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Contents Page - Issue 39 - Tullibody, Cambus and Glenochil Sites and


1. Schedule 4

2. Representations

Tullibody, Cambus & Glenochil Community Council (CLDP057a,
Scottish Government (CLDP070a)
Mr T Liddell/McIntosh Planning Ltd. (CLDP076)

3. Supporting Documents

CD030 Clackmannanshire Adopted Local Plan (December 2004)
CD034 Clackmannanshire Proposed Local Development Plan
(November 2013)
CD064 Cambus Station Park and Ride, Feasibility Study, Final
Report, (Jacobs), October 2007
SD26 Mr T Liddell/McIntosh Planning Ltd. (CLDP076) - Supporting
Statement [attached]

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Issue 39
Tullibody, Cambus and Glenochil Sites and
Development Plan
M04 - Alloa Road, Tullibody (Page
S06 - Tullibody Civic Centre (Page
T07 - Cambus Park and Ride (Page
Body or person(s) submitting a representation raising the issue
(including reference number):

Tullibody, Cambus & Glenochil Community Council (CLDP057a, CLDP057b)
Scottish Government (CLDP070a)
Mr T Liddell/McIntosh Planning Ltd. (CLDP076)

Provision of the development
plan to which the issue relates:

Planning Authoritys summary of the representation(s):

M04 - Alloa Road, Tullibody

Tullibody, Cambus & Glenochil Community Council (CLDP057b) The
current access road into this site should be maintained and continue to be
available for amenity access by residential properties next to the plot. The
road is required for properties adjacent to the site to present waste bins for
uplift on Alloa Road and for vehicular access. Any new build considerations
for this site should not be to the detriment of the current residential properties
neighbouring it in terms of access and amenity.

S06 - Tullibody Civic Centre

Tullibody, Cambus & Glenochil Community Council (CLDP057a) It would
be inappropriate to offer this site for development. The site is currently used
for car parking for the Civic Centre, Playing Fields and Abercromby School.
The loss of this car parking space would create additional on street parking on
Abercromby Place which is already a very busy route. Given the growing
population and requirement for community and leisure facilities it would be a
retrograde step to reduce the off street parking currently available at this

T07 - Cambus Park and Ride

Scottish Government (CLDP070a) Whilst it is recognised that there are no
firm proposals for this station in the plan, it should be recognised that the
Scottish Ministers have no current plans for a station at this location. As such,
any reference to the station should remain aspirational and no funding
commitment should be assumed. The Scottish Government does not require
land to be retained in the Plan for the provision of this, or other stations.

The responsibility to demonstrate the need for a new station will continue to lie
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with the relevant promoter, for example, Local Authorities, Regional Transport
Partnerships or developers.

Any proposal for a station would have to be shown to be an appropriate
transport solution, through the completion of a properly complete STAG
appraisal, which would need to consider any station in the context of
alternative solutions that may be developed to address recognised transport

It would also have to be shown to be a viable financial and technical solution,
requiring the consideration of such factors as the capital costs of building a
station and any associated infrastructure, the ongoing costs that may be
associated with operating subsidies, the potential need for additional rolling
stock and the impacts of stations on wider rail timetabling.

In terms of this particular proposal, it must also be recognised that this may
have the potential to impact on the operation of level crossings that currently
exist in the Council area. It is important that Clackmannanshire Council
recognise this and discuss any proposals with the appropriate agency,
whether associated with a new rail station or not. Network Rail should be
contacted for their information and comment, before the Local Development
Plan is adopted.

Mr T Liddell/McIntosh Planning Ltd. (CLDP076) The Draft Designated Sites
Plan on the Councils portal does not identify the land at Cambus as a station
and park and ride yet the other accompanying plans do; and the LDP text
document identifies the site as a transport opportunity site in Cambus. The
Consultation Draft Forth 2 Plan shows the annotation T07 in a circle, yet no
site boundary is identified, however, it is clear that the site is the largest of all
transport proposals on the Consultation Draft Countryside Plan which
accompanies the LDP documents. Clarity between the different documents as
to the importance and significance of this designation would have been more
helpful to the community engagement.

A boundary for the site, especially in the light of the 2007 Jacobs Cambus
Station Park and Ride Feasibility Report (CD064) (a copy of which was
provided to Mr Liddell by the Council), would have brought more transparency
to the proposed allocation/designation of this land. As such the public are left
with the uncertainty of the size of the site proposed, the position of the access
point and what other land around the site will be removed from agricultural
use. The Jacobs report also makes reference to other land being released for
housing in this location yet this does not appear in the draft LDP (CD034).
Clarity again is required in order that the public are able to provide relevant
input on the significant issues that these proposals generate.

The proposal to designate this land as a station plus park and ride will
necessitate the provision of a large roundabout close to existing residential
properties. The significance of the impact on this roundabout upon the status
quo will relate to landscape and visual impact.

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Other significant impacts relate to the function and operation of the site in
terms of the volumes of vehicles accessing the park and ride and station car
park on a daily basis at all hours of day and night. No assessment of this has
been undertaken to date in order to quantify the noise, vibration and road
safety implications.

