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Present & Past Tense Verb Review

Simple & Continuous forms

Past Simple
Past Continuous Tenses
Fill in the correct tense
1. ________ you often ________ write! e"
mails to your frien#s$ %o& ' ___________.
(. _________ your father _________ ta)e!
the train to wor)$ *es& he __________.
+. ' ________________ not,un#erstan#! what
you are sayin-.
.. /t the moment ' _________________ rea#!
an interestin- comic& '
______________________ not,#o! my
0. 1i)e _________________ play! Farmville
on the computer now. 2very #ay he
_________________ -row! many new
ve-etables an# fruits.
3. This mornin- he ______________ pic)! his
latest crop. Then he usually ___________
sell! them at the mar)et. 4ut to#ay he
____________ not,pic)! any crops because
they aren5t rea#y.
6. The sun always ____________ shine! in
7reece in the summer. 'n 7ree) summer
_____________ mean! -oo# weather.
8. 9owever now it is %ovember an# to#ay
the sun ___________ not,shine!. ________ it
__________ rain! in the winter in your
1. This %erf -un ____________ belon-! to
me& it ________________ not,belon-! to my
(. 4ir#s __________ :y! south in the
winter. ;oo)< There _______ thousan#s of
-eese _____________ :y! overhea#.
+. 'ce ___________ free=e! at =ero #e-rees
centi-ra#e. 't ______________ not,free=e!
when it is 1> #e-rees.
.. _________ you ____________ learn! how
to spea) 2n-lish in school this year$ *es&
' ________.
0. ?e often __________ brin-! snac)s to
school. ________ you ________ eat! a
snac) #urin- the brea)s$
3. ;ionel 1essi ___________ ma)e! a lot of
-oals every year. 9e rarely ___________
miss! a -oal.
6. 't ________________ -et! col#er now& '
________ thin)! ' nee# to put on a
8. ______ they __________ leave! for
Present Simple and Present Continuous Fill ins
1. ________ you ________ feel! all ri-ht$ %o& ' ________________ feel! sic) at the moment.
(. Chil#ren ________________ -row! taller every year. ' )now ' ________________ -row! at lot this
year because none of my clothes ____________ @t!
+. ________ you _________ hear! the #o- bar)in-$ *es& to#ay it _______________ #rive! me cra=y.
4e Auiet<
.. 1y #o- ___________ hi#e! his bones in the -ar#en. 9e ______________ not,hi#e! them in the
0. 1y parents _________________ travel! to 4arcelona this mornin-. They often ________________
travel! to-ether.
Present Perfect Simple an# Continuous
Past Perfect Simple an# Continuous
1. ?hile ' ________________ fee#! my #o-
Ti-ra& ' ________________ hear! another #o-
(. 9e ______________ buy! ve-etables at
the open air mar)et& when it ____________
start! to rain.
+. The #o- __________________ bite! me
when ' ___________________ pet! it. 4a#
.. ?hat ________ you _________ #o! when
the earthAua)e __________________
0. ' ______________ #ream! about Christmas
vacation while my sister _______________
tal)! to me about school.
3. ?e ________________ eat! pi==a while we
_________________ listen! to the weather
6. Ba# ____________ not,#rive! the car
when the earth ______________ start! to
sha)e.________ you ____________ stu#y!
then$ *es& ' __________.
8.______ you __________ remember! to loc)
the #oor$ %o& ' ___________ for-et!.
C. 7eor-e ______________ not,play! a
computer -ame last ni-ht& he __________
write! a boo) report.
1. ?hen ' _______________ put! on my coat
for school& ' _________________ remember!
that ' ha# for-otten to #o my 2n-lish
(. The stu#ents ____________________
not,sin-! Christmas carols in the
classroom& they ____________________ swim!
in the pool.
+. __________ you ri#e! __________your bi)e
when your mobile phone ____________
.. ________ he _____________ sleep! when
the thun#erstorm _____________ start!. %o&
he ____________.
0. 9e _____________ not,spen#! his money
on fancy cars& he __________ spen#! his
money on vacations.
