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of Transportation
Federal Aviation
Subject: Airport Foreign Object Debris
(FOD) Management
Date: 9/30/2010
Initiated by: AA!100
AC No: 1"0/"210!2#
!. "U#"$S%. $%is advisor& circ'lar (A() provides g'idance )or developing and
managing an airport )oreign object debris (FOD) program* +n addition, t%is A( provides
speci)ications )or t%e e-'ipment 'sed in FOD removal operations*
&. SC$"%. $%e program described %erein is composed o) )o'r main areas. prevention/
detection/ removal/ and eval'ation* 0ac% o) t%e )o'r areas (corresponding to a dedicated c%apter
in t%is A() contains strategies and practices t%at can %elp red'ce FOD at airports*
$%e g'idance in t%is A( is partic'larl& applicable to airport o1ners and operators, air carrier
station managers, and general aviation operators* +ndivid'als in t%ese positions ma& t%en be able
to comm'nicate to apron cre1s, maintenance tec%nicians, and aircra)t servicing personnel t%e
sa)et& %a2ards posed b& FOD*
$%e FOD management g'idelines presented in t%is A( are advisor& and can be implemented at
t%e discretion o) t%e airport operator in accordance 1it% t%e airport operator3s approved Airport
(erti)ication Man'al*
'. CANC%((ATI$N. A( 1"0/"340!"5, Debris 6a2ards at (ivil Airports, dated 7/"/98, is
). A""(ICATI$N. $%e Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommends t%e g'idance
and speci)ications in t%is Advisor& (irc'lar )or developing and managing an airport FOD
management program* +n general, 'se o) t%is A( is not mandator&* 6o1ever, 'se o) t%is A( is
mandator& )or t%e ac-'isition o) FOD removal e-'ipment t%ro'g% t%e Airport +mprovement
9rogram (A+9) or t%e 9assenger Facilit& (%arge (9F() 9rogram* ee :rant Ass'rance ;o* 3#,
9olicies, tandards, and peci)ications, and 9F( Ass'rance ;o*9, tandards and peci)ications*
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
*. C$++%NTS $# SU,,%STI$NS )or improvements to t%is A( s%o'ld be sent to.
Manager, Airport 0ngineering Division (AA!100)
A$$;. FOD MA;A:0M0;$
Federal Aviation Administration
400 +ndependence Aven'e <
<as%ington D( 20"91
Mic%ael =* O>Donnell
Director o) Airport a)et& and tandards
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
TA-(% $. C$NT%NTS
CHAPTER 1. T%#+IN$($,/ AND #%.%#%NC%S.........................................................!
1*1* D0F+;+$+O;********************************************************************************************************1
1*2* A(?O;@M A;D $0?M***********************************************************************************1
1*3* A99A+(A5A0 DO(BM0;$*******************************************************************************2
CHAPTER 2. INT#$DUCTI$N..............................................................................................*
2*1* :0;0?AA***************************************************************************************************************"
2*2* FOD FB;DAM0;$AA****************************************************************************************"
2*3 A; A+?9O?$ FOD MA;A:0M0;$ 9?O:?AM**********************************************8
CHAPTER 3. .$D "#%0%NTI$N..........................................................................................1
3*1* A<A?0;0**********************************************************************************************************9
3*2* $?A+;+;: A;D 0DB(A$+O;***************************************************************************11
3*3* MA+;$0;A;(0 9?O:?AM***************************************************************************12
CHAPTER 4. .$D D%T%CTI$N..........................................................................................!*
#*1* :0;0?AA*************************************************************************************************************1"
#*2* FOD ?+C A0M0;$***********************************************************************************1"
#*3* FOD D0$0($+O; O90?A$+O;**********************************************************************1"
#*#* FOD D0$0($+O; 0DB+9M0;$************************************************************************19
CHAPTER 5. .$D #%+$0A(..............................................................................................&!
"*1* 5A(C:?OB;D***************************************************************************************************21
"*2* 0DB+9M0;$ (6A?A($0?+$+(*******************************************************************21
"*3* 90?FO?MA;(0**************************************************************************************************23
"*#* ?0MOEAA O90?A$+O;***********************************************************************************2#
CHAPTER 6. .$D %0A(UATI$N........................................................................................&*
8*1* DA$A (OAA0($+O; A;D A;AA@+**************************************************************2"
8*2* (O;$+;BOB 9?O:?AM +M9?OE0M0;$***************************************************28
A""%NDI2 A: SU,,%ST%D DUTI%S AND #%S"$NSI-I(ITI%S $. T3% .$D
A*1* :0;0?AA*************************************************************************************************************29
A*2* $60 FOD MA;A:0?*****************************************************************************************29
A""%NDI2 -: .$D #%+$0A( %4UI"+%NT: ADDITI$NA( STANDA#DS................'!
5*1 D0+:; $A;DA?D****************************************************************************************31
5*2 (O;$?B($+O; $A;DA?D************************************************************************37
5*3 D0A+E0?@ A;D A((09$A;(0 $A;DA?D***********************************************34
5*# 9O$!D0A+E0?@ $A;DA?D************************************************************************39
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
(IST $. .I,U#%S
Fig're 2!1* ?elations%ip bet1een t%e )o'r main areas in a FOD program*************************************4
$%is page intentionall& le)t blanF*
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
CHAPTER 1. $0?M+;OAO:@ A;D ?0F0?0;(0
1.1. D%.INITI$NS.
a. Air $perations Area 5A$A6. All airport areas 1%ere aircra)t can operate, eit%er 'nder
t%eir o1n po1er or 1%ile in to1* $%e AOA incl'des r'n1a&s, taGi1a&s, apron areas, and all
'npaved s'r)aces 1it%in t%e airport3s perimeter )ence*
b. Airport Apron 5or #amp6. A s'r)ace in t%e AOA 1%ere aircra)t parF and are serviced
(re)'eled, loaded 1it% cargo, and/or boarded b& passengers)*
c. Clean7as7you7o. $%e practice o) cleaning one3s s'rro'ndings be)ore, d'ring, and a)ter a
s%i)t, especiall& 1%en 1orFing 1it% items t%at ma& become FOD*
d. .orein $bject Debris 5.$D6. An& object, live or not, located in an inappropriate
location in t%e airport environment t%at %as t%e capacit& to inj're airport or air carrier personnel
and damage aircra)t* N$T%: The FAA is cooperating with international aviation organizations
in an effort to develop a standard, international definition of FOD. If, and when, such a
definition is developed and adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO!,
that definition will ta"e precedence over the one provided in this AC.
e. .orein $bject Debris 5.$D6 Damae. An& damage attrib'ted to a )oreign object t%at
can be eGpressed in p%&sical or economic terms 1%ic% ma& or ma& not do1ngrade t%e prod'ct3s
sa)et& or per)ormance c%aracteristics* N$T%: For the purposes of this AC, and to reduce
confusion and ensure consistency in language and ter#inology, $FOD% will only refer to the
phrase $foreign ob&ect debris.%
f. 3a8ard. A condition, object or activit& 1it% t%e potential )or ca'sing damage, loss, or
g. +anufacturer. $%e distrib'tor, lessor, or s'pplier o) a'tomated FOD detection
e-'ipment* $%is incl'des an& operator o) a FOD removal program t%at incorporates FOD
detection e-'ipment and removal e-'ipment*
1.2. AC#$N/+S AND T%#+S.
A(M Airport (erti)ication Man'al
AOA Air Operations Area
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FOD Foreign Object Debris
:0 :ro'nd 'pport 0-'ipment
+(AO +nternational (ivil Aviation Organi2ation
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
;6$A ;ational 6ig%1a& $ra))ic a)et& Administration
A0 ociet& o) A'tomotive 0ngineers
BAF Bnited tates Air Force
1.3. A""(ICA-(% D$CU+%NTS.
$%e )ollo1ing doc'ments )orm part o) t%is speci)ication and are applicable to t%e eGtent
a. D$T Standards 9 .AA $rders: Specifications: Dra;ins: and Advisory Circulars
A( 1"0/"200!" <ildli)e Attractants On or ;ear Airports
A( 1"0/"210!" 9ainting, MarFing, and Aig%ting o) Ee%icles Bsed on an Airport
A( 1"0/"200!14 Airport a)et& el)!+nspection
A( 1"0/"200!30 Airport <inter a)et& and Operations
A( 1"0/"220!2# Airport Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Detection 0-'ipment
A( 1"0/"300!13 Airport Design
A( 1"0/"370!2 Operational a)et& on Airports D'ring (onstr'ction
A( 1"0/"340!8 :'idelines and 9roced'res )or Maintenance o) Airport 9avements
;6$A FME 103 <inds%ield De)rosting and De)ogging &stems
b. Industry "ublications.
(%aplin, :* MaFe it FOD Free. $%e Bltimate FOD 9revention 9rogram
;AF9+ Foreign Object Debris (FOD) 9revention :'idelines
;A #12 Foreign Object Damage/Foreign Object Debris (FOD) 9revention
an Antonio
+nternational Airport FOD 9revention 9rogram Man'al
A0 12#7 Aircra)t :ro'nd 'pport 0-'ipment H :eneral ?e-'irements
A0 =1"03 9er)ormance $est )or Air!(onditioned, 6eated, and Eentilated O))!
?oad el)!9ropelled <orF Mac%ines
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
c. Sources.
(1)FAA A(s ma& be obtained )rom t%e FAA 1ebsite at.
(2)FAA Orders, peci)ications, and Dra1ings ma& be obtained )rom. Federal Aviation
Administration, A$O!< (M!;A Doc'mentation, (ontrol (enter, 400 +ndependence Aven'e,
<, <as%ington, D( 20"91* $elep%one. (202) "#4!"2"8, FAJ. (202) "#4!""01 and 1ebsite.
(3);6$A tandards ma& be obtained )rom. ;6$A 6D, 1200 ;e1 =erse& Aven'e,
0, <est 5'ilding <as%ington, D( 20"90* <ebsite. 111*n%tsa*dot*gov
(4)+nd'str& p'blications ma& be obtained )rom.
5a6 ;ational Aerospace FOD 9revention, +nc*, $elep%one. (400) 383!1121 and
1ebsite. 111*na)pi*com
5b6 $%e FOD (ontrol (orporation, 4947 0ast $an-'e Eerde ?oad, 5'ilding 309 !
Mail top K380, $'cson, Ari2ona BA, 4"7#9!9399 and 1ebsite. 111*maFeit)od)ree*com
5c6 ;ational Aerospace tandards (;A), )rom t%e Aerospace +nd'stries Association
o) America, +nc*, 1" +nverness <a& 0ast, +ngle1ood, (O 40112 and 1ebsite. global*i%s*com/L
5d6 an Antonio +nternational Airport, 9400 Airport 5lvd*, an Antonio, $J 74218,
$elep%one. (210) 207!3#7" and 1ebsite. 111*sanantonio*gov
5e6 ociet& o) A'tomotive 0ngineers, #00 (ommon1ealt% Drive, <arrendale, 9A
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
$%is page intentionall& le)t blanF*
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
CHAPTER 2. +;$?ODB($+O;
2.1. ,%N%#A(.
$%e presence o) FOD on an airport3s air operations area (AOA) poses a signi)icant t%reat to t%e
sa)et& o) air travel* FOD %as t%e potential to damage aircra)t d'ring critical p%ases o) )lig%t,
1%ic% can lead to catastrop%ic loss o) li)e and air)rame, and at t%e ver& least increased
maintenance and operating costs* FOD %a2ards can be red'ced, %o1ever, t%ro'g% t%e
implementation o) a FOD management program and t%e e))ective 'se o) FOD detection and
removal e-'ipment*
2.2. .$D .UNDA+%NTA(S.
a. .$D 3a8ards. FOD can severel& inj're airport or air carrier personnel or damage
e-'ipment* $&pes o) potential damage incl'de. c'tting aircra)t tires/ being ingested into engines/
or becoming lodged in mec%anisms a))ecting )lig%t operations* 9ersonnel inj'ries or even deat%
can occ'r 1%en jet blast propels FOD t%ro'g% t%e airport environment at %ig% velocities*
b. Sources of .$D.
