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0ui entiie family was uevastateu when oui uaughtei was iapeu on a public high school fielu tiip.
The school uistiict's failuie to extenu oui uaughtei Title IX iights, to acknowleuge hei iepoit of
sexual assault, anu to tieat hei with basic human uignity has been life-scaiing beyonu uesciiption.
We have ielentlessly puisueu accountability so that something positive may come fiom this
tiageuy. Foi the sake of otheis, we ask 0CR to open an investigation.
XXXXX (signatuies)
0n Novembei 7, 2u12, oui uaughtei iepoiteu that she was sexually assaulteu by a classmate on a
school-sponsoieu fielu tiip. The Seattle School Bistiict (the "Bistiict") was awaie of the assault the
same uay but faileu to conuuct a piompt, thoiough, anu inuepenuent investigation as iequiieu by
Title IX anu by the policies of the 0niteu States Bepaitment of Euucation's 0ffice foi Civil Rights
("0CR"), which is iesponsible foi enfoicing Title IX anu investigating violations. The Bistiict also
faileu to involve its Title IX cooiuinatoi. Auuitionally, the Bistiict uiu not infoim oui uaughtei of the
sanctions meteu out against the assailant so she coulu immeuiately ietuin to school, anu uiu not
piotect hei fiom ietaliation. As a iesult, hei iight to an equal euucation fiee of uisciimination was
violateu. In auuition, the Bistiict faileu to pioviue iequiieu infoimation about euucational
accommouations foi uebilitating PTSB that she suffeieu as a iesult of the sexual assault.
We iequest that 0CR ueteimine whethei the Bistiict violateu its obligations unuei Title IX by
investigating the Bistiict's iesponse to oui uaughtei's iepoit of sexual assault, incluuing its failuie
to piomptly anu equitably investigate anu auuiess ietaliation. We also iequest that 0CR unueitake
a Compliance Review of the Bistiict to ueteimine whethei its piactices, pioceuuies, anu tiaining of
staff iegaiuing iesponse to stuuent iepoits of sexual anu genuei-baseu violence anu haiassment
complieu with Title IX anu iemeuy any unlawful conuuct, piactices, anu pioceuuies. We also
iequest 0CR to ueteimine whethei uaifielu Bigh School appiopiiately euucateu anu notifieu
stuuentsfamilies about sexual haiassment policies as iequiieu. We ask 0CR to iequiie the Bistiict
anu its employees to unueigo ongoing tiaining, ieview, anu monitoiing anu to ieuiess the effects of
its uisciimination against oui uaughtei. We ask that 0CR compel the Bistiict to explain why it faileu
to obseive its chapeione policies that woulu have pioviueu a safe enviionment fiee of sexual
haiassment, in paiticulai foi giils, the most vulneiable victims. We ask 0CR to ueteimine how the
Bistiict's au hoc policies anu iesponse to oui uaughtei's iepoit of sexual assault suppoit a cultuie
of sexual haiassment anu violence. Auuitional iequests appeai at the enu of this uocument.
1. In Novembei 2u12, oui uaughtei was in hei sophomoie yeai at uaifielu Bigh School. She was a
successful stuuent, taking Auvanceu Placement classes anu maintaining an A-B aveiage. She was an
active paiticipant in the auvanceu XXXXXXXX anu hau completeu neaily foui times hei community

seivice houis, which incluueu giving XXXX lessons to economically uisauvantageu chiluien anu
seiving as a summei camp counseloi.
2. 0n Novembei 7, 2u12, uuiing a school sponsoieu fielu tiip to NatuieBiiuge on the 0lympic
Peninsula, oui uaughtei was sexually assaulteu by anothei stuuent. That same uay the peipetiatoi
tolu the school piincipal that the sexual activity with oui uaughtei was "consensual" but also
aumitteu she tolu him to stop. The following uay a paient iepoiteu to the school that hei uaughtei
hau witnesseu a iape.
S. 0n the fielu tiip theie was impiopei anu inauequate auult supeivision that cieateu an
uncontiolleu, unsafe, anu hostile enviionment that peimitteu sexual haiassmentviolence to occui.
Chapeiones uiu not pievent giils anu boys fiom co-mingling unsupeiviseu in each othei's cabins
befoie anu aftei cuifew in violation of Bistiict anu camp policy. The teacheis who weie supposeu to
be in chaige slept with theii chiluien in sepaiate cabins that weie uistant fiom the stuuents' cabins
anu weie theiefoie unable to monitoi the stuuents foi whom they weie iesponsible. The boys weie
chapeioneu by one unscieeneuunauthoiizeu male college stuuent who slept with eaiplugs,
theieby cieating an enviionment that faileu to piotect giils. Because the school piincipal anu
teacheis faileu to follow the Bistiict iequiieu fielu tiip planning pioceuuies, theie was only one
scieeneu female chapeione foi 27 stuuents uuiing the night in violation of Bistiict policies.
Chapeiones anu teacheis aumitteu they weie ignoiant of Bistiict policies anu lost contiol of the
stuuents both nights.
4. 0ui uaughtei iepoiteu the sexual assault to hei teachei the same moining. The teachei infoimeu
the school piincipal. The executive uiiectoi of schools anu assistant supeiintenuent foi opeiations
weie also notifieu. Noieovei, the assailant tolu the school piincipal on the uay of the assault that
oui uaughtei tolu him to stop touching hei. Theiefoie, the Bistiict was awaie of the sexual assault
the uay it occuiieu.
S. 0ui uaughtei was in shock. NatuieBiiuge staff took hei to the emeigency ioom at 0lympic
Neuical Centei in Poit Angeles, wheie she was uiagnoseu anu tieateu foi sexual assault. She
voluntaiy agieeu to a iape kit examination.
6. We askeu the school piincipal the next uay about what uisciplinaiy actions hau been meteu out
to the peipetiatoi so oui uaughtei coulu ietuin to school, but the piincipal iefuseu to tell us. It was
not until Apiil 16, 2u1S, moie than five months latei, that the Bistiict infoimeu us that the
peipetiatoi hau been emeigency excluueu fiom school, but uiu not tell us when the exclusion
occuiieu oi foi how long. The Bistiict latei tolu us that, emeigency exclusion "is not a
ueteimination that he uiu oi uiu not uo anything wiong."
The Washington State 0ffice of the Euucation 0mbuusman publication !"#$"%&"'( "' *+,&"$ -$.//&#
states that:
Bistiicts can expel stuuents on an emeigency basis when theie is goou anu sufficient ieason
to believe that a stuuent's piesence woulu be unsafe to himheiself oi to otheis. Bistiicts
can also oiuei an emeigency expulsion if a stuuent's piesence piesents an immeuiate anu
continuing thieat of substantial uisiuption to the euucation piocess. Emeigency expulsions

