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40 Basic Beliefs of the Shia Sect

In the name of Allaah the Most Benefcient, the Most Merciful

Compilers Note
This kitaab 40 Beliefs is a very concise sample of the
scholarly research of Hadhrat Imaam Ahlus Sunnat r!a" #hich
he done as an introduction of the Shia Sect!
$or many days friends have persisted that a concise
introduction be %iven to the Ahlus Sunnah #al &ama'ah
concernin% the Shia Sect( so that those misconceptions #hich
are bein% created amon%st the Sunnis be removed! )any
simple( i%norant )uslims( merely because of i%norance believe
the Shias to be an Islaamic %roup and treat them *ust as
)uslims are treated( causin% many destructive evils to be
created! The perception of this need #as further intensi+ed
#hen my patron and head Hadhrat )oulana Siddee, Ahmad
Saheb r!a"( the administrator of )adrasah &amiah Arabiyah
Hatorah district Baandah( ordered me #ith this task! In
compilation of this -itaab as far as possible I attempted to use
the phrasin% of Imaam Ahlus Sunnat r!a" instead of my o#n
but in some places because of a severe need I did other#ise!
Thus if any de+ciency is perceived it should be attributed to the
de+cient kno#led%e of the compiler! I have taken most of the
contents of this -itaab from Takmilah Tambeehul Haaireen in
#hich 40 important rules of the Shia Sect are mentioned!
It is hoped that after readin% this -itaab( the Ahlus Sunnah #al
&ama'ah #ill have no trouble in understandin% the reality of the
Shia Sect( #hich is a %reat ob*ective for publication of this
-itaab! )ay Allaah Ta'ala accept it and %rant the .mmat the
ability to %ain ma/imum bene+t! Aameen!

)uhammed Abdul Aleem $aroo,i
Servant of 0arul )uballi%een 1uckno#
23 Thul4Hi**ah 5677 Hi*ri
Belief 1
Badaa is an Arabic #ord! In all dictionaries its meanin% is to
come to kno# somethin% unkno#n! In the 8uraan )a*eed this
#ord is abundantly used in this meanin%!
The shias belief that Allaah Ta'ala %ets Badaa i!e! Allaah
forbid" Allaah is i%norant! This belief is %reatly emphasised in
the shia sect and %reat re#ard has been promised from Allaah
Ta'ala for it! The Sinless Imaams mention that as lon% as the
Ambiyaa A!S" are not made to testify to this belief they are not
%iven prophethood! Also( the #orship of Allaah is not e,ual in
any belief as in this belief! In .soole -aafy #hich is a very
authentic book of the shia sect an independent chapter is found
re%ardin% Badaa! Belo#( from this very book pa%e 34 a fe#
ahadeeth are been recorded concernin% the above mentioned
5" 9urarah Bin Aa'yun narrates from Imaam Baakir or Saadi,
that the #orship of Allaah is not in anythin% as in Badaa!