(1)FOD comes )rom man& so'rces, 1%ic% complicates e))orts to maintain sa)e air)ield
operations* FOD can be generated )rom personnel, airport in)rastr'ct're (pavements, lig%ts, and
signs), t%e environment (1ildli)e, sno1, ice) and t%e e-'ipment operating on t%e air)ield (aircra)t,
airport operations ve%icles, maintenance e-'ipment, )'eling tr'cFs, ot%er aircra)t servicing
e-'ipment, and constr'ction e-'ipment)*
(2)FOD can collect bot% on and belo1 gro'nd s'pport e-'ipment stored or staged on t%e
airport apron, partic'larl& in apron areas* =et blast can t%en blo1 FOD onto personnel or an
aircra)t* =et blasts can also create r'n1a& FOD 1%en an aircra)t transitions )rom a relativel&
large!1idt% r'n1a& onto a smaller!1idt% taGi1a&* O'tboard engines blo1 an& loose dirt and
materials )rom t%e s%o'lder and in)ield areas onto t%e r'n1a&* Also, t%e o'tboard engines o)
)o'r!engine aircra)t can move debris )rom t%e r'n1a& edge and s%o'lder areas, 1%ere it tends to
acc'm'late, bacF to1ard t%e center o) t%e r'n1a& or taGi1a&*
(3)6elicopters t%at mane'ver over )res%l& mo1ed or loose!dirt in)ield areas can also
move FOD onto r'n1a&s, taGi1a&s, and ramps* +n addition, t%e rotor 1as% )rom a %elicopter can
propel lig%t1eig%t gro'nd s'pport e-'ipment (:0) or materials staged nearb&*
(4)FOD is o)ten more common 1%en airports begin constr'ction activities* FOD ma&
also be more prevalent in 1inter conditions, as aging pavement in)rastr'ct're ma& be in)l'enced
b& 1eat%ering ()ree2e and t%a1 c&cles) and begin to cracF or breaF apart*
(5)Advisor& (irc'lar 1"0/"200!30, Airport <inter a)et& and Operations, contains
speci)ic g'idance on 'sing and removing sand to minimi2e its c%ances o) becoming FOD in
1inter 1eat%er conditions*
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
(6)<eat%er can also be t%e ca'se o) FOD d'e to movement* For eGample, 1ind can
blo1 dr& debris, s'c% as sand or plastic bags, )rom relativel& non!critical areas onto t%e )lig%t
area* ?ain 1ater and drainage can stream m'd, pebbles and ot%er small items along t%e pat% o)
least resistance* A1areness o) 1eat%er!related so'rces o) FOD movement %elps civil engineers to
design barriers and ot%er str'ct'res properl&*
c. .$D Ta<onomy. $%e eGact nat're o) FOD is also varied* FOD can be composed o) an&
material and can be o) an& color and si2e* +n a one &ear airport st'd& (+n)ormation 9aper on
Frenc% t'd& on A'tomatic FOD Detection &stems N <orFs%op 0B?O(O;$?OA, 9!10 ='ne
2004), over 80O o) t%e collected, Fno1n FOD items 1ere made o) metal, )ollo1ed b& 14O o)
t%e items being made o) r'bber* DarF!colored items made 'p nearl& "0O o) t%e FOD collected*
$&pical FOD incl'des t%e )ollo1ing.
aircra)t and engine )asteners (n'ts, bolts, 1as%ers, sa)et& 1ire, etc*)/
aircra)t parts ()'el caps, landing gear )ragments, oil sticFs, metal s%eets, trapdoors,
and tire )ragments)/
mec%anics> tools/
catering s'pplies/
)lig%t line items (nails, personnel badges, pens, pencils, l'ggage tags, soda cans, etc*)/
apron items (paper and plastic debris )rom catering and )reig%t pallets, l'ggage parts,
and debris )rom ramp e-'ipment)/
r'n1a& and taGi1a& materials (concrete and asp%alt c%'nFs, r'bber joint materials,
and paint c%ips)/
constr'ction debris (pieces o) 1ood, stones, )asteners and miscellaneo's metal
plastic and/or pol&et%&lene materials/
nat'ral materials (plant )ragments, 1ildli)e and volcanic as%)/ and
contaminants )rom 1inter conditions (sno1, ice)*
FOD removal operations are not meant to occ'r 1%en a given area is contaminated 1it% sno1 or
ice* +n s'c% 1inter conditions, t%e proced'res listed in A( 1"0/"200!30, Airport <inter a)et&
and Operations, are 'sed to clear t%e AOA s'r)aces*
&.' AN AI#"$#T .$D +ANA,%+%NT "#$,#A+
a. Airport #eulatory #e=uirements.
(1)$%e need )or an airport to manage FOD is based on t%e re-'irements o'tlined in 1#
(F? 9art 139, (erti)ication o) Airports* $%e presence o) FOD in t%e airport environment is
disc'ssed in P139*30"*(a)*(#), 9aved Areas, 1%ic% states. Q0Gcept as provided in paragrap% (b) o)
t%is section, m'd, dirt, sand, loose aggregate, debris, )oreign objects, r'bber deposits, and ot%er
contaminants m'st be removed promptl& and as completel& as practicable*R +n addition, dail&
inspections per)ormed at certi)icated airports (1%ic% )orm t%e primar& means o) FOD detection
and removal at some airports) are re-'ired 'nder P139*327, el)!+nspection 9rogram* +nspections
are a Fe& component in airport operations, and an e))ective sel)!inspection program enables an
airport operator to identi)& and eliminate 'nsa)e conditions*
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
(2)Ot%er FAA g'idance doc'ments, s'c% as A( 1"0/"200!14, Airport a)et& el)!
+nspection, contain detailed in)ormation on t%e 9art 139 inspection process, stating t%at Q$%e
inspector s%o'ld contin'o'sl& c%ecF )or, and remove an& FOD in movement areas, aircra)t
parFing areas and loading rampsR (re)erence paragrap% 11*g)* +t s%o'ld be noted t%at 1%ile 9art
139 re-'irements are mandator& )or a %older o) a 9art 139 Airport Operating (erti)icate, t%e
reg'lation contains man& sa)et& practices t%e FAA recommends )or 'se at all airports*
(3)+nternational standards and practices also disc'ss t%e iss'e o) FOD in airports* +(AO
AnneG 1#, Aerodrome Design and Operations, (%apter 10*2*1 states, Q$%e s'r)aces o) all
movement areas incl'ding pavements (r'n1a&s, taGi1a&s and aprons) and adjacent areas s%all be
inspected and t%eir conditions monitored reg'larl& as part o) an aerodrome preventive and
corrective maintenance programme 1it% t%e objective o) avoiding and eliminating an& loose
objects/debris t%at mig%t ca'se damage to aircra)t or impair t%e operation o) aircra)t s&stems*R
b. "roram Areas.
(1)A s'ccess)'l FOD management programs t&picall& contain )o'r main areas, eac%
containing signi)icant elements, as o'tlined belo1 and in Fig're 2!1.
- A1areness (eGistence o) t%e FOD program and management s'pport)
- $raining and ed'cation (implementation o) t%e FOD program)
- Maintenance
- Operations (man'al inspections and 'se o) detection e-'ipment)
- 0-'ipment
- 0-'ipment
- Operations
- Data collection and anal&sis
- (ontin'o's improvement (trending, )eedbacF, incident investigation)
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
.iure &7!. #elationship bet;een the four main areas in a .$D proram
(2)"ractical uidance for .$D manaers. FOD managers are enco'raged to b'ild
'pon t%e g'idance provided in t%is A( 1%en implementing or improving t%eir o1n programs*
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
CHAPTER 3. FOD 9?0E0;$+O;
3.1. A>A#%N%SS.
a. "roram %<istence and Status.
(1)A )irst step in implementing a s'ccess)'l FOD management program is maFing s're
t%at applicable personnel are a1are o) t%e program3s eGistence* An airport3s FOD management
s&stem s%o'ld be visible in all aspects o) t%e airport operation* +mprovements in FOD sa)et& 1ill
occ'r most e))icientl& i) all airport personnel are activel& enco'raged to identi)& potential FOD
%a2ards, act to remove observed FOD, and propose sol'tions to mitigate t%ose %a2ards* ome
eGamples o) organi2ational comm'nication are.
(a)FOD seminars/
(b)FOD letters, notices and b'lletins/
(c)FOD lessons!learned/
(d)FOD b'lletin boards, sa)et& reporting drop boGes, and electronic reporting
t%ro'g% 1eb sites or email/ and
(e)A met%od to eGc%ange sa)et&!related in)ormation 1it% ot%er airport operators
t%ro'g% regional o))ices or pro)essional organi2ations*
(f) Airport FOD program promotional materials, s'c% as t!s%irts, sticFers, FOD
disposal cans, and smaller give!a1a& items*
(g)FOD disc'ssion at emplo&ee sta)) meetings*
b. .$D "olicy and +anaement Support.
(1)An e))ective FOD program m'st also %ave t%e )'ll s'pport o) management*
Management3s commitment to FOD prevention s%o'ld be )ormall& eGpressed in a statement o)
t%e organi2ation3s FOD polic&* $%e statement 1ill serve to )ormall& establis% t%e FOD
management program* 9osting t%is polic& statement in conspic'o's locations 1ill %elp rein)orce
t%e organi2ation3s commitment to FOD prevention and %elp remind emplo&ees o) t%eir FOD
management d'ties* ome Fe& elements o) an airport3s FOD polic& are.
(a)An o'tline o) t%e met%ods and processes t%at t%e organi2ation 1ill 'se to ac%ieve
desired sa)et& o'tcomes*
(b)$%e organi2ation3s polic& concerning responsibilit& and acco'ntabilit&*
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
(2)The .$D "roram +anaer.
(a)Airport operators s%o'ld designate an acco'ntable sta)) member to manage t%e
airport3s FOD programs and iss'es* $%is designated individ'al can be a dedicated FOD manager
or can %ave ot%er d'ties (e*g*, operations manger, sa)et& manager, etc*)*
(b)$%e responsibilities o) t%e FOD Manager s%o'ld be clearl& de)ined along t%e
identi)ied lines o) comm'nication 1it%in t%e organi2ation* Additionall&, t%e FOD manager
s%o'ld be allo1ed to report to t%e %ig%est levels o) management (e*g* airport president, c%ie)
eGec'tive o))icer ((0O), etc*) to ass're appropriate consideration o) all reports,
recommendations, and iss'es*
(c)$%e FOD manager s%o'ld reg'larl& comm'nicate t%e stat's o) t%e FOD program
to airport sta)) and ens're t%at lessons learned )rom %a2ardo's occ'rrence investigations and case
%istor& or eGperiences, bot% internall& and )rom ot%er organi2ations, are distrib'ted 1idel&* An
open line o) comm'nication s%o'ld al1a&s be available bet1een t%e FOD Manager and t%e
airport/air carrier sta))*
(d)An eGpanded disc'ssion o) t%e s'ggested d'ties and responsibilities o) a FOD
manager are provided in AppendiG A*
(3)The .$D Committee.
(a)A n'mber o) airports o) var&ing si2es and compleGities %ave )o'nd it %elp)'l to
establis% a FOD committee* ;ote. $%e level o) a't%orit& or po1er o) t%e FOD committee 1ill
be di))erent )or eac% airport, as it is set b& t%e airport3s eGec'tive management*
(b)$%e composition o) t%e committee is 'nder t%e airport3s discretion, b't t&pical
committee members incl'de t%ose staFe%olders 1it% a direct relations%ip to FOD (s'c% as t%ose
in a position to prod'ce or remove FOD), incl'ding. tenant representatives, air carriers, airport
operations and p'blic sa)et& sta)), and contractor representatives, etc* $%e FOD manager 1o'ld
t&picall& c%air t%e committee*
(c)One o) t%e most important )'nctions o) t%e FOD committee is to serve as a
reso'rce )or t%e FOD manager* +n addition, t%e determination o) potentiall& %a2ardo's FOD
sit'ations can be per)ormed b& t%e FOD committee, as 1ell as per)orming an eval'ation o)
collected FOD data*
c. Safety Culture. An e))ective FOD management program re-'ires more t%an t%e
implementation o) r'les and proced'res to be )ollo1ed* +t re-'ires t%e s'pport o) management to
establis% t%e attit'de, decisions, and met%ods o) operation at t%e polic&!maFing level t%at
demonstrate t%e organi2ations priorit& to sa)et&* +n e))ective sa)et& c'lt'res, t%ere are clear
reporting lines, clearl& de)ined d'ties and 1ell 'nderstood proced'res* 9ersonnel )'ll&
'nderstand t%eir responsibilities and Fno1 1%at to report, to 1%om and 1%en* $%o'g% it is an
intangible aspect o) a sa)et& program, proper personal attit'des and corporate commitment
enable or )acilitate t%e elimination o) 'nsa)e acts and conditions t%at are t%e prec'rsors to
accidents and incidents*
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
a. Audience. 0ac% individ'al 1it% access to t%e AOA s%o'ld 'nderstand t%eir role in t%e
prevention o) FOD* $%ese personnel incl'de. airport operations/ constr'ction/ aircra)t
maintenance and permanent/seasonal servicing sta)) (e*g* catering, )'el, cabin cleaning, baggage
and cargo %andling, 1aste disposal, etc*), and an& ot%er contractors* A )ormal
orientation/indoctrination program )amiliari2ing ne1 emplo&ees 1it% sa)et&, sec'rit&,
comm'nications, and ve%icle operations s%o'ld incl'de FOD management training* $%is
training can s'pplement t%e general FOD a1areness incorporated into t%e driver training
c'rric'l'm (or training )or apron 1alFing privileges) alread& in place at man& airports*
b. .eatures. $%e FOD manager provides c'rrent in)ormation and contin'al training
relating to FOD iss'es relevant to t%e speci)ic operation o) t%e airport* $%e provision o)
appropriate training to all sta)), regardless o) t%eir level in t%e organi2ation, is an indication o)
management3s commitment to an e))ective FOD management program* FOD training and
ed'cation programs t&picall& contain t%e )ollo1ing )eat'res.
