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Reading these words of the Quran and looking at the political, economic and moral plight

of the Muslims in the world today, a non-believing skeptic could ask: Are these
words really true? here does one see the reality of these verses among those people who
claim to believe in and apply the Quran? !an one see the Muslims living in light or could
one argue that they are in darkness?
"bviously these words of Allah in the Quran are true# $here can be no doubt about them#
%n fact, when one
studies the history of the Quran and the effect it has had in
the past upon those who believed in it, one will find that
these words were fulfilled#
%t is saddening that Muslims possess this great book
of guidance yet for many of them, their lives do not reflect
the blessings and guidance of its teachings# $his phenomenon
might be &uite perple'ing for some people# %t might be
difficult for some to understand how the Muslims have
gotten to the situation that they are currently in# $he answer
seems to lie in how Muslims approach and understand the
Quran# $here might be some problem in their treatment of
the Quran or their approach to it# $his, in turn, leads to the
state where the guidance e'ists in the Quran but it is not
having the effect on humanity that it could be having#
$his work, in essence, touches upon how many
Muslims are currently approaching the Quran# %t also
suggests an appropriate approach to the Quran# (inally, it
deals with the proper methodology that should be used to
understand or interpret the Quran#
%n an effort to understand the large disparity between
the kind of life the Quran is seeking to bring about and the
)ow to #Approadi# aru! *ndmtaru+ the Quran
plight of Muslims today, this book wi,l be comprised of the
following chapters:
-./ $his introductory chapter sheds light on the
overall tone and goal of the book#
-0/ $he second chapter presents some of the
important characteristics of the Quran, to remind the reader
of what the Quran actually is and what is one1s obligation
toward it#
-2/ $he third chapter is entitled, 3$he Quranic
4eneration or the Result of Approaching and *nderstanding
the Quran !orrectly#3 %n essence, it is an overview of the
effect the Quran had upon the !ompanions of the 5rophet
Muhammad -peace be upon him/# %t contrasts their lives
before they were guided by the Quran with their lives after
they had been imbued with the teachings of the Quran# %t
demonstrates the heights that mankind can reach when they
turn to the Quran in the proper manner#
- 6/ $he fourth chapter deals with the manner in
which many of today1s Muslims are approaching the Quran#
$he Quran is still revered and honored by Muslims
throughout the world# 7et, their reverence and honor---or use
of the 8ook-may not be in accord with the real purposes or
goals of the 8ook# )ence, this chapter discusses how many
Muslims today are viewing the Quran# Although many of the
practices of Muslims vis-a-vis the Quran are correct, they are
related to secondary matters and not the ma9or goals of the
$his chapter also includes a discussion of how
Muslims read the Quran# 5art of the problem is not simply
how people use the Quran but that even when reading the
Quran, many do not read it in the manner that will lead to the
greatest amount of benefit# )ence, the proper mode of
reading the Quran has been discussed in this chapter as it is
definitely a prere&uisite for the other steps described in this
:# ;am<ow
-=/ $he fifth chapter covers the ma9or goals of the
Quran# hen one clearly understands the ma9or goals of the
Quran, he will turn to the Quran with the intention of
achieving these goals# )e will understand the verses of the
Quran in the light of these goals# $his will be, Allah willing,
one of the first steps leading to a more complete
understanding and application of the Quran in his life#
- </ $he si'th chapter is a discussion of how one
should approach the Quran# After reali>ing what the Quran is
attempting to bring about -chapter three/, this chapter
emphasi>es some attitudes that one should possess while
reading the Quran# %f these attitudes are present in the heart
and soul of the reader of the Quran, it will be easier for him
to grasp the teachings of the Quran and apply them to his life#
-?/ $he seventh chapter deals with the proper method
of Quranic interpretation# @ven if a person reads the Quran
daily, his understanding of the Quran may be distant from
what the Quran is actually stating if he is not following the
proper method of interpretation# $his chapter mostly deals
with the sources of Quranic e'egesis that one must tum to#
-A/ $he last chapter presents some final thoughts on
this topic# %t briefly discusses the need and urgency of
properly returning to the Quran to live according to its
teachings# $he only hope for salvation in the )ereafter is in
believing in and following the Quran# Bimilarly, the only true
hope that humanity as a whole can have for a happy and
balanced life in this world is also a proper return to the
Allah willing, this book will be a discussion of these
essential points related to how Muslims approach the Quran#
%t is hoped that by openly discussing and analy>ing these
points, some of the shortcomings will be overcome# $he
attempt here is to help Muslims get as much as they can from
the wonderful and miraculous Quran# Reading the Quran will
then have the desired effect on them and will change them#
$he Quran will then bring them closer to Allah# %t will
)ow to Approadi and:*naerstal*+ the Qunm
increase their understanding of %slam# %t will make them
reali>e their role and purpose on this earth# (inally, in the
)ereafter, it will lead to their success in 5aradise# $he
increased understanding and application of the Quran will
lead to it being a proof on their behalf and an intercessor for
their cause# And Allah will be pleased with them#
$hese are, of course, great goals# $he author does not claim that this book in and of itself
will ensure the achievement of those goals# %nstead, this is meant to be a step in that
direction# %t is meant to return the Muslim to the Quran with a heart that will be receptive
to the guidance of the Quran# %t is meant to assist the Muslim in getting some of
the wonderful guidance of the Quran by the will and mercy

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