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Name:_____________ Class:____________ Date:____________


Complete the text with should or shouldnt and a word from the box. There are
two words you do not need to use.
eat drink try eat get study do make
If you want to be healthy, you have to think about your diet. You
should eat lots of fruit and vegetables
everyday but you

........................................ too many !ris"s or sweets and !ho!olates. You

........................................ to drink between #.$ and % litres of water a day and you
........................................ too many sugary drinks. &hese are bad for your teeth. '(er!ise is also im"ortant.
........................................ at least #0 minutes of e(er!ise three times a week. You should e(er!ise
more if you are under #0 years old. *nd one final thing, you
........................................ too stressed about
homework and e(ams. &he se!ret is not to leave everything until last minute.
___+$ marks

Complete the conversations with should / shouldnt and a verb. Use the
phrase in brackets.
0 *:
-y tooth a!hes. /dentist0
You should go to the dentist.
I1ve got an e(am tomorrow. /this evening0
# *:
I1m so tired. /to bed late0
% *:
-y sister1s got bad teeth. /sweets0
) *:
&he do!tor says I need to eat healthy food. /more fruit0
$ *:
I1m bored. /a good film0
___+$ marks

Underline the correct answer.
'nglish in -ind 2e!ond edition &estmaker 3 Cambridge 4niversity 5ress #00 /567&7C75I*,8'0
Name:_____________ Class:____________ Date:____________
0 9ow, this mat!h is so exciting / e(!ited.
2usie gets borin! + bored very easily.
# 9e had a very tirin! + tired weekend.
% &he news on the &: was shocked + shockin!.
) &his book I1m reading is so fri!htenin! + fri!htened.
$ &he !hildren weren1t interestin! " interested in the D:D at all.
___+$ marks

# Complete the ad$ectives. The first letter has been !iven to you.
0 * "erson walking a long way is tired.
* "erson wat!hing a horror movie is t.................... .
# * "erson who sees an a!!ident is s.................... .
% * !hild going to a "arty is e.................... .
) -y brother is f.................... when he sees a s"ider ; he doesn1t like them.
$ 9hen you tell your tea!hers you haven1t done your homework, they are a.................... .
___+$ marks

Complete the sentences with the words in the box. &ou do not need to use all of
ama<ed annoyed tired e(!ited terrifying sho!king terrified annoying
sho!ked ama<ing boring
0 I think working as a !om"uter "rogrammer must be very boring.
I am really .................... about my holiday this year. 9e1re going to the *ma<on =ungle. It1s going to be
# I wat!hed a horror film with my sister last night. It was .................... . I was so s!ared.
% -y mum1s an a!tress on &: and I am .................... of "eo"le asking me about her all the time.
) -y little brother is so .................... . 6e1s always !rying and he breaks my toys.
$ I was .................... when my neighbour was arrested by the "oli!e. I thought he was so ni!e. You >ust
never know about "eo"le.
___+$ marks

Complete each sentence with a noun from ( and a verb from ) in the correct
*: driver !leaner "ilot worker trainer assistant
,: sto" bite fall take land burn
'nglish in -ind 2e!ond edition &estmaker 3 Cambridge 4niversity 5ress #00 /567&7C75I*,8'0
5age #
Name:_____________ Class:____________ Date:____________
0 &he train driver saw the !ar on the railway line and stopped in time so there wasn1t an a!!ident.
&he .................... had a "roblem and had to .................... the "lane on the motorway.
# &he manager was away so his .................... .................... the (?ray of my leg.
% 7ur windows were very dirty so I "honed a .................... . 4nfortunately, his ladder was very old and
he .................... off it and broke his arm.
) Did you hear about the steel .................... who .................... himself badly when he was working. &hey
work in su!h hot tem"eratures, don1t they@
$ 'very time I went near my horse, it .................... me. I took it to a .................... and now it1s really
___+$ marks

* Underline the correct answer.
0 * cheerful / miserable "erson usually smiles a lot.
* relaxed + nervous "erson doesn1t worry about things.
# * la+y + hard,workin! "erson is always busy.
% * polite + rude "erson never says "lease.
) 2omeone who doesn1t tell you what they really think is honest + dishonest.
$ If you are or!anised + disor!anised, you kee" things in order.
___+$ marks

- .ind five ad$ectives for expressin! opinions in the wordsearch.
0 brilliant
# ..............................
% ..............................
) ..............................
$ ..............................
'nglish in -ind 2e!ond edition &estmaker 3 Cambridge 4niversity 5ress #00 /567&7C75I*,8'0
5age %
Name:_____________ Class:____________ Date:____________
___+$ marks