(1)A doc'mented process to identi)& training re-'irements/
(2)A validation process t%at meas'res t%e e))ectiveness o) training/
(3)?ec'rrent training and ed'cation (to %elp maintain a1areness)/
(4)6'man (and organi2ational) )actors*
c. Trainin $bjectives. $%e primar& objectives o) t%e FOD training program 1ill be to
increase emplo&ee a1areness o) t%e ca'ses and e))ects o) FOD damage and to promote active
emplo&ee participation in eliminating FOD d'ring per)ormance o) dail& 1orF ro'tines* $%e
FOD manager s%o'ld emp%asi2e FOD management t%ro'g% emplo&ee motivational programs as
1ell as b& cond'cting training co'rses to emp%asi2e FOD prevention t%ro'g% e))icient design,
prod'ct discipline, maintenance, and )lig%t line activities* $%e )ollo1ing s'bject matter s%o'ld
be incl'ded, as applicable, in t%e FOD manager3s FOD prevention program.
(1)Overvie1 o) t%e FOD management program in place at t%e airport/
(2)a)et& o) personnel and air carrier passengers/
(3)(a'ses and principal contrib'ting )actors o) FOD/
(4)$%e conse-'ences o) ignoring FOD, and/or, t%e incentives o) preventing FOD/
(5)9racticing clean!as!&o'!go 1orF %abits, and t%e general cleanliness and inspection
standards o) 1orF areas (incl'ding t%e apron and AOA)/
(6)9roper care, 'se, and sto1age o) material and component or e-'ipment items 'sed
aro'nd aircra)t 1%ile in maintenance or on airport s'r)aces/
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
(7)(ontrol o) debris in t%e per)ormance o) 1orF assignments (e*g* loose items associated
1it% l'ggage, ramp e-'ipment, and constr'ction materials)/
(8)(ontrol over personal items and e-'ipment/
(9)9roper control/acco'ntabilit& and care o) tools and %ard1are/
(10) ?e-'irements and proced'res )or reg'lar inspection and cleaning o) aircra)t and
apron areas/
(11) 6o1 to report FOD incidents or potential incidents/
(12) (ontin'al vigilance )or potential so'rces o) %a2ardo's )oreign objects/
(13) FOD Detection proced'res, incl'ding t%e proper 'se o) detection tec%nologies (i)
applicable)/ and
(14) FOD ?emoval proced'res*
d. Trainin Documentation. $raining re-'irements and activities s%o'ld be doc'mented
)or eac% area o) activit& 1it%in t%e organi2ation* $o t%e eGtent possible, a training )ile s%o'ld be
developed )or eac% emplo&ee, incl'ding management, to assist in identi)&ing and tracFing
emplo&ee training, training re-'irements, and veri)&ing t%at t%e personnel %ave received t%e
planned training* An& training program s%o'ld be adapted to )it t%e needs and compleGit& o) t%e
airport in -'estion* At certi)icated airports, t%is is alread& being done )or training re-'ired b& 1#
(F? 9art 139, (erti)ication o) Airports*
a. An airport3s FOD prevention program s%o'ld be tailored to mitigate t%e partic'lar actions
and activities t%at generate FOD* A )e1 eGamples o) t%ese activities incl'de.
(1)Aircraft Servicin. Air carriers and airport tenants generate m'c% o) t%e FOD )o'nd
in t%e airport apron, service roads, baggage maFe'p areas, and areas near )lig%t Fitc%ens*
Agreements bet1een air carriers and t%eir s'pport organi2ations s%o'ld speci)& 1%ic% o) t%e
parties are responsible )or cleaning vario's areas* +n addition, t%e airport can %elp t%ese
organi2ations to establis% proced'res to inspect :0 )or signs o) 1ear and tear t%at can lead to
FOD %a2ards* 9roced'res to inspect t%e baggage loading and 'nloading areas ever& time an
aircra)t is serviced can also be %elp)'l, as l'ggage items (s'c% as baggage 1%eels, 2ippers, and
accessories) are common FOD items )o'nd in t%e airport apron*
(2)Aircraft +aintenance. Acco'nt )or and dispose o) n'ts, bolts, 1as%ers, sa)et& 1ire,
etc* Acco'nt )or %and tools 'sed in repair jobs* Aids in t%e control o) t%ese items incl'de
c%ecFlists, s%ado1 boards, and c't o't tool tra& liners* All items s%o'ld be contained in a spill
proo) tote bag, tra& or toolboG*
(3)Air Caro. +n an air cargo area, t%ere is a %ig% potential )or blo1ing debris s'c% as
cargo strapping and plastic* 0stablis% proced'res to contain s'c% debris, possibl& b& installing
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
(and monitoring) )encing 1%ere appropriate* O) co'rse, FOD trapped b& s'c% )ences s%o'ld be
removed reg'larl&*
(a)5ot% airside and landside constr'ction activities, as 1ell as sc%ed'led
maintenance, s%o'ld be comm'nicated to airports 'sers as earl& as possible* peci)ic FOD
prevention proced'res s%o'ld be establis%ed and emplo&ed )or eac% constr'ction project* $%ese
proced'res s%o'ld be based on t%e proGimit& o) constr'ction activities to operational areas b't in
general s%o'ld stress containment and reg'lar clean'p o) constr'ction debris* Airport
preconstr'ction planning s%o'ld incl'de a means )or controlling and containing FOD generated
b& t%e constr'ction* $%is is especiall& tr'e in %ig%!1ind environments 1%ere debris is more
liFel& to become airborne* For additional g'idance on airport actions d'ring constr'ction
activities, please re)erence A( 1"0/"370!2, Operational a)et& on Airports D'ring (onstr'ction*
(b)$%e designated ro'tes o) constr'ction ve%icles on t%e AOA s%o'ld be eGamined,
so as to avoid or minimi2e crossings o) critical areas o) aircra)t operations* +) %ig%!risF crossings
cannot be avoided, s'bse-'ent provisions s'c% as an increased )re-'enc& o) FOD inspections
co'ld be implemented* Airport operators s%o'ld ens're t%at t%ese provisions are incorporated
into t%eir FAA!approved a)et& D'ring (onstr'ction 9lan*
(c)(ontractors m'st )'ll& 'nderstand t%e re-'irements and penalties incorporated in
t%eir contracts regarding t%e control and removal o) FOD* $o %elp ens're t%is occ'rs, airport
operators ma& consider dra)ting standard QFOD (ontrol and (lean!'pR related lang'age )or all
constr'ction projects taFing place 1it%in t%e AOA* $%e standard and project!speci)ic FOD
provisions co'ld t%en be incl'ded into t%e contract doc'ments )or AOA constr'ction projects*
$%ese items ma& incl'de.
?e-'iring contractors to cover all loads/
?e-'iring contractor to sec're an& lose items t%at co'ld easil& be blo1n/
peci)&ing 1%et%er an& mec%anical FOD removal devices 1ill be re-'ired/
peci)&ing %o1 monitoring )or FOD %a2ards 1ill be done/ and
?e-'irements )or inspecting tires prior to traversing areas 1%ere aircra)t are located*
(5)Airfield +aintenance $perations.
(a)Mo1ing and ot%er maintenance operations ro'tinel& dist'rb t%e vegetation and
soil in areas adjacent to areas traveled b& aircra)t* 0stablis% proced'res to remove debris s'c% as
t%e 'se o) an assigned air)ield s1eeper or personnel on )oot 'sing s%ovels to repair vegetation
and soil*
(b)Air)ield lig%ting, pavement, and marFing maintenance operations generate
concrete/asp%alt debris as 1ell as increase t%e potential )or dropped repair parts, tools, and ot%er
items stored on t%e maintenance ve%icles* (orrective proced'res s%o'ld incl'de t%e 'se o)
air)ield s1eepers and inspection o) t%e 1orF site a)ter t%e proced'res are completed*
(6)"avements. Asp%alt and concrete pavements ma& be t%e most common so'rce o)
FOD on an airport* $%ere)ore, e))ective pavement maintenance practices are critical to t%e
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
mitigation o) FOD* $%e FAA %as developed eGtensive reso'rces )or pavement maintenance* For
)'rt%er in)ormation on t%is topic, please re)er to A( 1"0/"340!8, :'idelines and 9roced'res )or
Maintenance o) Airport 9avements, or visit %ttp.//111*)aa*gov*
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
CHAPTER 4. FOD D0$0($+O;
4.1. ,%N%#A(.
a. <%ile proper FOD a1areness is )'ndamental )or an& s'ccess)'l FOD program, t%e act o)
detecting FOD is one o) t%e critical FOD operations t%at occ'r at an airport* $%is process
involves not onl& t%e identi)ication o) potential FOD ca'ses and locations, b't also t%e timel&
detection o) an& FOD on airport s'r)aces* <%et%er detection occ'rs man'all&, t%ro'g% reg'lar
inspections, as a res'lt o) pilot reports, or t%ro'g% t%e 'se o) advanced detection tec%nologies, t%e
o'tcome is e-'all& important*
b. #un;ay Closures.
(1)A %ig%l& sensitive -'estion involved in t%e 'se o) contin'o'sl& operating FOD
detection tec%nologies arises once an object is detected* +) t%e location or c%aracteristics o) t%e
FOD present no immediate sa)et& %a2ard t%e object s%o'ld be removed as soon as t%e operational
sc%ed'le permits* +) t%e location or c%aracteristics o) t%e FOD present an immediate sa)et&
%a2ard, provisions in t%e FOD management program s%o'ld clearl& indicate t%at a %a2ard eGists
and allo1 )or an airport s'pervisor to taFe action and temporaril& cease operations and, in t%e
case o) aircra)t or airport e-'ipment so'rce o) t%e FOD, noti)& t%e e-'ipment operator* $%is is
an appropriate iss'e, )or eGample, )or an airport3s FOD committee to st'd& and provide )'rt%er
g'idance to airport management and operations sta))*
(2)On Marc% 17, 2009, t%e FAA iss'ed (ertAlert 09!08, (losing active r'n1a& )or FOD
c%ecFs increases sa)e operations* +n t%is advisor& notice, t%e FAA stated t%at alt%o'g% not all
t&pes o) FOD 1ill necessitate an immediate r'n1a& clos're, -'icF and decisive action s%o'ld be
taFen, in all cases, to assess t%e t%reat posed b& reported FOD* $%e FAA recommends t%at
airports 1orF closel& 1it% t%eir Airport $ra))ic (ontrol )acilities in establis%ing proced'res )or
%andling s'c% matters* For t%ose interested, local FAA Airport District or ?egional O))ices can
provide sample Aetters o) Agreement t%at address t%ese t&pes o) sit'ations and t%at %ave been
s'ccess)'ll& implemented at %ig% activit& air carrier airports*
4.2. .$D #IS? ASS%SS+%NT.
