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WKNJ Newscast

September 24, 2014

Char-Asia Johnson
Time Started 12:00pm
Timed nded 1:4!pm
"ood a#ternoon, it$s T%esda&, September 24, 2014 at ''''''''''''' o$c(oc) and &o%$re
(istenin* to +0,- WKNJ-./, 0nion, New Jerse&, and 1$m ''''''''''''' with the news,
1n 2oca( News3
The death o# 1+-&ear-o(d sophomore 4%t*ers st%dent Cait(&n Ko5acs is sti(( %nder
6n Sat%rda& ni*ht Ko5acs was described as bein* 5is%a((& 7in distress: b& her #riends
who then too) her to the hospita( where she was prono%nced dead the ne8t mornin*,
Accordin* to the Nationa( 1nstit%te on A(coho( Ab%se and A(coho(ism, a record n%mber
o# one-tho%sand ei*ht h%ndred and twent& st%dents between the a*es o# ei*hteen and
twent&-#o%r die each &ear #rom %nintentiona( a(coho(-re(ated in9%ries, "eor*e Koob,
director o# the N1AA said that n%mber is *oin* %p, as we(( as the intensit& o# drin)in*
amon*st co((e*e a*e st%dents, The ca%se o# death wi(( %(timate(& be determined b& the
/idd(ese8 Co%nt& /edica( 8aminer$s 6##ice, No crimina( char*es ha5e been #i(ed,
1 1 1 1 1 1
.o%r men ha5e been char*ed in the car 9ac)in* and #ata( shootin* o# :obo)en attorne&
;%stin .ried(and3
The incident too) p(ace in ;ecember o# two-tho%sand and thirteen o%tside o# Short :i((s
/a(( when the #o%r men car9ac)ed .ried(and and his wi#e as the& entered their 4an*e
4o5er on an upper level parking deck. Basim Henry, 33, of South Orange, Hanif
Thompson, 29, of Irvington, and Karif Ford, 32, and Kevin Roberts, 35, both of Newark,
were indicted in connection with the Dec. 15, 2013 murder of 30-year-old Dustin
Friedland, prosecutors said. All suspects remain in custody at the Essex County
Correctional Facility with a bail of two million dollars each. Friedlands widow, Jamie
Schare Friedland is pursuing a lawsuit against the malls owners as well as the Universal
Protection Service on claims that the ambulance was unable to fit up the ramp of the
parking garage. In January, Millburn Police Chief Gregory Weber confirmed that the
emergency workers were forced to roll the stretcher up and down the ramp as the
ambulance was in fact unable to fit. The lawsuit claims that the ambulance squad took an
extended and excessive period of time to respond to the scene after Friedlands widow
made the 9-1-1 call.
The four defendants were indicted on counts of murder, felony murder, conspiracy
charges, carjacking, and weapons offenses; they are scheduled to be arraigned on October
14, 2014.