/ Complete the words. The first letter has been !iven to you.
0 -y sister is really relaxed at the moment be!ause she1s finished all her e(ams.
You !an never trust a d......................... "erson. &hey never say what they think.
# &ina is very h......................... . 2he works after s!hool and at the weekends.
% =ohn is not "olite, in fa!t, sometimes he !an be very r......................... .
) -y neighbours are really u......................... ; they never s"eak to us.
$ You haven1t !ooked a meal or washed the dishes for over a week. You are so l......................... .
___+$ marks

Complete the dialo!ue usin! the words in the box. There are two words you do
not need to use.
awful ugly attra!tive boring interesting !ool dreadful brilliant
1arah2 I hate s!hool, it1s
3ill2 2ome things in s!hool are 7A. Do you like -aths@
1arah2 7f !ourse I don1t. It1s so

.................... . I nearly fall aslee" and the tea!her, -r -arshall, is

.................... . 6e doesn1t know how to tea!h. I bet you don1t like -aths either.
3ill2 I love -aths and there1s a new boy in the !lass, he1s really
.................... . 6e1s tall and blonde with
blue eyes.
1arah2 9hat1s he like, as a "erson@
3ill2 6e1s
.................... be!ause he "lays the guitar in a grou". 6e1s also
.................... at -aths. I1m
going to ask him to hel" me with my homework.
___+$ marks

11 Complete the ad$ectives of feelin!. The first letter has been !iven to you.
0 6ow do you feel when you wat!h a s!ary movie@ Brightened . *nd the movie is frightening.
6ow do you feel when you don1t have anything to do@
,.................... . 9hy@ ,e!ause doing nothing is b.................... .
# 6ow do you feel when your little brother kee"s !oming into your room@
*.................... . *nd your little brother is a.................... .
% 6ow do you feel after you have been to the gym@
&.................... . *nd e(er!ise is t.................... .
'nglish in -ind 2e!ond edition &estmaker 3 Cambridge 4niversity 5ress #00 /567&7C75I*,8'0
5age )
Name:_____________ Class:____________ Date:____________
) 6ow do you feel when you are going on a fantasti! holiday@
'.................... . *nd the holiday is e.................... .
$ 9hen you saw the terrible news on &:, how did you feel@
2.................... . &he news was s.................... .
___+$ marks

12 Complete the dialo!ue. The first letter of each word has been !iven to you.
4enise2 9e1re going on holiday to *meri!a tomorrow. I1m so
3osie2 It sounds wonderful.
4enise2 Did I tell you we1re going to go in a heli!o"ter to the Crand Canyon@
3osie2 7h, I don1t think I1d like that. I1m sure it will be

t.................... .
4enise2 Yes, I1m sure I will be
t.................... . I am
f.................... of heights.
3osie2 ,ut I1m sure it will be very
i.................... . &here1s so mu!h to see and do in the 42. 6ow long is
the flight@
4enise2 I think it1s about ten hours but we have to get u" at three o1!lo!k tomorrow morning.
3osie2 You1ll be very
t.................... when you get there.
4enise2 I know but it will be worth it.
___+$ marks

1 Complete the words. The first letter has been !iven to you.
0 *:
You !an believe everything 5hil says.
Yes, he1s so honest.
I offered to hel" 2teve but he told me to go away.
I know. 6e1s very r............... .
# *:
2imon always hel"s me when I ask.
Yeah, he1s really k............... .
% *:
I know where everything is in my room.
You1re so o............... .
) *:
You look very !............... .
Yeah, it1s my birthday.
$ *:
8inda never worries about anything.
I know, she1s very r............... .
___+$ marks

1# Complete the sentences with the words and phrases in the box.
'nglish in -ind 2e!ond edition &estmaker 3 Cambridge 4niversity 5ress #00 /567&7C75I*,8'0
5age $
Name:_____________ Class:____________ Date:____________
go to bed get u" am awake wake u" go to slee" am aslee"
0 If I1m not aslee", I am awake.
I usually .............................. about 0.%0 and then read a book for an hour.
# 9hen my eyes are !losed and I1m dreaming, it means I .............................. .
% 9hen my alarm !lo!k rings in the morning I .............................. and listen to the radio for half an hour.
) ,abies .............................. wherever they want.
$ *fter I wake u", I usually .............................. immediately.
___+$ marks

5ead the telephone conversation between 6ancy and 3oan who are !oin! to a
school party. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
awake easy?going aslee" rude attra!tive "olite dull woken u" get to slee"
go to bed thoughtful
6ancy2 Is that you =oan@
3oan2 Yes.
6ancy2 *re you
awake@ You sound half