have no uefinite enuing time. They continue until the school uistiict says that the
"emeigency" is ovei oi until a heaiing officei changes it as a iesult of a heaiing.
It was not until the enu of }une 2u1S that we leaineu that the peipetiatoi was alloweu to ietuin to
school on Novembei 21, 2u12, but theie was no explanation of why the Bistiict believeu his
piesence no longei contiibuteu to a hostile enviionment against oui uaughtei. 0CR uiiectives state:
Because seeing the peipetiatoi may be tiaumatic, a complainant in a sexual haiassment
case may continue to be subject to a hostile enviionment if he oi she uoes not know when
the peipetiatoi will ietuin to school oi whethei he oi she will continue to shaie classes oi a
iesiuence hall with the peipetiatoi. This infoimation also uiiectly affects a complainant's
uecision iegaiuing how to woik with the school to eliminate the hostile enviionment anu
pievent its iecuiience. (Beai Colleague Lettei 2u11)
Because oui uaughtei was teiiifieu of seeing the assailant at school anu the piincipal woulu not
ieveal that he hau been emeigency excluueu, oui uaughtei uiu not want to ietuin to school.
Noieovei, she leaineu that ietaliation against hei iepoit of a sexual assault hau begun.
In }une 2u1S we leaineu that the peipetiatoi hau pieviously been emeigency excluueu fiom a
Bistiict miuule school foi having sexual inteicouise with a peei on school giounus uuiing lunch
peiiou, which coulu have been anothei inciuent of sexual haiassment peipetiateu by the assailant.
The Bistiict was awaie oi shoulu have been awaie that the peipetiatoi piesenteu a iisk of sexual
haiassment in an unuei-supeiviseu setting, such as occuiieu on the Novembei, 2u12 fielu tiip.
School peisonnel ignoieu this iisk. Insteau, teacheis anu chapeiones faileu to ieau anu abiue by the
Bistiict's own policies anu pioceuuies goveining oveinight fielu tiips, thus cieating an
uncontiolleu, unsafe, anu hostile enviionment in which sexual haiassment anu sexual assault coulu
anu uiu occui.
7. At no time uiu any school oi Bistiict staff infoim us that oui family hau the iight to file a Title IX
complaint, that Title IX piohibits ietaliation foi iepoiting sexual assault, noi uiu anyone give us the
name of a Title IX cooiuinatoi oi othei school official iesponsible foi hanuling sexual assault
complaints. We only leaineu of the Bistiict's Title IX obligations fiom the Washington State 0ffice of
the Supeiintenuent of Public Instiuction (0SPI) 0ffice of Equity anu Civil Rights aftei escalating oui
complaint to that office in Naich, 2u1S. As fai as we aie awaie, the Bistiict nevei involveu a Title IX
cooiuinatoi in investigating, oveiseeing, oi auuiessing oui uaughtei's iepoit of sexual assault, noi
uiu the Bistiict tell oui family that they coulu talk to the Title IX cooiuinatoi oi even iuentify who
the Title IX cooiuinatoi is. Noi uiu the Bistiict comply with its obligation to notify us of oui iight to
file a Title IX complaint. Cleaily, the Bistiict faileu to comply with its obligation to tiain its
employees anu to ensuie that they weie piepaieu to iesponu effectively anu appiopiiately to
iepoits of sexual haiassment. Aftei obtaining guiuance fiom 0SPI, we appioacheu the Title IX
officei foi help< but he iefuseu to answei oui questions. Insteau, he abuicateu his iesponsibilities to
the Bistiict geneial counsel, theieby cieating an unacceptable conflict of inteiest. 0CR uiiectives