3. The robber ___________ steal! the Dewels
from her hotel room& when she ____________
be! out for a wal).
6. ' _______________ lose! my )eys when '
________________ run! #own the street.
Time Words for
Present Simple
1. ___________
Time Words for
1. ___________
Time Words for
Past Simple
1. ____________
Time Words for
1. ____________
1. _________ you ever __________ be! to
Paris$ %o& ' _____________.
(. ?e ________________________ paint! the
)itchen all mornin- lon-.
+. ?hat _________ you _____________ #o!
to#ay$ Eh ' _______________ rea#! a really
eFcitin- thriller.
.. Gohn ______ Dust __________ throw! all his
ol# bills away. ________ you ever_________
#o! that$ *es& ' __________.
0. ________the teachers alrea#y __________
mar)! the eFams. %o& they
_____________________ not,mar)! them yet<
3. The is the @rst time that she ___________
ever ___________ eat! snails. /n# the last<
6. ' ______________________ clean! the
house for hours an# '5m beat. ' nee# a rest.
8. _______ you __________ live! here since
you were a baby$ %o& ' _______________. 1y
family _________________ live! for three
1. ' ________ alrea#y ___________ @nish! my
homewor) when the #oorbell __________
(. ?e _____________________ repair! our
antiAue car when the storm starte#.
+. The #etectives _________________ search!
for clues all mornin- when the su##enly
foun# important evi#ence.
.. _________ the astronauts _____________
complete! their mornin- tas)s before it
was time for eFercise.
0.?e ____________________ #ecorate! the
Christmas tree for hours an# then we ha#
3. The ;och %ess monster ___________
not,appear! for a lon- time when all of a
su##en its hea# poppe# out of the water.
Present Perfect Time Words
1. _______________________
(. _______________________
+. _______________________
.. _______________________
0. _______________________
Present Perfect Continuous
Time Words
1. _________________________
(. ________________________
+. ________________________
1. This %erf -un belon-s_ belon-! to me&
it #oesn5t belon- not,belon-! to my
(. 4ir#s :y :y! south in the winter. ;oo)<
There are thousan#s of -eese :yin- :y!
+. 'ce free=es free=e! at =ero #e-rees
centi-ra#e. 't #oesn5t free=e not,free=e!
when it is 1> #e-rees.
.. /re you learnin- learn! how to spea)
2n-lish in school this year$ *es& ' am
0. ?e often brin- brin-! snac)s to
school. Bo you eat_ eat! a snac) #urin-
the brea)s$
3. ;ionel 1essi ma)es ma)e! a lot of
-oals every year. 9e rarely misses miss!
a -oal.
6. 't is -ettin- -et! col#er now& ' thin)
thin)! ' nee# to put on a sweatshirt.
8. /re they leavin- leave! for football
practice now or are they watchin-
watch! TV at the moment$
Present & Past Tense Verb Review
Simple & Continuous forms Hey
Present Simple and Present Continuous Fill ins
1. Bo you often write write! e"mails to
your frien#s$ %o& ' #on5t.
(. Boes your father ta)e ta)e! the train to
wor)$ *es& he #oes.
+. ' #on5t un#erstan# not,un#erstan#!
what you are sayin-.
.. /t the moment ' am rea#in- rea#! an
interestin- comic& ' am not #oin- not,#o!
my homewor).
0. 1i)e is playin-play! Farmville on the
computer now. 2very #ay he -rows -row!
many new ve-etables an# fruits.
3. This mornin- he is pic)in- pic)! his
latest crop. Then he usually sells sell!
them at the mar)et. 4ut to#ay he isn5t
pic)in- not,pic)! any crops because they
aren5t rea#y.
6. The sun always shines shine! in 7reece
in the summer. 'n 7ree) summer means
mean! -oo# weather.
8. 9owever now it is %ovember an# to#ay
the sun isn5t shinin-not,shine!. Boes it
rain rain! in the winter in your country$
1. Bo you feel feel! all ri-ht$ %o& ' am feelin- feel! sic) at the moment.
(. Chil#ren -row -row! taller every year. ' )now ' am -rowin- -row! at lot this year because
none of my clothes @t @t!
