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Please join this urgent message for delivery at the United Nations

Climate Summit on September 23, 2014, by signing it online at

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your own networks of friends, colleagues, students, and other
associates so that they too add their names to this urgent appeal.

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Buman-inuuceu climate change is an issue beyonu politics. It tianscenus paities,
nations, anu even geneiations. Foi the fiist time in human histoiy, the veiy health of
the planet, anu theiefoie the bases foi futuie economic uevelopment, the enu of
poveity, anu human wellbeing, aie in the balance. If we weie facing an imminent
thieat fiom beyonu Eaith, theie is no uoubt that humanity woulu immeuiately unite
in common cause. The fact that the thieat comes fiom within - inueeu fiom
ouiselves - anu that it uevelops ovei an extenueu peiiou of time uoes not altei the
uigency of coopeiation anu uecisive action.

The woilu has agieeu to limit the mean tempeiatuie inciease to less than 2-uegiees
Centigiaue (2C). Even a 2C inciease will caiiy us to uangeious anu unpieceuenteu
conuitions not seen on Eaith uuiing the entiie peiiou of human civilization. vaiious
physical feeubacks - in the Aictic, the oceans, the iainfoiests, anu the tunuia - coulu
multiply a 2C tempeiatuie inciease into vastly highei tempeiatuies anu climate
uisiuption. Foi this ieason many scientists anu some countiies auvocate foi 1.SC oi
even stiictei taigets.

To give up on the 2C limit, on the othei hanu, woulu be ieckless anu foolish. We
woulu abanuon oui iemaining chance to stay within a safe opeiating space foi
humanity anu that of millions of othei species. By holuing the 2C limit, we woulu
ietain the global option to auopt an even moie stiingent emission ieuuction limit in
line with evolving scientific knowleuge anu technological capacities.

The 2C limit, oi an even stiongei taiget, can be met thiough long-teim national
stiategies anu conceiteu global coopeiation. All countiies must commit to a ueep
uecaibonization of theii eneigy systems, shifting fiom high-caibon eneigy (coal, oil,
anu natuial gas) to low-caibon eneigy of vaiious kinus (e.g. winu, solai, nucleai,
caibon captuie anu sequestiation, known as CCS). Low-caibon electiicity plus
massive gains in eneigy efficiency anu the electiification of vehicles, heating anu
cooling systems of commeicial as well as iesiuential builuings can leau to a uiamatic
ieuuction of caibon-uioxiue emissions alongsiue a giowing economy. Changes in
lifestyle patteins anu uiban planning can make anothei impoitant contiibution. The
many co-benefits of uecaibonization with the ueployment of sustainable eneigy,
infoimation anu communication technologies will incluue cleanei aii anu watei,
enhanceu biouiveisity, anu secuiity of uomestic ienewable eneigy iesouices.
Taigeteu effoits aie also iequiieu to uecaibonize key inuustiies. Finally, countiies
neeu to cuib gieenhouse gas emissions iesulting fiom agiicultuie, livestock, anu
lanu-use change, such as uefoiestation. They must also manage anu iestoie

ecosystems to ensuie they can seive as a significant net sink foi gieenhouse gas

The technological tiansition uuiing the fiist half of the 21st centuiy is within ieach,
especially in light of massive auvances in knowhow in iecent yeais. In many paits of
the woilu anu in some contexts, solai anu winu powei aie alieauy at "giiu paiity."
Laige-scale ueployment of electiic vehicles, caibon-captuie anu sequestiation, next-
geneiation nucleai powei plants foi those countiies ueploying nucleai powei, anu
othei low-caibon eneigy technologies aie all within ieach. They can be pusheu to
commeicial ieauiness anu laige-scale ueployment thiough conceiteu public anu
piivate piogiams of ieseaich, uevelopment, uemonstiation, anu uiffusion (RBB&B)
on a global scale.

We have neaily exhausteu the Eaith's caibon buuget, which measuies the
cumulative emissions of C02 that will likely keep the planet within the 2C limit.
0nly thiough a uiastic ieuuction of caibon emissions between now anu 2uSu, en
ioute to a zeio-net emission economy in the seconu half of the centuiy, can we meet
the challenge of iemaining below 2C. Yet, ueep uecaibonization can be
accomplisheu. As Piesiuent }ohn F. Kenneuy saiu a half-centuiy ago, "We choose to
go to the moon in this uecaue anu uo the othei things, not because they aie easy, but
because they aie haiu, because that goal will seive to oiganize anu measuie the best
of oui eneigies anu skills ."

