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Republic of the Philippines


A. C. No. 380
!ece"be# $% $&&'




*n a s+o#n lette#(co"plaint ,ate, 3 -eb#ua#. $&&'% a,,#esse, to the Office of
the Chief /ustice% A#aceli !e /esus cha#0e, Consuelo Colla,o% Cou#t Atto#ne.
*1 in the Office of the Cle#2 of Cou#t 3Thi#, !i)ision4% Sup#e"e Cou#t% +ith
co""ittin0 5the ,eceitful act of issuin0 nine 3&4 bouncin0 chec2s in the total
a"ount of P'63%03.78% "anifestin0 con,uct unbeco"in0 of a public se#)ant
an, "e"be# of the Ba#.5[1] *n anothe# s+o#n lette#(co"plaint ,ate, $0 Ma#ch
$&&'% file, +ith the Office of the Ba# Confi,ant 3,oc2ete, as A,". Case No.
3804% the sa"e co"plainant fu#the# sou0ht the ,isba#"ent of the #espon,ent
fo# co""ittin0 that alle0e, ,eceitful act.[2]
A cop. of the fi#st lette#(co"plaint +as se#)e, b. the co"plainant on the Chief
A,"inist#ati)e Office# of the Sup#e"e Cou#t% Att.. A,elai,a C. Bau"ann.
[3] This ci#cu"stance le, to the co""ence"ent of an a,"inist#ati)e
in)esti0ation of #espon,ent fo# possible )iolation of the Ci)il Se#)ice 9a+. *n
an *n,o#se"ent ,ate, $' -eb#ua#. $&&'% Att.. Bau"ann #e:ui#e, #espon,ent
to sub"it he# co""ent on the lette#(co"plaint of 3 -eb#ua#. $&&'% +ithin fi)e
384 ,a.s f#o" notice the#eof.[4] Respon,ent faile, to sub"it a co""ent
,espite ,ue notice.
A secon, *n,o#se"ent ,ate, $7 Ma#ch $&&'% +as se#)e, on #espon,ent on 30
Ma#ch $&&' an, #e:ui#e, he# to ans+e# the cha#0e +ithin se)ent.(t+o 37'4
hou#s as +ell as to in,icate +hethe# she +ishe, to be hea#, in a fo#"al
in)esti0ation. This *n,o#se"ent +a#ne, #espon,ent that a failu#e to ans+e#
the cha#0e +oul, be const#ue, as +ai)e# of he# #i0ht to be hea#,.[5] No ans+e#
o# co""ent +as e)e# #ecei)e, f#o" #espon,ent.[6]
Mean+hile% actin0 on the ,isba#"ent co"plaint ,ate, $0 Ma#ch $&&'% the
Cou#t #esol)e, on $& Ma#ch $&&'% to #e:ui#e #espon,ent Att.. Colla,o to
sub"it a co""ent the#eon +ithin ten 3$04 ,a.s f#o" notice.[7] Respon,ent
co"plie, +ith this #esolution afte# consi,e#able ,ela.% sub"ittin0 a t+o(pa0e
co""ent fo# the pu#pose.[8] *n a Resolution ,ate, ' /une $&&'% the Cou#t%
actin0 upon co"plainant;s 5U#0ent E< Pa#te Motion to Ba# Att.. Colla,o;s T#ip
to the Unite, States5 ,ate, 7 Ma. $&&'% o#,e#e, the Co""ission on
*""i0#ation an, !epo#tation to issue a hol,(,epa#tu#e o#,e# to stop
#espon,ent f#o" lea)in0 the count#..5[9]
*n a Resolution ,ate, '8 /ul. $&&'% the Cou#t fu#the# ,i#ecte, the Office of
A,"inist#ati)e Se#)ices to co"plete its ci)il se#)ice ,isciplina#. in)esti0ation
of #espon,ent;s case an, to sub"it its #epo#t an, #eco""en,ation to the
Cou#t +ithin thi#t. 3304 ,a.s.[10] The #e:ui#e, #epo#t% p#epa#e, b. Att.. Enna#
Cabanilla of the Co"plaints an, *n)esti0ation !i)ision% +as sub"itte, to the
Cou#t on 7 Septe"be# $&&'.[11] The #epo#t su""e, up the facts of the case as
*n sai, lette#(co"plaint 3,ate, 3 -eb#ua#. $&&'4% it +as alle0e,= 3$4 that
in No)e"be# an, !ece"be# $&&$% Colla,o obtaine, f#o" co"plainant
se)e#al "e#chan,ise> 3'4 that as pa."ent fo# sai, "e#chan,ise% Colla,o
issue, post,ate, chec2s> 334 that afte# "a2in0 0oo, t+o o# th#ee chec2s%
the othe#s +e#e ,ishono#e, b. the ,#a+ee ban2 ,ue to insufficienc. of
fun,s an, close, accounts> an, 364 that ,espite #epeate, ,e"an,s%
Colla,o faile, to co"pl. +ith he# obli0ations. *n suppo#t of he# clai"%
co"plainant attache, the#e+ith <e#o< copies of the ,ishono#e, chec2s.
