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aim at (EIm) nhm n

doubt nghi ng v daut

Meteorologist nh kh tng hc mitio;lodg
Contort kentroc vn xon, Straight
Etiquette etiket nghi thc, php x giao
Brief brif rt ngn li, lm h s
Glamorous ['glmrs] p say m
Represent ri;presion m t, hnh dung,
Ruin s nt,
Eroded [i'roudid] b n mn
Harmony s ha thun
Loung ['laund] gh i, i vng, gh ta
Prolific [pr'lifik] sng tc nhiu
Remarkable [ri'm:kbl] ng ch , ng

Confess [kn'fes] th nhn

Sponsor ['spns] u, bo tr
Bunch [bnt] n, l
Determination xc nh, nht nh
Dumb phch xung, dump the rubbish rc
Rival ['raivl] canh tranh(n / adj)rival love tnh ch, bussiness rivals cc i th trong kinh doanh
Pitch cm trai, lao ngi xung,nm
Concept khi nim
Mention = consier cp, s cp
Autobiography [,:toubai'grfi] n:s vit t truyn, autoiographer ngi vit t truyn
Biography [bai'grfi] tiu s l lch
Terminate = finish kt thc, xong v
Demand [di'm:nd] s i hi, i hi
Revenue ['revnju:] Thu nhp, tng thu nhp
Innovate v i mi ['inouveit]
Submission [s'min] s a ra
Deadline ( + for ) thi hn cui cng
Attempt ['tempt] s c gng, c gng =try to do
Postpone [p'spoun = delay hon li
Reflect[ri'flekt] phn nh
Claim claim i hi v s cho php, qu, gii thng
cocktail lounge phng ch
cater ['keit] phc v cho ai v =provide=servers
Beverage ['bevrid] ung, thc ung
Housekeeper ['hauski:p] qun gia
Receptionist[ri'sepnist] nhn vin tip tn.
Tolerate v ['tlreit] the th
Licence cho php, bng lai sn
Bartender ['b:tend] ngi phc v quy ru
Enforce [in'f:s] v bt lm theo, p buc
Agenda chng trnh ngh s
Executive iu hnh
Administration qun l = goverment
Resume r jiu s yu l lch rsum tm tt rez-oo-mey
Profession=occupation= career ngh nghip
Seminar Hi tho
Stationery vn phng phm
Supervisor gim st
Take maternity leave ngh thai sn
Take sick leave ngh m
Work nine to five
Feedback thng tin phn hi
Propose (+ for) a ra
Imply (m plai ) hm

Conference= council=synod=congress, conclave,assembly hi ngh
Reference s lien quan
Aisle li i gia cc gian hng
Register ng k ghi vo s, vo s, sch cha danh sch leeitj k
Changing room
Damaged s thit hi
Discount phn tin gim mua hang, chit khu (Ex: we give a /10% discount for cash)
Reputation [,repju:'tein] s ni ting
try on th qun o giy dp
undersold bn r
changing room phng thay
Draw Someones attention (dro ko
Attentions ( s ch ) <> Attend
further notice thng bo mi
Rival store ca hang khc cnh tranh
Peer ngi ngang hang vi mnh

Transportation s vn chuyn
Departure [di'p:t] s ri khi
Congestion [kn'destn] s tt nghn
Ferry ['feri] ph, qua song bng ph
Freight tin chuyn ch cc ph
Interchange trao i
Long-distance bus Long-distance bus
Rail pass ng st

Runway ['rnwei]
anh t
li n vt nui i ung nc
ng ln g (t trn i xung)
ng ng ( sn ay)
cu tu

Reservation t phng
Suway tu in ngm
Transit qu cnh

Meet at take From

Representation s i din, miu t, c trng
Advance : ng sau ng t (telephone, give, pay)trc
Ache s au aching for home (nh nh da dit)

Bench press
Cross training
Eye chart
Nutrition s inh ng, n
Supplements s b sung, b sung
Trainer hun luyn vin
Positive visualization qu quyt s hnh dung
Sore = ache=ill=sick au (my arms/legs are sore)

Stethoscope ['steskoup]
anh t
(y hc) ng nghe ( khm nh)
ngoi ng t
nghe nh
Cardiovascular [,k:di'vskjl] thuc v tim mch
Fitness ['fitnis] s va vn, hi ha
Analog vt tng t
Busy signal ['signl] tn hiu bn
Calling card = visiting card danh thip
Cassette [k'set] ng ct st
Crank call [krk] in thoi quay tay
Dial tone nhp giai iu
Digital + N s t 0-9
Ear-piece phn ca mt my t n tai nghe
ci gng knh
Hang up s kh chu, s t rt

Memo n ghi nh
th o

Operator tng i
Redial quay s li

Redirect a call gi mt ln na
Rotary phone in thoi quay s
Speed dial quay s nhanh
Telephone booth phng dt cng cng
Trace ( treis) n du vt, v ln theo
Wrong number nhm s
Car pool
Carriage['krid] xe nga
Berth b neo
commuter[k'mju:t] nhng ngi i lm ng xe but (M)
concierge[,knsi'e] ngi gi ca khu khun vc.(php)
Voucher['vaut]bin lai,phiu tr tin, gift voucher qu tang bng phiu
Expense card th cng tc ph
Fare zone khu vc tnh tin xe, ph
First class gh hng nht
Hail heil ra hiu gi tc xi
hostel['hstl] ta nh cho sinh vin, cng nhn(sinh vin, cng nhn)