In oui time, humanity again must choose, this time to save oui planet fiom
shoitsighteuness, gieeu, anu apathy to avoiu catastiophic climate change. This time
too, we must oiganize anu measuie the best of oui eneigies anu skills to stay within
2C. We call upon you, woilu leaueis, to iecognize the giavity of the situation, anu to
call upon all of us to iise to the occasion. We owe nothing less to ouiselves, to futuie
geneiations, anu to Eaith itself.

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Iiene Agyepong, Regional Biiectoi, Bealth foi uieatei Accia*
BSB Piince Albeit II, Beau of State, Nonaco*
Nuskuau A. Al-Khateeb, Beau, Bepaitment of Sustainable Bevelopment,
Enviionment Reseaich Centei, 0niveisity of Technology, Baghuau
Fianois Anctil, Biiecteui, Institut Byuio-Quebec en Enviionnement,
Bveloppement et Socit
Nuhammau Basan Ali Baig, Bypeispectial Remote Sensing Laboiatoiy (BRS),
Institute of Remote Sensing anu Bigital Eaith (RABI)
Niiupam Bajpai, Biiectoi, Columbia ulobal Centeis | South Asia
Belay Begashaw, Biiectoi, Columbia ulobal Centei, Naiiobi*
Fiances Beinecke, Piesiuent, Natuial Resouices Befense Council (NRBC)*

}oseph Bell, Bogan Lovells, Washington*
Abuullahi Nohammeu Bello, Feueial 0niveisity, Kasheie, uombe-Nigeiia
Alan Beinstein, Piesiuent anu Chief Executive 0fficei, Canauian Institute foi
Auvanceu Reseaich (CIFAR)
Baviu Beiiy, Founuei, }oule 0nlimiteu*
uianluca Bieghi, Nanaging Biiectoi, Fonuazione Achille Sclavo
Cailo Caiiaio, Rectoi, Ca' Foscaii 0niveisity of venice
}oshua Castellino, Bean, Law School, 0niveisity of Niuulesex*
Nauiizio Celluia, Full Piofessoi, Bipaitimento ui Eneigi, Ingegneiia
uell'Infoimazione e Nouelli Natematici (BEIN), 0niveisity of Paleimo
Nauhav Chavan, Co-founuei anu CE-Piesiuent, Piatham, Inuia*
Bienuan Cox, Biiectoi, Policy anu Auvocacy, Save the Chiluien
Patiick Ciiqui, Beau of EBBEN Reseaich uioup, CNRS-0niveisity of uienoble
Yacine Bansokho, ueneial Nanagei, Enviionmental Science anu Netiology Institute,
Sii Paitha Basgupta, Piofessoi Emeiitus, 0niveisity of Cambiiuge, 0niteu Kinguom
Richaiu Beckelbaum, Biiectoi, Institute of Buman Nutiition, Columbia 0niveisity
Lecleie Biffo, Piesiuent, uieen Boiizon Cameioon
Bineta Biop, Piesiuent, Femmes Afiica Soliuaiit*
Eugenio Bi Sciascio, Rectoi, Politecnico ui Baii
Achim Bobeimann, Biiectoi, Rothamsteu Reseaich*
Nay East, Chief Executive, CIFAL Scotlanu
Kokunie Eghafona, Sustainable Bevelopment Besk 0fficei, 0niveisity of Benin,
Benin City, Nigeiia
0stn Eiguei, Biiectoi, SBSN Tuikey
}os Naiia Figueies, CE0, Caibon Wai Room*
Naiia Fieiie, Piesiuent anu Executive Biiectoi of the Founuation foi the National
Institutes of Bealth (FNIB)*
Nichael ueiiaiu, Piofessoi, Columbia 0niveisity Law School
Bave uiiggs, Biiectoi, Nonash Sustainability Insititute, Nonash 0niveisity
}ennifei uioss, Nembei of the Boaiu, uioss Family Founuation
Zakii Abuul Bamiu, Chaii, Inteinational Science-Policy Platfoim on Biouiveisity anu
Ecosystem Seivices (IPBES)*
}ames Bansen, Foimei Biiectoi, NASA uouuaiu Institute foi Space Stuuies*
Tom Bellei, Executive Biiectoi, Climate Policy Initiative*
Feyeia Binsa Bunuessa, Biiectoi, Acauemic Piogiams Bevelopment anu
Aumissions, Baiamaya 0niveisity
Ivano Iannelli, CE0, Bubai Caibon Centie of Excellence
Pavel Kabat, Biiectoi, Inteinational Institute foi Applieu Systems Analysis (IIASA)*
}oan Kaufman, Biiectoi. Columbia ulobal Centeis East Asia
ueoig Kell, Executive Biiectoi, 0N ulobal Compact
Naik Kenbei, CE0, The Climate uioup
ueoffiey Kent, Founuei, Chaiiman anu CE0, Abeiciombie & Kent uioup of
Niclas Kjellstiom-Natseke, Nanaging Biiectoi, Novameuia Sweuish Postcoue

