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Character Name: The only thing that goes on this line is the Character's name that you use

in the

Full Name: This is the characters real/full name. First name(s), middle, last. Some people have
multiple first/middle/last names.

Nick Names: Whatever the character has for a nickname. This doesn't have to be used unless your
character has one.

Gender: Pretty basic. Is your character a female, male, transsexual, hermaphrodites?

Age: How old is your character? Is s/he ten years old? Fifty? Six hundred and ninety-seven?

Birthday/year: When was your character born? April 15, 1300 AD? August 22, 2025 AD

Marital Status: Is your character single or married? Are they attached to anyone in particular or are
they are a player? (This goes in comparison to Spouse).

Spouse: Who is your characters lover/mate? How does the relationship fare? (This goes in
comparison to Marital Status).

Hair: What's his/her hair like? Is it short and brown with blonde highlights? Long and raven
black? Blonde in pigtails?

Eyes: Describe his/her eyes. Are they silver and shiny? Are they baby blue like a cloudless summer
sky? Are they demonic red like a rose? Do they glimmer? Do they change color depending on his/her
current mood?

Origin: Where was this character born and raised? Perhaps s/he was born in Paris, France but raised
in New York City? Born and raised in the Nevada deserts? Perhaps s/he was born in Germany during
WW2, time traveled to America in the twentieth century to be raised, then time traveled to England in
1682 AD to live out his/her remaining years (if s/he is an elder).

Language: What language does your character speak? Perhaps he was born in Russia but learned
only German? Maybe she is a vampire from the 1800s and knows only British English as opposed to
American English? Does s/he speak a made-up language? (If you're making up the language, be sure
to provide yourself with an alphabet of some sort to be sure your character is accurate and there are
no faults to the word meanings. Although, as in Thai, some languages have words that may mean
more than one thing depending on how the voice is used. Be sure to explain to the reader what your
character is saying; ie: "Egocan non dico vos quotiens Ego adepto dementis." ("I can not to say you as
often as I to obtain insanity"). Have it in parenthesis directly after your character has spoken the
words or have another character ask to translate. Also, keep in mind, any time you are using another
language, the word(s) must be italicized and if you are already typing in italicized letters, they will be

Blood Type: What blood type does your character have? Is it human sort like O Positive or B
Negative? Perhaps it is a space alien kind? Is it green or yellow or is it red like a human but is taken
from a space alien?

Height: How tall is your character? Is he as huge as a giant and the rest of his people are small
enough to be ants to him? Perhaps shes small in size but her great heart makes her huge? Maybe
your character can be tiny but with supernatural abilities, can grow into great sizes.

Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: How much does s/he weigh? What is his/her body
like? What physical faults does s/he have? Does s/he weigh 160lbs with an athletic form but a bad
case of acne? Is s/he a warrior who weighs 225lbs but is entirely covered in muscle and has scars all
over his/her body? Is s/he aged with wrinkles, heavy set, appearing to look about 215lbs, and has a
withered arm or deformed face? If there are scars, how did s/he receive them? Does your character
looks every inch human but has wings and horns like that of a demon?

Race/Species: Give your character some depth beside the basics. Could your character be
something more than just an ordinary human, perhaps like a deity in a human body--remember
Hercules? Maybe your character is a new species that you made up just for this tale--explain
it. Perhaps its nothing new and just another human race, like a Pacific Islander, a Native American
(Indian), or a Spaniard? Maybe your character is an African from South Africa but sounds like s/he is
from Australia?

Parents/Elders/Guardians: Who raised your character? Is the mother or father deceased? Was
your character an orphan? Does your character know his/her parents?

Siblings: Is your character an only child? If no, who are/is his/her brother(s) or sister(s)?

Friends/Allies: Who are your character's friends or is your character a recluse? Does your character
have allies, perhaps a fellow street gang or another territory/country?

Enemies: Everyone has at least one enemy--who is your character's enemy? Is it a rival country that
wishes war for religious beliefs? Is it another street gang that's jealous because your character's gang
has more power or money? Is it a girl/boy who is jealous of your character for being too popular in

Beliefs/Religion: What does your character believe in? Is s/he Agnostic, Satanic, Christian, Muslim,
Jewish? Does your character pray ritualistically or worship a Pagan God or several Indian Gods? What
are the God's names and what do they have powers over?

Career/Past Careers: Is your character a pizza delivery boy and get paid $6.50 an hour? Is s/he a
tavern wench in the Medieval Era? Is s/he an outlaw in a western timeline? Did s/he used to be a
chamber maid/servant/cook in a Medieval Castle and marry off to become a mother/father of a large

Dreams/Life Goals: What dreams does your character have? What life goals does s/he wish to
achieve sometime in his/her life? Does s/he want to become a computer professor at a Pennsylvania
University but right now is struggling with a measly retail job and going to school? Does s/he want to
become a Knight but is currently a Squire? Perhaps s/he has a dream to be able to walk but is
currently crippled and lives in an era where there is no cure for a withered leg or dead nerves.

Hobbies: What does s/he do in his/her spare time? Perhaps s/he enjoys listening to the Boston
Symphony playing live in concert? Does s/he enjoy reading mystery novels or writing romance
stories? Maybe s/he likes to be around animals and enjoys the comfort of a feline or the dependency
of a beast.

Likes: What does your character like? Perhaps s/he enjoys a bouquet of roses? Perhaps s/he likes
rain showers. Maybe s/he feels more comfortable in a dark environment?

