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Name of course: X-Ray Physics and Principles

Season and Year: Fall 2008

Course number: LC232
uar!er: 6
"ni!s: 4
#ec!ure hrs$%ee&: 3
#ab hrs$%ee&: 1
Prere'uisi!es$Core'uisi!es: LA 221
Ca!alo(ue descrip!ion: X-ray physics, including: basics o electricity and ioni!ing radiation, "-ray
production, i#age or#ation and health physics$ %rinciples o radiography, including: "-ray syste#
co#ponents, patient and operator saety, il# processing and &uality assurance$ %rinciples o selected
i#aging technologies, including: #agnetic resonance i#aging '()*+, co#puted to#ography 'C,+, nuclear
bone scans$
)ns!ruc!ors* names : )ussell L$ -ilson, )$,$' )+, C),
+ffice hours and con!ac! informa!ion: :
.ice hours: A/ailable daily in ,as#an Clinic X-ray 0epart#ent$ 1ub2ect to patient care needs$
)ns!ruc!ors* names ,lab-: )ussell L$ -ilson, )$,$') +, C$)$,$
+ffice hours and con!ac! informa!ion:
)ussell L$ -ilson, )$,$ ')+, C$)$,$
'434+ 544- 6114 - e-#ail: 6ilson7r8pal#er$edu
13:33 A( ,. 6:33 %( A/ailability posted outside oice$
.ice location: ,as#an Clinic X-ray depart#ent
-eb site: http:9963$pal#er$edu9russell$6ilson
Re'uired !e.!s: : X-ray Physics #abora!ory No!es by Russell #/ 0ilson
Radiolo(ic Science for 1echnolo(is!s 2i(h! 2di!ion by S!e%ar! C/ 3ushon( 2lse4ier 5osby
Reference ma!erials for lec!ure and$or recommended !e.!s:
Syllabus on Radio(raphy Radia!ion Pro!ec!ion S!a!e of California 6epar!men! of Radiolo(ic 7eal!h
Clinical )ma(in( %i!h S&ele!al8 Ches! 9 :bdomen 6ifferen!ials by 6ennis 5archiori second edi!ion
2lse4ier 5osby
X-ray 1echnolo(y8 :n +u!line by R/ Can!erbury
1he Physical Principals of 5edical )ma(in( on-line !e.!boo& %%%/spra%ls/or(
Facili!ies$2'uipmen!: Classroo# and "-ray lab
6escrip!ion of !eachin( me!hods: #ec!ure usin( Po%erPoin! Presen!a!ion and Film )ma(es/ #ec!ure
Presen!a!ions a4ailable on my %eb si!e: h!!p:$$ %;/palmer/edu$Russell/0ilson
6escrip!ion of learner e4alua!ion me!hods: Lecture e"a#inations 6ill be #ultiple choice and true or alse
or#at based upon lecture #aterial$ ,he laboratory e"a#ination are also #ultiple
choice or#at based upon radiographic i#ages in the laboratory #anual and
discussed in the laboratory
.ne 6ritten (id ,er#: 43 %oints
.ne 6ritten :inal ;"a# 3< %oints
:inal ;ssay Questions < points
Lab Co#ponent ' (idter# = :inal ;"a#s+ 23 %oints
< e"tra credit points 6ill be earned during the &uarter 6ith a 6ritten assign#ent
133 %oints ,otal
R25:R<S: )e#a>e e"a#s #ay include essay &uestions
=radin( procedure: 53 ? 133 @ A A
43 ? 45 @ A B
C3 ? C5 @ A C
63 ? 65 @ A 0
3 ? <5 @ A :
Attendance is re&uired$ A: grades 6ill be gi/en to students 6ith e"cessi/e absences$ ,he Course #ust be
passed 6ith a grade o DCE or abo/e$ Both the lecture and lab co#ponent #ust be passed 6ith a grade o DCE
or higher$ -hen a student earns a D0E grade, they #ust repeat #ost e"a#s the ollo6ing &uarter$ ,he grade o
D)E #ay be gi/en so the student #ay #a>e up or poor peror#ance in one co#ponent o the course$
S!uden! conduc! and colle(e policies: ,his course abides by %CC- policies$ %lease reer to the current
%CC- student handboo> or urther details$
Course (oals:
1he (oals of !his course includes