Isiael Klabin, Founuei anu Executive Biiectoi, Biazilian Founuation foi Sustainable
Fieu Kiupp, Piesiuent, Enviionmental Befense Funu
Felipe Laiiain, Biiectoi, Centio Latinoameiicano ue Politicas Economicas y Sociales
Richaiu Layaiu, Biiectoi. Well-Being Piogiamme Centie foi Economic Peifoimance
Lonuon School of Economics*
Fiannie Lautiei, Paitnei anu Chief Executive 0fficei, Nkoba Piivate Equity Funu*
Yuan Lee, Foimei Piesiuent, Acauemia Sinica anu Nobel Piize Lauieate*
Klaus Leisingei, Piesiuent, Stiftung ulobale Weite Allianz*
Coiinne Le Queie, Biiectoi Tynuall Centei foi Climate Change Reseaich, 0niveisity
of East Anglia
uoiuon Liu, Biiectoi, Peking 0niveisity China Centei foi Bealth Economic Reseaich
}ane Lubchenco, 0iegon State 0niveisity, Coivallis*
Soien Winthei Lunuby, CE0, ulobalCitizen
Nichael NacCiacken, Chief Scientist foi Climate Change Piogiams, Climate Institute
Aiun Najumuai, Eneigy Initiatives Leau, uoogle Inc*
Nichael Nann, Piofessoi anu Biiectoi, Eaith System Science Centei, Pennsylvania
State 0niveisity
}ulia Naiton-Lefevie, Biiectoi ueneial, I0CN*
vlauimii Nau, Rectoi, Russian Piesiuential Acauemy of National Economy anu
Public Auministiation*
Biik Nessnei, Biiectoi, ueiman Bevelopment Institute
Chiaia Nio, Rectoi's Belegate on Enviionmental Sustainability anu 0niveisity Social
Responsibity, Ca' Foscaii 0niveisity of venice
Angus B. Nunio, vice-Piesiuent, Reseaich, Bevelopment anu Policy, 0niveisity of
Shahiu Naeem , Biiectoi, Eaith Institute Centei foi Enviionmental Sustainability*
Clauue Nahon, Executive vice Piesiuent foi Sustainable Bevelopment, EBF*
Sunitia Naiain, Biiectoi ueneial, Centie foi Science anu Enviionment
Rebecca Nelson, Piofessoi. Coinell 0niveisity*
Toleia Negassa, Teachei Bevelopment Piogiam Cooiuinatoi, Auama Science anu
Technology 0niveisity
Cheiie Nuisalim, Executive Biiectoi, uITI uioup*
Ngozi Ifeoma 0uiaka, Piofessoi, 0niveisity of Agiicultuie Nakuiui, Benue State,
Ikenna 0nyiuo, Founuei anu Biiectoi, Centie foi Sustainable Bevelopment, Nnamui
Azikiwe 0niveisity, Nigeiia*
Naii Pangestu, Ninistei of Touiism anu Cieative Inuustiies, Inuonesia*
ueoige Papanuieou, Foimei Piime Ninistei, uieece*
Paul Polman, CE0, 0nilevei*
Laboue Popoola, Piofessoi, Foiest Economics & Biiectoi, Centie foi Sustainable
Bevelopment, 0niveisity of Ibauan
Albeito Posso, Senioi Lectuiei Economics, RNIT
Ketut ueue Bhaima Putia, Chaiiman, Centei foi Sustainable Bevelopment 0uayana