The Title IX cooiuinatois shoulu not have othei job iesponsibilities that may cieate a
conflict of inteiest. Foi example, seiving as the Title IX cooiuinatoi anu a uisciplinaiy
heaiing boaiu membei oi geneial counsel may cieate a conflict of inteiest. (Beai Colleague
Lettei 2u11)
8. School Bistiict peisonnel botcheu anu mismanageu accommouations foi oui uaughtei, who
suffeieu uisabling PTSB post-assault anu was unable to ietuin to school. In Becembei, 2u12, the
Bistiict qualifieu oui uaughtei foi a Su4 accommouation baseu on a uiagnosis of PTSB following the
iape. The Bistiict then withuiew its Su4 plan in iesponse to oui questions. Buiing the months
following the assault, we ieceiveu contiauictoiy infoimation fiom the school auministiation. We
askeu the Su4 cooiuinatoi to explain anu uesciibe the accommouations foi oui uaughtei, but she
ceaseu anu iefuseu to communicate with us in }anuaiy 2u1S. Noieovei, the Su4 cooiuinatoi's
coiiesponuence ievealeu a staik uenial of the impact of iape anu the ensuing uisability oui
uaughtei suffeieu. The Bistiict gianteu oui uaughtei a school tiansfei with the Novembei iape as
the basis, yet the Su4 cooiuinatoi woulu not explain how oui uaughtei woulu be accommouateu in
a new school= Without pioviuing us with this infoimation, oui uaughtei's attenuance at the new
school woulu have placeu hei at an euucational uisauvantage compaieu to hei peeis. Fuithei, the
Bistiict uiu not pioviue iequiieu infoimation on pioceuuial safeguaius. Aftei alieauy qualifying
oui uaughtei foi a Su4 accommouation in Becembei, 2u12, the Bistiict pioposeu to ie-qualify hei
in Apiil, 2u1S when it was fai too late to help hei. The inability of oui uaughtei to iesume hei
euucation has been uevastating.
9. In the months following the sexual assault, oui uaughtei was subjecteu to ietaliation fiom hei
peeis, who accuseu hei of lying about being iapeu anu fiaming the peipetiatoi. This cieateu a
hostile enviionment unuei which she uiu not want to ietuin to school, as uocumenteu by the
theiapist who tieateu hei anu by postings on social meuia. The school uiu nothing to pie-empt this
ietaliation. No school peisonnel evei inquiieu about ietaliation against oui uaughtei oi infoimeu
us how to iepoit ietaliation. Noieovei, they ignoieu oui wiitten conceins about ietaliation.
Accoiuing to 0CR iegulations:
The school also shoulu tell the complainant that Title IX piohibits ietaliation, anu that
school officials will not only take steps to pievent ietaliation but also take stiong iesponsive
action if it occuis.
At a minimum, schools must ensuie that complainants anu theii paients, if appiopiiate,
know how to iepoit any subsequent pioblems, anu shoulu follow-up with complainants to
ueteimine whethei any ietaliation oi new inciuents of haiassment have occuiieu. (Beai
Colleague Lettei 2u11)
1u. 0n Naich 18, 2u1S, we wiote a complaint to the Bistiict Supeiintenuent iequesting an
explanation of why the Bistiict hau not investigateu why oui uaughtei was alloweu to be sexually
assaulteu on a school fielu tiip. The Bistiict wiote that it hau not conuucteu its own investigation
because of its longstanuing piactice to await the conclusion of a law enfoicement investigation. The
Bistiict also wiote that it was not awaie that law enfoicement hau completeu theii investigation
until we infoimeu them in Naich 2u1S. This cleaily uefies 0CR uiiectives, which state:

Schools shoulu not wait foi the conclusion of a ciiminal investigation oi ciiminal
pioceeuing to begin theii own Title IX investigation anu, if neeueu, must take immeuiate
steps to piotect the stuuent in the euucational setting. Foi example, a school shoulu not
uelay conuucting its own investigation oi taking steps to piotect the complainant because it
wants to see whethei the allegeu peipetiatoi will be founu guilty of a ciime. In auuition, a
ciiminal investigation into allegations of sexual violence uoes not ielieve the school of its
uuty unuei Title IX to iesolve complaints piomptly anu equitably. (Beai Colleague Lettei,
11. It was not until we escalateu oui complaint to 0SPI in Apiil, 2u1S, that the Bistiict leaineu of its
Title IX obligations thiough the 0SPI 0ffice of Civil Rights. The Bistiict subsequently allegeu that it
hau alieauy conuucteu the iequiieu inuepenuent investigation, even though it hau pieviously tolu
us that it was waiting foi the conclusion of the law enfoicement investigation befoie commencing
its own investigation. This so-calleu inuepenuent investigation consisteu of one teachei's seconu-
hanu iepoit of a couple of inteiviews she obseiveu. The teachei uiu not ask questions. In auuition,
the teachei uiu not obseive the FBI inteiviews with oui uaughtei oi with the assailant. Theiefoie
the Bistiict's so-calleu investigation was neithei equitable noi substantive. In auuition, the Bistiict
nevei infoimeu us of the finuings of this so-calleu investigation until Apiil 2u1S, five months aftei it
occuiieu. 0nce we explaineu to the uistiict why this "investigation" was inauequate, it ueciueu
"aftei fuithei consiueiation" to conuuct its own inuepenuent investigation, beginning in Nay, 2u1S,
six months aftei the assault. This violates 0CR uiiectives, which state that schools shoulu not wait
foi a paient complaint befoie launching theii own investigation:
Regaiuless of whethei a haiasseu stuuent, his oi hei paient, oi a thiiu paity files a
complaint unuei the school's giievance pioceuuies oi otheiwise iequests action on the
stuuent's behalf, a school that knows, oi ieasonably shoulu know, about possible
haiassment must piomptly investigate to ueteimine what occuiieu anu then take
appiopiiate steps to iesolve the situation. |Tjhe school's Title IX investigation is uiffeient
fiom any law enfoicement investigation, anu a law enfoicement investigation uoes not
ielieve the school of its inuepenuent Title IX obligation to investigate the conuuct. (Beai
Colleague Lettei 2u11)
The quality of the Bistiict's investigation was gieatly unueimineu as a iesult of this uelay as we
uetaileu to the Bistiict. Foi example, the Bistiict uiu not inteiview oui uaughtei in the thiee anu a
half months befoie she enteieu iesiuential tieatment in Febiuaiy 2u1S. Noieovei, oui uaughtei's
euucational oppoitunities weie unfaiily compiomiseu because the Bistiict faileu to conuuct a
piompt anu equitable investigation, as iequiieu by 0CR uiiectives, so she coulu have ietuineu to
school. Bei inability to ietuin to school without haiassment anu to iebuilu hei life was uevastating.
12. The Bistiict's inuepenuent investigatoi wiote a uiaft iepoit uateu }une 28, 2u1S. Be iequesteu
us to contiibute auuitional infoimation, which we uiu on 0ctobei 18, 2u1S, incluuing oui
uaughtei's wiitten account of events, law enfoicement iepoits, veiification of hei Washington State
ciime victim's status, infoimation conceining chapeione negligence fiom oui public iecoius seaich,
scieenshots uemonstiating ietaliation, anu objective meuical eviuence coiioboiating oui
uaughtei's tieatment foi sexual assault anu PTSB as a iesult of the assault. The inuepenuent