2" )aalik &uhany narrates that he heard Imaam &a'+r Saadi, say
:If people kne# #hat re#ard there is in ackno#led%in% Badaa
then never #ould they abstain from ackno#led%in% it'
6" )ura;im Bin Hakeem narrates that I heard Imaam &a'+r
Saadi, say :<o <abi #as ever made a <abi until he testi+es to
+ve thin%s! Badaa( )ashiyyat( Sa*dah( .boodiyat and Taa'at'
$rom these narrations it is kno#n #hat an important belief this
belief of Badaa is!
!o incidents re"ardin" Badaa
There are many incidents of badaa in the books of the shias!
=e think it su>cient to mention only t#o incidents here!
he #irst, Imaam &a'+r Saadi, mentioned that Allaah Ta'ala
nominated my son Ismaeel for Imaamat after me! It should be
clear that from amon%st the si%ns of an Imaam #hich are
mentioned in books of the shias is that an Imaam is born from
the thi%h and this verse is #ritten on his forehead ?our @abb's
#ord is completed in truth and *ustice! Also( @asulullaah
S!A!=" %ave Hadhrat Ali @!A" 52 sealed envelopes #hich
&ibreel Ameen brou%ht! Thus( it is necessary that Ismaeel #as
also born from the thi%h and the verse must be also #ritten on
his forehead! There must be in one envelope his name! But
remorsefully( Allaah never kne# that this capability is not in
Ismaeel! Therefore Allaah had to announce that Ismaeel #ill not
be the Imaam( rather )usa -aathim #ill be the Imaam! Allamah
)a*lisy narrates in Bihaarul An#aar and )uha,,i, Tosee also
notes this narration in <a,dul )uhsal thatA :It is narrated from
Imaam &a'+r Saadi, that he appointed Ismaeel as his successor
after him( but somethin% become apparent from Ismaeel #hich
he did not like! Thus( he made )usa -aathim his successor and
#hen he #as ,uestioned re%ardin% this he said :Allaah %ot
Badaa concernin% Ismaeel'
Here is the #ordin% of another hadeeth! Sheikh Sadoo, noted
this hadeeth in @isalah Ia'ti,adiyyah! :Allaah never %ot such
Badaa as he %ot re%ardin% my son Ismaeel'
he second incident( Imaam Ali Ta,y mentioned that after
me my son )uhammed #ill be the Imaam( but Allaah never
kne# that the mentioned )uhammed #ill pass4a#ay before his
father! =hen this happened Allaah had to chan%e His vie# and
a%ainst the prescribed rule that the eldest son %ets the
Imaamat( Hasan Askary #as made the Imaam! In .soole -aafy
pa%e 204 it is mentioned thus( the translation of #hich is :Abul
Haashim &a'fary narrates that I #as seated by Abul Hasan i!e!
Imaam Ta,y a!s"! =hen his son Abu &a'+r i!e! )uhammed
passed a#ay I started ponderin% in my heart and #anted to say
this( that no# the same has happened to )uhammed and
Hasan Askary #hich happened to Imaam )usa -aathim and
Ismaeel the sons of Imaam &a'+r Saadi,! Both of their incidents
are similar( because the Imaamat of Abu )uhammed i!e! Hasan
Askary took place after the death of Abu &a'+r )uhammed!
Then Imaam Ta,y turned to#ards me and before I said anythin%
he said :B Abu HaashimC After the death of Abu &a'+r( Allaah %ot
Badaa concernin% Abu )uhammed! That #hich #as unkno#n
became kno#n! &ust as after the death of Ismaeel( Allaah %ot
Badaa re%ardin% )usa #ho made apparent the true reality(
and this matter is *ust as you thou%ht even thou%h sinful people
dislike it and after me Hasan Askary is my successor'
Shia scholar$s confession re"ardin" the %elief of
There remains no scope of denial after the true reality of
Badaa and its clari+cation is found in the books of shias!
<evertheless( the shias present interpretations of this reality in
front of the Ahle Sunnat! But the shia scholars have already
clearly confessed to the belief of Badaa in their numerous
Hence( )u*tahid Aa;am )oul#y 0ildaar Ali #rites in Asasul
.sool pa%e 257 :It should be kno#n that Badaa is not
be+ttin% that anyone ackno#led%es it( because by it i%norance
of Allaah Ta'ala becomes incumbent( #hich is not hidden'
In the above book this matter is also clearly mentioned that
besides )uha,,,i, Toosy no one re*ected Badaa!
he interpretations of the shia scholars re"ardin" the
%elief of Badaa and its realit&
=ith re%ards to the belief of Badaa this matter has already
been clari+ed that based on this belief Allaah been i%norant
becomes incumbent Allaah forbid"( and after testifyin% to
Allaah bein% i%norant no one can ever prove himself to be a
)uslim! Thus( #hen this ob*ection #as laid from the side of the
Ahle Sunnat( the shia scholars made %reat eDort that they be
free of this accusation! Hence( )oul#y Haamid Husain Saheb in
Isti,saul Afhaam volume 5( from pa%e 523 to 5E3( has
blackened 60 pa%es #ith this topic! The very )u*tahid has fully
tried that in some #ay an interpretation be made in the
meanin% of Badaa and by Badaa the meanin% of )ah#(
Ithbaat or )askh must be taken! But( re%retfully this
interpretation proved to be inappropriate( the #eakness of
#hich the )u*tahid Saheb perceived himself and then after
mentionin% an interpretation from Allamah )a*lisy he takes
pleasure! Hence( in Isti,saul Afhaam volume 5( on pa%e 60(
observe this te/t :And from amon%st the interpretations is this
that these prophecies #here for comfortin% believers #ho #ere
a#aitin% the ease of the friends of Allaah and the %ainin% of the
upper hand of the truth and people of the truth( *ust as there
are narrations concernin% the ease and victory of the Ahle Bait
A!S"! If the Aimmah A!S" had to inform the shias in the very
be%innin% that the opposition #ill remain triumphant( the
di>culties of the shias #ill be severe and they #ill not %ain
ease but only after a thousand or t#o thousand years( they
#ould have become despondent and turn a#ay from the 0een!
Thus( they informed their shias that the time of ease is comin%
Also in .sool -aafy on pa%e 266 it is mentionedA
:Hasan Bin Ali Bin ?a,teen narrates from his brother Husain #ho
narrates from his father Ali Bin ?a,teen that Abul Hasan said
:$rom t#o hundred years shias #here %iven hope'! ?a,teen
Sunni" told his son Ali Bin ?a,teen shia" :=hat is the matterF
That #hat #e #ere promised #as ful+lled and that #hat your
Imaams promised you has not been ful+lled'! Ali replied to his
father :That #hat you #ere told and that #hat #e #ere told( all
come from one place! But( your promised time has come! Thus(
you #ere told reality( it has been ful+lled! And our promised
time never came! Thus( #e #ere entertained #ith hopes! If #e
#ere told that this matter #ill not take place until t#o or three
hundred years( then hearts #ould have hardened and most
people #ould have turned a#ay from 0een of Islaam! That is
#hy the Aimmah for the sake of consolin% people's hearts said
that this matter #ill very ,uick and very soon take place!'
The interpretation #hich becomes apparent from the above
passa%e never +ts in those narrations #herein a certain matter
