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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Alejanuio uaicia
Thuisuay, Septembei 11, 2u14 S12-S44-2626

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A0STIN - Ban Patiick, Texas State Senatoi anu Republican nominee foi Lieutenant
uoveinoi, has maue boiuei secuiity a top issue in his campaign. Bis opponent,
Leticia van ue Putte, has opposeu effoits to secuie the boiuei.

Bata compileu in a new iepoit fiom the Texas Bepaitment of Public Safety shows
the uiamatic inciease in illegal boiuei ciossings, the enoimous quantity of uiugs
seizeu, anu the gang anu caitel components uiiving much of the illegal activity. The
iepoit also uocuments the impact of iecent suige activity by the BPS anu State

"0n the anniveisaiy of 911, we aie ieminueu of the tiageuy that stiuck the nation,"
saiu Ban Patiick. "Foieign teiioiists came to this countiy with evil intentions.
National secuiity begins with boiuei secuiity. In Texas we know full well that oui
boiuei is not secuie. This new iepoit suppoits what I've saiu thioughout my

"We have caught ovei a quaitei-million people ciossing the Texas-Nexico boiuei so
fai this yeai. Some estimate that we only appiehenu 1 in S of those ciossing
illegally. If that estimate is tiue, theie coulu have been as many as 1,uuu,uuu who
ciosseu oui boiuei unuetecteu.

"Leticia van ue Putte calleu the mobilization of the National uuaiu a 'militaiization
of the boiuei.' Rest assuieu, the caitels anu gangs aie aimeu anu outfitteu like a
paiamilitaiy oiganization, complete with militaiy giaue weapons anu equipment.

"It's time we secuieu the boiuei. I am the only canuiuate foi Lieutenant uoveinoi
who will uelivei on this piomise."

Noie infoimation about the campaign is available at www.BanPatiick.oig.


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