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Add suffixes -ify, -ize or -en to the following nouns and adjectives to form correspond-

ing verbs.
hard harden horror horrify
modern modernize memory memorize
deep deepen beauty beautify
intense intensify sympathy sympathize
false falsify apology apologize
fat fatten glory glorify
sterile sterilize length lengthen
Complete the following sentences by supplying the correct form of the verbs above.
1 He apologized for interrupting her.
2 She tried to beautify her room with posters and plants.
3 A study has been ordered into the feasibility of lengthening the airport` main runway by two
hundred metres.
4 However muh they sympatized they all felt it was her fault.
! Soya is e"ellent food for fattening attle.
# She laughed and that seemed to deepen her voie.
$ % 4&'&&& had been spent on modernizing the station.
( Sterilize the bottles by immersing them in boiling water for fifteen minutes.
Reconstruct each of the following sentences, using a verb formed from the words ita-
licized and maing any other changes that may be necessary. All the verbs re!uired are
formed by the use of affixes below"
be) en) em) )en )ify )ize )ate
1 *e made a friend of the lonely old man. befriended
2 His arelessness with gas put all our lives in danger. endangered
3 +he bla,smith is ma,ing the piee of metal straight. straightening
4 +he present of several pounds worth of boo,s meant that he was able to study at home.
! +he +own -ounil deided to inrease the width of the main street by ten yards. widen
# -an you tell me how to ma,e this soup thick. thi,en
$ /o' but 0 an tell you how to ma,e it thinner. thin
( +here is no need to ma,e little of your rival1s ahievments. belittle
2 3ou ould ma,e the foundations stronger by using more ement. strengthen
1& +he arrival of half a dozen young man put some life into the party. enlivened
11 +he ,ing made slaves of his aptives. enslaved
12 He gave his men orders to ut off the heads of all the prisoners. behead
13 +he noise of the e"plosion was enough to ma,e anyone deaf. deafen
14 0t made him sad to thin, of all the hildren wh had lost their parents for one reason of
another. saddened
1! He made himself rich at the e"pense of hundreds of poor people. enrihed
1# How long will it ta,e the ement to go hard. harden
1$ His employer1s repeated refusal to promote him had made him bitter. bittered
1( His ondition has beome worse sine you last saw him. worsened
12 +he enemy1s resistene beame stiffer as we advaned towards their apital. stiffened
2& +he sight of so muh blood made him feel sick. si,ened
21 4efore they set out to burgle the house they made their faes black with soot. bla,ened
22 +he bla,mailer beame bold enough to double his demands when he saw how terrified his
vitim was. embolded
23 +hey made the roadsweeper1s tas, lighter by giving him a battery)driven art. lightened
24 0 wish you ould ma,e this problem simpler for me. simplify
2! +his radio is made with transistors. transistorized
2# +he rivalry of the two towns beame more intense as the years went by. intensified
2$ +hey tried to ma,e the gas pure by putting it through a number of proesses. purify
2( +he ement beame solid soon after it had been mi"ed. solidified
22 +he news of the mine disaster filled the whole population with horror. horrified
3& Some of the rooms in the palae have been made more beautiful for the distinguished
guests. beautified
#ive the noun compound that corresponds to each of the dictionary definitions.
1 the amount of rain that falls in an area in aertain time) 5A0/6A77
2 a sudden fall of earth or ro,s down a slope) 7A/8S7089
3 the round spinning surfae on whih a reord is plaed to be played) +:5/+A479
4 an easy and defenseless target for atta,) S0++0/; 8:-<
! a wealthy young man who lives mainly for pleasure) =7A34>3
# a door in setions that an be folded ba,) 6>780/; 8>>5
$ an ob?et to ,eep birds aways from rops) S-A59-5>*
( an attempt to ,eep pay from rising. =A3)6599@9
2 anyone who gets most of the blame or punishment) S-A=9;>A+
1& a ,ey that an open different lo,s) S<979+>/ <93' AAS+95<93
11 a guide dog trained to lead the blind) ;:089 8>;
12 sub?et of argument or onversation) S:4B9-+ AA++95
13 a type of Amerian bird that opies the songs of other birds) A>-<0/;4058
14 a toy gun that fires small ob?ets with a loud noise) 49)49 ;:/' =>=;:/
1! a wooden horse for a hild to ride on) 5>-<0/; H>5S9
1# a small mahine used for spoinning thread) S=0//0/; *H997
1$ a wath that an be stopped and started at any time) S+>=)*A+-H
1( an at of stopping fighting for a short or long period) S90@9)6599
12 front part of a missile) *A5)H9A8
2& a word or phrase diffiult to pronoune Cui,ly) +>/;:9)+*0S+95
21 the bar above the front wheel of a biyle whih ontrols the diretion) HA/8794A5
22 smaller peaeful ountry between two large ones' serving to lessen the hane of war
between them) 4:6695 ->:/+53
23 a type of inset that gives out a greenish light from the end of its tail) ;7>* *>5A
24 a hild who regularly opies the wor, of otehr hildren at shool) ->=3-A+
2! a metal wire bar that protets the building from damage by lightning) 70;+H0/; 5>8
2# strong)smeling hemial' formerly arried for uring faintness) SA9770/; SA7+
2$ boat fitted with everything neessary for living there) H>:S94>A+
2( a group of soldiers with the duty of putting an offender to death by shooting) 6050/;
22 the irular entre of a target that people try to hit when shooting) 4:77ES 939
3& a pigeon that has been trained to arry small messages) H>A0/; =08;9>/
31 a written reord ,ept by dotors' polie' et. of the ases they have dealt with) -AS9
32 a hildren disease mar,ed by spots on the s,in) ;95AA/ A9AS79S
33 a narrow spae in a road whih slows down ars) 5>A8 /A55>*0/;
34 a ontainer made of beeswa" in whih honey is stored) 499H0F9
3! speial soft paper used to dry wet in, mar,s) 47>++0/; =A=95
3# light a,e made from eggs' sugar and flour' usually no fat) S=>/;9 -A<9
3$ a ondition in whih the s,in is raised up in small points where the hairs grow out' as when
a person is old) ;>>S9 4:A=S
3( the greatest part of ' most of) 70>/ES SHA59
32 a piee of glass whih ma,es what is seen thorugh it loo, bigger) AA;/0630/; ;7ASS
4& a round stone whih is turned to sharpen tools' ,nives' et.) *9+ S+>/9
$ae compound words according to the definitions, using the word given as the first
part of the compound.