The proposal will result in a loss of visual amenity and a large volume of hard
surface on an area which is a ploughed field at present. This will be a
dramatic change in character which will negatively impact on the landscape
and the setting of Cambus. It would be prudent of the Council to undertake a
landscape and visual appraisal in order to formally record and assess this
impact before taking this further.

The site selection process is questioned, it would be prudent of the Council to
reveal this assessment and quantify it in the interests of transparency and
good planning. The Jacob's report (CD064) referred to above does not identify
alternative sites as it should nor score the adequacy or otherwise of all
potential sites along the rail route which could facilitate this development. We
require the Council to undertake a comparative analysis of suitable sites
before committing to this one in the plan rather than purely adopting this site
as its the only one thats been considered. Jacob's highlights an alternative
location at Alloa for the park and ride.

Reference is made in the report (CD064) to the site being suitable given the
volume of development in Cambus/Tullibody yet when we examine the draft
LDP (CD034) there is only one proposed housing allocation (H25) in
Tullibody which is for 6 units. How is the proposal therefore to be
serviced/justified by way of the small scale nature of the existing population
without having to market the proposal to a wider catchment area, thus
resulting in increased vehicle journeys to the site and in turn increased
impacts on existing residents?

The implications of effectively increasing the settlement envelope to
accommodate this proposal are that it would result in a change in nature of
the area. An area of greenbelt would be built upon resulting in increased
pressure to develop other areas of the greenbelt in this location which will in
time result in further expansion of the settlement envelope in this direction.

Before committing to this opportunity/proposal the Council will require to
adequately assess the transport implications and impacts. A Traffic Impact
Assessment should therefore be undertaken.

The Jacobs report (CD064) states that there has been no assessment of the
general junction capacity (paragraph 2.3.1). Regarding speed limits on this
stretch of road, it is difficult to think about traffic impact without thinking about
these. The speed should be reduced to 30mph if this proposal goes ahead.
The design of the road and visibility require to be assessed. In the past 12
months there have been so many accidents on this stretch of road that the
question of road safety must be raised and examined by the Council before
designating this site. These elements should be assessed as part of the site
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selection criteria.

The benefits of the proposal to Cambus are not identified, residents require to
know these.

The trains slowing down and stopping then starting up again will result in
additional and different noise impacts form those experienced at present.
Litter will be generated by so many people being at the site, a loss of privacy
from people using driveways as shortcuts, a loss of value will be experienced
by existing property owners. The impact of high level street lighting potentially
being introduced onto the land in order to facilitate this development is also an
impact that requires to be adequately assessed.

This objection therefore stands in relation to the manner in which the use and
allocation of the site as a potential park and ride and station has been arrived
at and the way this is expressed unclearly in the plan documents. The
resultant impacts in terms of visual, landscape, traffic, noise, litter and lighting
which will be experienced by residents have not been assessed nor
alternatives examined adequately.

Modifications sought by those submitting representations:

M04 - Alloa Road, Tullibody

Tullibody, Cambus & Glenochil Community Council (CLDP057b) Current
access road into the site should be maintained and continue to be available
for amenity access by residential properties.

S06 - Tullibody Civic Centre

Tullibody, Cambus & Glenochil Community Council (CLDP057a) Should
not be developed as parking spaces would be lost.

T07 - Cambus Park and Ride

Scottish Government (CLDP070a) Rail station proposal at Cambus - any
reference to the station should remain aspirational and no funding
commitment should be assumed. It should be recognised that the Scottish
Ministers have no current plans for a station at this location.

Mr T Liddell/McIntosh Planning Ltd. (CLDP076) Requests removal of
reference to Opportunity T07 and annotation on plans in relation to Cambus
Station and Park and Ride.

Summary of responses (including reasons) by Planning Authority:

M04 - Alloa Road, Tullibody and S06 - Tullibody Civic Centre

In relation to Tullibody, Cambus & Glenochil Community Council's
representations (CLDP057b and CLDP057a), the proposals for site M04
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identify access as being from Alloa Road. Internal layout and the safeguarding
of accesses to individual properties neighbouring the site would be considered
at the detailed design stage. At site S06, there is sufficient land around the
current Tullibody Civic Centre to allow for additional parking which may be
required as a result of further services being located there either through
extensions or re-use of existing space within the Centre. No changes are
therefore sought to the LDP.

T07 - Cambus Park and Ride

Scottish Government (CLDP070a) It was considered that by identifying this
as an opportunity rather than a proposal, and stating in the text that the
opportunity involved safeguarding the land, rather than delivering the rail halt
and car park, that the aspirational nature of the opportunity was made clear.
Should further clarity be required through additional wording, the Reporter
may be minded to request the addition of further detail.

