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Anti-ageing: The Hebe effect

Age-ing is an inevitable biological physiological process. The desire to have a youthful and
energetic look, despite increasing age, is uniform across all age groups.
Anti-ageing measures are divided into two categories:
1. MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS: Medical measures include topical creams and when used
correctly, decreases signs of ageing on the skin.
Medical Measures include:
a. Sunscreens This is one of the simplest and most effective measures to prevent against
!" damage to the skin. #t can be divided into physical and chemical sunscreen. $unscreens
block and reflect !"% and !"A light that in turn prevents skin damage due to sun e&posure.
b. Antioxidants The most commonly used antio&idant is glutathione followed by alfa-lipoic
acid. Antio&idants cause increased collagen production that in turn increases the skin
elasticity thereby providing tightness to the skin.
c. Vitamin A and Vitamin C deriaties #ncreases glycosaminoglycan component in the
collagen. #t decreases the collagen degradation after !" e&posure. "it A is an important
content of anti-ageing creams. The net result is decreased pigmentation and wrinkles. "it '
increases collagen production in the skin that in turn increases the elasticity of the
photodamaged skin.
d. Or!anic " Natura# com$ounds The various commonly used compounds are green tea
(anti-inflammatory), lemon and lavender oil (decreased o&idative stress), and chlorella
(increased vascular endothelial growth factor). *inkgo biloba, aloe vera and cucumber are
other natural compounds that have anti-ageing properties.
e. %e$tides +al-,TT$ and tripeptide copper comple& increase collagen synthesis and
decreases sign of skin-ageing by causing skin tightening.
&. 'ormones -strogen containing creams are used for anti-aging and they act by increasing
the thickness, increasing hydration of the skin, and decreasing trans epithelial water loss
(T-./). The end result is natural elasticity to the skin. However, estrogen creams are most
effective in post-menopausal women.
(. %ROCED)RAL INTERVENTIONS: +rocedural measures are more invasive but the effect
is instant compared to medical measures.
%rocedura# Measures inc#ude:
a. C*emica# %ee#s -ffective for treatment of signs of skin ageing and photo damage to the
skin. #t acts by causing coagulation of protein that leads to e&foliation of epidermis and
subse0uent re-epithelia1ation. 'ommonly used peels are *lycolic acid, $alicylic acid, +yruvic
acid and 2essner peel. $ide effects observed are erythema 3 redness and irritation.
b. Ab#atie LASER Resur&acin! - These act by increasing transforming growth factor (T*4),
tumour necrosis factor (T54) and #nterleukin (#/)-6.The net result of these is increased
collagen synthesis and skin tightening. 'ommonly used ablative /A$-78s are '9: and
-r:;A* /A$-7.
c. Non + ab#atie LASER Resur&acin! - These /A$-7s act by generating heat, which
causes collagen damage and subse0uent re-epitheli1ation. They also act on microvasculature
and hence, neo-collagenosis. 'ommonly used /A$-7s are 5d:;A*, #+/ and /ight emitting
diode (/-<).
d. Microdermabrasion - 5on-invasive and non-surgical procedure that is commonly used for
skin re=uvenation. #nert crystals like Aluminium o&ide and <iamond are used. 'rystals
pro=ected through vacuum pumps onto the skin causes e&foliation of epidermis. $ide effects
maybe slight redness and irritation of the skin, which is transient.
e. ,OTO- - #n=ection of %9T9> (%otulinum To&in) causes spasticity (tightening) of muscle at
the site of skin wrinkles and sagging (crow8s feet, frown lines on forehead).
&. Derma# .i##ers - As the name suggests, filling in the areas of decreased collagen?
nasolabial (nose-cheek =unction), below eye, angle of mouth lines. <ermal fillers are
temporary, semi-permanent and permanent.
!. Li$otrans&er - #t8s a method of fat transfer and is primarily used for facial contouring. #n this
method, pre-adipocytes containing adipos derived stem cells is in=ected into the affected site.
#t acts by increasing the vascularity and fibroblast growth factor.
*. T*read#i&t "isit http:33www.skinclinicbangalore.com3post3all-you-need-to-know-about-
$o, if you want to Hebe-fy yourself, then follow the above measures to prevent your skin from
aging and en=oy younger looking skin.
4or those who are wondering, Hebe in *reek mythology is the goddess of youth.
Article $ource: http:33www.skinclinicbangalore.com3post3anti-ageing-the-hebe-effect36BCD
+ublished at <r.,isalay $aurav8s blog

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