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Regional cuisine is cuisine based upon national, state or local regions.

Regional cuisines may vary based upon food availability and trade, varying
climates, cooking traditions and practices, and cultural diferences
Authentic Davao ood
!ip"smacking traditional Davao food
Davao #ity cannot be measured $hen it comes to eateries. %t is so because
the Daba$enyos& humble $ay of daily life dictates their simple tastes and
choices of food. 'hile roaming in and around the #ity, you may come to see
so many lovely caf(s and classy restaurants that are rich in dishing up lip"
smacking traditional food along $ith international delights. Above and
beyond, you can also relish your food $ith yummy $ines, fruity numbers that
come from the most elite and discriminating section of society loaded $ith
big"gun ale.
)aturally, the capital city is a superlative place to dine $here you are ofered
$ith choicest of cuisines available at roadside caf(s and inns, chic bars, and
plush eating *oints. American hamburgers and french fried potatoes, #hinese
cuisines, +orean food and ,apanese tastes are able to satiate your hunger.
-he list of international specialities goes on and on and on . . . . %t is okay to
be fashionable and popular in dining, ./- )0- 0R 123
4ersonally, % still prefer the simple and yet creatively prepared Davao
everyday dishes made up of the lo$ly 1atangbaka, .angus, 1alasugi, -ilapia,
4asayan, Alimango, 5uso, !ato, +atambak, 1oro"moro, .odboron, .arileson,
!apu"lapu, 1aya"maya, and the list goes on as $ell . . . . %n my book,
authentic Davao food is second to none3
6ere are some of the popular dishes % came to kno$ and love in Davao #ity7
+inila$ na -una
+inila$ is a popular seafood dish in Davao #ity. -he dish is typically made
from fresh, ra$ -una or 8$ord9sh :1alasugi; marinated in vinegar and citrus
*uices such as lemon or lime, spiced $ith chili peppers :siling labuyo; and
seasoned $ith ginger, onion, and salt.
+inila$ 8ushi 8tyle
8inugla$ is a contraction of the $ords, 8inugba :5rilled; and +inila$. %t is a
combination of fresh -una or 1alasugi and grilled pork marinated in vinegar
and citrus *uices such as lemon or lime, spiced $ith chili peppers :siling
labuyo; and seasoned $ith ginger, onion, and salt.
8inugbang 4anga
:5rilled -una ,a$;
8inugbang )okus
:5rilled 8<uid;
ruit .asket of the 4hilippines
6ailed as the ruit .asket of the 4hilippines, Davao is one of the $orld&s
leading producers and e=porters of banana, papaya, mangosteen, and even
>o$ers. Davao&s rich fertile volcanic soil makes it most suitable for sustained
production of the freshest and tastiest tropical fruits in the 4hilippines. 8ince
the fruits are locally produced, the prices are comparably much cheaper than
any$here in the country.
.elo$ is a brief outline of some of the fruits in $hich Davao is famous for. %
$ill feature and discuss at length some of these fruits in my future blogs.
Durian " the ?+ing of ruits?
Durian has become almost synonymous $ith Davao because of its abundance
in the region and, because of its scarcity in the other parts of the country,
many have sought after this e=otic fruit.
#avendish .anana
.anana is the leading fruit gro$n in the 4hilippines and a consistent top dollar
earner. -he #avendish variety of Davao #ity is considered one of the best in
the $orld.
Davao is one of the top producers of pineapples in Asia. Davao 4ineapples are
bright orange in color and not the usual pale yello$. -hey are small but
s$eet, and are e=ported in countries such as ,apan, 6ong +ong, 8outh +orea,
1iddle 2ast, and and )e$ @ealand.
4lot Diagram 2=ample -he 'edding Dance 7
-he setting is in a mountain village of the 4hilippines. 'here A$iyao has *ust
been remarried.
A$iyao has left his $ife !umnay, $ho he loved very much. 6o$ever, she
couldnAt give him a child. 6e has no$ married 1adulimay in hopes to have a
son, $ho $ill continue on his legacy. -his is something A$iyao e=presses as
important in his culture. 6o$ever, !umnay is upset because she loves A$iyao
and doesnAt $ant this separation.
Rising Action
0utside of their house the $omen of the village are dancing in celebration of
the $edding. A$iyao leaves to try and comfort !umnay. 6e ofers her the
house, 9elds, and his mothers beads all items of the life that they built
together. -his ho$ever, is not $hat !umnay $ants. Despite her repeated
attempts to s$ay him A$iyao stands steadfast that they cannot be together
because he needs a child.
A$iyao 9nally leaves to re"*oin the $edding and !umnay runs to the hills.
alling Action
!umnay sits on the side of the mountain overlooking the blaBing 9re and
dancing $omen, thinking about ho$ her life has changed. 8he has a sense of
desperation, isolation, and $orthlessness.
-he reader is left not kno$ing $hat $ill become of !umnay.

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