>/ ,he student shall be able to describe and understand the basic concepts o electricity and ioni!ing
2/ ,he student shall be able to describe ho6 "-rays are produced
;/ ,he student shall de#onstrate in 6ritten or /erbal #anner their >no6ledge in the electronic syste#s
and sub syste#s and co#ponents necessary or i#age or#ation$
?/ ,he student should de/elop a basic >no6ledge in radiographic health physics$
@/ ,he student should understand the i#portance o radiation protection or the operator and patient/
A/ 0e#onstrate >no6ledge in il# processing and &uality assurance$
B/ 0e#onstrate >no6ledge in the basic principles regarding production o special i#aging
'C,, :luoroscopy, Fuclear (edicine+$
Course +bCec!i4es:
S1"62N1 3:S26 C+"RS2 +3D2C1)E2S
>/ :!!i!udinal obCec!i4e:
A1/ ,he student shall be able to deine the i#portance o radiation protection or the operator and
patient during radiography$
A2$ ,he student shall be able to co#ply 6ith protocols used during radiography to reduce e"posure
and #aintain i#age &uality$
A3: ,he student shall be able to e"plain ho6 co#ponents o the i#aging chain aect i#age &uality$
:/ <no%led(e +bCec!i4e:
G1$ 0e#onstrate >no6ledge o basic electricity and ioni!ing radiation$
G2$ 0e#onstrate >no6ledge in regards to the production o "-ray$
G3$ 0e#onstrate >no6ledge in the co#ponents necessary or i#age or#ation$
G4$ 0e#onstrate >no6ledge in radiographic health physics and radiation protection$
G<$ 0e#onstrate >no6ledge in needed to #ini#i!e radiation e"posure to the patient 6hile #a"i#i!ing
i#age &uality$
G6$ 0e#onstrate >no6ledge in il# processing and &uality assurance$
GC$ 0e#onstrate >no6ledge in the basic principles regarding production o #agnetic resonance
i#aging, co#puted to#ography, nuclear bone scan and spinal contrast studies$
3/ S&ills obCec!i4es
S1$ 0e#onstrate ability to recogni!e actors relating to geo#etric distortion and #agniication$
12$ 0e#onstrate ability to detect incorrect actor choice 6ith regard to incorrect choice o #As$
13$ 0e#onstrate ability to recogni!e incorrect choice regarding selection o >H$
14$ 0e#onstrate ability to recogni!e dierences in il# density /s$ il# contrast$
1<$ 0e#onstrate ability to recogni!e proper utili!ation o secondary iltration$
16$ 0e#onstrate ability to recogni!e il# eects 6ith /ariation in ield o /ie6$
1C$ 0e#onstrate ability to recogni!e il# eects 6ith and 6ithout use o grids$
Re'uired CC2 Clinical compe!encies addressed:
0iagnostic 1tudies Attitudes: )ecogni!e the i#portance and necessity o diagnostic studies as they relate to
the de/elop#ent o an accurate patient proile$
0iagnostic 1tudies Attitudes: )ecogni!e the i#portance o considering beneits, costs and ris>s in assessing
the need or conducting or ordering diagnostic studies$
0iagnostic 1tudies Gno6ledge: 0e#onstrate an understanding o the clinical indications or and the relati/e
/alue o diagnostic studies$
0iagnostic 1tudies Gno6ledge: Inderstand the principles, applications, technical and procedural ele#ents o
e&uip#ent e#ployed in diagnostic i#aging, clinical laboratory and other diagnostic studies$
0iagnostic 1tudies Gno6ledge: *ntegrate indings obtained ro# diagnostic studies 6ith inor#ation obtained
ro# other co#ponents o the e"a#ination in or#ing or assessing the diagnostic i#pression$