investigatoi uiu not have an oppoitunity to incoipoiate the infoimation we supplieu into his final
iepoit because the Bistiict teiminateu his investigation.
1S. 0n }anuaiy 1S, 2u14, we wiote to the Bistiict asking why it hau not iesponueu to the
infoimation we supplieu on 0ctobei 18, 2u1S. The Supeiintenuent ieplieu to oui Naich 18, 2u1S
complaint on }anuaiy 2S, 2u14 infoiming us that the Bistiict hau ueteimineu that theie was
"insufficient eviuence" to concluue oui uaughtei "was the victim of haiassment." The Bistiict
ieacheu its conclusion ten months aftei oui Naich, 2u1S complaint anu moie than 14 months aftei
the assault. This can haiuly be consiueieu a piompt investigation iequiieu by 0CR uiiectives. 0ui
uaughtei's high school euucational oppoitunity was ueiaileu as a iesult of the Bistiict's failuie to
piomptly investigate. The Bistiict's failuie to piomptly anu equitably iesponu to the iepoit of
sexual assault was uevastating foi oui uaughtei.
14. 0n Febiuaiy 14, 2u14, we appealeu the Supeiintenuent's uecision to the Bistiict Boaiu of
Biiectois. In oui appeal, we noteu that the Bistiict hau not auuiesseu oui complaint iegaiuing: 1)
the impiopei anu inauequate auult supeivision on the fielu tiip that cieateu an unsafe enviionment
in which sexual assault coulu anu uiu occui, anu 2) noncompliance with 0CR Title IX uiiectives in
iesponse to a iepoit of sexual violence. Noieovei, the Bistiict justifieu its uecision on the giounus
that the 0S Attoiney's 0ffice uiu not file ciiminal iape chaiges against the peipetiatoi, even though
we citeu coiiesponuence fiom the National Paik Seivice Chief Rangei that stateu, >The 0S Attoiney
has not ueteimineu that no sexual assault occuiieu." The Bistiict's iationale contiauicts 0CR
uiiectives, which state:
Police investigations may be useful foi fact-gatheiing; but because the stanuaius foi
ciiminal investigations aie uiffeient, police investigations oi iepoits aie not ueteiminative
of whethei sexual haiassment oi violence violates Title IX. Conuuct may constitute unlawful
sexual haiassment unuei Title IX even if the police uo not have sufficient eviuence of a
ciiminal violation. (Beai Colleague Lettei 2u11)
1S. In its memoianua to the School Boaiu, the Bistiict uevalueu, uiscounteu, anu ignoieu objective
infoimation that we supplieu uemonstiating that oui uaughtei uiu not welcome the sexual conuuct
of the assailant anu was immeuiately theieaftei tieateu by meuical piofessionals foi sexual assault
anu the ensuing PTSB. The Bistiict possesseu both the account pioviueu by oui uaughtei, anu the
peipetiatoi's own account that he gave to the National Paik Seivice investigatois aftei the assault,
both of which state that oui uaughtei cleaily tolu the peipetiatoi to stop the sexual conuuct
multiple times. The peipetiatoi acknowleugeu that oui uaughtei useu a coue woiu to tell him to
stop, but he continueu sexually touching hei in incieasingly moie invasive anu aggiessive ways. By
telling the peipetiatoi to stop moie than once, oui uaughtei maue it cleai that his conuuct was
unwelcome, as uefineu by Washington State law anu 0CR:
Conuuct is consiueieu unwelcome if the stuuent uiu not iequest oi invite it anu consiueieu
the conuuct to be unuesiiable oi offensive. The age of the stuuent, the natuie of the conuuct,
anu othei ielevant factois affect whethei a stuuent was capable of welcoming the sexual
conuuct. A stuuent's submission to the conuuct oi failuie to complain uoes not always mean
that the conuuct was welcome. (Sexual Baiassment: It's Not Acauemic, 2uu8)

