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Job Aid # JAA-AP205-014

Entering a Credit Memo

Step Action
1. To enter a credit memo, navigate to:
SFS Applications > SFS Financials > Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add!pdate >
"egular #ntry.
$. The Business Unit %ield auto populates, based on the de%ault business unit con%igured in
the SFS %or the user. &% the user has access to more than one business unit, only the de%ault
business unit 'ill be displayed.
NOTE: (ost agencies 'ill be able to select di%%erent business units.
). The Voucher ID %ield auto populates as *#+T.
,nce the voucher is saved, the SFS assigns the ne-t available Voucher &. to the voucher.
/. The Voucher Style %ield is used to select the desired voucher style. The Voucher Style
should be selected be%ore completing any other %ields on this page. The %ields displayed
'ill di%%er based on the Voucher Style type selected.
0lic1 the Voucher Style list and select the Adjustments list item to enter the credit memo.
2. Vendor in%ormation can be entered manually or searched %or using the Look Up button.
0lic1 the Look up Vendor ID button.
The Look Up Vendor ID page is used to search %or and select the desired vendor.
The search can be narro'ed by entering additional criteria.
0lic1 in the Nme ! %ield.
#nter the desired in%ormation into the Nme ! %ield.
0lic1 the Look Up button.
Select the desired search result %rom the Serch "esults grid. 0lic1 on any o% the lin1s in
this ro' to continue.
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Job Aid # JAA-AP205-014
Step Action
3. A vendor &. is a 14 digit number 'hich uses a speci%ic numbering convention.
This number is used in the SFS instead o% the vendor5s Federal Ta- &. number.
Sometimes multiple vendor records 6&.s7 e-ist 'ith the same vendor name.
Vendor &.s beginning 'ith:
1 are regular use vendors 6%or normal use7
4 are %or special use as designated by the Vendor 8anagement !nit
"evie' training 9ob aid :AA;AP$42;4$1 Vendor &. .escriptions %or additional
<. The Vendor Loction %ield is used to indicate payment type. The value options %or this
%ield are 8A&*0(#0= and 8A&*#PA>.
8A&*0(#0= is payment via chec1? and
8A&*#PA> is electronic payment via Automated 0learing (ouse 6A0(7.
NOTE: &% a vendor is not previously set up to receive A0( payments, they 'ill not be able
to receive payments through this method.
@. The In#oice Num$er %ield is used to enter the vendor5s invoice number or the agency5s
account number 'ith the vendor %or the voucher. This is a reAuired %ield and is chec1ed %or
duplicate Vendor &.&nvoice &. combinations.
For ad9ustment vouchers 6",A or 0redit 8emo7, the invoice number cannot be the
original invoice number being ad9usted. &t must contain some indication that this is not an
attempt to re;process the original invoice.
&n rare cases 'here there is no vendor invoice number 6such as a credit card bill7? the
invoice number is determined by the numbering policy designated by ,S0 or agency
discretion 'hen there is no ,S0 policy. This %ield allo's up to )4 characters.
This %ield allo's up to )4 characters.
0lic1 in the In#oice Num$er %ield and enter the desired in%ormation.
0lic1 the %lendr button to enter the &nvoice .ate.
0lic1 the Add button.
B. The In#oice In&ormtion page is used to enter or vie' invoice in%ormation, including
invoice header in%ormation, non;merchandise charges, and voucher line and distribution
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Job Aid # JAA-AP205-014
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14. The In#oice "ecei#ed Dte %ield is used to enter:
the date the invoice 'as received in the agency5s designated payment o%%ice? or
the date 'hen the invoice 'as accepted into the agency5s payment o%%ice.
This is a reAuired %ield 'hich is used in the calculation o% the 8erchandise or &nvoice
"eceived 68&"7 date.
0lic1 in the In#oice "ecei#ed Dte %ield and enter the desired in%ormation.
11. 'y Terms is used in determining 'hen the payment against the voucher 'ill be made.
The de%ault value is *et )4 6the payment 'ill be issued on either the ,%%ice o% the State
0omptroller5s approved date or )4 days a%ter the invoice date, 'hichever is later7, ho'ever
it can be changed.
Agencies should consider the payment reAuirements o% the vendor and change the Pay
Terms as necessary.
NOTE: Pay Terms can be changed to .ue *o' by entering code 44 in the 'y Terms
%ield. This may be used to e-pedite the payment.
1$. Chen entering a credit memo, the pay terms must be changed to .ue *o' so the credit
memo may be applied immediately and re%lected during the ne-t pay cycle.
0lic1 the Look up 'y Terms button.
Select .ue *o' %rom the Serch "esults grid.
Any o% the lin1s on this ro' can be clic1ed to continue.
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Job Aid # JAA-AP205-014
Step Action
1). Agencies must populate a ne' O$li(tion Dte %ield. They 'ill use the current
Accountin( Dte %ield di%%erently. The ,%%ice o% the State 0omptroller 6,S07 has issued
instructions %or completing these %ields in the Duide to Financial ,perations 6DF,7. Please
see DF, 0hapter +&V Special Procedures, Section $ ,bligation, Accounting and Eudget
.ates %or details at:
http:'''.osc.state.ny.usagenciesguide8yCeb(elp0ontent+&V$.htm )
1/. *ster %ontrct ID only populated 'hen re%erencing a *e' >or1 State 8aster 0ontract