0iagnostic 1tudies Gno6ledge: 0e#onstrate an understanding o ederal and state regulatory guidelines
go/erning procedures and the use o e&uip#ent e#ployed in diagnostic studies$
0iagnostic 1tudies 1>ills: %eror# and interpret order and interpret, or interpret appropriate i#aging
0iagnostic 1tudies 1>ills: 0e#onstrate the ability to ta>e, process and interpret plain il# radiographs 6ith
appropriate attention gi/en to &uality and saety$
0iagnostic 1tudies 1>ills: %eror# and9or order and interpret other rele/ant procedures indicated by the
clinical status o the patient$
0iagnostic 1tudies 1>ills: 0e#onstrate the ability to order, or conduct, diagnostic studies 6ith attention to
ollo6ing proessional protocol, and pro/iding appropriate patient instructions and ollo6- up$
0iagnostic 1tudies 1>ills: 0e#onstrate the ability to accurately record data obtained ro# diagnostic studies,
6hether personally conducted or ordered$
#C-2;2 X-ray Principles 9 Physics #ec!ure )nde. for !he Fall 2008 uar!er
-ee> 1 Lab Basic %roperties o the X-ray %hoton = Basic )adiation %rotection
-ee> 1 A Chapter 1 Concepts in )adiation = Chapter 2 Inits o (easure
-ee> 1 B Chapter 3 :unda#entals o %hysics, Chapter 4 ,he Ato#
-ee> 1 C Chapter < ;lectro#agnetic :orce and Chiropractic )adiology Jistory
-ee> 2 Lab Keo#etric %roperties o the :ocal 1potL Aects o .b2ecti/e :il# 0istance
-ee> 2 A Chapter 6 ;lectricity and (agnetis#, Chapter C ;lectro#agnetis#
-ee> 2 B Fo Class Jo#eco#ing
-ee> 2 C Fo Class Jo#eco#ing
-ee> 3 Lab Aects o 1ource to *#age 0istance
-ee> 3 A Chapter 4 ,he X-ray (achine
-ee> 3 B Chapter 5 ,he X-ray ,ube and ,ube )ating Charts
-ee> 3 C Chapter 13 X-ray %roduction, Chapter 11 X-ray ;#ission
-ee> 4 Lab Aects o ,ube Angulation and Bea# Centering
-ee> 4 A Chapter 12 X-ray *nteraction 6ith (atter
-ee> 4 B Chapter 13 )adiographic :il# Chapter 14 %rocessing the latent *#age
-ee> 4 C Chapter 1< *ntensiying 1creens and Cassettes
-ee> < Lab 5id!erm in #ibrary
-ee> < A #ec!ure 5id!erm
-ee> < B Chapter 16 Bea# )estricting 0e/ices, Chapter 1C ,he Krid
-ee> < C Chapter 23,24 1pecial *#aging = :luoroscopy
-ee> < 0 Chapter 2C 0igital )adiography
-ee> 6 Lab %hotographic %roperties and *#pact o #As on *#age Quality
-ee> 6 A Chapters 24 = 25 Co#puted ,o#ography
-ee> 6 B Chapters 14 = 15 )adiographic ;"posure and *#age Quality
-ee> 6 C Chapters 15 = 23 )adiographic *#age Quality and ,echni&ue
-ee> C Lab *#pact o >Hp and Krids on *#age Quality
-ee> C A Chapter 33 )adiobiology
-ee> C B Chapters 34 = 3< :unda#entals o )adiobiology
-ee> C C Chapter 36 ;arly ;ects o )adiation ;"posure
-ee> 4 Lab *#pact o :iltration and Colli#ation on *#age Quality and
-ee> 4 A Chapter 3C Late ;ects o )adiation ;"posure
-ee> 4 B Chapter 3C )adiation and %regnancy
-ee> 4 C Chapter 34 )adiologic Jealth %hysics
-ee> 5 Lab .ther :actors that *#pact *#age Quality = )e/ie6
-ee> 5 A Fo Class Joliday
-ee> 5 B Fo Class Joliday
-ee> 5 C Fo Class Joliday
-ee> 13 Lab Final in #ibrary
-ee> 13A Chapter 35 = 43 0esigning or %rotection = )adiation %rotection
-ee> 13B Chapter 32 :il# Artiacts = Quality Control
-ee> 13C ()* and Bone 0ensito#etry
-ee> 11 #ec!ure Final
1yllabus #ay be a#ended in 6riting: ,he inor#ation in this syllabus is sub2ect to change in e"tenuating