Noieovei, the objective meuical iepoits anu uiagnoses we supplieu to the Bistiict suppoit that oui
uaughtei suffeieu physical anu psychological tiauma fiom the sexual encountei, which is
inconsistent with the peipetiatoi's claim that the sexual touching was welcome= In auuition, the
assailant tolu law enfoicement investigatois that he nevei ejaculateu, which contiauicts the
meuical eviuence we pioviueu to the Bistiict. Fuithei, the Bistiict's own investigatoi was skeptical
of the assailant's claim that oui uaughtei woulu have welcomeu 1u minutes of anal sex.
The Bistiict ignoieu this eviuence anu insteau auopteu an auvocacy iole foi the peipetiatoi,
claiming that although oui uaughtei tolu to him to stop touching hei, the male stuuent "believeu he
then peisuaueu hei to allow him to continue," as stateu in its legal memoianuum to the School
Boaiu. The Bistiict appaiently believes that the male stuuent "peisuaueu" his victim to consent
when he actually oveipoweieu hei. The Bistiict accepts the assailant's stoiy as cieuible at face
value, notwithstanuing his piioi uiscipline iecoiu of sexual misconuuct at school. Foi these anu
othei ieasons, incluuing its failuie to consiuei a iepoit fiom a mothei who saiu hei uaughtei
witnesseu iape, the Bistiict cleaily uiscounts the testimony of females anu fosteis a cultuie of
sexual violence anu uisciimination against the female victim of sexual assault.
16. Foi the appeal heaiing, we pioviueu the School Boaiu with ample infoimation to make an
infoimeu uecision, incluuing state anu feueial uefinitions of sexual haiassment, iape, anu Title IX
iequiiements. Yet Bistiict legal staff wiongly counseleu the Boaiu that Title IX iequiiements weie
iiielevant to oui appeal heaiing. 0nly 012(3 the School Boaiu hau ienueieu a uecision baseu on
faulty anu incomplete infoimation fiom the Bistiict legal uepaitment uiu a School Boaiu Biiectoi
wiite to 0SPI iequesting the same Title IX infoimation we hau eailiei pioviueu to the Bistiict anu
the School Boaiu. Noieovei, this infoimation shoulu have been maue available thiough the
Bistiict's Title IX officei.
17. The Bistiict has eviuence that the sexual touching by the peipetiatoi was moie likely than not
unwelcome by oui uaughtei. But because the Bistiict has iepeateuly voiceu to us its concein about
its potential liability foi the assault, we finu it uifficult to believe that its aujuuication piocess was
impaitial, as eviuenceu by the Bistiict ignoiing oui inquiiies, attempting to shut uown the iepoit of
sexual assault, failing to commence an inuepenuent investigation in a timely mannei, ignoiing
objective meuical anu foiensic eviuence that we pioviueu, auvocating foi the peipetiatoi, anu
teiminating its own inuepenuent investigation without allowing the investigatoi to incoipoiate the
uocumentation we pioviueu in a final iepoit. The lattei iaises a question of conflict of inteiest with
iespect to the Bistiict aujuuicating eviuence when it has an avoweu concein about its liability.
Accoiuing to 0CR guiuelines:
Any pioceuuies useu to aujuuicate complaints of sexual haiassment oi sexual violence,
incluuing uisciplinaiy pioceuuies, howevei, must meet the Title IX iequiiement of affoiuing
a complainant a piompt anu equitable iesolution.
Auuitionally, a school's investigation anu heaiing piocesses cannot be equitable unless they
aie impaitial. Theiefoie, any ieal oi peiceiveu conflicts of inteiest between the fact-finuei
oi uecision-makei anu the paities shoulu be uiscloseu. (Beai Colleague Lettei, 2u11)

Auuitionally, the Bistiict iefuseu oui offei to paiticipate in inteiviews while it inviteu othei paients
to, anu it hiu essential infoimation fiom its iepoit, such as a paient iepoiting hei uaughtei
witnesseu a iape. We fuithei have uoubts about the impaitiality of the Bistiict's iegulaily hiieu
investigatoi, Richaiu Kaisei, who uenieu oui iequest to iecoiu his inteiview with us, even though
he peimitteu iecoiuing of his inteiview with anothei infoimant. Foi these anu othei ieasons
uetaileu in oui 0ctobei 18, 2u1S iesponse to the Bistiict's uiaft iepoit, the Bistiict's investigation
was haiuly the "piompt, thoiough, anu impaitial" investigation uemanueu by Title IX iegulations.
18. The Bistiict uisciiminateu on the basis of genuei by not giving oui uaughtei's iepoit of sexual
assault equal cieuence with the peipetiatoi's claim of a consensual sexual encountei. The male
school piincipal initially tolu us that peipetiatoi aumitteu to having consensual sex with oui
uaughtei, but then ieveiseu himself anu falsely stateu that he hau only tolu us that a stuuent came
foiwaiu with "infoimation." Be fuithei insinuateu that she hau maue a false allegation of assault
absent any objective infoimation anu without acknowleuging that the assailant coulu have falsely
allegeu that the sexual encountei was consensual= In auuition, the piincipal alieauy knew uiiectly
fiom the assailant on Novembei 8, 2u12 that oui uaughtei tolu him to stop touching hei anu that
"stop" is an inuication of unwanteu touching. Rathei than commencing the iequiieu piompt anu
equitable investigation, the piincipal anu Bistiict effectively shut uown the iepoit of sexual assault
anu faileu to infoim the victim of hei iights.
Consiueiing the assailant's piioi iecoiu of sexual misconuuct at school, the school shoulu have
tiansfeiieu him anu iecommenueu counseling. Accoiuing to 0CR uiiectives:
When taking steps to sepaiate the complainant anu allegeu peipetiatoi, a school shoulu
minimize the buiuen on the complainant, anu thus shoulu not, as a mattei of couise, iemove
complainants fiom classes oi housing while allowing allegeu peipetiatois to iemain. In
auuition, schools shoulu ensuie that complainants aie awaie of theii Title IX iights anu any
available iesouices, such as counseling, health, anu mental health seivices, anu theii iight to
file a complaint with local law enfoicement. (Beai Colleague Lettei, 2u11)
Cleaily, the Bistiict piivilegeu the assailant's allegation of consensual sex to peimit him, a valueu
athlete, to iemain at school iathei than piomptly iemeuying the hostile euucational enviionment
foi oui uaughtei to affoiu hei the iight to an equal euucation fiee of sexual haiassment.
19. The Bistiict tieateu the iepoiteu sexual assault with uelibeiate inuiffeience, wiiting us that
theie was no neeu foi the Bistiict to take action to iemeuy the hostile enviionment aftei the assault
because oui uaughtei was not attenuing school, even though it was the hostile enviionment anu
feai of ietaliation that pieventeu hei fiom ietuining to the school in the fiist place= To fuithei
ielieve itself of iesponsibility foi piotecting its stuuents against sexual haiassmentviolence, the
Bistiict auopteu the au hoc policy that on school-sponsoieu fielu tiips, sexual inteicouise between
stuuents, wanteu oi unwanteu, can still occui unuei "specific ciicumstances" even when
chapeiones aie peifoiming theii uuties.