A FOD risF assessment enables an airport to determine 1%ere 'nsa)e FOD conditions eGist*
6o1ever, since t%e risF assessment process is an integral part o) an airport3s a)et& Management
&stem (M) program, and t%e FAA does not re-'ire airports to %ave an M program, t%e risF
assessment process 1ill not be disc'ssed at t%is time* +), or 1%en, airports are re-'ired to %ave
an M program in t%e )'t're, t%is A( 1ill be 'pdated to re)lect t%e appropriate risF assessment
4.3. .$D D%T%CTI$N $"%#ATI$NS
a. Inspection Areas. <%ile detailed inspection g'idance is provided in A( 1"0/"200!14,
Airport a)et& el)!+nspection, additional in)ormation can be %elp)'l )or airport personnel
cond'cting FOD inspections* $%e )ollo1ing areas and operations are t&picall& prone to %aving
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
(1)+ovement Areas 5run;ays and ta<i;ays6.
(a)$%e portion o) t%e r'n1a& 'sed b& aircra)t to taFe o)) is 1%ere departing aircra)t
are most s'sceptible to FOD damage*
(b)Deteriorating or neglected pavement can eG%ibit spalling or cracFs* For eGample,
pieces o) concrete can breaF loose )rom pavements or FOD can develop )rom )atig'e corner
cracFs and air)ield marFings* FOD associated 1it% b'ilding materials, debris )alling )rom
constr'ction ve%icles or blo1n )rom t%e airport apron onto aircra)t mane'vering areas* 5roFen
pieces o) pavement can collect at t%e edge o) t%e airport apron and be carried onto t%e aircra)t
mane'vering area b& t%e tires o) ve%ic'lar :0*
(c)ervice roads t%at cross taGi1a&s s%o'ld be monitored closel& to prevent t%e
ve%icles 'sing t%ese roads )rom moving FOD onto t%e taGi1a&s (especiall& in t%e case o)
constr'ction operations, as addressed in t%e airport3s a)et& D'ring (onstr'ction 9lan)*
(d)%o'lders* Bnpaved areas adjacent to pavement s%o'ld be stabili2ed to prevent
FOD* (A( 1"0/"300!13, Airport Design, provides )'rt%er g'idance in t%e constr'ction o)
stabili2ed s%o'lders*)
(e)9avement =oints* pecial attention s%o'ld be paid to t%e cleaning o) cracFs and
pavement joints as tests %ave s%o1n t%at t%ese are t%e main so'rces o) )oreign objects 1%ic% are
(f) $'r) Areas* $'r) grass and ditc%es collect and %old large amo'nts o) lig%t debris
s'c% as paper, cardboard, plastic, and vario's containers t%at tras% o)ten originate in terminal
aprons, cargo ramps, and %angar ramps* $%is tras% can blo1 bacF into areas traveled b& aircra)t
'nless collected in a timel& manner*
(g)Fence!lines* Fences can collect tras% on 1ind& da&s* $%is FOD s%o'ld be
collected be)ore t%e 1ind increases or s%i)ts direction and t%e tras% blo1s bacF on to areas
traveled b& aircra)t*
(2)Airport Apron. An&1%ere on t%e aircra)t apron 1%ere gro'nd ve%icles operate*
(3)Aircraft Servicin $perations.
(a)?e)'eling, catering, cabin cleaning, and baggage and cargo %andling can prod'ce
broFen materials*
(b)5aggage pieces, incl'ding bag tags and 1%eels, can breaF o)) l'ggage and eit%er
)all onto t%e apron or collect in t%e door sill* +tems collected in t%e door sill can damage t%e door
or prevent it )rom properl& closing* $%e& can also be FnocFed o't o) t%e sills and onto t%e apron
at t%e neGt station*
(c)Ot%er areas 1%ere FOD is liFel& to collect incl'de t%e gro'nd at bot% ends o) t%e
conve&or, and t%e area bet1een t%e baggage cart and t%e conve&or belt*
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
(4)Air Caro $perations.
(a)6ig% potential )or blo1ing debris s'c% as plastic cargo 1rappers*
(b)Fencing 'sed to contain debris s%o'ld be cleaned reg'larl&*
(5)Construction $perations.
(a)$%e proGimit& o) constr'ction activities to operational areas presents a risF o)
(b)?eg'lar and t%oro'g% cleaning o) t%e constr'ction site, incl'ding t%e constr'ction
%a'l ro'tes, is eGpected* $%ese provisions are t&picall& o'tlined in local r'les and pre!eGisting
agreements, s'c% as t%e constr'ction sa)et& plan* 9artic'lar attention s%o'ld be paid to
constr'ction ve%icle ro'tes t%at cross or are adjacent to active pavements*
(6)Aircraft +aintenance Activities.
(a)$%ese activities, 1%ic% ma& be per)ormed on t%e apron, re-'ire a variet& o) small
objects, s'c% as rivets, sa)et& 1ire, and bolts t%at become FOD 1%en t%e& are inadvertentl& le)t
(b)All tools s%o'ld be acco'nted )or as a matter o) practice* Aids in t%e control o)
t%ese items incl'de c%ecFlists, s%ado1 boards, and c't o't tool tra& liners* For more in)ormation
on an e))ective tool control program, please see ;A #12, $ool Acco'ntabilit&*
(7)Ot%er activities* All ve%icles s%o'ld be driven on clean, paved s'r)aces 1%en
possible* +) a ve%icle m'st be driven on 'npaved s'r)aces, t%e operator s%o'ld c%ecF t%e ve%icle
tires )or )oreign objects immediatel& a)ter ret'rning to t%e pavement*
b. +ethods and Techni=ues.
(1)$%e FAA and +(AO re-'ire a dail&, da&lig%t inspection o) aircra)t operating areas*
Operational areas m'st be inspected at least once eac% da&, 1it% additional inspections being
made in constr'ction areas and immediatel& a)ter an& aircra)t or gro'nd ve%icle accident or
incident or an& spill o) material 1%ic% ma& ca'se slipper& conditions* +n addition to per)orming
t%ese inspections at t%e beginning o) t%e da& or s%i)t, personnel in t%e AOA s%o'ld practice a
clean!as!&o'!go tec%ni-'e o) looFing )or FOD d'ring t%eir normal s%i)ts in t%e co'rse o) t%eir
reg'lar d'ties* +nspections occ'rring at nig%t, taFing place a)ter t%e r'n1a& is closed or be)ore
t%e r'n1a& is opened, also occ'r )re-'entl&* D'ring nig%t time inspections, personnel and
ve%icles s%o'ld be e-'ipped 1it% additional lig%ts/lig%ting s&stems to better detect FOD*
(2)Detection Technoloies.
(a)?ecent tec%nological developments %ave greatl& eGpanded t%e capabilities o)
FOD detection t%ro'g% a'tomation* Advanced tec%nologies are no1 available )or improved
FOD detection, incl'ding capabilities )or contin'o's detection on r'n1a&s and ot%er aircra)t
movement areas and mobile detection devices to s'pplement t%e capabilities o) airport personnel*
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
+) an airport c%ooses to implement t%ese ne1 FOD detection tec%nologies, t%e& s%o'ld ens're
t%at t%e personnel monitoring t%ese s&stems eit%er %ave t%e a't%orit& (or t%e abilit& to -'icFl&
contact t%ose in a't%orit&) to taFe appropriate and timel& action i) FOD is detected* 9lease see
A( 1"0/"220!2#, Airport FOD Detection 0-'ipment, )or more detailed in)ormation on t%e
per)ormance capabilities o) advanced FOD detection tec%nologies*
(b)FOD Detection ;oti)ication* $%e airport operator and air carriers %ave
considerable )leGibilit& in terms o) %o1 to implement contin'o's detection s&stems at t%e airport*
$%e 'ser inter)ace ma& be located in t%e airport3s operation or maintenance center, or it ma& be
located in t%e airport tra))ic control (A$() to1er* ?egardless o) t%e con)ig'ration, an airport 1ill
determine t%e most e))icient 1a& to noti)& airport/air carrier personnel to remove t%e detected
FOD, as 1ell as t%e A$( sta)) to divert aircra)t i) a signi)icant risF is presented*
(c)<ildli)e* $%ere are c'rrentl& no 'ni)orm standards or proced'res )or t%e detection
o) 1ildli)e on an airport* 6o1ever, anecdotal evidence s'ggest t%at dead 1ildli)e are more
appropriatel& %andled as a component o) a FOD management program, 1%ile live 1ildli)e are a
component o) a 1ildli)e %a2ard management program* An overlap o) t%ese t1o programs
t%ere)ore occ'rs 1%enever 1ildli)e are str'cF b& aircra)t and/or t%eir remains serve as an
attractant to ot%er 1ildli)e* +n addition, elements o) certain 1ildli)e programs can create FOD,
e*g* t%e introd'ction o) cracFer s%ell casings* (erti)icated airports ('nder 1# (F? 9art 139) and
airports t%at %ave a <ildli)e 6a2ard Assessment 9lan ma& t%ere)ore need to revie1 t%eir plan as
it relates to t%e airport3s FOD program*
(3)+anual Detection.
(a)<%en cond'cting an inspection on a r'n1a&, inspection tec%ni-'es 1ill be
determined b& r'n1a& availabilit& and t&pe o) operation* Ongoing constr'ction re-'ires more
)re-'ent inspections* +t ma& even be necessar& to assign dedicated personnel to contin'all&
inspect )or FOD d'ring major constr'ction activities* As part o) t%e FOD management program,
t%e FOD manager ma& )ind it appropriate to reac% o't to air carriers and )lig%t cre1s to leverage
t%e airport3s c'rrent FOD management e))orts* For eGample, )lig%t cre1s co'ld be asFed to
report to A$( and station operations an& FOD t%e& observe on r'n1a&s and taGi1a&s* Air
carrier and aircra)t %andling agents ma& also be asFed to designate individ'als to inspect apron
areas prior to aircra)t movement to and )rom t%e gate*
(b)A r'n1a& inspection 1ill involve passage along t%e lengt% o) t%e r'n1a& to
observe and remove FOD* $%e most e))ective met%od involves t1o or more passages to red'ce
t%e 1idt% o) t%e inspection 2one* <%en t%ere is time to do onl& one pass on t%e r'n1a&,
inspection personnel, 1%enever practical, s%o'ld drive in t%e opposite direction t%at aircra)t are
landing on t%e r'n1a& 1it% %ig% intensit& )las%ing beacon and %eadlig%ts on at all times* $%is
practice 1ill enable sel)!inspection personnel to see approac%ing aircra)t and improve visibilit&
o) t%e ve%icle to pilots* +nspection personnel s%o'ld also drive t%e st'b taGi1a&s bet1een t%e
r'n1a& and parallel taGi1a& beca'se t%ese areas are commonl& overlooFed*
(c)0nco'raging t%e participation o) airport tenants in inspections 1ill rein)orce t%e
concept t%at FOD prevention is a team e))ort and demonstrate t%e airport operator>s commitment
to a debris!)ree environment* As s'c%, air carrier personnel, 1%en )easible, s%o'ld join t%e
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
airport sta)) in dail& movement area inspections* $%is practice %elps increase )amiliarit& 1it%
local air)ield conditions, and promotes e))ective comm'nication bet1een t%e airport and air
carriers* $%e placement o) convenient and conspic'o's FOD containers (as described in
9aragrap% "*2 o) t%is A() is a %elp)'l reminder o) t%e need to be vigilant in preventing t%e
occ'rrence o) FOD*
(i) An e))ective and clever operation c'rrentl& in place at airports is t%e
promotion o) all!%ands QFOD 1alFs*R $%ese 1alFs are t&picall& cond'cted as part o) an airport3s
FOD management campaign* <alFs involve t%e coordination and invitation o) airport and air
carrier sta)) (e*g* gro'nd %andling agents, air carriers, Aircra)t ?esc'e and Fire Fig%ting (A?FF)
and apron personnel), eGternal partners, and ot%er comm'nit& vol'nteers to participate in
man'all& collecting airport FOD* $%ese events can be promoted 1it% o))ering )ood and 1ater to
participants, and vario's pri2es (i*e* airport clot%ing) to t%ose 1%o collect t%e most FOD* O)
note, d'ring t%is t&pe o) event, identi)&ing t%e location and origin o) FOD ()or data anal&sis and
eval'ation) is not al1a&s possible*
(d)For )'rt%er g'idance on t%e per)ormance o) airport inspections, please see A(
1"0/"200!14, Airport a)et& el)!+nspection*
4.4. .$D D%T%CTI$N %4UI"+%NT.