circu#stances$ Changes 6ill be pro/ided to the student in 6riting prior to the e/ent$
Re4ie% for #C-2;2 Physics 5id!erm
1$ -hat is radiationM ;nergy transerred or e#itted through #atter$
2$ -hat is attenuationM 1u# o absorbed and scattered rays
3$ 1eries circuits: one ele#ent ails, the circuit is bro>en$ ,otal resistance is e&ual to the su# o resistors$
4$ %arallel circuits: one ele#ent ails, circuits is not bro>en$ ,otal resistance is in/ersely proportional to the
su# o the reciprocals o each resister$
<$ Inits o e"posure
a$ ;"posure: )oentgen ) or C9>g or Air Ger#a
b$ Absorbed 0ose: )ad or Kray or N9>g
c$ ;ecti/e 0ose: )e# N9>g 1ei/ert
d$ )adioacti/ity Ci 1
or B& or Bec&uerel
6$ Ato#s
a$ Kree> or substances Air, 6ater, ire and earth
b$ 1453 N$N$ ,ho#pson plu#b pudding electrons are the plu#bs and pudding is a shapeless
positi/ely charged #ass
c$ 0alton 1434 class #ater by ato#ic #ass
d$ 1511 )utherord s#all positi/ely charged nucleus and cloud o electrons
e$ 1513 Bohr #iniature solar syste#$
C$ ;lectricity
a$ Holts unit o electrical potential
b$ A#peres unit o electrical currents
c$ )esistance is the oh#
4$ (agnetis#
a$ Any charged particle in #otion 6ill produce a #agnetic ield
b$ Li>e charges repel
c$ .pposite charges attract
d$ Kra/ity can only attract
e$ A dipole has t6o polls a north and a south poll
5$ ;lectro#agnetic radiation
a$ Hisible light reacts 6ith rods = cone o eye
b$ IH light reacts 6ith #olecules
c$ X-rays reach 6ith ato#s
d$ )adio 6a/es react 6ith #etal rods or antenna
1he .-ray machine componen!s
13$ Auto#atic e"posure control: *on cha#bers deter#ine 6here the radiation is #easured$ :or spine 6or> the
center cell is used or chests and abdo#en, the outer cells are used$ #As is set <3@ higher than nor#al
techni&ue to allo6 #achine to ad2ust or habitus$
11$ Console ti#ers
a$ ;lectronic
b$ %hototi#er
c$ #As
d$ (echanical li>e old egg ti#er
e$ 1ynchronous
12$ ,he >Hp #eter reads /olts but is calibrated to batch the >Hp o the transor#er$
13$ ,he ti#er is on the high /oltage side o the #ain circuits$
14$ ,ube a#perage is bet6een 3 and 6A$ 1pace charge li#ited or /ery high #A usually 1333 #A and higher$
1<$ Jigh /oltage po6er supplies
a$ 1ingle phase sel rectiied 63 pulses 133 @ ripple
b$ :ull 6a/e rectiied 123 pulses 133 @ )ipple
c$ ,hree phase si" pulse 13@ ripple
d$ ,hree phase 12 pulse 4 @ ripple
e$ Jigh re&uency O1@ ripple
$ 1tored ;nergy: battery po6ered 0C alling load
16$ X-ray tube:
a$ Anode, cathode Klass or #etal enclosure
b$ :ila#ents #ade o tungstenL usually t6o 6ith ocusing cup$
c$ ,arget attached to Anode ,ungsten and )heniu# ,ungsten has high #elting point, ato#ic nu#ber
and good conductor
d$ Anode is an induction #otor and spins at 3,433 rp# or 13,333 rp#
1C$ 0ierential absorption
a$ .pa&ue or )adiopa&ue absorption co#plete
b$ )adiolucent ,ransparent Fo absorption
c$ ,ranslucent absorbs so#e o the light
14$ X-ray production
a$ %ro2ectile electrons interacts 6ith out shell electron o target A heat
b$ %ro2ectile interacts 6ith a >-shell electron, characteristic rays produced and or#s the discrete
spectru# "-ray$ (ust be C3 >eH or higher$
c$ %ro2ectile electron interacts 6ith nucleusL bre#sstrahlung rays produced and produce the
continuous spectru# "-ray$ (ost "-rays are bre#sstrahlung rays$
