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Nell-Lynn Perera is Gallerys New Featured Artist

JUPITER FLORIDA ! Au"ust #$ %&#' / --- Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery is extremely
pleased to announce that artist Nell-Lynn Perera is their newest eatured artist! Nell-Lynn will now
"e presented in the Gallery#s Artist Showcase section or the next month!
Nell-Lynn was "orn in $alaysia and is widely tra%elled throughout the world! She has always
"elie%ed that she was "orn dierent! She has "een descri"ed as a highly sensiti%e person and has
always had a sharp sense o awareness! Nell-Lynn continues these thoughts& '(n moments o deep
stillness ( am a"le to eel you across the distance! )ou! A nameless& aceless or" o raw emotion
see*ing more! ( *now what it is to see* that un-namea"le something more! And so ( connect to you
li*e the inely wo%en thread that connects humanity to its own consciousness!+
Nell-Lynn goes on to say& '( ha%e *nown loss& ear& regret& lo%e and the pain o lo%e#s memory!
There is nothing that you ha%e elt that ( ha%e not already li%ed mysel! ( ha%e learned to see ear
as an illusion! And pain& to me& is simply a matter o perspecti%e! ,eing a highly sensiti%e person&
my eelings are always more intensely elt& e%en that o pain!+
Nell-Lynn is a sel-taught artist& and she reuses to rely on talent alone as much as she reuses to
indulge her senses in the wor* o others! She paints rom her heart which is something sacred or
her! Nell-Lynn urthers her thoughts and o"ser%ations& '( would li*e to honor& preser%e my calling to
paint as "est as ( can without the inluences o other artists! ( ha%e dedicated my lie to expressing
mysel through the arts! ( ha%e struggled& star%ed& and ought to earn the recognition that ( ha%e
recei%ed! ( li%e "y one motto- ( you are going to do something& "e good at it!+
She is at her "est at understanding the human condition& the human spirit! She has "eriended the
inirmed. learned rom death row inmates. and colla"orated with ine artists across the glo"e and
she treats each one as an e/ual! 0isit her wonderul we"site- www!nell-lynn!com
A)*ut Li"+t S,a-e . Ti/e Online Gallery
Light Space & Time 1 Online Gallery oers monthly art competitions and monthly art exhi"itions
or new and emerging artists! (t is Light Space & Time#s intention to showcase this incredi"le talent
in a series o monthly themed art competitions and art exhi"itions "y mar*eting and displaying the
exceptional a"ilities o these worldwide artists! Their online gallery we"site can "e %iewed here-
0*nta-t1 2ohn 3! $ath
Tele,+*ne1 444-567-8987
E/ail1 ino:lightspacetime!com

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