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Task 1. Complete the second sentence so that its meaning is closest to the original one.

There are twice as many women as men in Greece. (OUTNUMBER)

As soon as she saw my classmate, my mother decided that she didnt like him (DISLIKE)
My mothermy classmate.

What do you think of his appearance? (STRIKE)

Have you ever thought of changing jobs? (MIND)

That man has no pity whatsoever. (DEVOID)
That manpity.
6. Although the ticket may seem expensive, it is good value for money.
Expensive .
7. I have forgotten that commentators name but hes very well-known.
That commentator,.
8. The reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended
Had it not...
9. The open-door policy has brought about a lot of radical changes.
Thanks to..................................................................
10. To invest in education is of great profit.
We found it
Task 2. Write a report to an university teacher describing the information in the graph below. You should write at
least 150 words.

Task 3. Living in a traditional family of three or four generations has both advantages and
What is your opinion? Write an essay of around 250 words to support your points.

Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each space (10 points):

Reports that the government is about to _____C give____( 1) the go ahead to plans for the
building of a new runway at Londons Gatwick airport have angered local residents and
raised fears of increased noise and exhaust pollution. The (2) ____controversial A____ plans
also include permission for additional night flights and will (3) involve______ the
compulsory purchase of farmland, as well as the demolition of a number of private homes.
According to sources close to the Ministry of Transport, the government is known to be
concerned by the increasing (4) volume_____ of traffic at London Heathrow, where there are
no plans for further runways in the foreseeable (5) future_____ . Gatwick is widely (6)
____regarded_ as a better (7) _prospect_______ for expansion than Londons third airport,
Stansted, which still suffers from poor transport links. A spokesperson for the Keep Gatwick
Quiet association, (8) ____made up of local people, accused the government of going back
on promises made before the General Election. We were told then that the airport authority
had no (9) __intention____ of building another runway, and we believe that the government
has a duty to (10) stand by___ its pledges. Prominent figures in the government are also
believed to be concerned at the news, although the Prime Minister, interviewed last night, is
quoted as saying that reports were misleading. However, he would not give an assurance
that plans for building a runway had definitely been rejected.
1. A. sign B. make C. give D. approve
2. A. controversial B. debatable C. notorious D. doubtful
3. A. involve B. concern C. assume D. need
4. A. sum B. size C. volume D. length
5. A. years B. period C. time D. future
6. A. regarded B. believed C. felt D. held
7. A. potential B. outlook C. prospect D. likelihood
8. A. made B. set C. brought D. taken
9. A. desire B. intention C. wish D. objective
10. A. bear out B. count on C. pull off D. stand by

Read the following passage and choose the words from A to F in the box to fill in each gap from. There
are TWO extra words you do not need to use (5 points):

A. external

B. minute
C. lubricating

D. synthetic
E. condensing

F. physical
G. refining
Petroleum products, such as gasoline, kerosene, home heating oil, residual fuel oil and (11)
_________ oils, come from one source - crude oil - found below the earths surface, as well
as under large bodies of water, from a few hundred feet below the surface to as deep as
25.000 feet into the earths interior. Sometimes crude oil is secured by drilling a hole into the
earth, but more dry holes are drilled than those producing oil. Either pressure at the source or
pumping forces crude oil to the surface.
Crude oil wells flow at varying rates, from ten to thousands of barrels per hour. Petroleum
products are always measured in forty-two-gallon barrels.
Petroleum products vary greatly in (12) _________ appearance: thin, thick, transparent, or
opaque, but regardless, their chemical composition is made up of only two elements: carbon
and hydrogen, which form compounds called hydrocarbons. Other chemical elements found
in union with the hydrocarbons are few and are classified as impurities. Trace elements are
also found, but in such (13) _________ quantities that they are disregarded. The
combination of carbon and hydrogen forms many thousands of compounds which are
possible because of the various positions and unions of these two atoms in the hydrocarbon
The various petroleum products are refined from the crude oil by heating and (14)
_________ the vapors. These products are the so-called light oils, such as gasoline, kerosene
and distillate oil. The residue remaining after the light oils are distilled is known as heavy or
residual fuel oil and is used mostly for burning under boilers. Additional complicated (15)
_________ processes rearrange the chemical structure of the hydrocarbon to produce other
products, some of which are used to upgrade and increase the octane rating of various types
of gasoline.
Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the word given

Specifically/ unauthorized/ subscribers/ ownership/ Historically/ exclusive/ basic/ published/
milestone/ primary

Read the passage and choose the correct answer
The languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery. There is no
linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for
Europe between 7,000 and 3,000 B.C.) and the languages of the modern world, and we
cannot yet translate the Old European script. Scholars have deciphered other ancient
languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform script,
because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions. When cuneiform tablets were
first discovered in the 18
century, scholars could not decipher them. Then inscriptions
found in Iran at the end of the 18
century provided a link: these inscriptions were written in
cuneiform and in two other ancient languages, Old Persian and New Elamite languages
that had already been deciphered. It took several decades, but scholars eventually translated
the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian language.
Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops
unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late 18
century. The stone carried the same
message written in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified
form of hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars efforts for several decades until
the early 19
century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek
inscriptions. Unfortunately, we have no Old European Rosetta stone to chart
correspondences between Old European script and the languages that replaced it.
The incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late 5
to the early 3

