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Thai Chicken Noodle Soup (gluten-free)

If you like chicken noodle soup, you'll love this fragrant, favorful & oh so
soothing version of a universal classic. Made with rice noodles instead of
wheat, this chicken soup recipe is lighter in calories and also much healthier
than your typical chicken noodle soup (gluten-free too!. "reat if you're
#ghting o$ a cold or fu %ug, or anytime you want a %owl of comfort - whether
for the %ody or the soul. &n'oy
) cups good-tasting chicken %roth (add %ones if you have leftover roast
chicken or turkey!
*-+ fresh chicken %reasts or thighs, chopped into small pieces, ,- *-+ cups
leftover roast chicken (or turkey!
* stalk lemongrass., #nely sliced and minced, ,- . /%sp. %ottled or fro0en
prepared lemongrass
.-1 ka2r lime leaves, ,- su%stitute * %ay leaf
* thum%-si0e piece galangal ,- ginger, grated or sliced into thin strips
* large carrot, sliced
several %unches %a%y %ok choy, separated (or other added greens of your
* red chili, minced, ,- * tsp. chili sauce ,- *3+ tsp. cayenne pepper
. cloves garlic, minced
*31 cup fresh lime 'uice
+-. /%sp. #sh sauce (to taste!
*31 to *3. cup coconut milk
white or %lack pepper (to taste!
generous handful of fresh coriander
4-*5 o0. dry fat /hai rice noodles, or other noodles of your choice
optional( * tsp. sugar, to taste
6rep /ime( *7 minutes
8ook /ime( *7 minutes
/otal /ime( .5 minutes
9ield( Makes +-. Meal-:i0e ;owls
;ring a large pot of water to 'ust under a %oil and add the noodles. -emove
from heat and allow noodles to soak 7-4 minutes, or until soft %ut still chewy
(<al dente<!. =rain and rinse %riefy with cold water to keep from sticking.
>sing a large soup pot, %ring chicken stock to a %oil over high heat. ?dd
the fresh or roasted chicken, lemongrass, galangal or ginger, carrot, whole
lime leaves (plus chicken or turkey %ones, if availa%le!. ;oil on high for *
minute, then turn heat down to medium and cover with a lid. ?llow soup to
simmer for 7-) more minutes, adding %ok choy when chicken is nearly
@hile continuing to simmer the soup, add the chili, garlic, lime 'uice, plus +
/%sp. of the #sh sauce. :tir well.
/urn heat down to minimum and add the coconut milk (add up to *3. cup
for creamier soup!. :tir to incorporate.
/aste-test the soup, adding more #sh sauce until desired favor3saltiness is
reached (how much you will need depends on how salty your stock is!. If it
tastes too salty, add another sAuee0e or two of lime 'uice. ?dd more chili if
not spicy enough, or more coconut milk if the soup is too spicy. If the soup is
a little too sour for your taste, add *-+ tsp. sugar (to %alance out the lime
/o serve, place a generous mound of noodles in each %owl, then top with
the hot soup. Binish with a #nal sprinkling of pepper and fresh coriander. If
desired, serve with /hai chili sauce, either store-%ought or my own
homemade Cam 6rik 6ao 8hili :auce (homemade recipe! to give your soup an
eDtra kick of spicy favor. &CE,9
Roti Dessert
-oti (also known as paratha or chapati! are a staple fat%read throughout
several :outheast ?sian countries, including India, Malaysia, and /hailand.
@hile they are perhaps %etter known as accompaniments for savory main
courses, /hais, in particular, like to eat them for dessert, too.
/hings 9ou'll Ceed
+ cups all-purpose four
*3+ cup water, or possi%ly a little %it more
* t%sp. sugar
* tsp. vanilla eDtract
* tsp. salt
* t%sp. melted %utter or ghee
*+-inch skillet or fat griddle
Farge spatula
Gegeta%le oil
:weetened condensed milk
;anana or your favorite fruit (optionaF
* MiD together all ingredients eDcept for condensed milk and %anana.
9ou may need to add a little more water at this stage, depending on how dry
or humid conditions are in your kitchen. /he dough should ideally come
together into a %all that is slightly sticky, %ut well-formed. If it is sticking to
your hands too much, apply a little oil to your hands and continue kneading.
+ =ivide the dough into four %alls of eAual si0e. -oll each one on the
counter top, then fatten it into a disc with the palm of your hand. >se a little
more four on the counter top if necessary to keep it from sticking. :tretch,
push, and pull the disc to form a larger disc, almost like a pancake (only
made of dough instead of %atter!.
. -epeat with the remaining three %alls. 9our discs should now %e a%out the
si0e of Bris%ees, and 'ust slightly smaller than a dinner plate. /his is why you
need the *+-inch skillet (if you go the skillet route! to cook them.
1 Heat your griddle or skillet and dri00le on 'ust enough vegeta%le oil to
lightly coat the %ottom.
7 6lace your #rst roti on the griddle or in your skillet. 6ut the spatula on
top of it so that the fat part rests directly in the center of the roti. -oti have a
tendency to pu$ when cooking, which is desira%le for some purposes, %ut not
for this one. /he spatula will help keep it fat.
) 8ook the #rst side until it is golden %rown. Fift with the spatula to
checkI you should start to see the golden %rown at the edges when it's ready
to fip. /his will only take a minute or two, at most. Blip and repeat with the
other side, and repeat with the remaining three roti.
J :erve warm, dri00led with sweetened condensed milk and topped with
your favorite fruit. 9ou can also fold them over the condensed milk and fruit
and slice them up.
Thai Pineapple Salad
*3. cup olive oil or *3. cup vegeta%le oil
+ ta%lespoons lemon 'uice
* ta%lespoon soy sauce
* -+ teaspoon packed %rown sugar
* small pineapple, cut into chunks
* tart red apple, diced
. green onions, sliced (with tops!
* small %unch romaine lettuce, shredded
* :hake oil, lemon 'uice, soy sauce and %rown sugar in tightly covered 'arI
set aside.
+ 6lace pineapple chunks, apple and green onions in %owl. ?dd the
dressing and toss well.
. 6lace romaine in a shallow %owl, and mound the fruit miDture in the
Thai $anana Salsa %ith &ing Pra%ns
+ %ananas, peeled and thinly sliced
+ cucum%ers - peeled, seeded, and diced
*3+ cup fresh mint leaves
*3+ cup fresh cilantro leaves
* teaspoon #nely chopped fresh ginger root
* fresh red chile pepper, thinly sliced
*31 cup lime 'uice
* ta%lespoon #sh sauce
* ta%lespoon %rown sugar
* *3+ pounds tiger prawns, peeled and deveined
In a large %owl, miD %ananas, cucum%ers, mint, cilantro, ginger, and red
chile pepper to make salsa.
In a small %owl, %lend lime 'uice, #sh sauce, and %rown sugar until sugar
has dissolved. /horoughly miD into the salsa.
;ring a large saucepan of lightly salted water to a %oil. 6lace prawns in the
water, and cook . minutes, or until fesh is opaAue. :erve with the %anana
ced )ater*elon Drink (Na* Dang-+u Pan
,ne of favorite drinks in /hailand is a melon ice drink, similar to commercial
drinks, however this one is made with fresh fruit rather than synthetic favour
and tastes all the %etter for it.
*-+ Kgs :indria (:weet -ed @atermelon!
755 gms Ice
+ /hirsty 6eople
*. In a food processor %lend the ice until it is #nely %roken up.
+. 8hop the red part of the melon. -emove eDcessive seeds, %ut it isn't
necessary to remove every one.
.. ?dd the melon chunks to the %lender.
1. ;lend a little more until the melon is puried and well miDed with the ice.
7. :erve in tall glasses with a straw.
? wondeful simple way to en'oy fresh fruit.
+"N DS!
&hao +oo Daeng (