<<< <<< <<<
Pen,in0 #esolution of the instant case% this Office +as app#ise, b.
co"plainant% th#ou0h he# sub"ission of an affi,a)it of ,esistance ,ate,
8 Au0ust $&&'% that she is no lon0e# inte#este, to p#ocee, +ith all the
a,"inist#ati)e an, c#i"inal cases she file, a0ainst Colla,o since the
latte# has al#ea,. pai, he# obli0ation in full th#ou0h the #eplace"ent of
he# ,ishono#e, chec2s +ith cash.
<<< <<< <<<[12]
The bouncin0 chec2s #espon,ent ha, issue, 0a)e #ise to at least nine c#i"inal
info#"ations fo# estafa o# )iolation of B. P. Bl0. ''% a0ainst #espon,ent% +ho
poste, bail fo# he# p#o)isional libe#t..[13] As fa# as the #eco#, is conce#ne,%
these c#i"inal cases a#e still pen,in0 in cou#t. No sepa#ate p#ocee,in0 fo# the
ta2in0 of e)i,ence #e0a#,in0 the ,isba#"ent co"plaint +as un,e#ta2en.
?o+e)e#% consi,e#in0 that #espon,ent ha, been 0i)en ,ue notice of the fact
that t+o 3'4 ,istinct p#ocee,in0s ha, been institute, a0ainst he#> that she +as
0i)en a fai# oppo#tunit. to #epl. the cha#0es in both p#ocee,in0s> that she
effecti)el. +ai)e, such an oppo#tunit. in the ci)il se#)ice ,isciplina#.
p#ocee,in0> an, that #espon,ent ha, in fact #eplie, to the cha#0es in the
,isba#"ent p#ocee,in0 th#ou0h the sub"ission of a t+o(pa0e co""ent% the
Cou#t consi,e#s that the#e is no le0al obstacle to a ,efiniti)e #esolution of the
t+o co"plaints file, a0ainst #espon,ent.
Co"in0 fi#st to the co"plaint fo# ,isba#"ent% #espon,ent Colla,o a,"its that
she ha, pu#chase, "e#chan,ise f#o" co"plainant !e /esus on c#e,it% +ith
the intention of #esellin0 the sa"e to f#ien,s an, nei0hbo#s. Respon,ent also
a,"its ha)in0 issue, post,ate, chec2s% alle0e,l. upon co"plainant;s #e:uest
in o#,e# to 5fi<5 #espon,ent;s obli0ation to co"plainant. Respon,ent state,
that he# bu.e#s ,i, not #e"it thei# pa."ents to #espon,ent% #esultin0 in he#
inabilit. to 5full. co)e# the fi0u#es "entione, in the chec2s.5 Respon,ent
conten,s that he# t#ansactions +ith co"plainant !e /esus +e#e 5pu#el.
p#i)ate in cha#acte# an, 3,i,4 not in an. "anne# conce#n 3he#4 bein0
e"plo.e, in the Sup#e"e Cou#t an, li2e+ise 3he#4 "e"be#ship in the Ba#.5[14]
@e note that #espon,ent Colla,o ha, also a,"itte, befo#e the Office of the
P#osecuto# of the Cit. of Manila% ,u#in0 p#eli"ina#. in)esti0ation of the
cha#0es of estafa o# )iolations of B.P. Bl0. ''% that she ha, issue, the
post,ate, chec2s +hich +e#e ,ishono#e, upon thei# p#esent"ent.
*n the case at ba#% no con)iction fo# )iolation of B.P. Bl0. '' has as .et been
obtaine, a0ainst #espon,ent Colla,o. @e ,o not% ho+e)e#% belie)e that
con)iction fo# the c#i"inal cha#0es #aise, a0ainst he# is essential% so fa# as
eithe# the a,"inist#ati)e o# ci)il se#)ice case o# the ,isba#"ent cha#0e a0ainst
he# is conce#ne,.[15] Since she ha, a,"itte, issuin0 the chec2s +hen she ,i,
not ha)e enou0h "one. in he# ban2 account to co)e# the total a"ount the#eof%
it cannot be 0ainsai, that the acts +ith +hich she +as cha#0e, +oul,
constitute a c#i"e penaliAe, b. B. P. Bl0. ''. @e consi,e# that issuance of
chec2s in )iolation of the p#o)isions of B. P. Bl0. '' constitutes se#ious
"iscon,uct on the pa#t of a "e"be# of the Ba#. That "iscon,uct +as% in
effect% co"poun,e, +hen% acco#,in0 to the co"plainant% #espon,ent +as
about to e)a,e pe#fo#"ance of he# obli0ation b. lea)in0 the count#. an,
p#ocee,in0 to the Unite, States% a cou#se of action f#ust#ate, b. the hol,(
,epa#tu#e o#,e# issue, b. this Cou#t an, not ,enie, b. #espon,ent.