is prophesied #ith a speci+c time and then that matter does
not become apparent on its speci+ed time! Also( these
interpretations have no eDect in those narrations #herein the
Imaamat of a speci+c person has been prophesied and contrary
to the prophecy he does not become the Imaam or he dies
before that time! )oreover if #e accept these interpretations in
favour of the shia scholars( the result #ould be that the reason
#hy the prophecies of the Imaaams #here incorrect #as not
because Allaah does not kno# the condition of the future( but
the actual reason is that the Aimmah made prophecies to
convince their shias and they said such thin%s to console them!
If the shias #ere not convinced and consoled they #ould revert!
Belief '
(hen an"r&, Allaah can not di)erentiate %et!een a
friend and an enem&
It is a belief of the shias that #hen Allaah is an%ry( then in
an%er Allaah cannot distin%uish bet#een a friend and an enemy
to such an e/tent that in an%er instead of enemies( Allaah
causes harm to friends! BhC Gonder( is this suppose to be the
%lory of AllaahF And can such a @abb be #orthy of believin% inF
It is narrated in .soole -aafy pa%e 262 from Imaam Baa,irA
Indeed Allaah had ordained this matter i!e! the appearance of
)ahdi for the H0 year after hi*ri! But( #hen Husain )ay Allaah's
blessin%s be on him" #as killed the an%er of Allaah became
very severe on the people of the earth! Thus( the appearance of
)ahdi #as delayed till 540 hi*ri! But #e informed you and you
made it famous( and you disclosed the secret! <o# Allaah has
not informed us of any time! The narrator Abu Ham;ah says
that I related all this to Imaam &a'+r Saadi,! He said yes( this is
#hat happened!
It becomes apparent from the above narration that because of
the martyrdom Hadhrat Husain @!A" Allaah became an%ry! That
is #hy Allaah delayed the appearance of Imaam )ahdi!
=hereas by the appearance of Imaam )ahdi there is %reat
harm for the shias! =hat harm has been caused to the
murderers of Imaam HusainF! @ather( they have bene+ted
more! *r this can %e said that the murderers of Imaam
+usain !here shias, hat is Allaah caused them harm
and this is the actual fact,
Belief -
Allaah feared the Saha%ah ./,A0 of /asulullaah .S,A,(0
Shias believe that Allaah feared the Sahabah @!A" of
@asulullaah S!A!="! That is #hy Allaah used to do many thin%s(
hidin% it a#ay from Sahabah @!A"! Apparently( the shias out of
their o#n ideas #ant to present the Sahabah @!A" as
oppressors( but in actual fact they have not thou%ht of the
helplessness and suppression of Allaah that is proven in result
of it! It comes in Ihti*aa* Tabrsy that &anaab Ameer A!S" said
:Allaah kept the name of his <abi ?aseen! That is #hy in the
8uraan He mentioned Salaamun a'la Aaly ?aseen! If He had
to clearly mention Salaamun a'la Aaly )uhammed( Allaah
kne# that the Sahabah @!A" #ould not let it remain in the
Belief 4
Accordin" to shias Allaah is su%1u"ated to the intellect
of ser2ants
Accordin% to shias( Allaah is sub*u%ated to the intellect of
servants and it is incumbent upon Allaah to be *ust and
#hatever is more bene+cial for servants He should only do that!
This belief of the shias is so necessary that it is mentioned in
every A,eedah book of the shias! That is #hy there is no
necessity to %ive a reference of any speci+c book! The subtlety
of this belief is clear! =hat more can it be that instead of Allaah
bein% All4Go#erful( Allaah has been made sub*u%ated! Then
#hen the shia planned order is not achieved( and it usually
happens such( at that instance the crime of leavin% out a
=aa*ib is established on Allaah! Hence( accordin% to the shias
no#adays also for many centuries Allaah is %uilty of leavin% out
a =aa*ib! Allaah has not set up any Imaame )a'soom in the
#orld! There is one but he is hidden in a cave! He does not
#ant to take the trouble of comin% out!
Belief 3
Allaah is not the creator of e2er&thin"
Shias say that Allaah is not the creator of everythin%! This is
also a famous belief of the shias and is mentioned in their
books of beliefs! They say that Allaah is not the creator of both
%ood and evil( because it is bad to create evil and Allaah does
not do bad thin%s! @ather( servants themselves are the creators
of evil! Based on this there are numerous and countless
Accordin% to the Ahle Sunnat Allaah is the creator of both %ood
and evil! And it is not bad to create evil( rather it is bad to
create #ithin oneself the ,uality of evil from #hich the bein% of
Allaah free!
Belief 4
Accordin" to the shias there are fundamentals of 5ufr in
the personalities of the Na%is
It is the belief of the shias that in the noble personalities of the
Ambiya A!S" Allaah forbid" fundamentals of kufr are found!
In .soole -aafy( in the chapter concernin% the fundamentals of
kufr and its principles( there is a narration from Abu BaseerA
:Imaam &a'+r Saadi, said that there are three fundamentals of
kufr! Ireed( pride and *ealousy! Ireed #as in Aadam! =hen he
#as prohibited to eat from the tree( %reed prepared him until
he ate from that tree! Gride #as in iblees! =hen he #as ordered
to make sa*dah to Aadam he re*ected! And *ealousy #as in the
t#o sons of Aadam! Because of this one killed the other!
@evie# the above narration that ho# Hadhrat Aadam A!S" has
been e,ualled to iblees! Bne fundamental of kufr is in iblees( in
that case one is also in Aadam A!S"! @ather the shias mention
Hadhrat Aadam A!S" to be more evil than iblees( because they
have proven only one fundamental of kufr in iblees i!e! pride
and they have proven t#o fundamentals of kufr in Aadam A!S"!
Ireed has already been mentioned in this narration! &ealousy is
mentioned in another narration! Hence( it is mentioned in
Hayatul 8uloob volume 5( pa%e E0 that Allaah prevented
Aadam from bein% *ealous on the Aimmah of the Ahle Bait and
said( Be#areC 0o not look #ith a *ealous eye at my li%hts(
other#ise I #ill distant you from my nearness and dis%race you
abundantly! But( Aadam #as *ealous on them and in retribution
of that he #as taken out of &annah! The last sentence of
Hayatul 8uloob is bein% mentioned belo#A
:So( Aadam and Ha##a looked at the Aimmah #ith an eye of
*ealousy! Because of this Allaah handed them over to their souls
and #ithheld his help and taufee,'
This is the honour of the father of mankind( Hadhrat Aadam
A!S"! Asta%+rullaah!
Belief 6
Am%i&as ha2e committed some errors
Joncernin% the Ambiyas this is also a belief of the shias that
they have committed some such errors in retribution of #hich
the li%ht of <ubu##at has been snatched a#ay from them! It
comes in Hayatul 8uloob volume 5( the translation of #hich is
bein% presented for the readersA

