferred.B
c# Credits to5ard degree completed to date: ?/his actually means %(redits to#ard degree - AND - ROTC
requirements completed to date'. (ount only those credits already taken at the current school that count to#ards credit
requirements on the degree audit 6 4G@ 6 2-/( credits that #ere taken that donDt count to#ards credit requirements
on the degree audit. @o this by adding the %(ts' columns of the semester tables in block * up until the last semester
completed, then add it to the number from block 9.a?1B above and use that as your entry here.B
d# Remaining for %egree(automatically calculated) H130 6 ?39 I 30B C 89J ?/his should equal the sum of the
%(ts' columns from the current semester through the last semester in /able *. $f not, there is a problem #ith the entriesB
e# 1um4er of aut/ori6ed semesters (automatically calculated) ?89 from block d. divided by 1*.90 from
%Gormal 4cademic Frogression Standards ?G4FSB C 3.*1, rounded up to 3B.
Bloc 7: 1nter the /erm and year ?i.e.= all 1+B, the term AF4, and the cumulative AF4 at the end of that
term. Start #ith the first term attended at the current school ?the one attending>#ill be attending
#hile in 2-/(B through the last completed term. @onDt include terms from previous schools.
Bloc 8: (omplete a lettered table ?items a through oB for each term attended or planned to be attended at
the 2-/( school. @onDt include terms at other schools. (omplete as described belo# and sho#n
in the e!ample.
Term C all, Spring or Summer
Year C + @igit year in #hich the term falls
No. C /he ,EE (ourse number, as in %Fsych 101', not ;ust %101'
Course Title C ull title, abbreviated if needed, as in %$ntro to Fsych'
Hrs. C /he number of credit hours listed on the transcript
Cts. C /he number of credits the class is #orth to#ards the degree requirements on the degree
audit. or e!ample, it may be a 3 hour class but fulfills only a 3 credit degree requirement on the
degree audit" or it counts as 3 credits of Aeneral 1d but the ma!imum Aeneral 1d credits have
been completed so it doesnDt count to#ards any degree requirement.
Grd. C /he letter grade for those classes already completed.
&erm: all 9ear: 12 #
1o# Course &itle 'rs# Cts# :rd#
Fsych 101 $ntro to Fsych 3 3 )
Eibry 109 Eibrary $nstruction 1 1 S
Math 1*0 $ntro to (alculus 3 3 )
1ngl 1K0 1nglish Eiterature 3 3 4
MS 101 $ntro to Military Science 1 1 4
MS 101E )asic Eeadership Eab 1 1 4
MS 190L 4rmy Fhysical 2eadiness 1 1 4
Bloc ;: /o be completed at the time of counseling by the instructor at the end of each term. $f the cadets
initial Flanned 4cademic Frogram .orksheet changes, initiate a change #ithin 30 days. FMS #ill
revalidate proper Mission Set alignment.
Bloc <: Mark the %Yes' bo!.
You M,S/ enter your degree name so it #ill auto populate on page 3.
1nter the MMYY for #hen you #ill complete your last degree requirement.
Blocs 10!13: Signed and dated by the student and academic advisor #hen accurate and complete.
*tatement of )nderstanding: Fage 3 6 name, school, 7 degree name #ill auto populate if previous steps are
follo#ed" (adets must sign and date. /urn in for FMS revie# and signature.
H#W $# %&R'() $H& 104R '* ACC+RA$&
"#a#,1.: R#$C Hours that do not count: or the follo#ing classes, subtract the entries in the %(ts' column
from the entries in the %&rs' column. 4ll of those hours added together should equal the entry in this block.
= $S,= MS 101, 101E, 10+, 10+E, +01, +01E, +0+, +0+E, 301, 301E, 30+, 30+E, 301, 301E, 30+, 30+E" @rake= M$ES 011, 01+,
0+1, 0++, 101, 10+, 111, 11+
"#c#: Credits to"ard degree completed to date: 4dd the totals of each %(ts' column in )lock * for those
semesters that have been completed, then add the entry from )lock 9.a.?1B to that sum. /his should equal the
entry in block 9.c.
"#d#: Remaining !or ,egree: 4dd up the %(ts' columns in )lock * for all semesters that have not been
completed. /his should equal the self calculating entry in block 9.d. $f not, there is an problem #ith the entries.
Save 103r as last nameMirst nameMMission SetM103r

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