$%e standards and speci)ications )o'nd in A( 1"0/"220 2#, Airport Foreign Object Debris (FOD)
Detection 0-'ipment, represent t%e FAA g'idance )or t%e eval'ation and proc'rement o) FOD
detection s&stems*
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
$%is page intentionall& le)t blanF*
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
CHAPTER 5. .$D #%+$0A(
5.1. #AC$!R%N&.
Once FOD is detected, t%e neGt major operation o) a FOD management program 1ill occ'r.
removing FOD )rom t%e airport environment* $%e most e))ective reso'rce )or FOD removal is
t%e 'se o) FOD removal e-'ipment, especiall& in areas 1%ere FOD can be eGpected, s'c% as near
areas o) constr'ction* For removal o) an isolated FOD object detected on a r'n1a&, man'al
removal 1ill be t%e most e))icient* Alt%o'g% speciali2ed e-'ipment is available and %ig%l&
s'ited to some airport operations, FOD removal met%odologies and tec%nologies are available
)or all airports*
$%is A( does not limit t%e e-'ipment t%at airports ma& 'se )or FOD removal* ('rrentl&
available removal e-'ipment can be categori2ed into t1o t&pes. mec%anical and non!
mec%anical* Additionall&, t%e categor& o) storage s&stems (FOD containers) is also o)
)'ndamental importance*
a. +echanical Systems. $%ese tec%nologies 'se po1ered devices in mec%anical s&stems
t%at remove or retrieve FOD items and contain retrieved FOD )or proper disposition* 0-'ipment
in t%is categor& varies in si2e, and is )o'nd in si2es )rom small p's% 'nits to large area s&stems
t%at are tr'cF mo'nted* $&pes o) mec%anical removal s&stems incl'de.
(1)"o;er S;eepers, incl'ding to1!be%ind bristle trailers* $%e s1eeper removes debris
)rom cracFs and pavement joints, and is t&picall& 'sed in all areas o) t%e AOA incl'ding areas
1%ere :0 are staged* N$T%: For all brush syste#s, operators are cautioned that bristles can
detach fro# broo#s and produce a FOD source. 'rushes #ade with #etal bristles or spines are
not reco##ended to be used for FOD re#oval purposes. (lastic or co#bination plastic)#etal
bristles #ay be appropriate, but the user should consult the e*uip#ent #anufacturer for specific
reco##endations. +egardless of the e*uip#ent used, a thorough chec" of the pave#ent should
be conducted at the conclusion of the sweeping procedure*
(2)0acuum Systems. $%ese s&stems per)orm FOD removal )'nctions similar to t%e
po1er s1eepers described above, b't 'se air )lo1 as t%e primar& means o) object retrieval* $%e
s&stems ma& also per)orm in conj'nction 1it% mec%anical brooms or ot%er recirc'lating air 'nits*
(3)@et Air -lo;ers. $%ese s&stems move FOD and ot%er debris b& directing a stream o)
%ig% velocit& air to1ards t%e pavement s'r)ace* <%en 'sed in t%e airport environment, it is
recommended t%at t%ese s&stems incorporate a debris collection mec%anism so t%at FOD 1ill not
simpl& be relocated to anot%er area in t%e AOA*
b. Non7+echanical Systems.
(1).riction +at S;eepers. A rectang'lar assembl& to1ed be%ind a ve%icle t%at
emplo&s a series o) bristle br's%es and )riction to s1eep FOD into sets o) capt're scoops, 1%ic%
are covered b& a retaining mes% to %old collected debris*
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
(2)+anetic -ars 5attached to vehicles6. $%ese bars can be s'spended beneat% t'gs
and tr'cFs to picF 'p metallic material* 6o1ever, t%e bars s%o'ld be cleaned reg'larl& to prevent
t%em )rom dropping t%e collected debris* Ee%icles operation in t%e AOA s%o'ld be inspected
periodicall& to ens're t%at t%e& %ave no loose items t%at can )all o))* (ommon magnetic
materials incl'de ceramic, rare eart%, and alnico metals* (onversel&, magnetic bars are not able
to picF 'p t%e )ollo1ing t&pes o) common FOD materials. titani'm and al'min'm allo&s, some
stainless steels, and plastics*
(3)#umble strips 5also A.$D ShaBersC6. Aong devices, 1%ic% are 10 to 1" )t (3 to
#*80 m) long, t%at are positioned on t%e pavement to dislodge FOD )rom ve%icles t%at drive over
t%em* <%ile t%ese devices ma& %ave been 'sed in t%e past, t%e& are no longer a 1idel& accepted
FOD removal s&stem* $%eir e))ectiveness at removing debris )rom tires or ve%icle
'ndercarriages is negligible, and t%e e-'ipment can generate its o1n FOD i) not cleaned o't
reg'larl&* $%e c'rrent best practice )or removing FOD )rom tires is to stop a ve%icle at a
designated c%ecFpoint, per)orm a vis'al inspection, and t%en 'se a %and tool to man'all& remove
detected debris*
c. Storae Systems 5.$D Containers6.
(1)Designated FOD containers s%o'ld be conspic'o'sl& placed at all gates )or t%e
collection o) debris* $%e containers s%o'ld be 1ell marFed, properl& sec'red, and emptied
)re-'entl& to prevent t%em )rom over)lo1ing and becoming a so'rce o) FOD t%emselves* +n
addition, airport personnel can 1ear 1aist po'c%es to collect debris*
(2)Q(losed!t&peR containers are pre)erable, given t%e opport'nit& )or 1ind to dislodge
t%e container contents* (onse-'entl&, Qopen!t&peR containers are not advised* Airport operators
s%o'ld ens're t%at FOD containers do not blo1 over d'ring periods o) %ig% 1inds* $%is can be
accomplis%ed b& 'sing %eav& tras% cans or sec'ring t%e containers to t%e gro'nd 1it% a tet%er or
a 1eig%t* FOD containers s%o'ld also %ave placards stating t%at %a2ardo's materials ma& not be
deposited in t%em*
(3)(ocations. 'ggested locations incl'de. near all entr& points to t%e AOA, in
%angars, in aircra)t tie!do1n and aircra)t maintenance areas, and at eac% aircra)t gate or baggage
area* (entral or 1ell!Fno1n storage locations increase t%e liFeli%ood t%at collected debris 1ill
be deposited b& personnel*
(4)Ot%er means )or containing FOD incl'de. 1ind barriers and netting to restrict
movement o) airborne FOD/ )encing to prevent animals )rom entering t%e air)ield/ and 1ell!
maintained paved s'r)aces* +) damaged pavement cannot be repaired immediatel&, airport
operators s%o'ld maFe arrangements )or aircra)t to taFe an alternate ro'te*
(5)0val'ating t%e debris collected in containers and po'c%es can reveal its so'rces and
indicate 1%ere personnel and e-'ipment s%o'ld be deplo&ed )or more e))ective control* (%apter
siG o) t%is A( 1ill provide more in)ormation on t%is practice*
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
a. $perational Standards. Bnless ot%er1ise speci)ied, t%e )ollo1ing standards appl& onl&
to Qmec%anicalR FOD removal s&stems*
(1)$perational Speeds. $%e minim'm speeds t%at FOD removal e-'ipment s%o'ld
operate and collect 90O o) FOD (based on t%e Qtest/validation objects described in paragrap%
"*3*b) is 1" mp% (2" Fm/%)* MaGim'm speeds are limited b& airport operations reg'lations*
(Mec%anical and non!mec%anical s&stems)
(2)Collection "ath.
(a)$%e minim'm pat% )or a removal s&stem 'sed d'ring airport operations is 80 in
(1"0 cm) 1ide*
(b)&stems t%at are 'sed on t%e airport apron or designed to be mo'nted on eGisting
airport operations ve%icles m'st %ave a minim'm pat% #0 in (100 cm) 1ide*
(c)Magnets m'st be at least 38 in (90 cm) long and # in (10 cm) 1ide* (Mec%anical
and non!mec%anical s&stems)
(3)#etention 9 3opper Capacity.
(a)$%e minim'm 'sable capacit& o) a po1er s1eeper 'sed d'ring airport operations
is #0 c' )t (1 c' m)*
(b)For s&stems mo'nted on airport operations ve%icles, t%e vol'me o) t%e tr'cF bed
1ill represent t%e retention capacit&*
b. Testin 9 0alidation.
(1)All FOD removal e-'ipment m'st be able to demonstrate t%e abilit& to collect 90
percent o) t%e items listed in paragrap% belo1, 1%en t%e& are placed in a 10 )t G 10 )t (3 m G 3 m)
s-'are on t%e pavement s'r)ace, on one pass o) t%e e-'ipment at a minim'm speed o) 1" mp%
(2" Fm/%)* <%ere speci)ic dimensions and 1eig%ts are not provided, t%e p'rc%aser 1ill
determine t%e object properties most c%aracteristic o) t%ose )o'nd on t%eir airport*
(2)Test 9 0alidation $bjects.
- A metal c&linder meas'ring 1*2 in (3*1 cm) %ig% and 1*" in (3*4 cm) in
diameter (bot% )erro's (i*e*, magnetic) or non!)erro's metals are acceptable),
- A sp%ere, meas'ring 1*7 in (#*3 cm) in diameter (i*e*, a standard si2e gol)
- A Qc%'nFR o) asp%alt or concrete,
- An& portion o) a r'n1a& lig%t )iGt're (in!pavement or edge lig%t),
- A 1renc% ('p to 4 in* (20 cm) in lengt%),
- A socFet (at least 2 in* (" cm) in lengt%),
- A piece o) r'bber )rom an aircra)t tire,
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
- A distorted metal strip ('p to 4 in* (20 cm) in lengt%),
- F'el cap (aircra)t or a'tomotive),
- A'g n't,
- 6&dra'lic line ()rom aircra)t or :0, 'p to 4 in* (20 cm) in lengt%), and
- Aircra)t )asteners and sa)et& 1ire*
(3)F'rt%er testing re-'irements are contained in AppendiG 5, ection 5*3, o) t%is
c. Additional Standards. Additional FOD removal s&stem standards are located in
AppendiG (*
a. +ndivid'als responsible )or FOD removal operations s%o'ld %ave direct responsibilit& )or
t%e sa)et& o) t%ose operations and s%o'ld be given t%e reso'rces to implement t%e necessar&
b. $%e majorit& o) FOD removal operations are per)ormed in conj'nction 1it% t%e detection
operations described in paragrap% #*2 o) t%is A(* <%ile t%e eGact actions are speci)ic to eac%
airport, t%e )ollo1ing t1o eGamples o) FOD removal operations )rom a %ig% activit& air carrier
airport in t%e B** represent t%e s'ccess)'l implementation o) FOD removal e-'ipment.
(1)Assigning an air)ield s1eeper(s) to 1orF 1it% maintenance cre1s and/or respond as
re-'ired to reports o) FOD*
(2)Deplo&ing a maintenance emplo&ee on a small all!terrain ve%icle 1it% a litter sticF
and garbage bags to picF 'p tras% in grass& areas and )ence!lines* $%is operation is intended to
picF 'p debris be)ore it ret'rns to t%e pavement areas* +n one &ear, over 2,494 bags o) tras% 1ere
collected 'sing t%is met%od*
c. $%e e-'ipment described in t%is c%apter ma& be 'sed sing'larl& or in combination* +n
eit%er case, FOD managers are ca'tioned t%at personnel 'sing partic'lar FOD removal
e-'ipment ma& become complacent and completel& rel& on t%e e-'ipment to remove all pieces
o) FOD in t%eir area o) operation* 9ersonnel m'st be constantl& a1are o) t%e per)ormance o)
t%eir e-'ipment, and s%o'ld reg'larl& c%ecF to maFe s're vis'all& detected FOD is in )act
collected b& t%eir e-'ipment d'ring FOD removal operations*
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
6.1. &ATA C**ECTIN AN& ANA*+"I".
a. A critical part o) an& FOD management s&stem is t%e in)ormation available )or problem
assessment and management program design* Alt%o'g% anecdotal in)ormation on FOD collected
at airports is available, no compre%ensive assessment o) FOD t&pes and so'rces is possible
'nless a compre%ensive data collection and anal&sis sc%eme is in place*
b. Documentation. $%e FOD manager 1ill 'ltimatel& determine t%e doc'mentation
g'idelines in a FOD management program* (ertain small items, s'c% as plastic 1rappers or
baggage tags, ma& simpl& 1arrant e))icient collection and disposal* A consistent trend o) small
items, s'c% as t%ose coming )rom a partic'lar entit& or operation, or partic'larl& large or
%a2ardo's FOD, ma& re-'ire detailed doc'mentation )or e))ective anal&sis and prevention
e))orts* +t is recommended t%at airport personnel collect t%e )ollo1ing in)ormation, to t%e eGtent
practicable, 1%enever FOD is collected.
