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1. Hypoventilation dramatically
increases carbonic acid
concentration and involves ___.
Select one:
A. irregular breathing
B. intermittent breathing
C. extremely slow breathing
D. extremely deep breathing
E. extremely fast breathing
2. Most carbon dioxide is
transported within blood plasma
as ______.
Select one:
A. hydrogen ion
B. bicarbonate ion
C. carbonic acid
D. oxyhemoglobin
E. carbohemoglobin
3. The lipid molecule critical to lung
function that coats the gas-
exposed alveolar surfaces is
called _______.
Select one:
A. kinin
B. interferon
C. surfactant
D. renin
E. lecithin
4. Following the removal of the
larynx, a person would be
unable to ______.
Select one:
A. hear E. breathe
B. speak
C. sneeze
D. eat
E. breathe
5. Air moving in and out of the
lungs is called ______.
Select one:
A. internal respiration
B. inspiration
C. pulmonary ventilation
D. external respiration
E. expiration
6. Which one of the following is
NOT true of inspiration?
Select one:
A. contraction of the diaphragm
muscle helps increase the size of the
thoracic cavity
B. increased intrapulmonary volume
causes inhaled gases to spread out
C. the decreased gas pressure
produces a partial vacuum that forcibly
sucks air in
D. relaxation of the external
intercostal muscles helps increase the size
of the thoracic cavity
E. air continues to move into the
lungs until intrapulmonary pressure equals
atmospheric pressure
7. Which one of the following is
NOT true of the lungs?
Select one:
A. the bases rest on the diaphragm
B. the left lung has two lobes
C. the right lung has three lobes
D. both lungs have two lobes
E. the narrower portion of each lung
is called the apex
8. Which of the functions of the
respiratory system is not
performed by the conducting
Select one:
A. allow air to reach the lungs

allow air to reach the lungs
B. humidify air
C. purify air
D. warm incoming air
E. exchange gases
9. Air from the nasal cavity enters
the superior portion of the
pharynx called the _______. A.
nasopharynx B. oropharynx C.
palatopharynx D.
laryngopharynx E.
Select one:
A. Oropharynx
B. palatopharynx
C. tracheopharynx
D. laryngopharynx
E. nasopharynx
10. The flap of elastic cartilage that
protects food from entering the
larynx when swallowing is the
Select one:
A. Adam's apple
B. epiglottis
C. glottis
D. trachea
E. thyroid cartilage
11. The molecule that prevents lung
collapse by lowering the surface
tension of the water film lining
each alveolar sac is called
Select one:
A. surfactant
B. renin

C. fibrosin
D. resorbin
E. lecithin
12. The pharyngotympanic tubes,
which drain the middle ear, open
into the _____.
A. nasopharynx
B. oropharynx
C. palatopharynx
D. laryngopharynx
E. tracheopharynx
Select one:
A. nasopharynx
B. oropharynx
C. laryngopharynx
D. tracheopharynx
E. palatopharynx
13. Which one of the following is
NOT a factor influencing
respiratory rate and depth?
Select one:
A. emotional factors
B. levels of oxygen and carbon
C. physical exercise
D. volition
E. enzymatic factors
14. The most important chemical
stimuli leading to increased rate
and depth of breathing is
Select one:
A. increased hydrogen ion in the
B. increased blood pH
C. decreased oxygen level in the
D. increased carbon dioxide in the
E. decreased carbon dioxide in the
15. The serous membrane covering
the surface of the lungs is called
the ____.
Select one:
A. visceral pleura
B. parietal pleura
C. pleurisy
D. mediastinum
E. main (primary) bronchi
16. Which of the functions of the
respiratory system is not
performed by the conducting
Select one:
A. humidify air
B. warm incoming air
C. exchange gases
D. allow air to reach the lungs

allow air to reach the lungs
E. purify air
17. When oxygen enters the
respiratory system, what is the
next structure to which it travels
immediately upon leaving the
Select one:
A. pleura
B. main (primary) bronchi
C. alveoli
D. tertiary bronchi
E. bronchioles
18. Hyperventilation leads to all of
the following conditions,
A. brief periods of apnea
B. cyanosis
C. dizziness
D. fainting
E. buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood
Select one:
A. cyanosis
B. buildup of carbon dioxide in the
C. dizziness
D. brief periods of apnea
E. fainting
19. Which one of the following
bones does NOT contain
paranasal sinuses?
Select one:
A. sphenoid
B. frontal
C. maxilla
D. ethmoid
E. mandible
20. Which of the functions of the
respiratory system is performed
by the conducting
Select one:
A. decrease partial pressure of
oxygen as blood is carried away from the
B. binding of oxygen with hemoglobin
C. breakdown of carbonic acid to
water and carbon dioxide
D. allow air to reach the lungs
E. formation of carbonic acid
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: allow air to reach
the lungs

21. Exchange of both oxygen and
carbon dioxide through the
respiratory membrane occurs by
Select one:
A. passive transport
B. osmosis
C. active transport
D. facilitated diffusion
E. simple diffusion
22. The opening between the vocal
cords is called the _____.
Select one:
A. epiglottis
B. thyroid cartilage
C. esophagus
D. glottis
E. larynx
23. Vibration due to exhaled air that
results in speech is a function of
the ___________.
Select one:
A. false vocal cords
B. epiglottis
C. true vocal cords
D. glottis
E. complete voice box
24. The bluish cast that results from
inadequate oxygenation of the
skin and mucosa is called
Select one:
A. albinism
B. melanosis
C. erythema
D. cyanosis
E. xanthosis
25. Which one of the following is
NOT a function of the paranasal
sinuses? A. they lighten the skull
B. they act as resonance
chambers for speech C. they
produce mucus D. they are
olfactory receptors for smell E.
they help to moisten air
Select one:
A. they act as resonance chambers
for speech
B. they help to moisten air
C. they produce mucus
D. they are olfactory receptors for
E. they lighten the skull
26. Oxygen binds with hemoglobin
in the blood to form _______.
Select one:
A. bicarbonate ion
B. carbon dioxide
C. plasma
D. carbonic acid
E. oxyhemoglobin
27. What is the role of mucus in the
nasal cavity?
Select one:
A. lighten the skull
B. increase the air turbulence in the
nasal cavity
C. separate the oral from the nasal
D. trap incoming bacteria and other
foreign debris
E. act as a resonance chamber for
28. Which one of the following
structures is NOT part of the
respiratory zone?
Select one:
A. alveolar sacs
B. alveolar ducts
C. respiratory bronchioles
D. alveoli
E. primary bronchi

29. The respiratory movement
representing the total amount of
exchangeable air is the __.
Select one:
A. inspiratory reserve volume
B. expiratory reserve volume
C. tidal volume
D. vital capacity
E. dead space volume
30. The walls of the alveoli are
composed largely of _______.
Select one:
A. simple squamous epithelium
B. stratified squamous epithelium
C. pseudostratified epithelium
D. stratified cuboidal epithelium
E. simple cuboidal epithelium

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