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Timeline of the Future

What will happen in the Future? Some things we can know and some we dont.
What is in 1000 years, 10000 years, a million, 10 quadrillion?
How long will humanity survive? Will we ever leave the Earth and colonize other Planets.
1000-10000 Years in the future
Buildings decayed 1000
If civilization collapses, most buildings, bridges and dams around today will have fallen
Most words extinct 1000
Because of the rapid evolution of languages most words resent today will not have survived
Carbon Dioxide 1000
29% of carbon dioxide released before 2010 will still be here.
New North Star 1000
Gamma Cephel replaces Polaris
Greenland ice melted 2000
All ice sheets in Greenland are completely melted if heavy global warning (approx. +8C). See level
will be 6 meter higher
Hale-Bopp returns 2372
Comet last seen 1997
New North Star #2 3200
Lota Cephel replaces Gamma Cephel
Mayan end time 5125
3 May 7138
Humanitys birthday 8000
10000-100000 years
Carbon Dioxide 10 000
14% of carbon dioxide released before 2010 will still be here.
Earth s axial tilt reversed 13000
Seasons are also reversed
Calendars concur 18 860
Islamic and Gregorian calendars share the same year: 20860
Chernobyl finally save 20000
Seasons are also reversed
Arecibo message 25 000
Radio data send on 16 November 1974 is revived in cluster Messler 13
Arecibo message reply 50 000
Earliest possible reply
Greenland ice melted 50000
All ice sheets in Greenland are completely melted if low global warning (approx. +2C)
KEO time capsule 50000
Lunched in 2014 into the orbit of earth will re-enter the earths atmosphere. It carries a 4 page
message from everyone on earth now
Niagara Falls disappear 50000
The remaining 32 km to Lake Erle are eroded away and the waterfall ceases to exits
100000-1000000 years
Nearby supernova 100000
VY Canis Majoris will likely explode into a hyper nova
Constellation. . ? 100 000
The stars in the night sky will look completely different.
Global disaster 100 000
Either a supervolcano or a large climate-altering asteroid is likely to have affected Earth
Laptop Dissolving 100000
The titanium in Laptops starts to corrode
Voyager 2 vs Sirius 296000
The space probe passes within 4.7 light years of the brightest star in the night sky
Asteroid strike 500 000
Earth likely to have been hit by a 1 km asteroid by now
Safe plutonium 500 000
The spent nuclear fuel in todays reactors will finally be safe
New ice age 500 000
Final date we can hold of a new ace age with all fossil fuels
1000000-10000000 years
Monuments 1000 000
Massive stone structures like Gize pyramid or Mount Rushmore may still exist.
Glass decomposed 1 000 000
All glass created today will have finally degraded
Betelgeuse explosion 1 000000
Latest time the red supergiant star, Betelgeuse, will explode. Likely to be visible in daylight

Galactic near miss 1 450 000
The star Gliese 710 passes about 1.1 ligth years from the sun. Close worth to perturb the Oort cloud,
triggering penetration of comets into the inner solar system
Pioneer 11 4 000 000
Probe passes the Lambda Aquila system, 125 light years from Earth
Man extinct 4000 000
The Y chromosome could possibly die out, but latest researches shows its here to stay
Mount Rushmore eroded 7200 000
LAGEOS re-entry 8 400000
The satellites orbit is programmed to decay and re-enter Earths atmosphere carrying massages abd
maps to the future humanity
10000000-100000000 years
A new ocean formed 10000000
Red Sea flooded, dividing the continent of Africa
Earth irradiated 10 000 000
Star T Pyxidl, 3,260 light years away goes supernova. Close enough to bathe the planet with gamma
radiation and trigger mass extinctions
Mediterranean gone 50000000
Africa collides with Eurasia, sealing off the Mediterranean Basin
Australia and Indonesia merge together
Antarctica ice melt 50 000 000
Antarctica migrates north and melts, raising the see level by 75 meter
Galactic empire 50 000000
At this time the entire galaxy could be colonized even without the speed of light
Earth s orbit unpredictable 60 000 000
Because of the effects of gravity multiply over long periods the Earths orbit becomes chaotic and

100000000-One billion years
Atlantic Ocean shrinks 150 000000
America and Africa start moving back together
Galactic orbit 240000 000
The solar system completes an entire revolution around the Milky Way
All continents fused 250 000 000
All continents coming back together forming the final super continent
End of C3 photosynthesis 600 000000
One of three types of photosynthesis will no longer be possible. 99% of all species will be dead
Total solar eclipses impossible 600 000 000
Tidal acceleration will have pushed the moon too far away from Earth for a total solar eclipse
End of multicellular life 600000000
C4 photosynthesis is no longer possible. Multicellular life dies
One billion-Ten billion years
Game over 1 000 000 000
The sun increases its volume and rises Earths temperature to 47C evaporating all oceans
End of most cellular life 1 300000000
CO2 starvation kills all cells with a nucleus. Only cells without a nucleus survive
End of Earth s magnetic field 2300 000 000
Earths core freezes. Rotation generates the magnetic field
No rotation and no magnetic field means no protection from the sun
The end of life 2800000000
The surface temperature hits 147C. All life dies
Earth like Venus 2 800000000
The surface condition is nearly the same
Milky Way vs Andromeda 4000000 000
Our galaxy collides with our neighbor galaxy forming a super Milkomeda galaxy
Suns hydrogen exhausted 5400 000 000
The sun starts to evolve into a red giant
Sun hits mas radius 7 900 000 000
With 256 times the current size Mercury, Venus and maybe Earth will be destroyed
White dwarf 8 000 000000
The Sun becomes a carbon-oxygen star with about 54% of its current mass
Ten billion-One hundred billion years
Black dwarf 14400 000 000
Without light and temperature the sun is becomes a black dwarf, invisible to the human eye but it is
still there
The Big Rip 20000 000000
A potential end of the universe, all matter is torn apart by the expansion of the universe. All
distances become infinite
One hundred billion -One trillion years
Local group merge 100000000 000
All local galaxies start to merge
Cosmic microwave background 150000 000 000
The afterglow of radiation from the Big Bang cools from -270 to near absolute zero
One trillion-One hundred trillion years
Local group finishes merge 1 000 000000 000
End of star formation 1 000000000 000
Galaxies have lost the gas clouds needed for star formation
One hundred trillion-One hundred Quintillion years
Stars Fuel exhausted 110 000 000000 000
All stars are dead
The only remaining objects will be: white dwarfs, neutron starts and black holes
End of star formation 100000000 000 000
The end of stellar birth and the begin of universe wide star death
One hundred Quintillion years
Earth dies 100000 000000000 000 000
If not destroyed by now the Earths orbit will have finally be decayed and it plunges into the sun


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