0nuei Title IX the Bistiict has an obligation to extenu to all of its stuuents piotection fiom sexual
violence. The plain tiuth is that the Seattle School Bistiict, incluuing its Title IX compliance officei,
was completely ignoiant of its Title IX obligations towaius oui uaughtei in the afteimath of the
iape. It uiu not conuuct the iequiieu "piompt anu equitable" investigation because it offeieu the
excuse that a feueial investigation was ongoing, it faileu to infoim us of the sanctions it applieu
against the peipetiatoi anu to take steps to uefuse a hostile enviionment at uaifielu Bigh School so
oui uaughtei coulu continue hei euucation theie, it faileu to infoim oui uaughtei of hei Title IX
iights, anu it faileu to take piompt actions to coiiect its policies that leau to the assault in the fiist
place. Insteau, the Bistiict was fiist anu foiemost conceineu about its potential liability, infoiming
us moie than once that it "uoes not acknowleuge that a sexual assault occuiieu oi, if it uiu, that the
Bistiict is at fault."
The inequitable way in which the Bistiict iesponueu to the iape of oui uaughtei causeu hei to feel
utteily uevalueu as a human being. Not only was she betiayeu by a classmate who assaulteu hei in
the piesence of othei stuuents, she was betiayeu by teacheis anu chapeiones who faileu to piotect
female stuuents on the oveinight tiip, anu by hei school that faileu to implement the iequiieu steps
that woulu have alloweu hei to continue hei euucation, fiee of ietaliation, aftei the assault. Insteau,
she was tieateu like a seconu-class citizen while a male athlete peipetiatoi, who hau pieviously
been uisciplineu foi sexual misconuuct, was alloweu to continue his euucation as a valueu membei
of the school community. Insofai as this was not the fiist yeai in which the piincipal authoiizeu
oveinight fielu tiips without scieening oi naming all chapeiones, the school has a tiack iecoiu of
failing to pioviue a safe enviionment that piotects giils fiom sexual assault. The tiageuy that befell
oui uaughtei shoulu seive as an impoitant lesson to those who seek to combat sexual assault at the
seconuaiy school level. To spaie otheis the life-scaiiing tiauma anu ueiailment of euucation that
oui uaughtei expeiienceu, we ask 0CR to open an investigation.
0CR shoulu fully investigate the Bistiict's iesponse to oui uaughtei's sexual assault by anothei
stuuent on the Novembei, 2u12 fielu tiip. 0CR shoulu issue a ueteimination uesciibing the
Bistiict's Title IX violations.
0CR shoulu iequiie the Bistiict's employees, incluuing teacheis anu auministiatois, to unueigo
tiaining on Title IX guiuelines foi iesponuing to iepoiteu sexual assault.
0CR shoulu iequiie the Bistiict to implement, +2"&"4(5 0'6 ('1/3$( stiong policies anu pioceuuies
goveining stuuent safety at school anu on fielu tiips, anu schools' iesponse to sexual assault. These
policies anu pioceuuies shoulu iequiie schools to conuuct an active anu thoiough investigation
into 0&& sexual assault claims anu to implement 0'6 +2"&"4( giievance pioceuuies that facilitate the
piompt anu equitable iesolution of sex uisciimination complaints.
0CR shoulu iequiie the Bistiict to "7%&(7('25 +2"&"4(5 0'6 ('1/3$( policies to piotect sexual assault
victims aftei they iepoit sexual assault.
The Bistiict uiu not follow its own giievance anu Title IX pioceuuies. We theiefoie iequest 0CR to:

Peifoim a compliance ieview of the Bistiict's compliance with Title IX (pieviously anu
conceining the assault of oui uaughtei) anu its auheience to Title IX uiiectives iegaiuing
iesponse to sexual violence.
Requiie the Bistiict to unueigo monitoiing anu iepoiting foi a peiiou of five yeais.
Requiie the Bistiict to explain why its auministiation faileu to enfoice policies (incluuing its
2uu9-2u12 tiips to NatuieBiiuge) that woulu have pioviueu fielu tiip paiticipants with a
safe euucational enviionment fiee of haiassment, anu why the Bistiict states that sex may
occui on appiopiiately chapeioneu fielu tiips "unuei specific ciicumstances" in violation of
the iight to an euucation fiee of sexual haiassment.
Fully investigate the Bistiict's iesponse to oui uaughtei's iepoit of a sexual assault anu its
failuie to conuuct a piompt investigation.
Investigate why the Bistiict's investigation was not substantive, equitable, oi completeu,
anu why it ignoieu the factual infoimation we pioviueu. This shoulu incluue an examination
of whethei the Bistiict's iegulaily hiieu investigatoi conuucteu a complete anu impaitial
investigation anu why oui contiibutions weie nevei incoipoiateu into a final iepoit.
Investigate anu ueteimine whethei oui uaughtei was the iecipient of uisciimination on the
basis of genuei because she iepoiteu a sexual assault; consiuei the assailant's piioi
uisciplinaiy iecoiu as an inuicatoi uisciimination against oui uaughtei.
Beteimine whethei aftei gianting oui uaughtei a school tiansfei baseu on sexual assault
the Bistiict can ieveise itself to claim she was not the victim of sexual assault.
Beteimine whethei the Bistiict complieu with Title IX iegulations iegaiuing the assailant's
piioi inciuent of "lewu conuuct" on school piopeity, whethei that stuuent was actually
assaulteu (theieby impacting the uiscipline meteu out to the assailant foi the iape of oui
uaughtei), whethei the Bistiict extenueu Title IX safeguaius to that female stuuent, anu
how that piioi inciuent impacteu the Bistiict's iesponse to oui uaughtei's iepoiteu sexual
Beteimine whethei the Bistiict's was in compliance with policies conceining oui uaughtei's
Su4 accommouations anu whethei she was the iecipient of uisciimination baseu on hei
uisability. Beteimine whethei the Bistiict's agenua to mitigate liability impacteu hei ability
to be faiily accommouateu.
Beteimine whethei the Bistiict is obligateu to fully uisclose its finuings anu iemeuies to oui
staff negligencemisconuuct complaint ielateu to the violation of oui uaughtei's Title IX

4 #.@(.0,*%+ @7%& ,:. A*0,*&B5 C%,:.7:

