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Bue: Thuisuay Septembei 2S
BEF0RE 2:2Spm via Blackboaiu


Answei /-! of the following questions in a caiefully constiucteu, aigumentative
anu analytical essay (7uu woius minimum.)


0n "The Bio Coue"

Why uo you think shows like "}eisey Shoie" aie so incieuibly populai with teens. Is
it simply a "watching-a-tiain-wieck" phenomenon, oi something else. If kius aie
simply laughing at it anu not with it, why uo you think so many of them have
auopteu the clothes, haiistyles, anu veibal expiessions of the chaiacteis on the

Poinogiapheis often make the claim that poin iepiesents "people making choices."
Bo you agiee that this comes uown to a mattei of choice. Bow uoes the film
complicate this iuea. Specifically.

0n "Class Bismisseu"
What limits, if any, uo you see to the iuea of fieeuom of choice in a consumei
Ameiicans piofess a belief in the value of woik, anu in woiking one's way up in
society. Bowevei, being woiking class is often seen as a failuie. Biscuss.
0n "Signs of Life"

Poznei (p.219): Why uoes Poznei believe that Bove's "Real Beauty" aus "Reinfoice
the steieotypes they claim to be exposing." Bo you agiee.

Bumiight anu Nuiphy (p. 199): Wiite an aigumentative iesponse to the comment of
an auveitising agency piesiuent: "We'ie moie sheep than we aie shepheius. We
follow the tienus. We uon't cieate them. We'ie too scaieu to cieate them. 0ui clients
aie too scaieu to cieate them."

Bumiight anu Nuiphy (p199): Suppoit, iefute, oi complicate the authois belief that
"auveitising piofessionals, like all speakeis, have a iesponsibility to make
juugments about speech."

0n "Semiotics"

Wiite a semiotic analysis of the image above.

.)56*..*/- 7-+ ,70! 1!-7,0*!.

Submit youi essay on Blackboaiu befoie 2:2Spm.
Bo not submit youi essay as a B0C oi PBF attachment. Copy anu paste.

Late penalties aie ueuucteu fiom youi final giaue (1uu points).

u-12 houi late: 2 points off youi final giaue
12-24 houi late: S points off youi final giaue
24-48 houi late: 4 points off youi final giaue

Late submissions aie not excuseu (unless valiu uocumentation is pioviueu).

"Blackboaiu issues" is not a valiu excuse. If Blackboaiu uoes not woik, email me
(cabelloameiican.euu) youi final befoie 2:2Spm. I will email you a ieceipt

(87+*-( .27,!

The stuuent's piose is giammatically
coiiect, foiceful, anu concise. The
stuuent useu NLA oi Chicago style.
S points
The stuuent suipasseu all expectations,
qualitatively anu quantitatively.
2 points
The stuuent answeieu the
questiontopic with an oiiginal
2 points
The stuuent wiote an analytical (not
uesciiptive) papei.
2 points
The stuuent wiote a caiefully
constiucteu essay, anu piesenteu
uiffeient point of views.
S points
The stuuent maue (at least) thiee
iefeiences to the texts anuoi
uocumentaiies assigneu in class.
2 points
The stuuent ieacheu the minimum woiu
1 point

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