millennia B.C. caused a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. These incursions disrupted the
Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years. As the Indo-
Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent upheavals.
These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures abundantly employed
script. The Old European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European
cultural remained for several millennia. The new peoples spoke completely different
languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or
languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually vanished.
26. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. Reason for the failure to understand the written records of Old European culture.
B. Influences on the development of Old European script.
C. Similarities between Old European script and other ancient writing systems.
D. Events leading to the discovery of Old European script.
27. According to the passage, New Elamite is _________.
A. a language that was used in Europe about 3,000 years ago
B. a modern language that came from Old Persian
C. one of the languages spoken by the Old Europeans
D. a language that was understood by the late 18
28. When does the passage suggest that ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script was finally
A. At around the same time as cuneiform script was deciphered.
B. Shortly before the Rosetta stone was unearthed.
C. As soon as additional bilingual inscriptions became available to scholars.
D. A few decades after the hieratic script was decoded.
29. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE of the Rosetta stone?
A. It was found by scholars trying to decode ancient languages.
B. It contains two versions of hieroglyphic script.
C. Several of its inscriptions were decoded within a few months of its discovery.
D. Most of its inscriptions have still not been decoded.
30. According to the passage, scholars were able to decipher cuneiform form with the help of
A. the Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian languages B. Old Persian
C. tablets written in Old European D. languages spoken in 18

century Iran
31. The word fortuitous in the 1
paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.
A. important B. immediate C. early D. lucky
32. The word them in the 1
paragraph refers to _________.
A. Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian B. bilingual inscriptions
C. cuneiform tablets D. scholars
33. The word thwarted in the 2
paragraph is closest in meaning to _________
A. continued B. influenced C. encouraged D. frustrated
34. According to the passage, Indo-European incursions caused Old European population to
A. separated into different tribes B. move eastward
C. change their ways of living and obtain food D. start recording historical events in
35. The author mentions the Balkans in the passage in order to explain why _________.
A. Indo-European languages were slow to spread in Old Europe
B. the inhabitants of Old Europe were not able to prevent Indo-European incursions
C. the use of the Old European script declined
D. the Old European culture survived for a time after the Indo-European incursions

Read the text below and think of a word that best fits each gap. Use only one word for each space.
When the human capacity for amazement, thrill and suspense approaches (36)..limits, a circus
unleashes its clowns (37)..freshen the atmosphere and recondition the spectators mind for the next
act. (38)..tradition, there are several varieties of clown, (39)the elegantly-costumed
white-faced clown who appears rather severe and domineering, to the happy-go-lucky grotesque variety,
(40)exaggerated make-up and costumes are more outrageous and less predictable, to the
dejected, down-and-out tramp character, popularised (41).all by the American, Emmett
Kelly. In the 19 the century, it was usual for clowns to entertain audiences with songs and long monologues,
in (42).they sometimes offered words of wisdom (43).politics and current
events or quoted Shakespeare. More recently, especially in Russian circus, a (44)..number of
clowns have tried to strike (45)in new directions, abandoning traditional costumes and makeup
and developing (46)..natural characters. The great Russian clown, Oleg Popov, (47).
appear in the ring wearing a minimum (48).make-up and only a slightly conventional
wardrobe. He impersonated an incompetent buffoon (49)forever trying to mimic the acts of
the legitimate performers. Frequently, he almost succeeded - (50)only after sufficient
bungling - to make his performance a comedy.
1. The noise _______ from the boat engine might disturb sea animals.
A. comes B. came C. coming D. has come
2. _______ would have known the answer.
A. Anyone is clever B. Clever anyone C. Clever is anyone D. Anyone clever
3. _______ migrate long distances is well documented.
A. That it is birds B. That birds C. Birds that D. It is that birds
4. One person _______ seven in the world speaks perfect English.
A. from B. within C. for among D. out of
5. _______ no proof, the judge refused to put him into jail.
A. It having B. There being C. Being D. There having
6. Marine reptiles are among the few creatures that are known to have a possible life span greater than ______.
A. that of man B. the man C. man D. the one of the mans
7. Youths have to _______ military service in our country.
A. join B. make C. do D. attend
8. One condition of this job is that you must be _______ to work at weekends.
A. available B. capable C. acceptable D. accessible
9. Tom: Dont forget to come here tomorrow. ~ Jane: ______.
A. I dont B. I wont C. I cant D. I havent
10. The hunter ______ at the bird, fired, and missed it.
A. looked B. glanced C. aimed D. hinted
11. The bicycle has two wheels. One wheel is in front of _______.
A. another B. the other C. other D. others
12. I met Jim at college. It was the start of a _______ friendship.
A. long-life B. prolong C. lengthened D. lifelong
13. She said that she could not ______ a new dress on her small salary.
A. spend B. save C. afford D. spare
14. Mary: You were late for your dental appointment"
Ba: I know I shouldn't ______ so long at the library"
A. be staying B. had stayed C. stay D. have stayed
15. Im afraid a rise in the salary is ______ just now.
A. out of sight B. out of control C. out of date D. out of the question
16. Giving up smoking is just one of the ways to ______ heart disease.
A. push off B. ward off C. put off D. throw off
17. There was a ______table in the kitchen.
A. beautiful large round wooden B. large beautiful round wooden
C. beautiful round large wooden D. wooden round large beautiful
18. I'd rather you ______anyone what I said.
A. don't tell B. won't tell C. didn't tell D. not to tell
19. Please ______ and see us some time - youre always welcome.
A. come to B. come about C. come round D. come away
20. The thief was ______ to six months' imprisonment.
A. given B. allowed C. sent D. sentenced


Extract 1

Extract 2

Extract 3

Extract 4.

Part 2. You hear a man Derek Lane giving a talk on the subject of ancient trees. Complete the gap 9-17 with
a word or short phrase.

Part 3.

Part 4.

Listening key:

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