I believe oui case piesents an impoitant leaining oppoitunity that will contiibute to both
high school anu college level awaieness of Title IX anu sexual assault. We paients investeu
significant effoit biinging this case to 0CR because we wish to spaie otheis the uevastation
that accompanies sexual assault anu its impact on the victim's euucation. While Title IX anu
sexual assault in institutions of highei euucation aie ieceiving attention in the meuia, I

believe the iole of Title IX in seconuaiy school, paiticulaily as it ielates to sexual
haiassment, sexual assault, anu genuei uisciimination also ueseives public attention. It is
my hope that if high school stuuents anu theii families aie affoiueu infoimation about Title
IX ,we can ueciease the numbei of sexual assaults both at the seconuaiy anu post-seconuaiy
level. I believe oui expeiience points to the neeu to euucate high schools anu theii stuuents
about the iamifications of sexual assault(incluuing ueteiients such as the iequiiement foi a
piompt anu equitable investigation, the obligation to auuiess ietaliation, etc.)befoie
potential peipetiatois assault theii victims. By euucating high school stuuents (if not
miuule school stuuents because the boy who iapeu oui uaughtei was uisciplineu foi having
sex uuiing iecess in8thgiaue)we may pievent assault fiom occuiiing. Finally, by euucating
families about Title IX anu sexual assault in seconuaiy schools, we woulu expect fewei
assaults at the college level because potential assailants will alieauy be awaie of the victims'
Title IX iights.I also believe that by euucating high school stuuents about Title IX,
stuuentswill be bettei piepaieu to manage sexual haiassment when it occuis in college. To
summaiize, euucation about sexual haiassment, sex assault, anu Title IX shoulu be in place
fai befoie it is neeueu. Cleaily oui school uistiict was ignoiant of Title IX anu as a iesult, the
iepeicussions weie uevastating. It is my hope that oui case will spaie otheis the life-
scaiing consequences of sexual assault anu its impact on the iight to an equal euucation.

XXX |Notheij

Reuacteu: Photos of victim piioi to assault, iape poetiy.

The accompanying CB contains uocuments suppoiting oui complaint.
Please iefei to oui uocument inventoiy list titleu "Selecteu Suppoiting Bocuments." We call
youi attention to a PBF entitleu "Sexual Assault Case Bocuments," which pioviues an
oveiview of iecent communication with the school uistiict.
We can help you locate specific communications that aie tieu to oui complaint. Below we have
compileu an example of how we can help categoiize the coiiesponuence as it applies to paiticulai
elements of oui complaint. We uige you to ieau all the entiie uocuments.

D= E)*(37. ,% 0%+/30, ) '7%&', *+F.5,*G),*%+
0ui uaughtei iepoiteu a sexual assault on Novembei 7, 2u12. The Bistiict was awaie of the
iepoiteu assault the same uay. 0CR uiiectives state that schools shoulu not wait foi law
enfoicement investigations to concluue befoie beginning theii own investigation of a iepoiteu
sexual assault. Coiiesponuence shows the Bistiict uiu not comply with this uiiective.
Apiil S, 2u1S Lettei fiom Bistiict counsel Ron English:

It is the Bistiict's piactice to iefiain fiom initiating an inuepenuent investigation when law
enfoicement is conuucting a ciiminal investigation into an inciuent involving Bistiict
stuuents oi staff. The Bistiict only iecently became awaie that the 0.S. Paik Seivice anu FBI
have completeu theii investigation anu that the 0.S. Attoiney's 0ffice has ueclineu to
piosecute. As the law enfoicement investigation into this mattei is complete, the Bistiict
stanus ieauy to begin an investigation.
Apiil 7, 2u1S Lettei fiom Bistiict counsel Ron English:
We aie piepaieu to investigate the inciuent. As pieviously stateu, we waiteu, at the FBI's
iequest, until the feueial authoiities completeu theii investigation. 0ntil I ieceiveu youi
lettei of Naich 18, I was not awaie they completeu theii woik some time ago, as they uiu
not tell us.
See also letteis fiom Bistiict counsel Ron English in which he states that the Bistiict embaikeu
upon an investigation only upon oui insistence, even aftei he was tolu otheiwise by 0SPI. The
ielevant coiiesponuence incluues:
;,.& 9%03&.+, H)&.IJ9E H3&K.7
Calenuia Sechiist emails of Apiil 11 anu 16,
2u1S to Paul Apostle anu Ron English
7 Title IX violations.puf

Emails fiom Ron English iegaiuing unueitaking
an inuepenuent investigation only at oui
Nay 1u, 2u1S
Nay 14, 2u1S
Nay 2u, 2u1S
See Paients' iesponse to English's emails
iegaiuing failuie to unueitake investigation
11 Coiiesponuence with the Seattle School
Bistiict iegaiuing Sexual Assault.puf

L= E)*(37. ,% *+F%(F. ,:. M*,(. ;N 0%%7/*+),%7
Aftei obtaining guiuance fiom 0SPI in Apiil 2u1S, we appioacheu the Title IX officei foi help< but he
iefuseu to answei oui questions. Insteau he abuicateu his iole to the Bistiict's ueneial Counsel
which piesents a conflict of inteiest accoiuing to Title IX.
Paients' Nay 22, 2u1S email to Bistiict Title IX Cooiuinatoi Paul Apostle:
Although you iefeiieu oui questions to |Bistiict geneial counselj Ni. English one month
ago we still have not ieceiveu any answeis iegaiuing oui uaughtei's iights anu the school's
iesponsibilities unuei Title IX. It is oui unueistanuing that you aie the uistiict's Title IX

cooiuinatoi. 0ui uaughtei iepoiteu a sexual assault, so theiefoie the uistiict shoulu have
iesponueu accoiuing to feueial iegulations. It uiu not. (Please iefei to entiie email)
;,.& 9%03&.+, H)&.IJ9E H3&K.7
Paients' emails to Bistiict Title IX Cooiuinatoi
Paul Apostle uateu:
Nay 2u, 2u1S
Nay 2u, 2u1S
}une 22, 2u1S (to Apostle anu School
7 Title IX violations.puf

See also letteis to School Boaiu iegaiuing Title
IX officei's failuie to seive
9 Selecteu coiiesponuence with the school

O= E)*(37. ,% '7.F.+, 7.,)(*),*%+
We infoimeu the uistiict of ietaliation against oui uaughtei foi having iepoiteu that a classmate
sexually assaulteu hei. The Bistiict uiu not iesponu noi take action to pievent the ietaliation.