:It is narrated from Imaam Saadi, A!S" #ith very authentic
chains that #hen Hadhrat ?usuf A!S" came out to #elcome
Hadhrat ?a,oob A!S" and both met each other( then ?a,oob
#ent on foot( but the a#e of kin%dom prevented ?usuf to %o on
foot! =hen they +nished embracin% each other &ibreel
descended on Hadhrat ?usuf and brou%ht an address of an%er
from Allaah that B ?usufC Allaah says that kin%dom has
prevented you! ?ou did not %o on foot for my truthful and polite
servant! Bpen your hand! As soon as he opened his hand then
from his palm( and it comes in another narration from in
bet#een his +n%ers a li%ht came out! ?usuf asked that #hat
li%ht #as itF &ibreel said this #as the li%ht of prophethoodK in
punishment of that matter #hich you did #ith ?a,oob no# no
one #ill be a prophet form your children'
Belief 7
Na%i .S,A,(0 use to fear the creation of Allaah
This is also a belief of the shias concernin% the <abiys that they
use to fear creation a lot and many times because of this fear
they did not even convey the la#s of Allaah! Hence( on the
occasion of the far#ell Ha* @asulullaah S!A!=" #as ordered to
announce the direct -hilafat of Hadhrat Ali @!A"! But
@asulullaah S!A!=" delayed it sayin% that my nation is still ne#
)uslims! If I %ive such an order concernin% my brother the
people #ill be enra%ed! Then Allaah had to reprimand a%ain
that B @asulC If you do not do such( you #ill not be relieved of
the obli%ations of prophethood! Bn this also the @asul delayed!
Lventually Allaah had to make an assurance of safety! Besides
this( also after this assurance the @asul did not clearly convey!
He said ambi%uous #ords! The limit is this( that only because of
fear he hid many verses of the 8uraan #hich neither anyone
has kno#led%e of to up this day( nor it can be %ained no#! $or
more details on this belief see L'madul Islaam( the #ritin% of
)aul#y 0ildar Ali( a %reat mu*tahid of the shias"
Belief 8
Na%i .S,A,(0 use to re1ect the fa2ours of Allaah
This is also a belief of the shias re%ardin% the Ambiyaa that
they use to re*ect the sent favours of Allaah! Allaah use to over
and over send favours to them but in no #ay they #ould accept
it! Lventually Allaah had to tempt them! In .soole -aafy( pa%e
274 there is a lon% narration( the cru/ of #hich is( Imaam &a'+r
Saadi, mentions that from the side of Allaah( &ibreel Ameen
came to @asulullaah S!A!=" #ith the %lad tidin%s of the birth of
a child and saidA B <abiC( Allaah is %ivin% you the %lad tidin%s of
such a child #ho #ill be born to $atimah and #ill be martyred
by your .mmat after your demise! Bn this <abi S!A!=" replied
:I am not in need of such a child'! After this reply &ibreel #ent
a%ain to the heavens and came back repeatin% the same %lad
tidin%( but <abi S!A!=" %ave the same previous reply!
Lventually( after re*ectin% many times( #hen Allaah Ta'ala
promised that in the pro%eny of this child there #ill be
Imaamat( =ilayat and =asiyat( <abi S!A!=" became pleased!
After#ards Hadhrat $atimah #as informed of this entire
incident! She also refused to accept this child! But <abi S!A!="
consoled her that in the pro%eny of this child there #ill be
Imaamat( =ilayat and =asiyat( on #hich Hadhrat $atimah @!A"
#as pleased!