(1)6o1 t%e FOD object 1as detected
(2)Date and time o) FOD detection and retrieval
(3)Description o) FOD retrieved (categor&, si2e, color), and/or image (i) available)
(4)Aocation o) FOD object (coordinates and re)erence to t%e AOA location)
(5)9ossible so'rce
(6);ame o) personnel detecting / investigating FOD item
(7)Airport operations and 1eat%er data d'ring t%e FOD detection event
c. #eportin.
(1)Depending on t%e vol'me or signi)icance o) collected FOD, t%e FOD manager ma&
decide t%at it is necessar& to designate and train certain personnel to collect, tag, store, and report
on t%e collected FOD )or )'t're data anal&sis e))orts* An additional comm'nication proced're
ma& also need to be establis%ed, so t%at t%e person 1%o )irst collects t%e FOD 1ill noti)& t%e
person responsible )or reporting t%e FOD* +n an& case, a 1ell!de)ined reporting proced're is an
important aspect o) an& FOD management program*
(2)$%e FOD management program s%o'ld incl'de a visible FOD reporting s&stem
s'pported b& management* $%e reporting s&stem s%o'ld permit )eedbacF )rom personnel
regarding FOD %a2ards and ot%er sa)et&!related concerns* $%e FOD management s&stem s%o'ld
'se t%is in)ormation to identi)& and address operational or administrative de)iciencies*
(3)Depending on t%e potential %a2ard o) FOD collected, a reocc'rrence o) FOD )rom t%e
same so'rce, and t%e personnel available at an airport, t%e FOD management program ma&
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
contain provisions to noti)& t%e FOD so'rce o) a FOD occ'rrence* Operational eGperience )rom
at least one airport %as s%o1n t%at noti)&ing t%e so'rce o) FOD %elped to correct t%e 'nderl&ing
sa)et& de)iciencies t%at ca'sed m'ltiple FOD events*
d. Investiation. +t is recommended t%at major FOD incidents (as determined or classi)ied
b& t%e airport operator) are investigated b& t%e FOD manager or ot%er appropriate airport
personnel* An investigation s%o'ld tr& to determine t%e so'rce o) FOD and damage ca'sed*
<%en t%e investigation is completed and necessar& corrective action %as been implemented in
accordance 1it% t%e FOD management plan, )inal disposition o) t%e incident s%o'ld be entered
into t%e airport3s FOD reporting s&stem*
e. Database. +t is important t%at t%e organi2ation maintain a record o) t%e meas'res taFen
to )'l)ill t%e objectives o) t%e FOD management s&stem* $%ese records ma& be re-'ired in t%e
event o) a )ormal investigation o) an accident or serio's incident, and can also be 'sed to identi)&
an& trends, repeats, 'n's'al conditions, etc*, in order )or corrective action to be initiated*
?ecords can also provide -'antitative data )or )'t're risF assessments, s'pport t%e assessment o)
s&stem operational %istor& and ass're operational capabilities* $%e disposition o) reported
in)ormation 1ill be based on t%e airport3s FOD management program speci)ications and s'pport
P139*327 certi)ication* All records s%o'ld be maintained in s'))icient detail )or a period o) at
least 2 &ears to ens're traceabilit& o) all signi)icant sa)et&!related decisions* $%e FAA is
c'rrentl& developing t%e )rame1orF )or a national FOD database* Airport3s collecting %ig%!
-'alit& FOD data (s%o1ing at least t%e t&pe, location, and so'rce), are enco'raged to s'bmit t%eir
data to FAA once t%e national database is in operation*
6.2. C$NTINU$US "#$,#A+ I+"#$0%+%NT.
a. a)et& per)ormance monitoring validates t%e FOD management program, con)irming t%e
organi2ation3s sa)et& objectives* $%ro'g% reg'lar revie1 and eval'ation, management can
p'rs'e contin'o's improvements in FOD management and ma& revise sa)et& objectives,
policies, proced'res, and training programs to ens're t%at t%e FOD management program
remains e))ective and relevant to t%e organi2ation3s operation*
b. $%e FOD Manager, in assessing t%e e))ectiveness o) t%e FOD management program,
s%o'ld 1orF 1it% t%e persons t%at %ave direct responsibilit& )or anal&2ing %a2ards, identi)&ing
control meas'res derived )rom t%at anal&sis, and ens'ring t%ose meas'res are e))ective*
c. "roram %valuation. $%ese eval'ations provide a means )or s&stematicall& assessing
%o1 1ell t%e organi2ation is meeting its FOD management objectives* $%e eval'ation provides a
revie1 o) eGisting conditions and res'lts in recommendations )or en%anced debris control*
Management ma& c%oose to %ave an eGternal organi2ation eval'ate t%e s&stem (e*g*, b& a
cons'ltant or anot%er airport operator), or c%oose to per)orm t%e eval'ation 'sing airport/air
carrier sta))* +n addition to s'pporting t%e airport operator3s eGisting responsibilities )or sel)!
inspection and correction o) discrepancies 'nder 1# (F? 9art 139, an e))ective airport FOD
management program eval'ation s%o'ld.
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
(1)&stematicall& revie1 t%e e))ectiveness o) eGisting FOD!management proced'res
'sed b& airport and air carrier personnel, incl'ding all available )eedbacF )rom dail& sel)!
inspections, assessments, reports, and ot%er sa)et& a'dits.
(2)Eeri)& t%at t%e airport is meeting identi)ied per)ormance indicators and targets/
(3)olicit inp't t%ro'g% a FOD s&stem/
(4)(omm'nicate )indings to sta)) and implement agreed!'pon corrective proced'res,
mitigation strategies, and en%anced training programs/ and
(5)9romote sa)et& in t%e overall operation o) t%e airport b& improving coordination
bet1een airport sta)), air carrier personnel, and airport tenants*
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
$%is page intentionall& le)t blanF*
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AppendiG A
A""%NDI2 A: SU,,%ST%D DUTI%S AND #%S"$NSI-I(ITI%S $. T3% .$D
$%e in)ormation presented in t%is section represents onl& one o) man& potential approac%es to
designating t%e d'ties and responsibilities o) a FOD Manager* Airports s%o'ld select/modi)& an&
items t%at 1o'ld be most appropriate )or t%eir sit'ation 1%en developing t%eir FOD program*
A.1. !ENERA*. <%ere appropriate, t%e airport operator s%o'ld designate a FOD
Manager(s) t%at 1ill develop and implement plans and programs to prevent, detect, and remove
FOD on an airport* $%e FOD 9rogram Manager ma& be a dedicated position, b't 1ill more
liFel& t%an not be an additional role assigned to someone c'rrentl& serving in t%e airport
operations sta))* $%e FOD Manager(s) s%o'ld be appointed b& an Airport eGec'tive, or eGec'tive
o) t%e commercial b'siness operating at t%e airport, and s%o'ld %ave s'))icient a't%orit& and
organi2ational )reedom to identi)& and implement FOD preventive meas'res 1%enever and
1%erever re-'ired*
A.2. THE (& MANA!ER s%o'ld.
a. ?evie1 and assess t%e airport3s FOD management program and maFe necessar&
b. (ond'ct sc%ed'led and 'nsc%ed'led eval'ations/inspections o) 1orF areas to assess t%e
e))ectiveness o) t%e FOD management program*
c. Ass're implementation o) corrective actions )or FOD prevention*
d. Ass're t%at FOD incidents are t%oro'g%l& investigated and t%at incident reports are
accomplis%ed as speci)ied in paragrap% 8*1 o) t%is A(*
e. Ass're t%at ca'ses o) FOD incidents are t%oro'g%l& anal&2ed to identi)& corrective
f. ;oti)& a))ected contractor/tenant organi2ations and personnel o) 'ni-'e FOD prevention
g. Develop tec%ni-'es and assign responsibilities )or p'blication o) special FOD prevention
,. ?evie1 res'lts o) t%e FOD incident investigations and eval'ate t%e ade-'ac& o)
corrective actions*
-. 0val'ate t%e amo'nt and Find o) )oreign objects )o'nd and %o1 t%e& 1ere )o'nd (e*g*
d'ring dail& inspections, b& pilots, airport operations sta)), etc*)*
.. ?evie1 and approve FOD prevention training c'rric'la, designate training personnel, and
ass're t%at airport/contractor/tenant personnel receive re-'ired training*
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
AppendiG A
/. Ass're t%at 1ritten proced'res provide )or ade-'ate records attesting to t%e c'rrent stat's
and ade-'ac& o) t%e FOD management program*
0. Manage an& additional program activities, incl'ding t%e sc%ed'ling o) t%e FOD
committee meetings, as re-'ired*
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
AppendiG 5
A""%NDI2 -: .$D #%+$0A( %4UI"+%NT: ADDITI$NA( STANDA#DS
#.1 &E"I!N "TAN&AR&".
a. ,eneral.
(1)Total (ife. FOD removal s&stems m'st be designed to per)orm t%eir intended
)'nction )or t%eir Qtotal li)eR period, 1%en maintained according to t%e man')act'rer3s
instr'ctions* $%e Qtotal li)eR )or 1%ic% t%e e-'ipment is designed, ass'ming it is 'sed and
maintained in accordance 1it% t%e man')act'rer3s recommendations, m'st be a minim'm o).
(a)20 &ears, or 200,000 miles (322,000 Fm), )or mec%anical s&stems, eGcl'ding
cons'mable parts (e*g* bristles, brooms, and ot%er portions o) t%e collection mec%anism)
(b)10 &ears, or 10,000 miles (18,000 Fm), )or )riction mat s1eeper e-'ipment and
to1ing %ard1are* $%e cons'mable portions o) t%e s&stem (e*g* )riction mat), m'st be capable o)
operating )or at least 2,000 miles (3,000 Fm) be)ore replacement is needed*
(c)30 &ears )or all ot%er non!mec%anical s&stems*
(2)%nvironmental. FOD removal e-'ipment, incl'ding all associated o'tdoor mo'nted
e-'ipment, m'st be designed to 1it%stand t%e )ollo1ing climatic conditions and operate 1it%o't
damage or )ail're.
(i) Ambient temperat're range. 32 degrees F (0 degrees () to 123 degrees F ("2
degrees () ambient o'tdoor air temperat're (ma& be modi)ied b& t%e p'rc%aser i) t%e device is to
be 'sed in eGtreme climates)
(ii) ?elative 6'midit&. "O to 90O (ma& be modi)ied b& t%e p'rc%aser i) t%e
device is to be 'sed in eGtreme climates)
(iii) :eneral 0nvironment. D'st and airborne %&drocarbons res'lting )rom jet )'el
(b) (omponents m'st be protected )rom mec%anical, electrical, and corrosion
damage ca'sing impairment o) operation d'e to rain, sno1, ice, sand, grit, and deicing )l'ids*
(c)All electric motors, controls, and electrical 1iring / e-'ipment placed o'tdoors
m'st be 1eat%erproo) in order to protect t%e e-'ipment and connections )rom t%e elements*
(d)All non!moving str'ct'ral components and materials m'st be individ'all& and
collectivel& designed and selected to serve t%e total li)e re-'irement 'nder s'c% conditions*
Moving or 1orFing components, s'c% as tires, motors, braFes, etc* are eGempt )rom t%is
b. Safety. $%e device m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) A0 A?912#7, paragrap% 3*4*
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
AppendiG 5
(1)"ersonnel Safety. $%e device m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) A0 A?912#7,
paragrap% 3*9, eGcept as provided belo1*
(a)+) %ig%1a& transportabilit&, de)ined as t%e capabilit& (o) a sel)!propelled device)
to be licensed )or operation on p'blic %ig%1a&s, is not speci)ied b& t%e p'rc%aser, t%e provisions
o) A0 A?912#7, paragrap% 3*9*1 do not appl&*
(b)+) t%e device is not sel)!propelled, t%e provisions o) A0 A?912#7, paragrap%s
3*9*2 t%ro'g% 3*9*# do not appl&*
(c);oise and Eibration* $%e device m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) FAA 6F!$D!