+. Bo you hear hear! the #o- bar)in-$ *es& to#ay it is #rivin- #rive! #oesn5t hi#e
______________ not,hi#e! them in the house.
0. 1y parents are travelin- travel! to 4arcelona this mornin-. They often travel travel!
3. Boes your cat #rin) #rin)! mil) every #ay$ *es& it #oes.
Past Simple Hey
Past Continuous Tenses
Fill in the correct tense
1. 9ave you ever been be! to Paris$ %o& '
(. ?e have been paintin- paint! the
)itchen all mornin- lon-.
+. ?hat have you been #oin- #o! to#ay$
Eh ' have been rea#in- rea#! a really
eFcitin- thriller.
.. Gohn has Dust thrown throw! all his ol#
bills away. 9ave you ever#one #o! that$
*es& ' have.
0. 9avethe teachers alrea#y mar)e#
mar)! the eFams. %o& they haven5t
mar)e#not,mar)! them yet<
3. The is the @rst time that she has ever
eaten eat! snails. /n# the last<
6. ' have een cleanin- clean! the house for
hours an# '5m beat. ' nee# a rest.
8. 9ave you live# live! here since you
were a baby$ %o& ' haven5t. 1y family has
live# live! for three years.
1. ' ha# alrea#y @nishe# @nish! my
homewor) when the #oorbell ran- rin-!.
(. ?e ha# been repairin- repair! our
antiAue car when the storm starte#.
+. The #etectives ha# been searchin-
search! for clues all mornin- when the
su##enly foun# important evi#ence.
.. 9a# the astronauts complete#
complete! their mornin- tas)s before it
was time for eFercise.
0.?e ha# been #ecoratin- #ecorate! the
Christmas tree for hours an# then we ha#
3. The ;och %ess monster ha#n5t appeare#
not,appear! for a lon- time when all of a
su##en its hea# poppe# out of the water.
Present Perfect Simple an# Continuous Hey
Past Perfect Simple an# Continuous
1. ?hile ' was fee#in- fee#! my #o- Ti-ra&
' hear# hear! another #o- bar)in-.
(. 9e was burin- buy! ve-etables at the
open air mar)et& when it starte#_ start! to
+. The #o- bit bite! me when ' was
pettin-pet! it. 4a# #o-<
.. ?hat were you #oin- #o! then the
earthAua)e happene# happen!$
0. ' was #reamin- #ream! about
Christmas vacation while my sister was
tal)in- tal)! to me about school.
3. ?e were eatin- eat! pi==a while we
were listenin- listen! to the weather
6. Ba# wasn5t #rivin- not,#rive! the car
when the earth starte# start! to
sha)e.?ere you stu#yin- stu#y! then$
*es& ' was.
8.Bi# you rememberremember! to loc)
the #oor$ %o& ' for-ot for-et!.
C. 7eor-e wasn5t playin- not,play! a
computer -ame last ni-ht& he was writin-
1. ?hen ' was puttin- put! on my coat for
school& ' remembere#_ remember! that '
ha# for-otten to #o my 2n-lish homewor).
(. The stu#ents weren5t sin-in- not,sin-!
Christmas carols in the classroom& they
were swimmin- swim! in the pool.
+. ?ere you ri#e! ri#in-your bi)e when
your mobile phone ran- rin-!$
.. ?as he sleepin- sleep! when the
thun#erstorm starte#_ start!. %o& he
0. 9e #i#n5t spen# not,spen#! his money
on fancy cars& he spent spen#! his money
on vacations.
3. The robber stole steal! the Dewels from
her hotel room& when she was_ be! out
for a wal).
6. ' lost lose! my )eys when ' was
runnin-run! #own the street.
Time Words for
Present Simple
1. every #ay
Time Words for
1. when
Time Words for
Past Simple
1. a-o
+.last wee)!
.in (>>.
Time Words for
1. now
(.at the
Present Perfect Time Words
(. Dust,yet
+. alrea#y
.. for .years!
0. since etc.
Present Perfect Continuous
Time Words
1.all mornin-
(. for three hours
+. for a very lon- time

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