6P;0ontract7 or a Value;Added "eseller 6VA"7 contract.
&t is important to note that:
The contract must e-ist on the SFS Added "eseller Table.
The contract &. re%erenced must be a valid active contract.
The Vendor &. on the contract must be valid and it must match the Vendor &.
re%erenced on the voucher.
The contract &. must use all three components 6Eusiness !nit, 0ontract number F
.epartment7. For e-ample, enter ,DS41;PT31/$B;11/4$3@ 6Eusiness !nit
G,DS41H ; P number ; .epartment G11/4$3@H7. &% all o% these values are not in the
0ontract &., then you 'ill get a message that the vendor is not associated to this
NOTE: A 8aster 0ontract &. entered on a purchase order or a voucher is a re%erence, as
the amounts on the purchase order andor voucher do not a%%ect the contract balance.
12. Chen entering a credit memo ad9ustment, data %rom the original voucher can be copied in
using the %opy &rom +orksheet lin1.
0lic1 the %opy ,rom +orksheet lin1.
13. The Voucher Cor1sheet page is used to locate the original voucher through 'hich the
overpayment 'as made and copy in%ormation into the ad9ustment voucher.
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Job Aid # JAA-AP205-014
Step Action
1<. The Eusiness !nit and Vendor &. auto populate and are read;only. This is to ensure that
only vouchers %or this Vendor &. and Eusiness !nit can be searched.
1@. To %ind a voucher, clic1 the Look up Voucher ID button.
0lic1 the Serch button. Select the desired search result %rom the search results grid. Any
o% the lin1s on this ro' can be clic1ed to continue.
The Select %heck$o- to the le%t o% the line is used to select the desired voucher line6s7.
0lic1 the Select option.
0lic1 the %opy Selected Lines button to copy this data into the ad9ustment voucher.
1B. The &nvoice &n%ormation page has been updated 'ith data %rom the voucher being ad9usted.
NOTE: A%ter the data is copied in %ields may be edited i% needed.
$4. The original voucher 'ill lin1 to the ad9ustment voucher.
$1. ,nce the original voucher has been %ound and copied, the ad9ustment can be made.
0lic1 in the Totl %ield and enter the desired in%ormation.
$$. The Description &ield, in the &nvoice Iines section, is used to enter a description o% the
0lic1 in the Description &ield and enter the desired in%ormation.
$). The &nvoice Iine amount 6#-tended Amount7 must be changed to re%lect the amount o% the
credit memo.
0lic1 in the E-tended Amount %ield and enter the desired in%ormation.
$/. The Distri$ution Lines section also needs to be edited.
0lic1 in the Amount %ield and enter the desired in%ormation.
$2. To save the voucher, the S#e button must be clic1ed and the Voucher &. 'ill be assigned.
,nce the voucher is saved, the SFS per%orms a 0hartField combination chec1 to ensure a
correct combination 'as entered.
The SFS also chec1s to see i% the voucher is balanced, meaning are the amount6s7 entered
on the &nvoice Iines eAual to the total amount o% the voucher.
The voucher 'ill not be saved i% the SFS identi%ies that it is unbalanced.
$3. A%ter the voucher is saved, and be%ore it can be submitted into approval 'or1%lo', it must
success%ully pass budget chec1ing.
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Job Aid # JAA-AP205-014
Step Action
$<. To complete the updates to the vendor balances and accounting entries:
the ad9ustment voucher must be o%%set against another voucher 'ithin the
the payment must post, and
the 9ournal must generate.
&n other 'ords, a payment %rom the State must go out to the vendor %or the credit to be
applied to the account indicated.
$@. *otice that additional tabs 6Summary, "elated .ocuments and #rror Summary7 appeared
a%ter the voucher 'as saved.
$B. 0lic1 the "elted Documents tab.
The "elated .ocuments page is used to vie' related payment, purchase order, receiver,
and ad9ustment in%ormation %or the saved voucher.
0lic1 the 'yments tab.
)4. The Payments page is used to vie' additional voucher payment in%ormation.
"E*INDE": Eecause the voucher is an ad9ustment credit memo voucher, no payments
'ill be made. &nstead, the credit memo 'ill be applied to a %uture vendor payment.
Vendors can vie' credit memos in eSupplier.
)1. The Dross Amount is ;$2.44, and represents the total credit to the State.
The credit 'ill be applied to a %uture payment to the vendor during the ne-t pay cycle, or
the ne-t time the vendor receives a payment %rom the State.
)$. 0lic1 the Voucher Appro#l tab.
The Voucher Approval page is used to submit the voucher into 'or1%lo' %or approval.
,nce the voucher has success%ully budget chec1ed, it must then be submitted into
'or1%lo' %or approval.
NOTE: AP Processors and AP 0oordinators, 'ith the same primary permission list as the
voucher originator, can submit the voucher into the 'or1%lo'. The primary permission list
de%ines 'hat data users can see in the system.
The voucher 'ill be submitted to the 'or1%lo' at the ne-t level above the voucher
)). Submitting the voucher into approval 'or1%lo' is t'o steps:
1. the Su$mit &or Appro#l button is clic1ed, and then
$. the S#e button is clic1ed.
,nce saved, the voucher enters 'or1%lo'.
Last Revised 06.12.2014 Page 6 of 7
Job Aid # JAA-AP205-014
Step Action
)/. End o& 'rocedure)
Last Revised 06.12.2014 Page 7 of 7

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