001, paragrap% 13*" (;oise) and M+A!$D!1#72F, paragrap% "*4*# (Eibration)* $%e 'nit m'st be
designed and constr'cted to prevent parts )rom 1orFing loose in service* +t m'st be b'ilt to
1it%stand t%e stresses, jars, vibrations, and ot%er conditions incident to s%ipping, storage,
installation, and service* 'itable and d'rable vibration isolators m'st be 'sed bet1een t%e
engine and str'ct'ral mo'nts and to incl'de all ot%er str'ct'ral mo'ntings to protect t%e operator,
instr'ments, components, %&dra'lics, and str'ct're )rom vibration transmission*
(2)%=uipment Safety. $%e device m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) A0 A?912#7,
paragrap% 3*10* For an& device not completel& man'all& operated, a " lb (2 Fg) 5(!rated )ire
eGting'is%er m'st be mo'nted on t%e device at a location easil& accessible to t%e operator*
(3)%merency $perations. $%e device m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) #9 (F?
P34*23(b)(3)) and A0 A?912#7, paragrap% 3*9*11* <%ere t%ere is a con)lict 1it% t%e t1o
doc'ments, t%e DO$ reg'lations taFe precedence*
(a)9o1er or 0-'ipment Fail're* $%e device m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) #9 (F?
(4)Storae 9 Security. All re-'irements needed to properl& store and sec're t%e device
m'st be s'pplied b& t%e man')act'rer*
c. %nines and #elated %=uipment.
(1),eneral. $%e ve%icle m'st %ave a commerciall&!prod'ced engine t%at is certi)ied to
compl& 1it% t%e 0nvironmental 9rotection Agenc& (09A) and state la1s )or o))!%ig%1a&
emission re-'irements at t%e time o) man')act're* $%e engine and transmission m'st operate
e))icientl& and 1it%o't detrimental e))ect to an& drive train components 1%en l'bricated 1it%
standard, commerciall& available l'bricants in Feeping 1it% t%e recommendations o) t%e engine
and transmission man')act'rers*
(2)Acceleration. $%e )'ll& loaded ve%icle 1ill accelerate )rom 0 to "0 miles per %o'r
(mp%) on a level paved road 1it%in 30 seconds*
(3)Altitude. <%ere j'sti)ied, t%e ve%icle 1ill be designed )or operation at 2,000 )eet
above sea level*
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
AppendiG 5
(4)Indicators. 0ngines 'sed to drive s&stems, ot%er t%an t%e ve%icle prop'lsion s&stem,
m'st be e-'ipped 1it% a tac%ometer (green!lined 1it%in t%e correct operating ?9M range and
red!lined above t%is range) or a'tomaticall& governed to prevent over!revving*
(5)%nine Coolin System. Ai-'id coolant s&stems m'st be rated )or t%e maGim'm
engine loads 'nder t%e environmental conditions speci)ied b& t%e airport, or at t%e conditions o)
maGim'm intermittent o'tp't approved b& t%e engine man')act'rer, 1%ic%ever criterion res'lts
in t%e largest %eat trans)er capacit&* A label 1ill be installed near t%e engine coolant reservoir
reading Q0ngine (oolant Fill*R
(6).uel System.
(a) :asoline po1ered engines m'st meet all per)ormance re-'irements 1it%o't
re-'iring premi'm grades o) )'el* Diesel po1ered engines m'st be certi)ied )or aviation t'rbine
)'el* A9: engines m'st be certi)ied )or (;at'ral :as 9rod'cers Association) 6D!" motor )'el*
(b) Alternative )'els, s'c% as bio!diesel, clean diesel, gaseo's )'els (nat'ral gas and
li-'id petrole'm gas), alco%ols (met%anol and et%anol), =et A, and re)orm'lated gasoline ma&
also be 'sed* 0-'ipment modi)ications to allo1 t%e 'se o) s'c% )'els m'st con)orm to
man')act'rer speci)ications*
(c) F'el )ilters* 9rimar& and secondar& )'el )ilters 1ill be provided* F'el )ilter
elements 1ill be easil& replaceable b& a mec%anic 1it%o't loss o) engine prime*
(d) F'el tanF* $%e )'el tanF 1ill %ave a )ill opening readil& accessible to personnel
standing on t%e gro'nd and designed to prevent )'el splas% 1%ile re)'eling* 0ac% tanF 1ill be
located and mo'nted so as to provide maGim'm protection )rom damage, eG%a'st %eat, and
gro'nd )ires* +) more t%an one tanF is )'rnis%ed, means 1ill be provided to ass're e-'ali2ed )'el
level in bot% tanFs* An overt'rn )'el valve 1ill be provided )or eac% tanF to prevent spillage in
t%e event o) a rollover* 0ac% )'el tanF m'st be prominentl& labeled 1it% t%e t&pe o) )'el 'sed in
t%e engine*
(7) %<haust System. $%e eG%a'st s&stem 1ill be constr'cted o) %ig% grade r'st resistant
materials and protected )rom damage res'lting )rom FOD impact* 0G%a'st s&stem o'tlet(s) 1ill
be directed 'p1ard or to t%e rear, a1a& )rom personnel accessing e-'ipment compartments and
t%e engine air intaFe, and 1ill not be directed to1ard t%e gro'nd* 0ngine eG%a'st s&stems m'st
be provided 1it% )lame and sparF arrestors*
d. Chassis and 0ehicle Components
(1)Transmission. A )'ll& a'tomatic transmission 1ill be provided*
(2)Driveline. +) t%e driveline is e-'ipped 1it% a di))erential locFing control, a
1arning/ca'tion label 1ill be placed in vie1 o) t%e driver indicating t%e proper di))erential
locFing/'n!locFing proced'res* $%e operator3s man'al 1ill also incl'de a similar
1arning/ca'tion* All moving parts re-'iring ro'tine l'brication m'st %ave a means o) providing
)or s'c% l'brication* $%ere m'st be no press're l'brication )ittings 1%ere t%eir normal 'se 1o'ld
damage grease seals or ot%er parts*
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
AppendiG 5
(3)A<le Capacity. 0ac% aGle 1ill %ave a rated capacit&, as establis%ed b& t%e aGle
(4)Tires and >heels. $ires and 1%eels 1ill be certi)ied b& t%e man')act'rer )or not less
t%an 2" miles o) contin'o's operation at 80 mp% at t%e normal operational in)lation press're* A
spare tire and 1%eel assembl& 1ill be provided/ %o1ever, t%e spare tire and 1%eel assembl& are
not re-'ired to be mo'nted on t%e ve%icle* $ires 1ill be ne1* ?etreads, recaps, or re!grooved
tires are not permitted*
(5)To;in Connections. $%e ve%icle 1ill be e-'ipped 1it% to1ing connections
allo1ing )or t%e ve%icle to be to1ed )ore and a)t*
(6)-raBe System.
(a)$%e ve%icle 1ill be e-'ipped 1it% a braFing s&stem in accordance 1it% Federal
Motor Ee%icle a)et& tandard (FME) standards* Ee%icles 1it% a :ross Ee%icle <eig%t ?atio
(:E<?) above 28,000 lbs 1ill be e-'ipped 1it% air braFes* All components o) t%e braFing
s&stem 1ill be installed in s'c% a manner as to provide protection )rom objects liable to striFe
and ca'se damage to t%e braFe s&stem components* ;o part o) t%e braFing s&stem 1ill eGtend
belo1 t%e bottom o) 1%eel rims, to ens're, in case o) a )lat tire, t%at t%e 1eig%t o) t%e ve%icle
1ill be s'pported b& t%e rim and t%e )lat tire and not be imposed on an& component o) t%e
braFing s&stem*
(b)5raFing s&stems )or ve%icles 1it% a maGim'm speed o) less t%an 20 mp% (32
Fm/%) m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) $itle #9 (F? 9art 393, P393*#1 and 393*"2* $%e maGim'm
stopping distance in )eet m'st be e-'al to t%e design speed in mp%*
(7)Steerin. $%e ve%icle 1ill be e-'ipped 1it% po1er steering* $%e )'ll& loaded
ve%icle 1ill %ave a 1all to 1all t'rning diameter o) less t%an t%ree times t%e overall lengt% o) t%e
ve%icle in bot% directions*
e. Cab. $%e ve%icle 1ill %ave a )'ll& enclosed door cab o) materials 1%ic% are corrosion
resistant, s'c% as al'min'm, stainless steel, or glass rein)orced pol&ester constr'ction* teps and
%andrails 1ill be provided )or all doors* $%e lo1ermost step(s) 1ill be no more t%an 20 inc%es
above level gro'nd 1%en t%e ve%icle is )'ll& loaded* A tilt steering col'mn 1ill be provided*
(1)>indshield and >indo;s. $%e 1inds%ield and 1indo1s 1ill be o) tinted sa)et&
glass* 0ac% door 1indo1 1ill be capable o) being opened )ar eno'g% to )acilitate emergenc&
occ'pant escape in t%e event o) a ve%icle accident*
(2)Instruments and Controls. All instr'ments and controls 1ill be ill'minated and
designed to prevent or prod'ce 1inds%ield glare* :a'ges 1ill be provided )or oil press're,
coolant temperat're, and a'tomatic transmission temperat're* All device instr'ments and
controls m'st be located 1it%in convenient reac% o) t%e seated driver*
(3)30AC System. +) an 6EA( s&stem is speci)ied b& t%e p'rc%aser, enclosed li)t
s&stems m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) A0 =1"03 and FME ;o* 103* +n sections 1%ere t%e
t1o doc'ments ma& con)lict, FME ;o* 103 taFes precedence*
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
AppendiG 5
(4)Seats. $%e driver seat 1ill be adj'stable )ore and a)t* 0ac% seat 1ill be provided
1it% a $&pe 2 seat belt assembl& (i*e*, 3!point retractable restraint) in accordance 1it% (ode o)
Federal ?eg'lations ((F?) #9 (F? 9art "71, P"71*209*
(5)>indshield ;ipers and ;asher. $%e ve%icle 1ill be e-'ipped 1it% electricall&
po1ered 1inds%ield 1iper(s)* $%e 1iper arm(s) and blade(s) 1ill be o) s'))icient lengt% to clear
t%e 1inds%ield area described b& ociet& o) A'tomotive 0ngineers (A0) =194, <inds%ield
<iper &stems ! $r'cFs, 5'ses, and M'ltip'rpose Ee%icles* +ndivid'al 1iper controls 1ill
incl'de a minim'm o) t1o speed settings and an intermittent setting* $%e 1iper blades 1ill
a'tomaticall& ret'rn to a parF position, o't o) t%e line o) vision* $%e ve%icle 1ill be e-'ipped
1it% a po1ered 1inds%ield 1as%er s&stem, incl'ding an electric )l'id p'mp, a minim'm one
gallon )l'id container, 1as%er no22les mo'nted to t%e 1iper arms (1et arms), and a momentar&
(6)>arnin Sins. igns t%at state SOcc'pants m'st be seated and 1earing a seat belt
1%en apparat's is in motionS 1ill be provided in locations t%at are visible )rom eac% seated
f. %lectrical 9 (ihtin.
(a)Aig%ting m'st in all cases meet t%e re-'irements o) A( 1"0/"210!", 9ainting,
MarFing, and Aig%ting o) Ee%icles Bsed on an Airport, 'sing t%e standards )or air)ield service
(b)Bnless ot%er1ise speci)ied, electrical s&stems incorporating a storage batter& m'st
%ave a nominal rating o) 12 or 2#E D(*
(c)+) %ig%1a& transportabilit& is speci)ied, or ot%er1ise speci)ied b& t%e p'rc%aser,
t%e ve%icle lig%ting m'st compl& 1it% t%e appropriate provisions o) t%e Bni)orm Ee%icle (ode
and Federal Motor Ee%icle a)et& tandards (i*e* FME $itle 23, (%apter 2, tandard ;o* 104
SAamps, ?e)lective Devices, and Associated 0-'ipmentS)* $%e )ollo1ing lig%ting e-'ipment
m'st also be provided.
(i) $1o sealed!beam %eadlamps 1it% %ig% and lo1 beams and a beam indicator*
(ii) $1o red combination tail and stop lamps, visible )rom t%e rear o) t%e ve%icle*
(iii) Directional t'rn signals*
(iv) D'al bacF'p lig%ts controlled b& t%e transmission s%i)t lever*
(d)<%en possible, %eadlig%ts m'st be located on t%e ve%icle so t%at t%e& are 22 in
(""9 mm) belo1 t%e operator>s e&e level*
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
AppendiG 5
(2)-attery "o;ered Devices.
