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Shlmon ben SheLah Lraded ln coLLon. Pls sLudenLs sald Lo hlm: MasLer, allow us
buy you a donkey so LhaL you wlll noL have Lo work so hard!" 1hey wenL and
boughL hlm a donkey from a cerLaln Syrlac, and found upon lL a preclous sLone.

1hey came Lo hlm and Lold hlm: now you don'L ever need Lo work agaln." Sald
he: Pow can Lhls be Lrue?" 1hey replled: We have boughL you a donkey from a
cerLaln Syrlac, and found upon lL a preclous sLone."

Pe asked: 8uL does Lhe owner know of Lhls?" 1hey Lold hlm: no."

Pe Lold Lhem: Co and reLurn lL."

8uL dld noL 8av Puna 8lvl ben Cozlon say, quoLlng 8av: lL was sLaLed ln Lhe
presence of 8abbl ?ehudah Panasl, 'Lven accordlng Lo Lhe vlew LhaL sLeallng from
a heaLhen ls forbldden, approprlaLlng hls losL properLy ls permlLLed.'"

uo you Lhlnk LhaL Shlmon ben SheLah ls a barbarlan? Shlmon ben SheLah
preferred hearlng 8lessed be Lhe Cod of Lhe !ews" Lo all Lhe rlches of Lhe world.

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