15$ X-ray *nteraction 6ith #atter
a$ ,ho#pson, Classic or Coherent scatter$ *nner shell electron interaction, lo6 energy about 13 GeH
no ioni!ation$ Fo loss o energy scattered or6ard$
b$ Co#pton ;ect: (oderate energy photon interaction$ .uter shell electron e2ected and photon
changes direction and looses energy$ 1catter in any direction including bac>6ards$ Jappens 6ith
outer shell or loosely bound electrons$ *ncreases 6ith increased energy co#pared to photoelectric$
Fo eected by P increase 6ith #ass density
c$ %hotoelectric ;ect: "-ray photon is absorbed$ *nteraction 6ith inner shell electrons o tightly
bound ato#s 6hen the energy is Q electron binding energy$ *ncreases 6ith P
and #ass density$
d$ %air %roduction: 1$32 (eH energy ray interacts 6ith nucleus and produces a negati/ely charged
electron and a positi/ely charged positron$ Fot i#portant to diagnostic "-ray
e$ %hotodisintegration: 13 (eH rays are absorbed by the nuclei resulting in a release o nucleon$
23$ Anode heel eect
a$ )educed e"posure at anode side o tube due to bea# absorbed by anode$
b$ )esults in blur and distortion to6ard the cathode side o tube$ Center less distorted than edges o
21$ ,hree types o transor#ers
a$ Autotransor#er
b$ Closed core transor#er
c$ 1hell ,ransor#er
d$ 1tep up transor#er 6ill ha/e #ore 6indings on the secondary side$
e$ 1tep do6n transor#er 6ill ha/e less 6inding on the secondary side$
22$ 1tudy #ass density and ato#ic nu#bers o tissues
a$ Bone P: 13$4 #ass: 1$4<
b$ (uscle P: C$4 #ass: 1$33
c$ :at P: 6$3 #ass: 3$51
d$ Lung P: C$4 #ass: 3$32
23$ 1tudy e"ponents or po6ers o ten
24$ 1tudy the dierences bet6een Characteristic )adiation and Bre#sstrhlung radiation$
2<$ 1tudy about il# processing che#icals and 6hat each co#ponent does$
26$ )e/ie6 the il# processing
2C$ re/ie6 il#
Re4ie% for Physics Final
1$ 1tudy responses o #acro#olecules
(ain chain scission
Cross lin>ing
%oint lesions
0irect or *ndirect ;ects
2$ )e/ie6 the products o radiolysis o 6ater
:ree radicals
Jydrogen %ero"ide
3$ ,ype o bea# restricting de/ices and their properties
Aperture diaphrag#s
Colli#ator light aligned /ariable aperture
4$ 1tudy Co#pton ;ect and %hotoelectric ;ect
<$ 1tudy about transor#er types: Autotransor#er, 1hell, closed core
6$ ,ypes o ti#ers: (echanical, ;lectronic, 1ynchronous, %hototi#er, #As
C$ Kenerations o C, scanners and C, principles
4$ 0osi#eters ,ypes = %roperties
:il# badges
5$ X-ray tube properties
Lea>age li#it
Line ocus principle
13$ ;arly responses to high le/els o radiation
0ose to cause
1y#pto#s o responses
11$ Inits o #easure#ent o electricity
A#pere- current
Holts- potential
.h#s- resistance
12$ 1tudy electro#agnetis# and #agnetis#
13$ ,he eects o >Hp, #As = 1*0 on i#age &uality
14$ 1teps o il# processing
1<$ :unctions o auto#atic il# processors
16$ Krid types and actors
1C$ 0ose li#its or I$1$
14$ )ules or pregnant 6or>ers and patients
15$ Cardinal rules
23$ Cassette construction and screen co#ponents
21$ Late eects o radiation
23$ :il# latitude
24$ ,ypes o Contrast: 1ub2ect, :il#, )esolution, ,echni&ue
2<$ 0ensity o i#age
26$ QC and base plus og
2C$ :luoroscopy con/entional and digital
)eturn to %hysics ho#e page

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