.................... .
3oan2 I didn1t
.................... until late last night and then I !ouldn1t
.................... . I was thinking about
the s!hool dis!o tonight.
3oan2 6ave you de!ided who you are going to dan!e with@
6ancy2 9ell, there1s =ake. 6e1s very
.................... ; su!h good manners ; and
.................... . 6e
always asks D6ow are you@1
3oan2 6e1s
.................... and boring. 9hat about &erry@
6ancy2 7h no, he1s always talking about himself and he1s so arrogant. 2ometimes he !an be very
.................... too. Gemember when he shouted at -r =ames, the musi! tea!her@ 9hat about
3oan2 I am thinking of 6arry. 6e1s very
.................... and rela(ed. 6e never gets angry about anything.
6ancy2 *nd he1s the most
.................... boy in !lass ; lovely blue eyes. 6e1s so intelligent, too. Cood
!hoi!e =oan, I am thinking of him, too.
3oan2 I see you have
.................... , Nan!y.
___+0 marks

5ead the sentences. Then listen to a conversation between a !irl and
her mother about !oin! to a concert. 8ark the statements T 9true: or F
0 &he !on!ert is on 2aturday. T
6er dad thinks '(eter is too far. ......
'nglish in -ind 2e!ond edition &estmaker 3 Cambridge 4niversity 5ress #00 /567&7C75I*,8'0
5age E
Name:_____________ Class:____________ Date:____________
# -olly is going to ask *my1s mother to take her. ......
% -olly wants to go to the !on!ert alone. ......
) 6er dad thinks -olly1s too young to go to the !on!ert. ......
$ -olly is not a teenager. ......
E -olly thinks her mum will let her go. ......
F -olly knows e(a!tly when the !on!ert will finish. ......
H 6er dad wants to "i!k her u" at the end of the !on!ert. ......
I -olly1s friends are !oming ba!k by train. ......
0 -olly is going to take her mobile "hone to the !on!ert. ......
___+0 marks

1* 5ead the text. 8ark the statements T 9true: or F 9false:.
I1ve been to =a"an lots of times be!ause my father worked there. I remember the first time I went there. I
was twelve and I went with my "arents. -y dad1s friend in =a"an had a daughter !alled -ayumi. 2he was the
same age as I was. 7ur "arents de!ided we !ould s"end some time together. *s soon as we met, I tried to
shake her hand but she smiled and, with her hands together and her ba!k very straight, she moved the to"
"art of her body towards me. J&his is a bowK, she e("lained in her sim"le 'nglish. JIn =a"an we don1t shake
hands or kiss as you do in 'uro"e or *meri!a.K I learned my lesson and I started bowing to everybody I met.
&he same day we went sho""ing and I made another mistake. I gave the sho" assistant the money. JNo,
no,K said -ayumi, Jyou shouldn1t do that. 5ut the money in that little bowl and the sho" assistant will take it
from there.K
J,ut why@K I asked, very sur"rised.
J,e!ause we think it1s rude.K she e("lained.
'ating was very different too. &he =a"anese eat their food with !ho"sti!ks ; wooden sti!ks. -ayumi taught
me how to use them. It took me a long time to learn. 7n our last day in =a"an, I tried to give -ayumi some of
my fish for her to try.
JYou shouldn1t do that.K she said, Jit1s e(tremely rude. If you want me to taste some of your food, you should
"ut it here, on this !lean "late. I will take it from there.K
I was very embarrassed. I often taste my friends1 food when we go out to restaurants and it seemed a ni!e
thing to do.
Now I1m %$ and often travel for my work. I still learn something when I visit a new !ountry. &hat is why
travelling is so interesting and e(!iting.
0 &he writer has been to =a"an more than on!e. T
&he writer first visited =a"an when he was a !hild. ......
# 6is dad1s friend in =a"an was !alled -ayumi. ......
% -ayumi was twelve years old. ......
) -ayumi didn1t want the writer to "ay in the sho". ......
$ &he writer thought the sho" assistant was rude. ......
E =a"anese "eo"le don1t usually use knives and forks. ......
F -ayumi hel"ed the writer to learn about =a"anese !ulture. ......
H &he writer found it easy to use !ho"sti!ks. ......
'nglish in -ind 2e!ond edition &estmaker 3 Cambridge 4niversity 5ress #00 /567&7C75I*,8'0
5age F
Name:_____________ Class:____________ Date:____________
I &he writer is now a tea!her. ......
0 &he writer likes travelling. ......
___+0 marks

Total2 ;;;;;;;;; " 100
'nglish in -ind 2e!ond edition &estmaker 3 Cambridge 4niversity 5ress #00 /567&7C75I*,8'0
5age H

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