Loves: What does your character love to do? Does s/he love to paint? Does s/he love a certain
pet? Perhaps s/he loves receiving boxes of chocolate from a loved one? How about two warriors
dueling-- does your character love to watch or play spare within one?

Dislikes: Your character dislikes something--what is it? Maybe s/he is jealous because a fellow class
mate is too smart or popular? Perhaps s/he just can't stand sunshine? Maybe s/he dislikes the color
pink because it looks too feminine or blue because it's too masculine.

Loathes: What does your character hate the most of all? Perhaps an enemy ruler who is perfect and
his people love him--your character hates him because s/he is jealous that the enemy ruler has
everything? Maybe your character loathes his/her mother for abandoning him/her in his/her youth?

Fears: What his s/he afraid of? Everyone has a fear; even if somebody claims s/he is afraid of
nothing then s/he is explaining s/he fears the absence of nothing. Maybe your character is a vampire
and fears the sunlight? Maybe your
character is an 11 year old boy and is afraid of the dark? Maybe your character is a 17 year old girl
who lives in a bad neighborhood and fears getting raped? Perhaps your character is an elder and
fears getting mugged or ignored from his/her juniors (juniors = younger citizens)?

Strengths: Give your character strength; what makes him/her stronger inside? Maybe s/he can run
in track but can't walk a marathon? Your character can write a brilliant novel on the computer but
can't form words with a pen and paper? Your character knows sixteen different languages, how to
build a super computer, and create a time traveling device but cannot ride a bicycle (see Weakness)?

Weakness: Everyone has to have a weakness--some reason why they are not a powerful God. If
your character does not have a weakness then the story becomes fake and the reader will not wish to
continue the story because the reality of it has disappeared. Make sure your character has as
many weaknesses as strengths. As seen in Strengths, perhaps your character knows sixteen
different languages, how to build a super computer, and create a time traveling device but cannot ride
a bicycle? Maybe your character can communicate with animals (see Strengths) but cannot
communicate with people very well?

Good Qualities: What makes your character good in heart? Remember, even pure evil has some
good in it; Satan (in Biblical beliefs) used to be one of the most favored angels of Jesus Christ but had
fallen due to his jealousy. Perhaps your character has so much honor and pride as an American
hostage in a war and will stand up to the kidnappers and be shot rather than cower in fear
(patriotic)? Perhaps s/he has been raised in a very bad family but came out never touching a
cigarette, drugs, or alcohol and never received any piercing or tattoos?

Bad Habits: Does your character bite his/her nails until they bleed? Does s/he chew on his/her lower
lip when thinking? Maybe your character can't help but pick his/her nose in public? Maybe s/he is
almost always sexually turned on and is easy because of it?

Normal Talents: This is connected to the Supernatural Powers & Ability category. What makes your
character different from everyone else? This is where you are allowed to have funBUT KEEP IT
REALISTIC! Even if your story is science-fiction or fantasy, you still have to make your story
believable. Does s/he have luck when playing Texas Holdem (poker)? Is your character a wiz at
computers? Can s/he read a four hundred page book in less than four hours? Maybe s/he has a
photographic memory? Or perhaps s/he is so good with numbers s/he doesnt ever require the use of
a calculator?

Supernatural Powers & Abilities: This goes hand-in-hand with the Normal Talents category. This
is where you state what your character is or what his/her supernatural ability or power may be. If
your character is not supernatural, this category can be left blank. Either way, you must remember to
KEEP IT REALISTIC! Even if your story is science-fiction or fantasy, you still have to make your
story believable. Even supernatural creatures from other planets are realistic enough to
believe. Remember, you want your reader to understand what youre writing aboutnot be turned
away if your character has a godlike syndrome. Perhaps your character has the unconscious effort to
suspend time or perhaps your character can ignite fire with the flick of a wrist? If your character has
the ability to fly at night and when the sun sets wings appear, that would be considered supernatural
(wings would be mentioned beneath the Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults category). Maybe
your character can shape shift into another creature or character? Perhaps s/he is
telekinetic/psychokinetic (ability to move things with your mind), telepathic (ability to read and control
minds), or has the ability/power to create fire without using anything but your hands or mind? Maybe
s/he can go invisible? Supernatural is anything that is Super and Natural (like Superman). It
needs to still be natural but more superb than our natural.

Temperament: This is where you explain your character's basic personality. Is your character an
introvert or an extrovert? Is s/he a class clown or a shy book worm? Was your character born with
the heredity genes to be a wild-driven party-lover? Perhaps s/he is difficult to deal with? Maybe s/he
is easy when it comes to sexual activity. Is your character understanding of others? Or maybe s/he
was held back in education by a learning disorder?

Background: This has the largest writing section available because this is where you are going to
explain your character's life story up to the point where s/he is first mentioned in the story (though
some writers still continue the background throughout the character's appearance in the said
tales). Even if your character is a 3 year old child, you still explain his/her background; how old was
the child when s/he learned to speak or walk? This is where you can have as much fun as you would
like with your character, but again KEEP IT REALISTIC! Perhaps your character is a 16 year old
orphan; what happened to make him/her an orphan and explain his/her life up until s/he enters the
story. Maybe your character is a senior citizen; explain most of his/her life if it is required for the

Character Profile Sheet

Character Name:
Full Name:
Nick Name(s):
Marital Status:
Blood Type:
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults:
Career/Past Careers:
Dreams/Life Goals:
Good Qualities:
Bad Habits:
Natural Talents:
Supernatural Powers & Abilities:

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