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An Incredibly Effective No Diet, No Fasting

Lemon Detox
There are basic natural lifestyle habits which, once incororated into your daily life,
can ma!e a tremendously ositive difference to your health" Drin!ing lemon water is certainly one of them"
No article or research needed to convince me about this one, as I have been using lemon juice in one form or another for as long as I
remember. But little did I know about the amazing health benefits of drinking water-diluted lemon juice daily!
In his classic !"! book #$ac! to Eden%, #ethro $loss, the father of herbalists %oints out&
Lemon is a wonderful stimulant to the liver and is a dissolvent of uric acid and other poisons, liquefies the bile, and is very good
in cases of malaria. Sufferers of chronic rheumatism and gout will benefit by taking lemon juice, also those who have a tendency
to bleed, uterine haemorrhages, etc
'e goes on to add& Lemon is an antiseptic, or is an agent that prevents sepsis !the presence of pathogenic bacteria" or
putrefaction !decomposition of tissue". #t is also anti$scorbutic, a term meaning a remedy which will prevent disease and assist in
cleansing the system of impurities.
( lot has been said lately about the lemon deto) fast, which seems to yield great benefits. *he fast consists in drinking lemon juice mi)ed
with water and either ma%le syru% or honey with a s%rinkle of cayenne %e%%er, for a week or + days.
If your health allows it, you can add to that a gentle la)ative tea at night and you,re guaranteed a total cleansing effect, which must be done
under the su%ervision of a -ualified naturo%ath or herbalist.
.ost of those who I know have tried it, managed to %ut u% with this e)treme regime for ma)imum /
days. I, for one, recommend a gentler lemon deto) that I have been using daily for the last 0 months.
It consists of drinking the juice of half a lemon, diluted in warm water, every night just before going to bed.
I have been drinking the lemon water every single night for the %ast eight months and the results are truly amazing. I live in a city where
winters are harsh and long 1.ontreal, 2anada3 and I generally suffer from recurrent flu and cold sym%toms all winter long4 Not this winter!
I,ve also had to have my gallbladder removed and drinking the lemon juice has hel%ed maintain my liver healthy. I no longer wake-u%
feeling tired and sluggish in the morning.
5emon is not only a vitamin 2 rich citrus fruit and an immune system booster, it also acts as blood %urifier and im%roves the body,s ability to
get rid of to)ins. 6hen taken regularly it acts as a tonic to the liver and stimulates it to fulfil its daily digestive and cleansing functions.
5emon is also believed to hel% dissolve gallstones and is a su%erior body alkalizer.
.y grandfather used to add a s-ueeze of lemon to his coffee and I remember thinking& 'ow weird! 5ittle did I know then that when lemon is
mi)ed with coffee, it is thought to hel% treat malaria4It is also an effective headache remedy.
7ome %eo%le drink the diluted lemon juice first thing in the morning. I used to do that too, and found it -uite effective. 'owever, a
naturo%ath once told me that the body cleanses while at rest, so drinking the lemon water at night makes more sense, as it su%%orts our
inherent ability to deto).
8or o%timum health, I %ractice the Detox $ath daily alongside the lemon water cleanse. *he 9eto) Bath is based on an ancestral bath
techni-ue created by Louis &uhne of Lei'ig in 00" and is known to encourage to)in and waste elimination.
The Detox $ath:s working %rinci%le is to refresh the core area of the body during + minutes daily or longer, de%ending on your initial
condition, and the results you seek to achieve. *his %rocess creates a vibration in the fascia 1Interconnecting tissue covering all internal
organs3, which accelerates to)in and fat elimination.
(s in all natural remedies, my only recommendation is be disci%lined and regular. 9on,t e)%ect overnight miracles, they won,t ha%%en.
'owever, these natural additions to your lifestyle, like drinking the lemon juice water and %racticing the Detox $ath, will surely su%%ort your
body,s elimination ca%acity and enhance your health for a lifetime.

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