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ECCLESIASTES : This, in general, is a pessimistic book -- with statements that history

merely repeats itself and nothing is new, and there is no reason to think of what might
hae been!
The most famo"s section is Ecclesiastes #:$-% &from King James' Version':
$! To eerything there is a season, and a time to eery p"rpose "nder the heaen:
(! A time to be born, and a time to die) a time to plant, and a time to pl"ck "p that
which is planted)
#! A time to kill, and a time to heal) a time to break down, and a time to b"ild "p)
*! A time to weep, and a time to la"gh) a time to mo"rn, and a time to dance)
+! A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together) a time to
embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing!
,! A time to get, and a time to lose) a time to keep, and a time to cast away)
-! A time to rend, and a time to sew) a time to keep silence, and a time to speak)
%! A time to loe, and a time to hate) a time of war, and a time of peace!
Ecclesiastes states that people sho"ld en.oy themseles and the fr"its of their labors! The
pessimism is most prono"nced when considering man and animals ret"rning to d"st, and
not knowing where their spirits go &Ecclesiastes #:$%-($'! A few other points:
$! /0hoeer loes money neer has money eno"gh) whoeer loes wealth is neer
satisfied with his income! This too is meaningless!/ &Ecclesiastes +:$1'!
(! /!!! to accept his lot and be happy in his work -- this is a gift of 2od!!!/
&Ecclesiastes +:$3-(1'
#! /4etter what the eye sees than the roing of the appetite &i!e!, dreaming'! This too
is meaningless, a chasing after the wind!/ &Ecclesiastes ,:3'!
*! 5n predestination: /0hateer e6ists has already been named, and what man is has
been known) no man can contend with 5ne who is stronger than he &i!e!, can fight
with 2od'!/ &Ecclesiastes ,:$1'
+! /!!!the day of death better than the day of birth!/ &Ecclesiastes -:$'
,! /!!!all that 2od has done! 7o one can comprehend what goes on "nder the
s"n!!!man cannot discoer its meaning! Een if a wise man claims he knows, he
cannot really comprehend it!/ &Ecclesiastes %:$-'
-! /0isdom is better than weapons of war, b"t one sinner destroys m"ch good!/
&Ecclesiastes 3:$%'!
%! /0hoeer watches the wind will not plant) whoeer looks at the clo"ds will not
reap &i!e, if yo" want perfection, yo" won8t do anything!'!/ &Ecclesiastes $$:*'!
3! /As yo" do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a
mother8s womb, so yo" cannot "nderstand the work of 2od, the 9aker of all
things!/ &Ecclesiastes $$:+'
$1! /!!!the concl"sion of the matter: :ear 2od and keep ;is commandments, for this is
the whole d"ty of man! :or 2od will bring eery deed into ."dgment, incl"ding
eery hidden thing, whether it is good or eil!/ &Ecclesiastes $(:$#-$*'!

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