(a)5atteries m'st be designed to %ave a minim'm li)e o) 3 &ears 1%en maintained
according to t%e man')act'rer3s instr'ctions* For design p'rposes, a )re-'enc& o) 'se o) 1000
c&cles per &ear m'st be ass'med*
(b)A sel)!contained batter& c%arger 1it% a'tomatic voltage control m'st be provided*
$%e c%arging process 1ill re-'ire t%e operator to connect a readil&!accessible pl'g to a standard
110 or 220!volt receptacle, as speci)ied b& t%e p'rc%aser*
(c)$%e batter& s&stem m'st incorporate a batter& condition ga'ge* +) a lo1 voltage
condition co'ld res'lt in %ig%er amperage )lo1 and motor b'rno't, t%en t%e stat's!monitoring
device m'st provide a time 1arning to t%e operator*
(3)%lectromanetic Interference. $%e e-'ipment m'st meet t%e c'rrent iss'es o) radio
s'ppression speci)ication M+A!$D!#81, (lass 3D, ?e-'irements )or t%e (ontrol o)
0lectromagnetic +nter)erence 0missions and 'sceptibilit&* +t m'st be capable o) operating
t%ro'g% t%e entire amplit'de mod'lated aircra)t radio )re-'enc& range o) 7" M62 N 138 M62*
g. 3ydraulic and "neumatic. $%e )ollo1ing re-'irements appl& to %&dra'lic s&stems
ot%er t%an t%e c%assis braFe s&stem*
(1)?aising and lo1ering o) t%e s&stem %opper m'st be accomplis%ed b& one person and
t%ro'g% t1o or more %&dra'lic c&linders, po1ered b& an electric or engine driven p'mp*
(2)6&dra'lic )l'id m'st be as recommended b& t%e man')act'rers o) t%e %&dra'lic
s&stem components*
(3)$%e materials 'sed )or eac% %&dra'lic line m'st be consistent 1it% its application*
FiGed lines m'st be made o) %ig% -'alit& steel or stainless steel* FleGible lines m'st be 'sed onl&
1%ere necessar&*
(1)$%e device m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) A0 A?912#7, paragrap% 3*13*9 and A(
1"0/"220!", 9ainting, MarFing, and Aig%ting o) Ee%icles Bsed on an Airport, 'sing t%e standards
)or air)ield service ve%icles* $%e s%i)ting diagram placard speci)ied in A0 A?912#7, paragrap%
3*13*9*8 ma& be provided in a medi'm ot%er t%an metal i) designated to last )or t%e total li)e o)
t%e e-'ipment* +n t%e event t%at identi)ication and marFing g'idance di))ers bet1een A0
A?912#7 and A( 1"0/"210!", A( 1"0/"210!" taFes precedence*
(2)"aintin and +arBin. $%e device m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) A0 A?912#7,
paragrap% 3*13*11*
(a)$%e s&stem m'st be primed in accordance 1it% accepted ind'str& standards )or
%eav&!d't& ind'strial e-'ipment intended )or o'tdoor 'se*
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
AppendiG 5
(b)$%e s&stem m'st be )'rnis%ed as speci)ied b& t%e p'rc%aser, in accordance 1it%
A( 1"0/"210!", 'sing t%e standards )or air)ield service ve%icles*
-. $ptional %=uipment.
(1)$%e )ollo1ing options are not allo1ed 'nless speci)ic j'sti)ication is provided.
(a)$'rboc%arged engine/
(b)A'Giliar& %and %ose, and %and %ose %&dra'lic assist/
(c):'tter!broom attac%ments.
(2)Ee%icle 'ndercarriage coatings are not allo1ed*
a. ,eneral #e=uirements.
(1)All e-'ipment and material m'st be ne1, 'ndamaged, and o) t%e best grade*
(2)<%ere items eGceed one in n'mber, t%e man')act'rer m'st provide prod'cts )rom t%e
same component man')act'rer 1it% identical constr'ction, model n'mbers, and appearance*
(3)+nso)ar as possible, prod'cts m'st be t%e standard and proven design o) t%e
(4)$%e man')act'rer m'st install electrical connections )or po1er, controls, and devices
in accordance 1it% ;0MA and ;0( recommendations and re-'irements* $ransmitting
e-'ipment m'st be installed and adj'sted in accordance 1it% man')act'rer>s p'blis%ed
instr'ctions and t%e re-'irements speci)ied %erein*
b. >orBmanship. $%e device m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) A0 A?912#7, paragrap%
c. +aterials. $%e device m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) A0 A?912#7, paragrap% 3*13*2*
(1) +oisture and .unus #esistance. $%e device m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) A0
A?912#7, paragrap% 3*13*#*
(2) Corrosion of +etal "arts. $%e device m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) A0
A?912#7, paragrap% 3*13*"*
d. "arts.
(1) Standard and Commercial "arts. $%e device m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) A0
A?912#7, paragrap% 3*13*3*
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
AppendiG 5
(2) Interchaneability and #eplaceability. $%e device m'st meet t%e re-'irements o)
A0 A?912#7, paragrap% 3*13*8*
(3)Spare 9 #eplacement of "arts. $%e man')act'rer m'st develop and provide to t%e
p'rc%aser a parts list, incl'ding associated replacement/repair costs*
(4)Substitutions. $%e p'rc%aser m'st approve an& material or e-'ipment designated as
an Qor e-'alR prod'ct, b't t%ese items m'st be clearl& disting'is%ed and noted in t%e tec%nical
man'als as s'bstit'tions*
e. Codes: Standards: #eulations: and #eferences. $%e man')act'rer m'st recogni2e and
compl& 1it% all codes and standards applicable to t%e design and constr'ction o) t%is t&pe o)
e-'ipment 1%ic% are generall& accepted and 'sed as good practice in t%e ind'str&*
a. For sel)!propelled, mec%anical FOD removal e-'ipment, t%e man')act'rer m'st provide
trained personnel at t%e time o) deliver& to place t%e device into operation*
b. Transportability. +) %ig%1a& transportabilit& is speci)ied b& t%e p'rc%aser, t%e device
m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) A0 A?912#7, paragrap% 3*7*
c. 4uality Assurance. $%e man')act'rer m'st test all o) t%e e-'ipment installed 'nder t%is
speci)ication and demonstrate its proper operation to t%e p'rc%aser* $%e man')act'rer m'st
)'rnis% all re-'ired labor, testing, instr'ments and devices re-'ired )or t%e cond'ct o) s'c% tests*
(1)$%e man')act'rer m'st install all electrical, instr'mentation, and mec%anical 1orFs to
t%e satis)action o) t%e p'rc%aser, 1it% inspecting a't%orities %aving j'risdiction*
(2)$%e man')act'rer m'st noti)& t%e p'rc%aser in 1riting o) an& instances in t%e
speci)ications t%at are in con)lict 1it% applicable codes* $%e man')act'rer m'st per)orm all
1orF in accordance 1it% applicable la1s, r'les, or reg'lations*
(3)Deviations )rom t%e speci)ications re-'ired )or con)ormance 1it% t%e applicable
codes and/or la1s m'st be corrected immediatel&, b't not 'ntil s'c% deviations %ave been
bro'g%t to t%e attention o) t%e p'rc%aser*
(4)For applicable codes and/or la1s t%at govern t%e minim'm design re-'irements/
1%ere t%is A( calls )or materials, vents, d'ct1orF, si2es, design details, etc*, in eGcess o) t%e
code re-'irements, t%e A( taFes precedence*
d. Inspection. +nspections m'st meet t%e provisions o) A0 A?912#7, paragrap% #*3*
e. Testin. A)ter t%e e-'ipment %as been inspected, adj'sted, and placed in correct
operating condition, t%e e-'ipment m'st be )ield tested in accordance 1it% t%e p'rc%asers testing
proced'res and re-'irements* $%e )ield tests m'st demonstrate t%at t%e e-'ipment )'nctions are
in compliance 1it% t%e speci)ications over t%e entire range o) operation* $%e man')act'rer m'st
report an& 'n's'al conditions and correct de)iciencies o) an& o) t%e 'nits*
9/302010 A( 1"0/"210!2#
AppendiG 5
(1)"reliminary 4ualification Tests. 9reliminar& -'ali)ication tests ma& be speci)ied b&
t%e p'rc%aser*
(2).ormal 4ualification Tests. Formal -'ali)ication tests ma& be speci)ied b& t%e
(3)Specification Conformance Tests. $%e man')act'rer m'st per)orm an& tests
re)erred to in A0 A?912#7, paragrap% #*8, i) speci)ied b& t%e p'rc%aser* $%e p'rc%aser ma&
elect to accept doc'mentation o) previo'sl& r'n tests*
(4)#eliability Test and Analysis. A reliabilit& test and anal&sis ma& be speci)ied b& t%e
f. Data and Analyses. +) re-'ested b& t%e p'rc%aser, t%e re-'irements o) A0 A?912#7,
paragrap% #*#, m'st be met b& t%e man')act'rer*
g. +anuals and "ublications. $%e )ollo1ing operation and maintenance man'als m'st
accompan& t%e delivered e-'ipment* $%e -'antit& o) items is speci)ied b& t%e p'rc%aser* ;o
special )ormat is re-'ired*
(1)Operator3s %andbooF*
(2)+ll'strated parts breaFdo1n and list*
(3)9reventive maintenance sc%ed'le*
#.4 P"T1&E*I)ER+ "TAN&AR&".
a. Trainin. For sel)!propelled, mec%anical FOD removal e-'ipment, t%e man')act'rer
m'st provide trained personnel at t%e time o) deliver& to ade-'atel& train airport/air carrier sta))
in t%e operation and maintenance o) t%e e-'ipment*
(1)$raining m'st incl'de 1ritten operating instr'ctions t%at depict t%e step b& step
operational 'se o) t%e device* <ritten instr'ctions m'st incl'de, or be s'pplemented b&,
materials 1%ic% can be 'sed to train s'bse-'ent ne1 operators*
(2)$raining topics m'st incl'de tro'ble s%ooting and problem solving, in t%e )orm o)
t%eor& and %ands!on training, )or personnel designated b& t%e p'rc%aser*
(3)A minim'm o) # %o'rs o) training )or ever& airport/air carrier personnel and
tec%nician on t%e p'rc%aser3s maintenance sta)) m'st be provided b& t%e man')act'rer* $raining
selected personnel as part o) a Q$rain t%e $rainerR program 1ill also satis)& t%is re-'irement*
(4)$raining time per da& m'st not eGceed 4!%o'r s%i)ts, 'nless ot%er1ise speci)ied b& t%e
(5)Bpon t%e completion o) training, t%e man')act'rer m'st iss'e eac% participant a
certi)icate o) completion*
A( 1"0/"210!2# 9/302010
AppendiG 5
b. +aintenance 9 #eliability. $%e e-'ipment and its accessories m'st be designed and
constr'cted 1it% reliabilit& o) operation as a primar& consideration* $%e minim'm reliabilit&
design re-'irement is t%at t%e e-'ipment be designed to operate bet1een periodic preventive
maintenance activities o) # mont%s* $%e above interval does not appl& in cases 1%ere t%e
component man')act'rer recommends more )re-'ent maintenance intervals*
(1)"reventive. $%e man')act'rer m'st develop and provide to t%e p'rc%aser 1ritten
doc'mentation on recommended preventive maintenance actions* For t%e p'rpose o) t%is
speci)ication, normal servicing o) )'el, oil, tire press're, batter&, and 1ater are not considered
preventive maintenance*
(2)Cleanin. $%e man')act'rer m'st develop and provide to t%e p'rc%aser 1ritten
doc'mentation on recommended cleaning proced'res, incl'ding solvent t&pes and tools*
(3)Inspection. $%e man')act'rer m'st develop and provide to t%e p'rc%aser 1ritten
doc'mentation on reg'larl& sc%ed'led maintenance inspection proced'res* A )oc's on sensitive
e-'ipment and sc%ed'le timelines m'st be incl'ded in t%e doc'mentation*
(4)Spare 9 #eplacement of "arts. $%e man')act'rer m'st develop and provide to t%e
p'rc%aser a parts list, incl'ding associated replacement/repair costs*
(5)Tools and Test %=uipment. $%e device m'st meet t%e re-'irements o) A0
A?912#7, paragrap% 3*12*#*

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