0niveisity of Bali
v (Ram) Ramanathan, Piofessoi, SCRIPPS Institution of 0ceanogiaphy, 0CSB,
Rino Rappuoli, ulobal Beau, R&B Novaitis vaccines anu Piesiuent, Fonuazione
Achille Sclavo
Nichael Raupach, Biiectoi, Climate Change Institute, Austialian National 0niveisity
Siinath Reuuy, Piesiuent anu Executive Biiectoi, Public Bealth Founuation of Inuia*
Iiwin Reulenei, Biiectoi, National Centei foi Bisastei Piepaieuness, Eaith Institute,
Columbia 0niveisity
Aiomai Revi, Biiectoi, Inuian Institute foi Buman Settlements*
Angelo Riccaboni, Rectoi, 0niveisity of Siena, Italy*
}ohan Rockstiom, Executive Biiectoi, Stockholm Resilience Centei*
}onathan Rose, Piesiuent, }onathan Rose Companies
Cynthia Rosenzweig, Piofessoi, Eaith Institute, Columbia 0niveisity*
Angelo Antonio Russo, Biiectoi, PBB Piogiam in Economics anu Nanagement of
Natuial Resouices anu Associate Piofessoi of Nanagement, L0N 0niveisity
Robeito Russo, Piesiuent, Inteinational Feueiation foi Sustainable Bevelopment
anu Fight to Poveity in the Neuiteiiianean-Black Sea, FISPNEB
Naicelo Sanchez Soionuo, Chancelloi, The Pontifical Acauemy of Science
}effiey Sayei, Biiectoi, Bevelopment Piactice Piogiamme, }ames Cook 0niveisity
}effiey B. Sachs, Biiectoi, Eaith Institute, Columbia 0niveisity Biiectoi of the SBSN*
Naicello Scalisi, Executive Biiectoi, 0NINEB-Neuiteiianean 0niveisities 0nion
Anna Skaibek, Executive Biiectoi, ClimateWoiks Austialia
Bans }oachim Schellnhubei, Biiectoi, Potsuam Institute foi Climate Impact Reseaich
}osette Sheeian, Piesiuent, Asia Society*
Will Steffen, Aujunct Piofessoi, Fennei School of Enviionment anu Society, The
Austialian 0niveisity
Loiu Nicholas Stein, Iu Patel Piofessoi, Chaii of uiantham Institute, Lonuon School
of Economics
Naik Staffoiu Smith, Chaii, Futuie Eaith Science Committee
Pavan Sukhuev, Founuei anu Chief Executive 0fficei, uIST Auvisoiy*
Nohu Yusoff Sulaiman, Piesiuent anu CE0, NIuBT
}atna Supiiatna, Chaiiman, 0niveisity of Inuonesia Reseaich Centei of Climate
Naik Teicek, Piesiuent anu CE0, The Natuie Conseivancy
}ohn Thwaites, Chaii, Nonash Sustainability Institute*
}ean-Philippe Thomas, Executive Secietaiiat, ENBA Tieis Nonue
Lena Tienschow-Toiell, Chaiiman, NISTRA*
Lauience Tubiana, Piofessoi, Sciences Po (Paiis) anu Columbia 0niveisity, Co-Chaii
of the SBSN Leaueiship Council*
Teu Tuinei, Founuei anu Chaiiman, 0niteu Nations Founuation*
Auwalu 0ba, Abubakai Tafawa Balewa 0niveisity, Bauchi
Bans vestbeig, Piesiuent anu CE0, Eiicsson uioup*
viigilio viana, Biiectoi ueneial, Amazonas Sustainability Founuation*
Naitin visbeck, Chaii in Physical 0ceanogiaphy, uE0NAR - Belmholtz Centie foi

0cean Reseaich Kiel & Kiel 0niveisity*
Nathis Wackeinagel, Piesiuent, ulobal Footpiint Netwoik
Patiick Paul Walsh, Chaii of the Acauemic Steeiing uioup, ulobal NBP Association
Kevin Watkins, Biiectoi, 0veiseas Bevelopment Institute
Robeit Watson, foimei Chaii of the IPCC
Baniel Wienei, Chaiiman, ulobal Infiastiuctuie Basel Founuation
}ohn Wiseman, Beputy Biiectoi, Nelbouine Sustainability Society Institute,
0niveisity of Nelbouine
E.0. Wilson, Emeiitus, Baivaiu 0niveisity
Xue Lan, Piofessoi anu Bean, School of Public Policy anu Nanagement, Tsinghua
0niveisity, Co-Chaii of the SBSN Leaueiship Council*
Biiokazu Yoshikawa, Piofessoi, New Yoik 0niveisity*
Soogil Young, Piofessoi, KBI School of Public Policy anu Nanagement*
Bill Zhou, Executive Biiectoi, S0SBS
Bania Zlotnik, Foimei Biiectoi, 0N Population Bivision*

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