Mr T Liddell/McIntosh Planning Ltd. (CLDP076) Site T07 is identified in the
Proposed Local Development Plan (CD034) as a circle, which denotes
Proposals and Opportunities "where the precise boundaries or location are
not yet known" and are therefore indicative. The size of the circles on the
different scales of maps varies to assist legibility and does not represent the
size of the opportunity site. Due to a technical problem, these indicative sites
did not show up on the map uploaded to the portal as they were point files
rather than shape files. This was not brought to our attention until this
submission was received, however this is likely to be due to the fact that the
maps were initially uploaded to the Council's website and through Citizen
Space, where these technical problems did not occur and the plans were
identical to the printed copies. It was only later in the consultation process that
the OLDP module was able to be uploaded. Mr Liddell was also alerted to the
opportunity as a neighbour. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

The Jacob's report (CD064) was not referred to, and the site boundary was
not taken from that report as this was a feasibility report from October 2007
and there is no certainty that the boundaries would remain the same should
the opportunity be progressed. The figures in the report would all be likely to
require to be updated, including passenger numbers (as the train service is
now operating real data would be available rather than just the projections
available in 2007), traffic flows and construction costs. It is unclear where the
reference to land for housing in this vicinity in the Jacob's report came from,
although it is likely that, at the time of the report a large number of houses
were still to be constructed as part of the Muirside development in Tullibody,
which is now complete. No additional housing at this location is promoted or
supported by the development plan. No changes are therefore sought to
the LDP.

Although limited weight should be given to the Jacob's report (CD064), the
indicative layouts included within it show the construction of a roundabout
some distance from the existing houses, and a significant 'buffer' area
between the car park and the housing to the west. No changes are therefore
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sought to the LDP.

No traffic counts were reviewed as part of the study (CD064) which states "No
assessment of generated traffic or junction capacity has been undertaken. It is
recommended that a transport impact assessment is carried out on the
adjacent junctions which lie along the A907 to determine any impact of traffic
generated by the new Cambus Station.". This detailed work would be carried
out as part of any future progress in delivering the rail halt. No changes are
therefore sought to the LDP.

In terms of landscape and visual impact, it is accepted that there would be
some impact from development in this location, although no tall structures are
proposed and landscaping would be incorporated into any design to minimise
impact. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

A site for a rail halt at Cambus is identified in the Clackmannanshire Adopted
Local Plan (December 2004) (CD030), although this has proved to be
technically undeliverable because of recent developments. Additionally the
LDP opportunity has been identified as it is at a point on the route between
Stirling and Alloa where there is a passing loop. There are no other suitable
locations with such a loop. The Jacob's report (CD064) did consider
increasing the capacity of the parking at Alloa Station as an option and this
has been included as a Proposal in the LDP. No changes are therefore
sought to the LDP.

At the time of the report (CD064) (2007) a significant number of houses were
still to be constructed as part of the Muirside development in Tullibody and the
Middletonkerse development in Menstrie. These are now complete, or almost
complete. A park and ride at this location would be likely to attract people who
would previously have driven to Stirling or Alloa stations, or carried out their
whole journey by car, therefore there is likely to be an overall reduction in car
journeys/mileage. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

This is technically the only area where a new station could be provided due to
the existence of as passing loop. It would therefore not set a precedent and
the land surrounding the development would remain greenbelt. No changes
are therefore sought to the LDP.

Further studies would be undertaken if it was decided to progress with this
opportunity. In the meantime it was considered appropriate, and good
Planning, to identify the opportunity through the LDP (CD034) to allow debate
and comment on the principle. No changes are therefore sought to the

The existing speed limit at the proposed roundabout location in the Jacob's
report (CD064) is 60mph. In the interest of safety for approaches to the new
roundabout and associated pedestrian crossing points, the report (CD064)
recommended that the adjacent existing 40mph speed limit is extended
eastwards beyond the roundabout. The roundabout would also act as a traffic
calming measure for high speed vehicles approaching Cambus. This detailed
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work would be carried out as part of any future progress in delivering the rail
halt. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

The opportunity would benefit the residents of Cambus by providing them with
easier access to public transport and would also benefit residents in the
surrounding settlements in the same way. It would also help to reduce car
trips and journey lengths by car, relieve congestion in Alloa and Stirling
centres and make a positive contribution to sustainable travel. No changes
are therefore sought to the LDP.

While the experience of those living close to the station may be changed by
the change in noise of decelerating and accelerating trains, the properties are
no closer to the station than those at Alloa Station. It is therefore unlikely that
there would be significant noise issues which could not be overcome. Future
electrification of the line would also lead to cleaner and quieter trains. Litter,
privacy from people taking routes through private land and perceived loss of
value are not planning considerations. Pedestrian routes to any rail halt would
be considered in detail at the design stage along with any necessary
pedestrian road crossings. The impact of street lighting would also be
considered at the design stage to minimise impact on existing properties. No
changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

The principle of a rail halt at Cambus has already been established through
the Clackmannanshire Adopted Local Plan (December 2004) (CD030),
although that was at a slightly different location. There are no suitable
alternative sites which would meet the aims of providing a park and ride
facility. No further certainty in the opportunity can be given until further work is
done, but it is considered good Planning to highlight the possibility of a rail halt
at this location as an aspiration of the Council. Detailed concerns will be
addressed at the detailed design/planning application stage should the
opportunity proceed. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

Reporters conclusions:

Reporters recommendations:

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