The onlookers should ponder that #ho is this child and
@asulullaah S!A!=" is not acceptin% the birth of #hom! And the
shias put this slander on Hadhrat $atimah @!A"( that she #as
not pleased #ith martyrdom in the path of Allaah! =e seek
refu%e in Allaah from such thin%s!

In the above mentioned incident the martyrdom of Hadhrat
Sayyiduna Husain @!A" is bein% re*ected! This belief of the
shias is so stran%e!
Belief 10
Am%i&a .A,S0 use to see5 remuneration from the
creation for their teachin"
It s a unanimous belief of the shias that the Ambiya A!S" used
to seek remuneration from the creation of Allaah for their
teachin% and they say that the master of the Ambiya S!A!="
#as ordered in the 8uraan by Allaah to ask people pay for his
teachin%! =e seek refu%e in Allaah! =hat an insult sho#n to the
Ambiya A!S"! <o#adays the slaves of these slaves are such
that lifelon% they do not do any #ork #hich they ask pay from
creation! =hatever #ork they do( they do it solely for the
pleasure of Allaah!

This is a very famous belief of the shias! Hence the )ufassireen
of the shias mention under the commentary of the verse of the
8uraan B <abi S!A!="C Say( I do not ask you upon it any pay
e/cept love based on kinship( that the meanin% of this verse is
B <abi say that I do not ask you any other pay! I only ask you
this pay that you love my close relatives and by close relatives
Ali @!A"( $atimah @!A"( Hassan @!A" and Hussain @!A" are
intended! And the meanin% of love is that after me accept them
to be Imaam like me!
The Ahle Sunnat say that this can never be the meanin%(
because there are many verses of the 8uraan )a*eed #herein
it is mentioned re%ardin% other )essen%ers that they told their
nations that #e do not ask you any pay( our recompense is on
Allaah! In many other verses @asulullaah S!A!=" is speci+cally
ordered that B <abi S!A!="C Say( I do not seek any pay on this
teachin%! This is only #ork of %uidin% creation! Thus( the
meanin% of the above4mentioned verse is B <abi S!A!="C Say( I
do not ask you any pay( I am only sayin% this that I am your
kinship( keep kinship in mind and do not harm me!
Belief 11
/asulullaah .S,A,(0 "ifted his propert& to his dau"hter
Shias have this belief that before the demise of @asulullaah
S!A!="( @asulullaah S!A!=" %ifted a very pro+table property
#hich #as %ained throu%h &ihaad( to his dau%hter! This #as
#hen the Islaamic %overnment #as completely penniless and
It should be clear that the shias mention the issue of $adak
#ith %reat severity under the taunt of Hadhrat Abu Bakr
Siddi,ue @!A"( for #hich there is no need to %ive reference of a
speci+c book! If only the shias could understand that the blo#
of this taunt directly falls upon the noble bein% of <abi -areem
S!A!=" and the accusation of sel+shness and desire for the
#orld devolves upon @asulullaah S!A!="! =e seek refu%e in
Allaah from such thin%s!

Belief 1'
9istortion of the :uraan
It is a very necessary belief of the shias( rather the basis of
their creed is enmity on the 8uraan! Because the shias believe
the narrators of the 8uraan and the +rst %roup of 0een and
Imaan i!e! the noble Sahabah @!A"( to be Allaah forbid" liars(
treacherous and dishonest! And the 8uraan )a*eed is %athered
by the very Sahabah @!A"! That is #hy there is no proof by the
shias based upon #hich they can prove their Imaan on the
8uraan )a*eed!
Thus( shias say that there are +ve types of distortions in the
present 8uraanA
5" There is a decrease in the 8uraan
2" An increase #as made in the 8uraan
6" The #ords of the 8uraan #ere chan%ed
4" The letters of the 8uraan #ere chan%ed
E" The composin% of the 8uraan )a*eed( also the
arran%ement of the Aayats and Surahs has bein%
tampered #ith!
)oreover no elo,uence and rhetoric has remained in the
8uraan( it is not the miracle of @asulullaah S!A!="! @ather( it is
eradicatin% the 0een of Islaam! In it there is dis%race to <abi
Akram S!A!="!
This belief is so important that its detail is found in all the books
of shias! And more than 2000 narrations indicate to distortion of
the 8uraan! Shia scholars testify to all this!
Belief 1-
he ;ure (i2es of /asulullaah .S,A,(0 !ere see5ers of
the !orld
A;#aa* )utahharaat i!e! the noble and pure #ives of @asul
Akram S!A!=" re%ardin% #hom it has been said in the 8uraan
)a*eed( :The #ives of the <abi are the mothers of the
The shias have a belief re%ardin% the pure #ives of @asulullaah
S!A!=" that they #ere seekers of the #orld! =hereas Allaah
Ta'ala has ordered his <abi S!A!=" in the 8uraan )a*eed that if
they are seekers of the #orld you should divorce them! But(
accordin% to the shias even after this emphasis @asulullaah
S!A!=" did not separate them from him and kept them in his
nikah! Ho# stran%e and heart breakin% this belief is! By this
belief opposin% the 8uraan )a*eed is very clear and apparent!
Belief 14
+adhrat Ali ./,A0 had the authorit& of di2orcin" the pure
!i2es of /asulullaah .S,A,(0
This is also a very stran%e belief of the shias that Hadhrat Ali
@!A" had the authority of divorcin% the pure #ives of
Hadhrat Imaam Ahla Sunnat has debated #ith %reat shia mu*tahideen on the issue of
the distortion of the 8uraan and he has #ritten many books speci+cally to e/plain this
issue! Hence( studyin% of Tambehul Haereen is su>cient to %ain information on this
topic! compiler"
@asulullaah S!A!="! Hence( after the demise of @asulullaah
S!A!="( Hadhrat Ali @!A" divorced Hadhrat Aaesha Siddi,ah
@!A"! =e seek refu%e in Allaah from such thin%s!
Belief 13
Accordin" to the shias, the pure !i2es of /asulullaah
.S,A,(0 are e<cluded from the Ahle Bait
It is a unanimous belief of the shias that the pure #ives of
@asulullaah S!A!=" are not included in the Ahle Bait! Accordin%
to them( by Ahle Bait only Hadhrat $atimah @!A"( Hadhrat Ali
@!A"( Hadhrat Hasan @!A" and Hadhrat Husain @!A" are meant
and in the verse of the 8uraan )a*eed only they are intended!
=hereas( based on many verses of the 8uraan )a*eed and
countless e/amples of the Arabic lan%ua%e this belief can never
be in conformity to the intellect and 0een!