Ti"e an, a0ain% this Cou#t has st#esse, that the con,uct of e)
connecte, +ith the ,ispensation of Bustice% f#o" the Bu,0es to the "ost Bunio#
of cle#2s "ust% at all ti"es% be cha#acte#iAe, +ith p#op#iet. an, ,eco#u" an,
be abo)e suspicion.[16] The Cou#t has also hel, that a "e"be# of the Ba# "ust
obse#)e honest. an, fai#ness e)en in p#i)ate t#ansactions an, that failu#e to
,o so "a. be a 0#oun, fo# ,isciplina#. action a0ainst the la+.e#. [17] *n the case
at ba#% #espon,ent Colla,o faile, to li)e up to the ,e"an,in0 stan,a#,s
#e:ui#e, f#o" "e"be#s of the Ba#.
Tu#nin0 to the a,"inist#ati)e 3ci)il se#)ice4 ,isciplina#. case a0ainst
#espon,ent Colla,o% @e a0#ee +ith the in)esti0atin0 atto#ne. that the acts
co""itte, b. #espon,ent Colla,o also constitute se#ious "iscon,uct +hich
isa 0#oun, un,e# Ci)il Se#)ice la+ an, #e0ulations fo# sepa#ation f#o" the
ACCOR!*NC9D% the Cou#t Resol)e,=
3$4 in the ,isciplina#. p#ocee,in0s a,,#esse, to #espon,ent Att.. Consuelo
Colla,o as a "e"be# of the Ba#% to suspen, #espon,ent f#o" the p#actice of
la+ fo# a pe#io, of one 3$4 .ea#. A cop. of this Resolution shall be fu#nishe,
to all the cou#ts of the lan, fo# thei# info#"ation an, 0ui,ance. This
Resolution shall also be sp#ea, on the pe#sonal #eco#, of #espon,ent Att..
Colla,o in the Office of the Ba# Confi,ant> an,
3'4 in the Ci)il Se#)ice ,isciplina#. case% to ,is"iss #espon,ent Colla,o f#o"
the se#)ice fo# se#ious "iscon,uct +ith p#eBu,ice to #e(e"plo."ent in an.
b#anch of the 0o)e#n"ent se#)ice% inclu,in0 0o)e#n"ent(o+ne, o# cont#olle,
co#po#ations. All #eti#e"ent benefits o# p#i)ile0es to +hich #espon,ent "a. be
entitle,% e<cept lea)e c#e,its al#ea,. ea#ne,% a#e he#eb. ,ecla#e, fo#feite,.
Nara!a, C.J., "#$%&rr&', Jr., Cr#', (&)%*%a+,, -a.%))a, /%.%+, "r%0,1
A2#%+,, R&3a)a.,, Da%.&, Jr., R,4&r,, N,*,+, /&)),!%)),, 5&),
a+. Ca46,!, Jr., JJ., *,+*#r.
[1] Memorandum of the Office of Administrative Services dated 27 August 12 !hereinafter referred to
as the "OAS Memo"#$ Anne% "&'" () 1)
[2] Ro**o' () 1$ OAS +i*e on Att,) Consue*o Co**ado' (() 1-.17)
[3] OAS Memo$ Anne% "&'" () 2)
[4] Id)' Anne% "/)"
[5] Id)' Anne% "0)"
[6] Id)' () 1)
[7] Ro**o' () 21)
[8] Id)' (() 11 and 1-)
[9] Ro**o' (() 11.12)
[10] Id)' () 23)
[11] OAS Memo' (() 2.1)
[12] Id)' (() 1.2)
[13] Ro**o' () 1)
[14] Id)' () 14)
[15] See' e)g)' Ro,ong v) O5*ena' 7 SCRA 6-7 !1-1#$ and Sen, v) Magat' 11 SCRA 111 !162#) See a*so
the fo**o7ing cases 7here the Court sus(ended from the (ractice of *a7' *a7,ers 7ho had 5een
ac8uitted of the crimina* charges 5rought against them: Piatt v) A5ordo' 26 Phi*) 123 !111#$ In Re 9e*
Rosario' 22 Phi*) 1 !126#$ and In Re :ere**' 2 Phi*) 2-- !131#)
[16] See 9e* Rosario v) ;ascar' 23- SCRA -76' -6- !12#$ Ca**e<o' /r) v) =arcia' 23- SCRA 41' 4-
[17] >i?aso v) Amante' 16 SCRA 1' .11 !11#$ ;autista v) =on?a*es' 162 SCRA 121' 1-2 !13#)
[18] Section 4- !5#' su5.(aragra(h 4' Cha(ter -' Su5.:it*e I' ;oo@ 2' Revised Administrative Code of
167$ Memorandum Circu*ar Ao) 13 of the Civi* Service Commission !Series of 16#' Paragra(h A'
Su5.Paragra(h 1)

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