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Square Roots and Cube Roots

Last Digit of Any
Number Last digit of its Square Last Digit of its Cube
1 1 1
2 4 8
3 9 7
4 6 4
5 5 5
6 6 6
7 9 3
8 4 2
9 1 9
0 0 0
Procedure of finding the cube root

1. First find the last digit of the Cube Root, which can directly be obtained by
looking the last digit of the Number and then referring to the above table.
2. Next, ignore the last 3 digits of the number and look at the numbers which
remain. Think of a number, whose cube is just equal or less then this remaining

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Square Roots & Cube Roots
(a) 9,261
(b) 1,728
(c) 32,768
(d) 175,616
1. Start from and put a comma when three digits are over because a group of three

Lets take another example:

Procedure of finding the Square Root (Perfect Squares only)
1. First find the last digit of the Square Root, which can directly be obtained by
looking the last digit of the Number and then referring to the above table.
digits will give you one digit as cube root. Four, five and six digit number will give you
two digits as cube root.
2. After putting the comma see the last digit of the number, compare that with table
provided above. You get the last digit.
3. Now see the first group of numbers and ascertain cube of which number is less
than the group. That number is your first digit.
4. You have thus found first digit and last digit.

2 1
1. Counting from last we put comma after 9.
2. By seeing the last digit we ascertain that last digit of cube root will be 1.
3. Now we see 9 and ascertain that 2 = 8 is less than 9 and 3 = 27 is more.
4. Our first digit thus comes to 2, and the answer is 21.
3 3
3 2
1. By seeing last digit we find last digit of cube root is equal to 2.
2. By seeing 32 we put 3 as our first digit as 3 = 27 is les than 32 and 4 = 64 is more.
3. Our answer is 32.
3 3
Note: This technique is valid for exact cubes only. This is a good method of
finding approximations.
Following table can be used for finding the last digit of the square root
2. Next, ignore the last 2 digits of the number and look at the numbers which
remain. Think of a number, whose square is just equal or less then this
remaining number.

Constant Product Rule (1/x) & 1/(x+1)
This rule can be applied when we have two parameters whose product is
constant, or in other words, when they are inversely proportional to each other.
eg) Time x Speed = Distance, Price x consumption = Expenditure, Length x
breadth= Area

Lets see the application with the following examples
1) A man travels from his home to office at 4km/hr and reaches his office 20 min
late. If the speed had been 6 km/hr he would have reached 10 min early. Find the
distance from his home to office?
Solution: Assume original speed= 4km/hr. Percentage increase in speed from 4
to 6= 50% or . 1/2 increase in speed will result in 1/3 decrease in original
time=30 minutes.(from given data). Original time= 90 minutes= 1.5 hours
Answer is Distance= 4x1.5=6 km
2) A 20% increase in price of sugar. Find the % decrease in consumption a family
should adopt so that the expenditure remains constant
Solution: Here price x consumption= expenditure (constant). Using the
technique, 20% (1/5) increase results in 16.66%(1/6) decrease in consumption.
Example: Find square root of 4096
1. From the above table, we get last digit of the square root as 4 or 6
2. Then we ignore, 96 and focus on 40. From this we get the number 6, whose square is
just lesser than 40
3. Thus the square root is 64 or 66. After simple calculation we can find the correct
answer is 64.

A 1/x increase in one of the parameters will result in a 1/(x+1) decrease in the
other parameter if the parameters are inversely proportional.
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