Belief 14
he no%le Saha%ah ./,A0 !ere not %elie2ers
This belief is so famous that everyone is #ell a#are of( that the
shias do not accept the noble Sahabah @!A" and Allaah forbid"
they believe the noble Sahabah @!A" to be totally e/cluded
from Imaan( apostates( irreli%ious and treacherous! And this
principle is mentioned in all the shia books( :All the Sahabah
@!A" became rene%ades'( three Sahabah are such in #hom
Imaan remained! Also( shias have made t#o types of apostasy!
L/ternal apostasy and internal apostasy! Both #ere found in the
Sahabah @!A"!
)ual#y Haamid Husain has #ritten re%ardin% the above
mentioned hadeeth :The kufr and apostasy of the Sahabah is
clear( there is no veil on it'! Ho# stran%e is this belief of the
shias i!e! the noble Sahabah @!A" #ho spread Islaam in the
#hole #orldK #ho before emi%ration( at such a crucial time
brou%ht Imaan( that recitin% the -alimah of Islaam at such a
time is similar to puttin% ones hand in the mouth of a serpentK
$or details on belief number 56( 54 and 5E see the tafseer Aayat Tatheer of Imaam
Ahle Sunnat #herein the meanin% and purport of Ahle Bait has been mentioned #ith
%reat proof! compiler"

#ho endured %reat di>culties for the sake of 0eenK #ho #aved
the Ma% of Islaam from one corner of the #orld to the other
cornerK #ho left their close and distant relations solely for the
sake of 0een! Also( in praise of them( Allaah Ta'ala has revealed
numerous verses in the 8uraan )a*eed! But sorro#fully(
accordin% to the shias( the entire %roup of the noble Sahabah
@!A" are not #orthy of reliance! This is the very reason #hy
the connection of shias has not remained #ith anythin% of the
0een of Islaam!
Belief 16
It is an e<tremel& necessar& %elief of the shias to
consider the 1' Imaams e=ual to the /asuls
It is a very necessary and e/tremely important belief of the
shias that their personally prescribed 52 Imaams the series of
#hich starts #ith Hadhrat Ali @!A" and ends #ith the concealed
Imaam" #ere e,ual in rank and status to @asulullaah S!A!="!
They are sinless like a @asul and obeyin% them is compulsory!
Also( they have full choice of halaal and haraam! It is
mentioned in .soole -aafy( -itaabul Hu**ah( :The Aimmah
have the same %reatness #hich )uhammed A!S" has'! The
author of &umlae Haidary has presented this very hadeeth in
this mannerA poem"
:Hamah sahib hukm birkaaenaat
Hamah choon )uhammed muna;;ah sifaat'
Based on this very belief of Imamat the shias call themselves
Ithna A'shary

Belief 17
This is also a belief of the shias re%ardin% the Imaama that as
soon as they are born they read all the heavenly books! Also(
There are stran%e details re%ardin% the belief of Imamat #hich is found #ith %reat detail
in the books of Hadhrat Imaam Ahle Sunnat! compiler"
they are born from the thi%h and on their forehead the verse of
the 8uraan ?our @abb's #ord is completed in truth and *ustice
is #ritten! They do not have a shado#! $or more details see
.soole -aafy and the #ritin%s of Allamah )a*lisy!
Belief 18
he t!elfth Imaam disappeared
It is a belief of the shias that the 52
Imaam )ahdi has
disappeared and is concealed in a cave( from #here( no time of
comin% out is stipulated! This belief is so common that there is
no need at all to %ive reference of any book! This is %enerally
mentioned in the books of shias!
Belief '0
he miracles of all the Am%i&a are %& the Imaams
@e%ardin% the Imaams the shias have this belief that they have
the miracles of all the Ambiya by them! The staD of )usa( the
rin% of Sulaimaan( Isme Aa;am and the army of &innaat etc etc!
)oreover( they kno# the time of their death and the death of
the Imaams is in there control! In .soole -aafy( -itaabul
Hu**ah( many ahaadeeth are found on this topic!
Belief '1
At the time of the mart&rdom of Imaam +usain ./,A0 the
An"els misunderstood
It is mentioned in an authentic book of the shias( .soole -aafy(
that at the time of the martyrdom of Hadhrat Husain @!A" the
An%els sou%ht permission from Allaah to help Hadhrat Husain
@!A" and the An%els thou%ht that no# by Allaah %ivin% us
permission to help Husain( #e #ill de+nitely %et the opportunity
to help! But sorro#fully so much delay took place by the An%els
in comin% from the sky to the earth that Sayyiduna Husain @!A"
#as martyred( #hen the An%els #ent back and complained to
Allaah! So Allaah Ta'ala told the An%els that %o sit and lament
at the %rave of Husain( #hen Husain #ill rise from the %rave
then you should help him!
This entire incident is narrated in .soole -aafy( pa%e 5H4(
chapter Nerily the Aimmah never do anythin% e/cept #ith a
promise from Allaah( from Imaam &a'+r Saadi, i this mannerA
:The An%els sou%ht permission from Allaah to help Hadhrat
Husain( so Allaah %ave them permission! Hence( the An%els
started %ettin% ready and started preparin% e,uipment for #ar!
In the meantime Hadhrat Husain #as martyred! Then the
An%els descended from the sky( #hile the life of Husain #as
+nish and he #as already martyred( on #hich the An%els told
Allaah( that B AllaahC ?ou %ave us permission to descend from
the sky and help Hadhrat Husain! But #hen" #e descended(
?ou took hold of his soul! Then Allaah sent revelation to the
An%els( that B An%elsC" remain at the %raveside of Husain till
you see Husain comin% out of the %rave! At that time you"
should help him presently keep cryin% over him"'!
Gonder over the above mentioned belief in the li%ht of this
narration( then such thin%s #hich are contrary to the intellect
#ill be kno#n( #hich besides the shia sect no sect is ready to
Belief ''
A stran"e ad2ice of /asulullaah .S,A,(0 for +adhrat Ali
It is a belief of the shias that @asulullaah S!A!=" advised
Hadhrat Ali @!A" that B AliC -eep on bein% patient even thou%h
the 8uraan is distorted( the -a'abah is ra;ed to the %round and
your honour is ruined! This is the very reason #hy the 8uraan
#as distorted in the times of Hadhrat Abu Bakr @!A"( Hadhrat
.mar @!A" and Hadhrat .thmaan @!A"( but Hadhrat Ali @!A"
remained silent and he never ob*ected to anythin% that #as
a%ainst the Shariat in the time of the Three -halifas @!A"!