Eust real %riefy in case you arenLt familiar. Khao Moo =aeng is a widely
availa%le and popular /hai M* dish. It starts with a scoop of rice and usually
includes a few slices of red %ar%ecued pork, some crispy pork %elly, a few
slices of 8hinese sausage, half a %oiled egg, and a few sprigs of cilantro and
shoots of green onions.
@hat really makes or %reaks the dish is the sweet tangy pork eDploding sauce
that the rice is drenched in.
/he restaurant is a small family run Khao Moo =aeng (

&very morning thereLs a line of hungry customers that eagerly anticipate their
/heir assem%ly line was down to an art form. /he old grandmother would
scoop white rice onto a piece of paper. /he daughter was in charge of
chopping up all the meat and dividing and placing it on the each pile of rice.
/he hus%and or son would #ll %aggies of sweet porky sauce into to-go sachets
or generously ladle it on top of an eat-there plate. ?nother %rother worked
the %ack kitchen, replenishing ingredients as they got purchased.
/he #nal agglomeration of Khao Moo =aeng (

! should messy and

depending upon the recipe of the sauce, it may %e either transparent and
%rown or very red. /his particular version was the %rown stu$.
/he sausage and the pork %elly remained crispy and lightly carameli0ed on
the outside. /he hard %oiled egg was lightly undercooked so it stayed moist
and perfectly runny. /he sauce, though Auite sweet, was a surge of ama0ing
concentrated pork favor that made me want to drink it.
Bor 6ork Marinade(
* kilo (+.+ pound! pork shoulder country style ri%s %oneless or %oston %utt
(cut into * inch thick and + inch wide pieces!
* envelope of Fo%o ;rand roast red pork seasoning miD (+ envelopes in the
N cup water
.-7 cloves garlic
N ta%lespoon whole %lack peppercorns
. cilantro roots (I su%stitute with hand full of cilantro %ottom stems!
N teaspoon salt
* ta%lespoon sugars
-or (ra./,
. cups water
4 ta%lespoons ketchup
) ta%lespoons %rown sugar
1 ta%lespoons oyster sauce
1 ta%lespoons soy sauce
* teaspoon salt
* ta%lespoon sesame oil (optional!
+ ta%lespoon chinese cooking wine (optional!
O cup tapioca starch or cornstarch miD with N cup water
*. >sing a heavy mortar and pestle, pound garlic, %lack peppercorns and
cilantro to a pasteI set aside.
+. In a large miDing %owl, miD red pork seasoning miD and water. ?dd garlic
miDture and miD well. ?dd pork and hand miD for . minutes. 8over, and
refrigerate for over night.
.. In a large skillet, heat + ta%lespoons of oil on medium heat. ?dd marinade
pork and cook on %oth sides for +5 minutes. MeanwhileI pour . cups of water
into the marinade %owl so that we can use it for gravy (in the neDt section!I
set aside.
?fter +5 minutes, remove pork from the heat and place the pork into the
%aking pan. ?dd water miDture to the skillet and scraping the sides and
%ottom of the pan to loosen all the drippings. ?dd ketchup, %rown sugar,
oyster sauce, soy sauce, salt, sesame oil and chinese cooking wineI stir well.
:lowly pour in the tapioca starch miDture while stirring the sauce, until
thickened and %oiling. -emove gravy from the heat.
1. =ri00le and %rush honey over the pork on %oth sides, if desire. ;ake in
preheated oven at .75 B for *5 minutes. ?fter *5 minutes fip other side up
and %ake for *5 minutes.
7. /o serveI slice the pork and place over the rice and top with the gravy.
"arnish the top with cilantro leaves, serve with %oiled egg, sliced cucum%er
and scallion.

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