2 2 2 2
1n Nationa( News3
The .er*%son, /isso%ri memoria( #or /ichae( <rown has been b%rned to ashes in a
*r%esome #ire3
The memoria( #or the %narmed ei*hteen-&ear-o(d b(ac) ma(e whose death is sti(( %nder
in5esti*ation a#ter bein* shot b& po(ice o##icer ;arren Wi(son si8 wee)s a*o was set in
p(ace b& both .er*%son residents and others nationwide, The ca%se o# the #ire remains
%n)nown, b%t man& who *athered at the charred site T%esda& b(amed the po(ice, "That's
very disrespectful to burn down a memorial to someone that got killed," said Meldon
Moffitt, who lives nearby. "That's just wrong! The police came here and watched it
burn." The #ire was a reminder o# the tensions between the peop(e o# .er*%son and the
police force that has been simmering since the shooting. Ferguson Police Chief Tom
Jackson said in an emailed statement that the fire left him "saddened." He said the first
officer on the scene tried to extinguish the blaze but couldn't. The Fire Department
eventually put it out. Officer Darren Wilson has &et to be con5icted o# the m%rder o#
/ichae( <rown,
- - - -
1n Chica*o, a man was acc%sed o# hammerin* his wi#e and two others to death, An
1ranian immi*rant %sed a three-po%nd hammer to beat his wi#e, sister-in-(aw and mother-
in-(aw to death and then repeated(& stabbed the three, ;ar-&owsh b-ra-he-m& =;A44-
>6W-S:<-4A>-:-/>? , tried to 9%sti#& his actions b& acc%sin* the women o#
disrespectin* him, a%thorities said /onda&, b-ra-he-m&=;A44->6W-S:<-4A>-
:-/>?$s wi#e and sister-in-(aw were #o%nd in an apartment in the Chica*o$s West
4o*ers @ar) nei*hborhood, bn-ra-he-m& =;A44->6W-S:<-4A>-:-/>? was
char*ed with #irst-de*ree m%rder in a(( three o# the deaths, :e appeared in co%rt /onda&
a#ternoon prior to a 9%d*e den&in* a reA%est #or his bai(,
4 4 4 4
Two airport sh%tt(e b%ses co((ided near the .ort 2a%derda(e-:o((&wood 1nternationa(
Airport, )i((in* a dri5er in one b%s and a passen*er in the other, a%thorities said, i*ht
other peop(e were a(so in9%red in the accident, <%s dri5er "eor*e @itter, was dri5in* in
the eastbo%nd (ane with one passen*er aboard his b%s when a westbo%nd b%s with se5en
passen*ers and the dri5er crossed the center (ine o# the road and hit him, A%thorities too)
B peop(e to the hospita( with a 5ariet& o# di##erent in9%ries, <%s dri5er "eor*e @itter was
one o# the two deaths,
! ! ! !
1n 1nternationa( News3
An a#*han s%icide bomber dis*%ised as a doctor wo%nded three Americans a#ter b(owin*
himse(# %p on T%esda&, Khost "o5ernor Ar-sa(-a Ja-ma( =C6AST-"6C4N64-A4-
SA22-0:: JA-/A22? said that 0,S, so(diers opened #ire on the man who was actin*
s%spicio%s(& as he and 0,S, o##icers attended a #%nction in the hospita(, This comes on the
hee(s o# a warnin* #rom the Ta(iban that the& wi(( dramatica((& step %p s%icide attac)s this
&ear a#ter s%##erin* hea5& (osses in the con5entiona( batt(es o# 200D, The Ta(iban c(aimed
responsibi(it& #or the hospita( attac),
A c(o%d o# dead(& to8ic *as en*%(#ed an 1raAi town o# Ta9i =TA:-"? T%esda&, )i((in*
si8 peop(e and (ea5in* doEens cho)in* on the #%mes, The c(o%d was ca%sed b& a tan)er
carr&in* ch(orine which e8p(oded o%tside a resta%rant, 1raAi 1nterior /inistr& o##icia(s
said the e8p(osion was ca%sed b& a bomb on board the tan)er, ;i##erent so%rces ha5e
reported di##erent #i*%res, <a*hdad sec%rit& p(an spo)esman "enerea( F%a-Eeme At-ta
=F0AW-GA>-/A>-AT-TA? to(d (oca( 1raAi te(e5ision that #i5e peop(e died in the b(ast
and 14B were poisoned b& the *as, This attac) comes in the wa)e o# #o%r other recent
/ore news, sports, and weather comin* %p333
=p(a& @SA H1 here,?