Belief '-
+adhrat Ali ./,A0$s actin" a"ainst the ad2ice of
/asulullaah .S,A,(0
It is already kno#n from the previous belief that accordin% to
the advice Hadhrat Ali @!A" had to patient over everythin%!
But( after the martyrdom Hadhrat .thmaan @!A"( Hadhrat Ali
@!A" fou%ht a%ainst Hadhrat Aaesha @!A" and Hadhrat
)ua'a#iyah @!A" only because they intended to populari;e
matters a%ainst Shariat! This is #orth ponderin% that in the
time of the Three -halifas @!A" the 8uraan #as distorted( an
innovation like Tara#eeh #as started( an Ibadat like )uta'h #as
made Haraam( but Hadhrat Ali @!A" remained silent! =hereas
Hadhrat )ua'a#iyah @!A" #e seek refu%e in Allaah" #as not a
bi%%er criminal than Abu Bakr and .mar @!A"( but Hadhrat Ali
@!A" #as prepared to #a%e #ar a%ainst him! This belief is so
common that it does not need more e/planation!

Belief '4
+adhrat Ali ./,A0 ne2er had confdence on his arm&
Shias believe that the three khalifas before Hadhrat Ali @!A"
dischar%ed matters #hich #ere in conMict to the Shariat( but
solely because of the fear of his army bein% separated he did
not point out to those matters #hich #ere in conMict to the
Shariat! Hence( in .soole -aafy( -itabur @audah( on pa%e 27 it
appears A
:The rulers before me done such thin%s in #hich they
intentionally opposed @asulullaah S!A!="( they broke the la#s
of the @asul and they chan%ed the Sunnat of the @asul( and if I
incline the people to#ards forsakin% those la#s and then I do it
in its ori%inal form i!e! in the manner it #as in the time
@asulullaah S!A!="( my army #ill distant from me'
The cru/ of the above narration is that Hadhrat Ali @!A" had
such an army Allaah forbid" that if the complete 0een #as to
be put in front of them they #ould be out of the control of
Hadhrat Ali @!A"! )oreover( the ob*ective of Hadhrat Ali @!A"
#as not the fervour to spread 0een( rather he considered
amassin% an army to be superior to 0een!
Belief '3
Shias ha2e no o%1ection on the di)erences of the
companions of the Aimmah
Shias %reatly honour the companions of their home4made
Imaams! 0espite that the Imaam #as alive they had *oint
disputes( but those disputes #here not lifted! It came to the
e/tent that speech and salaam #as %iven up but accordin% to
the shias none of those companions of the Aimmah are at fault!
They believe all to be %ood and they accept them! Bn the
contrary they do not at all honour the companions of
@asulullaah S!A!="! If any dispute took place amon%st
themselves( and this also after the demise of @asulullaah
S!A!="( then accordin% to the shias it is e/tremely necessary to
speak ill of one %roup in contrast to the other!
=hen the shockin% diDerences of the companions of the
Imaams are presented to the shias( then they dod%e it sayin%
:It is not far fetched of the mercy of Allaah that throu%h the
mediation of so and so Imaam this sin is for%iven'
$rom this belief this can be understood that the shias have no
connection #ith Hadhrat <abi -areem S!A="! If they had even
a little connection #ith the noble bein% of @asulullaah S!A!="(
they #ould at least honour the companions of @asulullaah
S!A!=" like ho# they honour the companions of their Aimmah!
Belief '4
he companions of the Aimmah are free of truthfulness,
trust and lo&alt&
Those people #hom the shias say are sinless and they claim
follo#in% them( re%ardin% their companions( this belief of the
shias is also mentioned! Hence( in .soole -aafy pa%e 26H there
is a narration from Abdullaah Bin ?a'foorA
:Abdullaah Bin ?a'foor says that I told Imaam &a'far Saadi, that
#hen I meet such people #ho do not ackno#led%e your =ilayat
saintliness"( rather they ackno#led%e so and so( I +nd it very
stran%e that they have truthfulness( trust and loyalty in them(
and those people #ho accept you( they do not have in them
truthfulness( trust and loyalty! The narrator says" Hearin% this
Imaam &a'far Saadi, sat up strai%ht and an%rily turned to#ards
me and said There is no 0een for that person #ho accepts an
Imaam #ho is not from Allaah's side( and the person #ho
accepts an Imaam #ho is from Allaah's side( there is no
reproach on him
=e come to kno# from the above mentioned narration of
.soole -aafy that in the time of the Imaam those #ho #here
the follo#ers and companions of the Imaam they did not have
#ithin them trust( truthfulness and loyalty! @ather all these
,ualities #here present in the Ahle Sunnat! If this condition is
mentioned of the people in the time of the Imaam then #hat
#ould be the condition of the present day people!
8iyaas -un 9a Iulista )an Bahaar )ira
And more surprisin% is that the companions of the Aimmah
used to accuse their Imaams and made it their habit to falsify
them! The books of the shias are +lled #ith many narrations on
this topic! Hence( a very detailed narration is mentioned on
pa%e 566 of @i*aal -ashy( #hich is a very authentic book of
the shias sect! By studyin% it( it could be estimated that #hat
lies the companions of the Aimmah attributed to their Imaams
and then #hat stron% curses the Imaams made on them!
Belief '6
he companions of the Aimmah neither ac=uired from
the Aimmah the principles of 9een nor the %ranches of
9een !ith con2iction
The shias also have this belief re%ardin% the companions of
their Aimmah that they neither ac,uired from the Imaams the
principles of 0een nor the branches of 0een #ith conviction!
@ather the Aimmah made Ta,iyyah from them( in the veil of
#hich their reli%ion remained concealed! <arrations on this
topic are also abundantly found in the books of the shias! Here(
accordin% to necessity it is bein% su>ced only on one narration!
Allamah Shaikh )urtada #rites on pa%e 3O of $araedul .sool(
printed in Iran( the translation of #hich isA
Then( this #hich is mentioned that the companions of the
Aimmah ac,uired the principles and branches of 0een #ith
conviction( this claim is un#orthy of acceptance! And it bein%
un#orthy of acceptance is apparent! And at least this bears
testimony to it that #hat #as seen #ith the eye and kno#n
throu%h narrations( is that the companions of the Aimmah had
diDerences amon%st themselves in principles and branches!
And for this very reason many companions of the Aimmah
complained to the Aimmah that #hy is there so much of
diDerences amon%st your companionsF To #hich the Aimmah
replied that #e ourselves put these diDerences to save their
lives! Hence( this is mentioned in the narration of Haree;(
9urarah and Abu Ayyoob! And sometimes they replied that
these diDerences #ere created because of the liars! 1ike ho# it
is mentioned in the narration of $aid Ibn )ukhtaar
$rom the above narration of $araedul .sool it is clearly kno#n
that there #ere neither principles of 0een nor branches of 0een
in the companions of the Aimmah! Also( their narrations used to
be diDerent from one another!
Sorro#fully the shias have no perception of these matters!
Allaah forbid( if the shias see an ordinary diDerence in the
Ahadeeth narrated by the companions of <abi S!A!=" they
leave no stone unturned to critics!
Belief '7
It is a 2er& "reat act of !orship in the reli"ion of the
shias to lie
In the reli%ion of the shias to lie is a very splendored act of
#orship #hich the shias have prescribed its name as
Ta,iyyah! By seein% the books of the shias it becomes kno#n
that in speakin% Ta,iyyah i!e! lies" #hat %reat re#ards there
are! In this most lofty #orship( 7P50 portions of 0een is
It comes in .soole -aafy( pa%e 435A
:Imaam &a'far Saadi, said that from 50 portions of 0een(
Ta,iyyah is 7 portions and the person #ho does not make
Ta,iyyah is irreli%ious! And Ta,iyyah is in everythin%
besides nabeeth and makin% mash on socks'!
It comes in .soole -aafy( pa%e 434A
:Imaam Baa,ir A!S" said that Ta,iyyah is my 0een and the
0een of my fore fathers! And the person #ho does not make
Ta,iyyah is irreli%ious'!
Shia scholars make this attempt that the meanin% of Ta,iyyah
is not to speak lies and re%ardin% this they attempt to present a
lot of interpretations( but based on those narrations #herein
the meanin% of Ta,iyyah points out to lies nothin% %oes their
#ay! As an e/ample( vie# this! It comes in .soole -aafy( pa%e
:Imaam &a'far Saadi, A!S" said that Ta,iyyah is from the
0een of Allaah! The narrator says that I said" =hat( is it from
the 0een of AllaahF The Imaam said ?es( by Allaah( it is from
the 0een of Allaah and undoubtedly ?usuf
said that B people
of the caravanC ?ou are thieves( #hereas( by Allaah( they never
stole anythin%! And Ibraheem said that I am sick( #hereas( by
Allaah( he #as not sick'
In this hadeeth the virtue of Ta,iyyah is kno#n and it also
becomes kno#n that Ta,iyyah is a habit of the )essen%ers!
This is an accusation on Hadhrat ?usuf A!S"! He de+nitely never told the people of the
caravan that they are thieves! This is only mentioned in the 8uraan Shareef i!e! an
announcer announced that B people of the caravanC ?ou are thieves! )oreover the
announcer accordin% to his thou%ht %ave a true announcement! As for the incident of
Hadhrat Ibraheem A!S"( then de+nitely he said himself to be sick and in actual fact at
that time he had the sickness of distress and %rief!
Also( it became apparent that Ta,iyyah is to lie( because one
person has not stolen( but he said himself to be a thief! And one
person #as not sick( but he said himself to be sick! The
mentioned Imaam Saheb says this very thin% to be Ta,iyyah
and every person in the #orld calls it lies!
This belief and its proofs are mentioned so plentifully in the
books of the shias that if presented( a voluminous book could
be compiled( because the dependence of the shia reli%ion is on
this and on the like of such illo%ical ideas( #hich no one in the
#orld is ready to accept!