;,.& 9%03&.+, H)&.IJ9E H3&K.7
Coiiesponuence of Becembei 14 anu Becembei
22, 2u12 with piincipal Teu Bowaiu aleiting
him of a hostile enviionment
6 Coiiesponuence with Piincipal Teu
Staff Complaint against Teu Bowaiu foi failing
to auuiess ietaliation
Staff complaint anu coiiesponuence with
Nichael Tolley.puf
Paients' lettei to Ron English, Nay 7, 2u1S
expiessing conceins of ietaliation
11 Coiiesponuence with the Seattle School
Bistiict iegaiuing Sexual Assault.puf

P= E)*(37. ,% *+@%7& ,:. F*0,*& %@ 5)+0,*%+5 &.,./ %3, )G)*+5, ,:. )55)*()+, ,% )((%Q %37
/)3G:,.7 ,% 7.,37+ ,% 50:%%(R @)*(37. ,% '7%F*/. .S3)( ./30),*%+)( %''%7,3+*,*.5
Sexual assault case uocuments.puf
PBF 6 Coiiesponuence with Piincipal Teu Bowaiu.puf
PBF 11 Coiiesponuence with the Seattle School Bistiict iegaiuing Sexual Assault.puf

T= 9*507*&*+),*%+ %+ ,:. 8)5*5 %@ 6.+/.7

;,.& 9%03&.+, H)&.IJ9E H3&K.7
Staff Complaint against Teu Bowaiu foi
failuie to give equal consiueiation to oui
uaughtei's iepoit of assault
Complaint against teacheis foi failuie to
pioviue an enviionment that piotecteu
Complaint against assistant piincipal
Biau Westeiing foi failing to pioviue an
enviionment that piotecteu giils
Staff complaint anu coiiesponuence with
Nichael Tolley.puf

U= E)*(37. ,% '7%/30. ) '7%&',< 53K5,)+,*F.< .S3*,)K(.< )+/ 0%&'(.,./ *+F.5,*G),*%+
Kaisei uiaft iepoit anu iesponse.puf
Staff complaint anu coiiesponuence with Nichael Tolley.puf
Sexual assault case uocuments.puf
PBF 7 Title IX violations.puf

V= E)*(37. ,% '7%F*/. ./30),*%+)( )00%&&%/),*%+5
;,.& 9%03&.+, H)&.IJ9E H3&K.7
School Tiansfei foim with tiansfei
gianteu owing to sexual assault
Bisciimination against victim's uisability
8 Su4 plan anu SPS uocuments.puf
Bistiict Su4 cooiuinatoi Caiole Rusimovic
iefusal to communicate in }anuaiy 2u1S
iegaiuing accommouations
Staff complaint anu coiiesponuence with
Nichael Tolley.puf


W= 10:%%( 9*5,7*0,B5 )/ :%0 '%(*0*.5 ,)7G., G*7(5 )+/ *&')0, ,:.*7 )K*(*,? ,% %K,)*+ )+ .S3)(
./30),*%+= 9*507*&*+),*%+ %+ ,:. K)5*5 %@ G.+/.7=
;,.& 9%03&.+, H)&.IJ9E H3&K.7
School Tiansfei foim with tiansfei
gianteu owing to sexual assault
Bisciimination against victim's uisability
8 Su4 plan anu SPS uocuments.puf
Staff complaints against Ron English,
}ose Banua, anu School Boaiu foi
allowing that sex may occui on fielu
tiips in the context of piopei
chapeioning unuei "specific
Complaint against Teu Bowaiu
Complaint against Biau Westeiing anu
teacheis foi failing to pioviue auequate
chapeioning that woulu piotect giils
fiom sexual assault
Staff complaint anu coiiesponuence with
Nichael Tolley.puf

X= 10:%%( 9*5,7*0, @%5,.75 ) 03(,37. %@ 5.23)( F*%(.+0. Q:.+ *, '7*F*(.G./ ,:. )55)*()+,B5 0()*&
,:), :. '.753)/./ ,:. F*0,*& ,% )00.', F)G*+)( )+/ )+)( *+,.70%375. )+/ *G+%7./ %37
/)3G:,.7B5 7.'%7, %@ 5.23)( )55)3(,=
;,.& 9%03&.+, H)&.IJ9E H3&K.7
Paients' lettei to school boaiu Febiuaiy
2S, 2u14
Ceiqui memoianuum Feb. 2u, 2u14
stating that the assailant "peisuaueu"
the victim to have consensual sex
Paients' Feb. 21, 2u14 iesponse to
Ceiqui Nemo objecting to the Bistiict's
belief that a iapist may peisuaue his
Sexual assault case uocuments.puf

Posteu on Tunbli in oiiginal foim with photo:
Reflecti ons on Rape


He defi led me. Teari ng i nto my flesh li ke a beast would
i ts prey. The li ght wi thi n, the pureness i nsi de had been
exti ngui shed that ni ght. The holy place, now corrupted,
lay i n rui ns. Preci ous auras shattered as angels wept,
leavi ng my broken soul to li e sti ll, crumbli ng i nto the
darkness. Yet no one knew. No one really *could* know.
My li ps were sewn shut wi th the same needle that had
sewn countless others li ps. . . .

-- by the vi cti m assaulted on the Seattle Publi c School Di stri ct fi eld
tri p

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