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Overlapping Genes

Nowdays it had been known that certain genes is in another gene. This phenomenon
is called overlapping genes. First all the phenomenon of overlapping genes is detected in
phage x 174. This phage has single strand chromosomal N! of "#$% n&cleotides. 't is
proper that this N! codes only 17(" amino acids eno&gh for constit&ting five to six
proteins. )owever this small phage is precisely able to synthesis 11 proteins consisted of
more than *#++ amino acids. ,omparative st&dy on N! n&cleotide se-&ences of the
phage as well as on amino acid se-&ence of polypeptide synthesi.ed then s&cceed in
discovering at least fo&r case of m&ltiple initiation the evidence of the overlapping genes.
/elative positions of coding se-&ences of seven polypeptides in phage x 174.
There are seven overlapping genes 0!1!21,113141 and 561 and it is seen also that the
coding se-&ences of 5 and 4 polypeptides are initiated at different reading frames1
altho&gh the two coding se-&ences are also in the se-&ence coding ! polypeptide. 3ven
the 5 se-&ence overlaps too a part of coding se-&ence that specifies , polypeptide. The
!2 se-&ence is totally within the ! se-&ence even the two se-&ence and together at the
same n&cleotide1 b&t the 3 se-&ence is initiated within the se-&ence specifying
/elated to the overlapping genes1 there are two reading frame versions. The
overlapping genes may have same reading frames1 as well as different reading frames.
'n connection with the reading frames of those overlapping genes1 according to lewin
0*+++6 there are two versions1 as it had been s&ggested.
Nowdays1 the overlapping genes are formed too in phage of 7)1 894+1 :1 and in
bacteria s&ch as 3. ,oli1 as well as in mitochondrial chromosome. The overlapping genes
reported in 3.coli are amp, coding for ; lactemase polypeptide and frd, coding for a
polypeptide of f&marat red&ctse. The amp, gene begins at the part of frd, gene coding
for its last genetic code. 'n this context1 the frd, terminator may have a reg&latory role on
amp, gene transcription.
The overlapping genes are also detected in rats on condition that the occ&rrence of
overlapping genes is not absol&tely same as its occ&rrence reported. There are two
overlapping genes in rats fo&nd in opposite N! at the same region. Those rats
overlapping genes are 7n/) 0gonadothroping< realeasing hormone6 and /) specifying a
protein of &nknown f&ction expressed in heart.
!ny gene m&tation may alter more that one polypeptide.

Not Every Gene Transcribes mRNA
!t present time it is commonly known that not every gene transcribes m/N! that
will be translated to proced&re polypeptide. 't was known that several genes transcribe
t/N!1 r/N! as well as sn/N!. Those /N! are not translated to prod&ce any
polypeptide1 altho&gh involved directly in synthesis of the polypeptide.
There are many genes detected in vario&s organism f&nction to transcribe so many
types of t/N! pairing with the genetic codes related in translation process. 't is estimated
too that there are %+<%# types of the genetic codes. Therefore it is estimeted too that there
are %+<%# types of t/N! and the -&antity of t/N! genes are likewise.
There are also several genes detected in vario&s organisms f&nctioning to transcribe
r/N!1 altho&gh its -&antity is not so m&ch like the -&antity of t/N! gene. For example
in prokaryotic organisms1 there are separate genes transcribing "8 r/N!1 1%8 r/N!1 as
well as *#sr/N!1 b&t in mammalian there are also another gene transcribing "8r/N!1
".$8 r/N!1 and *$8 r/N!. =n the other hand in e&karyotic organisms there are too
several genes transcribing sn/N!.

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