Belief '8
It is e<tremel& necessar& to hide 9een
It is an e/tremely necessary belief of the shias that it is a %reat
honour to hide ones 0een and to reveal it is an e/tremely
dishonoured deed! It is clearly mentioned in .soole -aafy( pa%e
:It is narrated from Sulaiman Ibn -haalid that Imaam &a'far
Saadi, A!S" said B SulaimanC Indeed you people are on such a
0een that the person #ho conceals it( Allaah #ill %ive him
honour and the person #ho reveals it( Allaah #ill dis%race him
In reality the shia reli%ion is #orthy that it be kept in the secret
form and in no instance it be revealed! That is #hy these
narrations are presented from the side of the Aimmah( and very
#isely they did not reveal their reli%ion( other#ise the survival
of the reli%ion #as di>cult! But unfortunately to the shias that
their books have been published and their reli%ion have leaked!
<evertheless the scholars of the shais( in conformance to the
order of their Aimmah( are no# also s#ollen for concealment of
the secrets of their reli%ion!
Belief -0
Adulter& is permissi%le in the reli"ion of the shias
In the shia reli%ion adultery has been +/ed permissible #ith an
astonishin% plan! And this is the belief that if a man and #omen
are alone at any place and they a%ree to adultery( for #hich
there are no #itnesses also( then there is no harm! Hence( in
$urooa'e -aafy( volume 2( -itaabun <ikaah( pa%e 573 it is
mentioned thus( the translation of #hich isA
:It is narrated from Imaam &a'far Saadi, that a #omen came to
Hadhrat .mar and said :I have committed adulteryK cleanse
me' Bn this .mar issued the order that she be stoned! =hen
Ameerul )umeneen Sala#aatullah Alaih" %ot the ne#s of this
incident( he en,uired from that #oman adulteress"( ho# have
you committed adulteryF The #omen replied :I #ent to the
*un%le! There I %ot very thirsty( so I asked a Bedouin for #ater!
He refused to %ive me #ater but on this condition that I %ive
him control over myself! =hen the severity of thirst compelled
me and I started fearin% the departin% of my life( I a%reed on
his condition"! He %ave me #ater to drink and I %ave him
control over myself'! Hearin% this" Ameerul )umeneen said :By
the oath of the @abb of the -a'bah( this is <ikaah'! By seein%
this narration it is kno#n that in the #orld there is nothin% #ith
the name of adultery! The onlookers should ponderK adultery
that takes place in the ba;aars( in it the man and #omen also
mutually a%ree!
In the above narration instead of cash coins( #ater has been
stipulated as pay!
&unoo -a <aam -hird @ak 0iya -hod -a &unoo
&o Jhahe Aap -y Jhash -arishma Saa; -are"
Insanity itself has kept its name intelli%ence
=hoever #ishes should scheme the #onder of your e/pectation
Belief -1
he status of Muta$h is more than namaa> and fast
In the shia reli%ion )uta'h is not only halaal( rather it is such
a %reat act of #orship that namaa; and fast has no reality in
front of it! It comes in Tafseer )anha*us Saadi,een that the
movements a man and #oman #ho are committin% )uta'h
make( on every move they receive re#ard! =hen they take a
bath then from every drop of the #ater of the bath an an%el is
created! And these countless an%els #ill busy themselves #ith
Tasbeeh till the day of *ud%ement! )oreover( the person #ho
does not do )uta'h #ill %et up shameless on the day of
To kno# the details of )uta'h it is necessary to study the
books of the shias! Speci+cally( it is it is necessary to study the
book )asaaibun <a#adir of 8ady <urullah Shastary!
Shias have #ron%ly made this famous that sometime in Islaam
)uta'h #as halaal and Shariat had permitted it! To
understand this entire issue see number 4 of the ne# edition of
An4<a*m( in #hich this been proven that )uta'h #as never
halaal in Islaam! )any verses of the 8uraan )a*eed point out to
the impermissibility of )uta'h! Some moderate shias have
also a%reed to this!
Belief -'
It is permissi%le to see non?Muslim !omen na5ed
It is a belief of the shias that there is no harm in seein% non4
)uslim #omen naked! It is clearly mentioned in $urooa'e
-aafy( volume 2( pa%e O5 that Imaam &a'far Saadi, says :That
person #ho is not a )uslim( to see his private part is *ust as
seein% the private part of a donkey'
Belief --
In the shia reli"ion @satre aurah$ .not e<posin" certain
portions of the %od&0 is onl& the colour of the %od&
It is a belief of the shias that :satre aurah' not e/posin% certain
portions of the body" is only the colour of the body! The sinless
Aimmah used to put lime over their private parts and then be
naked in front of people! It comes in $urooa'e -aafy( volume
2( pa%e O5A
:Imaam Baa,ir A!S" use to say :He #ho believes in Allaah and
the last day should not enter a public bath #ithout a trouser'!
Then one day the mentioned Imaam #ent to the public bath
and put lime! After applyin% lime he took oD his trouser and
thre# it! Bne of his slaves told him :)ay my father and mother
be sacri+ced upon you( you order us to #ear trousers and you
emphasis upon it( but you yourself took oD your trouser'! The
Imaam said :0on't you kno# that the lime has covered the
Belief -4
It is permissi%le to do unnatural acts !ith !omen
It is a belief of the shias that there is no #ron% in doin%
unnatural acts #ith ones o#n #ife! This belief is very clearly
mentioned in all their books! And more astonishin% is that they
prove this dis%ustin% act from a verse of the 8uraan! =e seek
refu%e in Allaah from such thin%s"!
Belief -3
Sa1dah ilaa!at and Aana>ah Namaa> is permissi%le
!ithout (udhu and !ithout Bhusul
Accordin% to the shias there is no #ron% in makin% Sa*dah
Tilaa#at and &ana;ah <amaa; #ithout =udhu and #ithout
Ihusul! It is clearly found in their $i,h books! There is no need
for more e/planation!
Belief -4
In the shia reli"ion to s!ear is a 2er& praise !orth& act
of !orship
S#earin%( cursin% and disapprovin% are a famous belief of the
shias and #ithout doubt after terminatin% this belief the shia
sect becomes lifeless! This belief is so famous that it #ould not
be incorrect to say that this is the %reatest pillar of the shia
sect! By s#earin% the noble Sahabah( the shais mainly and
fre,uently populate *ails and because of this very s#earin% they
suDer a lot of dis%race!
Belief -6
In the shia reli"ion treacher& and deception are
e<cellent thin"s
It is a belief if the shias that the Aimmah used to *oin in the
*ana;ah namaa; of their enemies and instead of dua'a for
for%iveness they used curse them( and they used to teach their
disciples and follo#ers the very same! A very lon% hadeeth is
mentioned in $urooa'e -aafy( volume 5( pa%e 77( the cru/ of
#hich is :Imaam Husain #ent to the *ana;ah of a hypocrite! Bn
the #ay one of his slaves met him! The Imaam asked him
:=here are you %oin%F' He said :I am runnin% a#ay from the
*ana;ah of this hypocrite and I do not #ant to read his *ana;ah
namaa;' Hadhrat Imaam told him that stand on my ri%ht side
and #hatever you hear me say you should say the same!
Hence( Husain A!S" made this dua'a B AllaahC Jurse this
servant of ?ours( thousands of curses( #hich is all at once and
not separate! B AllaahC 0is%race this servant of ?ours in front of
other servants and #hile puttin% him in the heat of your +re(
aQict him #ith severe punishment! Because he used to
befriend ?our enemies( had enmity for ?our friends and hated
the family of ?our <abi'
It is kno#n from this narration that the sinless Imaam #as
apparently performin% in front of the people the *ana;ah
namaa; of a hypocrite only to deceive and betrayK and in actual
fact instead of seekin% for%iveness he #as cursin%!
)oreover it is emphasised in the books of the shias that to
deceive a person one should participate in the *ana;ah namaa;
of his enemies and read the follo#in% dua'aA
:B AllaahC $ill his stomach and %rave #ith +re and impose on
him snakes and punishment' $urooa'e -aafy( volume 5( pa%e
Belief -7
It is permissi%le to face to!ards the "ra2es of the
Aimmah and read namaa>
In the shia sect instead of the -a'bah( it is permissible to face
to#ards the %raves of the Aimmah and read namaa;! This
namaa; is called :<amaa;e 9iyarat'! This clari+cation is
mentioned in the +,h and hadeeth books of the shias and most
likely they do not take it to be a fault because they do not have
any connection #hatsoever #ith the -a'bah! It is only
necessary to e/press its respect #ith the ton%ue!
Belief -8
It is permissi%le to eat %read !hich is l&in" in impurit&
In the shia sect there is so much value for bread #hich is lyin%
in impurity that it is +/ed as the diet of the sinless Aimmah! The
person #ho eats this bread #ill %o to &annat! In comes in )an
la yahduruhul fa,eeh babil makaan lilhadath that one day
Imaam Baa,ir A!S" #ent to the toilet! There he found a morsel
fallen in impurity! He picked it up( #ashed it( %ave it to a slave
#ho #as #ith him and said -eep this by you! =hen I come out
I #ill eat it! Hence( #hen the Imaam came out of the toilet he
asked the slave( that #here is that morselF The slave replied :B
oDsprin% of the @asulC I ate it up'! The Imaam said :In #hose
stomach that morsel %oes( &annat #ill become incumbent for
himK and I free you( because it is not appropriate for me to take
service from a heavenly person'
Belief 40
he principles of the Aimmah are flled !ith di)erences
It is a belief of the shais that in those ahadith #hich are
attributed to their Imaams( there is this e/tent of diDerence(
that there is no rule #hich is not diDered! This belief has %reatly
disturbed shia mu*tahids and they are perple/ed! Hence( some
say that in diDered hadeeths one is the principle of the Imaam
and the other hadeeths are based on Ta,iyyah! $or details
study Asasul .sool( pa%e E5( in #hich )aul#y 0ildaar Ali
Saheb( the %reat shia mu*tahid( has %reatly pointed out this
issue and has presented stran%e indecent interpretations!
Translation edited by
A!H!Llias )ufti"

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