chi hole, kiosk

lu tent, awning, booth, cabin, crib, kiosk

booth, kiosk

Lay-over ngh ng
Lobby tin snh, hnh lang
Overhea compartment pha trn gian nh/ngn xe la
Package tour=Package holiay chuyn i trn gi
Peak season : ma cao im
Purser ci v ( per
Suitcase=trunk hnh l, va li, hm
Shut-eye ['t'ai] s ng, gic ng = sleepiness
Surcharge: S qu ti, tnh thu thm
Window = aisle seat ca s
Airmail ['e'meil]u phm gi bng my bay
Cash on Delivery COD tr tin lc nhn hng
Dead ded letter office
First class
Fragile d v
Meterd mail cn th
Mailing restrictions S hn ch th t
Money order th chuyn tin
Parcel=package gi th
Postal (n)insurance bo him u in
Postage meter thc o u ph
Post office PO box
Postcard th u in
Postmaster tng i
Private ['praivit] courier ngi a th, ngi a tin tc
A box on the ear 1 ci bt tai
Servant: y t server ngi phc v
Balance : Ci cn , lm cho cn bng, b li
Compensation s n b, balance
I nsurance
Compensation s bi thng
Cosigner ngi cng k vo n
Deductible [di'dktbl]c th khu tr, c th tr
Deed di:d vic lm, hnh ng
Depenant ngi ph thuc
Full coverage thng tin y
Indemnity cam kt bi thng nu h hng
Lapse s nhm ln, V lapse into sin sa vo ti li
Lease hp ng cho thu, cho thu
Lien (n) quyn cho php gi TSTC khi cho ngi khc vay
Mortgage ['m:gid] vn t th chp,s th chp. V cm c th chp
Partial coverage: mt phn thng tin
Policy polersi chnh sch, nhng iu khon
Premium tin thng, ph bo him,gii thng
Renter ngi thu nh t
Survivors enefit li ch ngi th hng, sng st
Term gii hn, k hn, hc k
Terminate Adj cui cng, gii hn. V kt thc, chm t, vch gii hn, lm xong
Underwriter ngi(t chc)k nhn thanh ton cc hp ng bo him
Widow n ga, cp, git chng(v)
Widower ngi ga v
I will own my house ti s nm gi cn nh ti
Can even cng c th
Annually hng nm
Bi-monthly mt thng hai ln
Budget ci ti hay Ngn sch
Closed-door ng ca
Conference cuc tho lun
Constructive criticism xy dng kin ph bnh, ch trch
Consult nghin cu tham kho
Evaluation report o co nh gi
Gavel ['gvl] cy ba ca ngi ch tch hay ngi u thu
Guest Speaker li pht biu khch mi
Itinerary [ai'tinrri ghi chp hnh trnh, th k
Marketing s tip th
Merger ['m:d] s lien doanh
Negotiations [ni,goui'ein s thng lng
Open-door gi m ca
Podium/dais b, bc ging
Presentation S trng y, Ph ra
Pro/con nghin ngm, nh ngh
Profit/loss N s c li nhun v thua l
Quarterly hang qu
Seniority [,si:ni'rti] thm nin
Team leader t trng
teleconference ['teli,knfrns] hi ngh qua in thoi
yearly/monthly planner ngi lp k hoch hng nm, thng

Confussed verd
Acquire ['kwai] kim c, thu dduocj, ginh c
Precee u tin trc, i trc.preceded by member of the class
Proceed v tip din, i n, the story procees as follows cu chuyn tip tc nh sau
Protest n s phn i, v qu quyt
Prosecute tip tc, theo ui
Persecute khng b
Consign chuyn giao
Quite firmly kh thng thng
Oppose chng i
Thus do
Just at phi l
Peanut cy u phng ['pi:nt
Butter tri
Amusement ['mju:zmnt] gii tr= intertament
I n casenu
Invoice=bill= ha n
Confirm xc nhn
Ensure m bo rng
Bachelor degree['btl] bng c nhn
Embarrass ngng, lung tng.
Drop n git v lm ri = fall
No longer khng . Na I no longer a nave child
Vice-Presedent thay th hiu trng/ tng thng
senioritr[,si:ni'rti] s thm nin n
reject khng chp nhn
Enclose v ro hay nh km
Recomment gii thiu , tin c
Protocol ['proutkl] nghi thc
Agenda ['dend] vn
memorandum bn ghi ch nh
tariff nh thu xut, nhp khu, thu xut nhp khu
Enroll [in'roul] tr thnh thnh vin
Christmert eve blizzard trn bo tuyt trc ngy ging sinh
Unforseen bt ng, khng d kin
Ignore Pht l i, khng quan tm
Chain tri buc, rang buc
Command mnh lnh
Approach v n gn, n s n gn,
committee[k'miti] y ban
Sircumstance ['s:kmstns trng hp, tnh hung,hon cnh
Relevant=concern=relate adj lin quan
INfluencen nh hng= effect =

Stair ci hang ro
Untidy khng gn gang
Escalator thang cun
Ladder laeder ci thang
Against da vo ci g o( vt) leaning ladder against the wall ci thang c khuynh hng da vo tng
Look over kim tra nhanh, duyt qua
Absolut hon ho
Brilliant rc r, s ti gii
A shipment of material mt kho hang nguyn liu
This section has Suffered a burst pipe khu vc ny tri qua b ng
Ground floor tng mt t, tng hm
Attention s ch
, detectormydtm,phthin,
Delegation deli'gein] on i biu
Guideline ['gaidlain] nguyn tc ch o


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