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Sources of Motivation
Nadia Shine!ic"
+r, Ne-sa .atcher
Sources of Motivation
Motivation 0eads us to as the 1uestion 2!h-34 !hen !e e5ert certain 6ehaviors7 !hereas
so8e 6ehaviors 0eave us asing 2ho! did that ha99en34 Motivation contri6utes to our ever-da-
0ife, On the da-s !e aren:t a60e to get enough s0ee97 our 8otivation tends to 6e 0o!er7 than if !e
had gotten a fu00 ) hours, E8otions can gain co890ete contro0 of the 8otivation 6utton that:s
inside of us, So8eone !ho is fee0ing e8otiona00- drained7 genera00- !i00 have 0ess 8otivation than
so8eone !ho isn:t, So8e !onder !h- the-:ve fe0t a certain !a-7 or !h- the-:ve acted in a
certain !a- in co89arison to another 9ersons: 6ehaviors or fee0ings, Often ti8es7 the ans!er can
6e due to too 8uch 8otivation7 0ac of 8otivation7 or the co890ete a6sence of 8otivation, ;et:s
consider sources of 8otivation7 e590ain the re0ationshi9 6et!een 8otivation and 6ehavior and
0oo at ho! 6ehavior e5hi6its 8otivation,
Motivation and its meaning
Motivation 8eans 2to 6e 8oved into action4 or7 2to 6e 8oved into cognition7 fee0ing7 and
action,4 <+ecers7 /=1=> Motivation fits into 8an- different categories, These categories inc0ude:
9s-cho0ogica07 6io0ogica07 and environ8enta0, #s-cho0ogica0 8otivation consists of one:s
9s-cho0ogica0 needs7 !hat drives a 9erson7 and an individua0:s 9ersona0it- traits, ?io0ogica0
consists of the nervous s-ste8 as !e00 as the 6rain, ;ast0-7 environ8enta0 issues are 8ade u9 of
incentives and goa0s, The e59ectation and 8anifestation of these goa0s and incentives
tre8endous0- affect ones 6ehavior,
Two sources of Motivation- environmental and internal
;et:s deter8ine t!o co88on sources of 8otivation, Motivation7 as I stated a6ove7 8eans
@to 6e 8oved into action:, Ae can e5a8ine environ8enta0 sources of 8otivation and
interna0 sources of 8otivation, First0-7 environ8enta0 sources can 8otivate us to change our
6ehavior rather a6ru9t0-, An e5a890e of this !ou0d 6e if an individua0 !ere out 6u-ing so8e
c0othing !ith a set 6udget in 8ind7 6ut ca8e u9on a c0earance rac, This individua0 8a- 6e
inc0ined to s9end 8ore 8one- due to the 0arge a8ount of ite8s that are on sa0e, The
c0earance rac inside of the store !as an environ8enta0 factor !hich the individua0 !asn:t
a!are of 6efore 90anning the sho99ing tri9, This can a0so 6e ca00ed environ8enta0 sti8u0i,
Environ8enta0 sti8u0i i890ies that e5terna0 conditions tend to a0ter ones deve0o98ent or
Two sources of Motivation- environmental and internal cont.
Second0-7 interna0 8otivation consists of genetics7 hu8an nature7 and 9s-cho0ogica0 varia60es,
Evo0ution is direct0- 0ined to genetic 8otivations7 ste88ing fro8 our ancestors and our genetic
histor- or 8ae u9, Natura0 se0ection sets the 9re8ise for a 9ersons: 6ehavior 6ased on their
genetic histor-, A 9erson can 6ehave a certain !a- !ithin a certain situation due to their genetic
histor- or genea0ogica0 9ast7 generating 6ehaviors to 6e 9o9u0ation s9ecific, An e5a890e of this
!ou0d 6e if a !eight 0oss !a0ing grou9 !ere to 6e 8otivated to on0- go out !a0ing during the
sunshine and are not interested in !a0ing !hen the !eather isn:t good,
Motivation and Behavior
Motivation and 6ehavior are c0ose0- intert!ined !ithin each other, ?ehaviors co8e fro8
8otivation and as a resu0t of 8otivation7 !e e5ert certain 6ehaviors, ;et:s focus on +ann- !ho is
running 0ate for schoo0, +ann- is 1B and drives to schoo0, +ann- !oe u9 0ate7 did not have ti8e
to eat 6reafast7 ran out the door !ithout 6rushing his teeth7 ho99ed in the car and ' 8i0es do!n
the road rea0i"ed he had forgotten his ho8e!or, +ann- has t!o o9tions7 he can go ho8e and
get his ho8e!or7 or he can continue onCroute to schoo0 !ithout 6eing even 8ore 0ate7 6ut he
!i00 not have his ho8e!or to hand in, +ann- decides to run ho8e7 gra6 his ho8e!or7 6rush
his teeth !hi0e he:s there7 and run out the door !ith a grano0a 6ar in hand, +ann- !as 8otivated
to sho! u9 to schoo0 !ith his ho8e!or7 !ith good h-giene7 and 6reafast in his sto8achD even
though this 8ade hi8 even 0ater to schoo0, If +ann- had Eust continued on to schoo0 !ithout
going 6ac ho8e to get his ho8e!or7 he !ou0dn:t have 6een so 0ate7 6ut he !ou0d have
forgotten his ho8e!or7 6een hungr-7 and not had c0ean teeth, The 8otivation created the
sacrificing 6ehavior to 6e even 0ater to schoo0,
Motivation and behavior cont.
?ehaviors are a08ost a0!a-s 6ased off of different t-9es of 8otivations, Ae can see this
!ithin ourse0ves and the 9eo90e !ho surround us, There are different reasons for !h- !e do
different things7 a00 ste88ing fro8 our 8otivations, In the e5a890e of @+ann-:7 +ann- !as a60e
to 8otivate hi8se0f to fi5 the turn out of his da-7 due to a s8a00 ti8e sacrifice, If +ann- did not
turn 6ac ho8e7 his 8otivation for the rest of the da- 8a- have 6een 0o! due to fee0ing 6ad a6out
the situation he found hi8se0f in,
In Conc0usion7 !e have 6rought to 0ight the definition of 8otivation7 discussed t!o
8otivationa0 sources7 and descri6ed the corre0ation 6et!een 8otivation and 6ehavior, Ae have
discussed environ8enta0 sti8u0i7 and ho! the environ8ent can have 9ositive or negative effects on
so8eone:s 6ehavior7 !ithout !arning, ;ast0-7 genetics 90a- a 0arge ro0e in the !a- a s9ecific
grou9 of individua0s 8a- act7 6ut it is a0so 9reva0ent that 9ersona0 e59erience can 6e a huge
8otivator as !e00, Ahat 8otivates -ou3
+ecers7 ;, </=1=>, Motivation: ?io0ogica07 9s-cho0ogica07 and environ8enta0 <&rd ed,>

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