1n Sports3
An e8citin* ni*ht #or :oc)e&3,
The @ittsb%r*h @en*%ins #e(( one short to the New >or) 1s(anders si8 to #i5e,
The Nash5i((e @redators made it (oo) eas& with their win a*ainst the @hoeni8 Co&otes
#o%r to one,
And the <oston <r%ins contin%e their p(a&o## march with a win a*ainst the @hi(ade(phia
#(&ers si8 to three,
The New Jerse& ;e5i(s ta)e on the New >or) 4an*ers toni*ht at I o$c(oc),
The N<A 9%st #inished %p their a((-star brea), and toni*ht the New >or) Knic)s ta)e on
the 6r(ando ma*ic,
1n (oca( baseba(( news, New >or) >an)ees ha((-o#-#ame o%t#ie(der <ernie Wi((iams was a
no show at >an)ees sprin* trainin* camp on /onda&, This comes a#ter man& contract
ne*otiations that ha5e ended in con#%sion and #r%strations the >an)ees and Wi((iams
a(i)e, /an& (on* time teammates ha5e made ca((s to Wi((iams b%t it seems as tho%*h
Wi((iams wi(( not be on the roster this &ear, >an)ees "enera( /ana*er <rian Cashman
said31t appears he made his decision, ThatJs a(( 1 can ta)e #rom it, Wi((iams made his
ma9or-(ea*%e deb%t with the >an)ees in 1++1,
+ + + +
>o%r WKNJ ho%r(& weather %pdate 3
4i*ht now on the camp%s o# Kean 0ni5ersit&, it is a s%nn& -0 de*rees with hi*hs *oin*
%p 4B, 2ow -!,
T%ne in (ater #or meteoro(o*& reports on +0,- ./,
10 10 10 10
1n ntertainment3
S&(5ester Sta((one$s A%stra(ian hote( room and pri5ate 9et was searched #or i((e*a(
s%bstances, sa& A%stra(ian a%thorities, This search comes 9%st three da&s prior to
a%thorities seiEin* banned s%bstances when he and his ento%ra*e were stopped b&
A%stra(ian c%stoms o##icia(s a#ter a ro%tine K-ra& detected somethin* wron* with their
(%**a*e, A%thorities detained Sta((one and his ento%ra*e #or what was be(ie5ed to be a
t&pe o# h%man *rowth hormone, The o%tcome is sti(( to be seenL A%stra(ians ha5e a no
to(erance po(ic& #or an& t&pe o# i((e*a( dr%*s, inc(%din* steroids and per#ormance-
enhancin* s%bstances, Sta((one was in A%stra(ia in s%pport o# the A%stra(ian premiere o#
4oc)& <a(boa,
11 11 11 11
That$s it #or &o%r news, >o%$re (istenin* to +0,- WKNJ-./, 0nion, New Jerse&, 1$m
''''''''''''''''''''' and we$(( be ri*ht bac) a#ter this,
=@(a& @SA H2 here,?
@2AS N6T: >60 /0ST ATTAC: T: .6226W1N" T6 T:1S SC41@T:
1,? A C0T-AN;-@AST C4S16N 6. >604 SC41@T W1T: .022 C1TAT16NS,
1N T: SA/ 64;4 AS >604 ASS/<2; SC41@T
2,? >604 ANA2>S1S 6. T: C:AN"S >60 /A; T6 T: S604CS 1N
>604 6WN SC41@T,
12 12 12 12
1) ( -) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class.
2) ( - ) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for
other classes, I clearly explain that in the paper.
3) ( - ) If I used any passages word for word, I put uotations around
those words, or used indentation and citation within the text.
!) ( -) I have not padded the "i"liography. I have used all sources cited
in the "i"liography in the text of the paper.
#) (- ) I have cited in the "i"liography only the pages I personally read.
$) ( - ) I have used direct uotations only in cases where it could not "e
stated in another way. I cited the source within the paper and in the
%) (- ) I did not so over-use direct uotations that the paper lac&s
interpretation or originality.
') (- ) I chec&ed yes on steps 1-% and therefore have "een fully
transparent a"out the research and ideas used in my paper.
(ame) ****+har-,sia -ohnson********************************** .ate)

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