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Louisville Metro Department for Public Health and Wellness Louisville !"
Regional Epidemiologist August 2008 Present
Conductin# statistical anal$sis of communit$ health data usin# E%cel Epi Info
&P&& &'& loo(in# at the
determinants of certain diseases illnesses or conditions
Coordinatin# special pro)ect *or(#roups to resolve various issues *ithin the
a#enc$ such as data +ualit$ and
o*nership polic$ development communit$ health assessment and addressin#
limited En#lish pro,cienc$
'ttend re#ular meetin#s for strate#ic plannin# and development of data +ualit$
improvement pro)ects
'ssist *ith the plannin# development and direction of capital e%penditures
business ob)ectives
departmental #oals and special pro)ects
Collaboration *ith communit$ partners to develop implement and evaluate
communit$ pro#rams
&upervisin# and mentorin# student *or(ers and interns *or(in# on enrichment
Represented or#ani-ation at various hi#h level functions communit$ events and
Dreams With Win#s Louisville !"
Manager March 2011 Present
Mana#e a team to provide hi#h +ualit$ communit$ based services to adults *ith
developmental disabilities
Develop and maintain sta. schedulin# to ensure optimal covera#e
'ssi#n *or( to provide direction and leadership to personnel
Handle ,nancial operations for the department includin# sta$in# *ithin the
departmental bud#et alon# *ith
monitorin# residents/ personal ,nances
Ensure compliance *ith 0he !entuc($ Cabinet for Health and 1amil$ &ervices
Department for Medicaid &ervices
'ssess +ualit$ improvement e.orts and ma(e recommendations for chan#e
Establish policies and develop processes to ensure deliver$ of e%cellent consumer
Direct Support Professional Feruar! 200" March2011
Provide direct care to residents *hile encoura#in# independence to the best of
one/s abilities
Communicate and *or( *ith a diverse #roup of individuals includin# collea#ues
residents #uardians
mana#ement Medicaid Compliance 23cers ph$sicians and communit$
4niversit$ of Louisville &chool of Public Health and Information &ciences
#raduate Researcher Septemer 200$ Ma! 2008
Developed epidemiolo#ical methodolo#$ to stud$ the relationship bet*een
race5ethnicit$ and the
development of renal insu3cienc$ in patients infected *ith HI6
Created and maintained an E%cel database of patient information includin#
MA%&SA' () *+R(S PA#E 2
and laborator$ data to monitor for indication of renal insu3cienc$
'nal$-ed data usin# Co%/s Proportional Ha-ards model in &'& to e%amine the
bet*een race5ethnicit$ and renal insu3cienc$
'ttended *ee(l$ meetin#s to e%chan#e (no*led#e results and ideas *ith
Completed of IR7 proposal and mana#ement of research pro)ect documentation
4niversit$ of Louisville5 Partnership for a 8reen Cit$ Louisville !"
Researcher Septemer 200, -ctoer 2008
Desi#ned and mana#ed a stud$ to screen school9a#ed children for asthma
&urve$ed school children and parents re#ardin# the presence of asthma9related
Created and mana#ed a database in &P&& for +uestionnaire responses
4sed &P&& to determine relationship bet*een absenteeism and suspected asthma
Drafted presentation materials and manuscript statin# results and conclusions:
Provided monthl$ pro#ress reports to Partnership for 8reen Cit$ 7oard members
Presented at ;<<= Conference of the Pediatric 'cademic &ociet$:
?Assessing Household Food Insecurity Efect on Public Health Preparedness Planning
Poster presentation at the ;<@< Public Health Preparedness &ummit 'tlanta 8'
Understanding the Impact of Asthma among SchoolAged !hildren"
A Pilot Study !onducted at #ne $eferson !ounty Public %iddle SchoolA
Poster presentation at ;<<= Pediatric 'cademic &ociet$ Conference Honolulu HI
&enal %anifestations of HI' Infection in Ambulatory !are PatientsA
2ral and poster presentation at ResearchB Louisville ;<<=
?!rossborder (obacco Prices and !igarette E)cise (a)es
Poster presentation at ;<<C Conference of the 'merican Public Health 'ssociation
Washin#ton D:C:
En#lish9 native lan#ua#e
&panish9 spea( read and *rite
o Delta 2me#a Public Health Honor &ociet$9 inducted Ma$ ;<<D
o !entuc($ Public Health 'ssociation9 Epidemiolo#$ committee member Epresent
Membership committee member9 ;<<=9present 4niversit$ of Louisville &tudent
Chapter President ;<<C9;<<=
o National 'ssociation of Health &ervice E%ecutives
o 'merican Public Health 'ssociation
o International &ociet$ for Disease &urveillance
o 4niversit$ of Louisville &tudent 8overnment 'ssociation9 &PHI& 6ice9President9 ;<<C9
;<<= 4ofL &tudent &enator9 ;<<C9;<<= 8raduate &tudent Council Representative9
o &pecial 2l$mpics Louisville9 volunteer9 ;<<G9present
MA%&SA' () *+R(S PA#E .
o 4&' 0rac( and 1ield9 Certi,ed 23cial9 volunteer9 ;<<F9present
o 7i# 7rothers 7i# &isters9 mentor ;<<<9;<<=
o Louisville Emplo$ment and Education Partnership9 mentor9 ;<<=9;<<D
M& 23ce9 Word E%cel 'ccess Po*erPoint 2utloo(
Epi Info
'rc 8I&
National 7oard of Public Health E%aminers9Certi,ed in Public Health HCPHI 9 ;<<=
Certi,ed Masters of 7usiness 'dministration HCM7'I 9 ;<@<
Western 8overnor/s 4niversit$
Masters of *usiness Administration 8P' J:FC 2010
ConcentrationK Healthcare Mana#ement
0hesisK Mana#erial Epidemiolo#$K 'ppl$in# Epidemiolo#ical Methods to Drive 7usiness
4niversit$ of Louisville Louisville !"
Masters of Pulic 'ealth 8P' J:F< 2008
ConcentrationK Epidemiolo#$
Practicum ResearchK Renal Manifestations of HI6 Infection in
'mbulator$ Care Patients
7ellarmine 4niversit$ Louisville !"
*)A) *iolog! 8P' J:@G 200,
MinorK Ps$cholo#$
0hesisK Chemiluminsent E.ects of Luminol on '#ed 7lood

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