dog) a. having the orners of the pages bent down with use) 8>;)9A598
b. the hottest days of the year) 8>;ES 8A3S
. very tired) 8>;)+0598
d. a ne,band for a dog) 8>; ->77A5
e. a Cui, easy way of moving along' faster than wal,ing and slower than running.
at) a. a loud whistle or ry e"pressing disapproval) -A+-A77
b. a game played with string wound round the fingers) -A+ES -5A879
. a small ob?et fi"ed in the road that shines when lit by ar lights) -A+ES 939
d. strong ord made from the bowel s,in of animals) -A+;:+
e. a large)headed fish) -A+60SH
f. flowers that grow on ertain trees li,e willows) -A+S<0/
g. a very short light sleep) -A+/A=
h. a narrow raised way or passage as along a bridge or round a large mahine)
i. a thief who enters and leaves a building by limbing up walls and pipes)
horse) a. a large fly that stings horses and attle) H>5S9673
b. it is used to fill the inside of furniture) H>5S9HA05
. a plant whose root is used to ma,e a strong)tasting saue) H>5S95A80SH
d. a film about horses and gunfighters) H>5S9 >=95A
bull) a. a powerful mahine used for pushing heavy ob?ets' earth' et.) 4:778>@95
b. the entre of a target in shootingG4:77ES 939
. a irular plae for bullfights) 4:7750/;
d. obstinate) 4:77) H9A898
don,ey) a. a very long time) 8>/<93ES 39A5S
b. a hard uninteresting part of wor,) 8>/<93 *>5<
mon,ey) a. a tool that an be ad?usted for turning things of different widths) A>/<93
b. behaviour that auses trouble or is intended to deeive) A>/<93
%xplain the difference in meaning between the following verb pairs by contrasting them
with nouns and inserting them into sentences below as appropriate"
a. diEgest ) Edigest
b. disEount ) Edisount
. omEpound ) Eompound
a. *hen you HHHHHHHHHHHHHH food' the food passes through your stomah.
b. He is reading 5eadersE HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
. +he report ontained too muh information toHHHHHHHHH at one.
d. He HHHHHHHHHHHHH all the long reports that we had reived.
a. +he shop assistant told me that they would give me a big HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
b. *e an HHHHHHHHHHHH 7iverpool ) they have three in?ured players.
. 0f we have to HHHHHHHHHHHHH our pries we are not going to ma,e profit.
a. His ?o,es have been desribed as a HHHHHHHHHHHH of fears' an"ieties and inseurities.
b. Aost tyres are are made of rubber HHHHHHHHHHHHed with other hemials.
. Severe drought has further HHHHHHHHHHHed the food shortages in the region.
&ouns and adjectives in the following list have corresponding verbs which are formed
either by the addition of affixes or by conversion. 'nder each word write the corres-
ponding verb,
broad irle power siege loose
broaden irle power besiege loosen
enirle empower
relief advane aim sweet ourage
relieve advane aim sweeten enourage
dead modern haste sandal terror
deaden modernize hasten sandalize terrorize
flat fore fresh rage sad
flaten enfore freshen rage sadden
fore refresh enrage
aptive grief domesti less large
apture grieve domestiize lessen enlarge
moist mad ?ust white mystery
moisten madden ?ustify whiten mystify
trust wea, trap strife lose
entrust wea,en entrap strive lose
identity ripe riti Cui, tough
identify ripen ritiize Cui,en toughen
(rovide the input for the following blends"
*or,aholi plumot multiversity seasape
whis,oda swimsation transeiver
)hat are the cross-breeds of the following animals called*
a. attle I buffalo
b. lion I tiger
. tiger I lion
d. zebra I ass
e. zebra I mule
(rovide the lexical items that bloc the application of the suf-fix -er in the following
-yle type study raper deliver assist

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