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Wednesday 10/15

Student Ministry 6:00pm

6th grade through High School
Join us for Fun Night - pizza,
snacks, and games!
Elders Meeting 7:30pm

Thursday 10/16
Worship Practice 7:00pm

Saturday 10/18
Basketball 8:30am
National Day of Prayer
Monthly Breakfast 9:00am
Dennys, Champaign, Illinois
Sunday 10/19
Christian Education 9:30am
Womens Study Group
Jeremiah Study
Jr and Sr High School
Childrens Church 10:45am
Worship Gathering 10:45am
Read Luke 15:11-32 to prepare!
AWANA! 6:00pm
Monday 10/20
Womens Bible Study 9:30am
1&2 Thessalonians
Martial Arts 6:00pm- Free
BSF Mens Group 6:45pm
Community Group 7:00pm
Eichstedt Home
Everyone is Welcome!
Tuesday 10/21
BSF Womens Group 9:10am
First Christian Church, Staley Road
Community Group 7:00pm
Wright Home: Studying Luke
Schifo Home: Studying the Exodus
Everyone is Welcome!
October 15th
Thank you, God, for bringing Mike and Jan home
safely, and using them to accomplish the good work you
laid before them! Come hear about their time serving
TCM ministry Institute this Sunday during worship!
and suitcases to send back with visiting Pastor,
William K. Ko"a, to aid in addressing the Ebola crisis
in Liberia. Thanks to everyone for making a HUGE
di"erence globally in the lives of people in Liberia.
Yay God and Community
Evangelical Free Church!
We collected a ton of
practical medical supplies

Here are a few brief ideas for developing a "world!changing" mindset as a household:
Volunteer together as an entire family#regularly or even occasionally#with local church or civic
groups that reach out to those in need in your community $soup kitchens, work days, etc.%.
Team up as a household to research and learn about the challenges facing people in other parts of
the world and "adopt" a missionary family in a foreign land.
Become acquainted with Christian ministries that specialize in assisting those a"ected by di&cult
circumstances $poverty, persecution, etc.%
If your family resources allow, consider participating in Christian relief e"orts#for example,
committing to long(term sponsorship of a specic child in a third world country, or making
periodic donations to humanitarian organizations.
Even if you can't give nancially, make it a point to pray regularly, as a family, for those in need
"close to home" and overseas.
The missions committee has met, and will be rolling out to the congregation in the coming weeks
ways you can practically become more missional. We have to be willing to step out of our comfort
zones and have real impact in our local and global community.

This past weekend we were blessed to have William K.
Ko"a, the Senior Pastor of Oldest Congo Town First Baptist
Church, Liberia join us to share his testimony and some
thoughts about what is happening in his country with the
Ebola crisis. William shared in 9:30am Christian Education
class, at the 10:45, and also later that night at AWANA with
the Sparkies and T&Ters.
William shared that the situation is dire on many levels.
First of all, the country of Liberia has su"ered from a long
and brutal civil war that lasted 14 years. Just as they were
beginning to reorganize and start to rebuild a sustainable
infrastructure, they have been hit with the Ebola crisis.
More than just a medical crisis, this has a"ected schools,
public transportation, and medical clinics,
Second, it has impacted the country socially. Africans
are known for shaking hands, which they cannot do in the
same manner for fear of spreading the disease. In addition,
some traditions in Liberia celebrate and say goodbye to
their departed loved ones by lovingly hugging and kissing
their deceased bodies. These are just small ways they are
Right now, the Missions Team feels that the very
pressing medical needs connected to the Ebola outbreak
need to be addressed. This has led the Team to start looking
at possibly how we might be part of an e"ort to sponsor a
medical clinic at Oldest Congo Town FBC. Do you have a
passion to help coordinate this with Dean Ekberg? Contact
us at: today!

Thanks to Donna Smith for forwarding the missions team 5 Ways You Can Practically Impact Missions! Focus on the Family
In the coming weeks, William will be sending
back pictures of what is happening along with
some practical ways we can invest in the lives
of the people of Liberia in this time of need.

Celebrate with us the wedding of Pastor Jacob and his lovely bride Sarah ! A wonderful day!

We will give of ourselves and
our means because Jesus is
alive, and everything we have
is because of Him, and
therefore, it is His to guide
and to give.
Oftentimes, whenever giving is
mentioned in the church people
cringe, sigh, and inevitably
someone says, I knew it! Th!
church just wants your money!
I am going to answer that
criticism early by saying that the
church, like Jesus, doesnt want
your money, but it does want
your heart. Oftentimes, in our
lives where we nd our hearts we
also nd our passions, wealth,
generosity, and yes, money. I
know a guy who loves to say,
When I look at my checkbook,
I can instantly tell what is
important to me. He goes on,
Thats why its called a check (
book. It helps check my spirit in
earthly matters.
Somewhere along the way from
the time God instituted the tithe
to now we have lost the plot on
what giving means.
O"ering of the tithe was:
Expensive: In those days
animals were currency, and to
o"er a birds, goats, or bulls were
costly. Not to mention that
caring for, growing an animal,
and bringing it to the temple was
expensive. Families would save
all year for the journey.
Time consuming: It took time
to raise an animal and care for
him. Also, the journey to o"er
the animal at the temple was a
huge investment of personal
Worship: Giving a tithe in the
OT was not divided from
worship, but a part of it. When
you went to the temple, you
prayed over it, sang over it, made
sure it was your best, and then
lifted it up to the Lord. It was
not just writing a check.
And when anyone o"ers a sacrice of
peace o"erings to the LORD to ful#
a vow or as a $eewi# o"ering $o%
the herd or $om the ock, to b!
accepted it must be perfect; there sha#
be no blemish in it. