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1 Kristian Fenlon

A Survey on Love and Marriage

Please circle your answer.
1. What is your age?
a. 0-17 b. 18-25 c. 26-35 d. 36-45 e. 46-55 f. 55+
2. What is your gender?
a. Male b. Female
3. What is your race?
a. White b. American Indian r Ala!"a #ati$ec. A!ian d. %lac" r African
American e. #ati$e &a'aiian r (ther )acific I!lander
f. &i!*anic
4. What is your sexual orientation?
a. &eter!e+,al b. &m!e+,al c. %i!e+,al d. A!e+,al
. What is your religious a!!iliation?
a. -hri!tian b. Athei!t c. .e'i!h d. M,!lim e. (ther
". What #olitical #arty do you $elong to?
a. /emcrat b. 0e*,blican c. Inde*endent d. (ther
%. What is the highest level o! education you have co&#leted or are currently
enrolled in?
a. Middle 1chl b. &i2h !chl c. 1
3ear f clle2e
d. A!!ciate! /e2ree e. %achelr4! /e2ree f. Ma!ter4! /e2ree
2. /ctral /e2ree
'. What is your annual household inco&e?
a. 50-5167666 b. 5207000- 5367666 c. 5407000- 5567666 d. 5607000-5767666
e. 5807000- 5667666 f. 51007000- 51507000 2. 51507000+
(. What social class do you identi!y with the &ost?
a. 8**er--la!! b. Middle--la!! c. 9'er--la!!
1). *o you have any children? +,! no- s.i# to /uestion 120
a. :e! b. #
11. 1ow &any children do you have?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 r mre
12. *o you want to have children in the !uture21ave &ore children?
a. :e! b. #
13. Where do you live?
a. -it3 b. 1,b,rb! c. 0,ral;Farmland
14. What .ind o! #lace do you live in<
a. &,!e b. A*artment c. Mbile &me d. =em*rar3 &,!in2
1. *o you own your ho&e?
a. :e! b. #
1". What is your &arital status?
2 Kristian Fenlon
a. Married b. /i$rced c. 1e*arated d. Wid'ed
e. #e$er Married f. -habitatin2
1%. 1ow &any ti&es have you $een engaged?
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 e. 4+
1'. 1ow &any ti&es have you $een &arried?
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 e. 4+
1(. *o you have2Are you in !avor o! having a #renu#tial agree&ent?
a. :e! b. #
2). Are you currently in a serious- &onoga&ous relationshi#? +,! no- s.i# to
/uestion 2(0
a. :e! b. #
21. 1ow long did you wait to &eet your #artner3s #arents?
a. >1 mnth b. 1-6 mnth! c. 6 mnth!- 1 3ear d. ?1 3ear
22. *o you live with your #artner? +,! no- s.i# to /uestion 2"0
a. :e! b. #
23. When in the car together- who &ost o!ten drives?
a. I d. b. M3 *artner de!. c. It i! e@,al.
24. *o you $elieve that house wor. is e/ually shared?
a. :e! b. #
2. 1ow o!ten do you eat dinner together as a !a&ily?
a. #e$er b. 1metime! c. Al'a3!
2". 1ave you and your #artner $een sexually active? +,! no- s.i# to /uestion 2'0
a. :e! b. #
2%. 1ow o!ten do you and your #artner have sexual relations?
a. #e$er b. 0arel3 c. (ften d. 0e2,larl3
2'. *o you trust your #artner?
a. Ab!l,tel3 b. M!tl3 c. 1me'hat d. #
2(. 1ow i&#ortant is co&&it&ent in a relationshi#?
a. Aer3 im*rtant b. 1me'hat im*rtant c. #t at all im*rtant
3). Would you consider $eing in a relationshi# with so&eone who has children with
so&eone else?
a. :e! b. # c. 8n!,re
31. Would you ever &arry so&eone !or their &oney or assets?
a. :e! b. #
32. 1ow long is the ideal engage&ent?
a. 1-6 mnth! b. 6 mnth!-1 3ear c. 1-2 3ear! d. 3+ 3ear!
33. *o you $elieve it is a##ro#riate !or a wo&an to #ro#ose to a &an?
a. :e! b. #
34. 1ave you ever cheated on a #artner?
a. :e! b. #
3. 1ave you ever $een cheated on $y a #artner?
a. :e! b. #
3". 1ave you ever $een a victi& o! *o&estic 4iolence?
a. :e! b. #
3%. 1ave you ever $een a victi& o! Sexual A$use?
a. :e! b. #
3'. 1ave you ever ta.en or a$used controlled su$stances?
3 Kristian Fenlon
a. :e! b. #
3(. 1ave you ever $een incarcerated?
a. :e! b. #
4). What do you $elieve is the &ost co&&on reason !or a $rea.u#?
a. Ad,lter3 b. Finance! c. )er!nal /ifference! d. %redm
e. (ther
5han. you !or your ti&e- #lease turn in to your #ro&#ter.

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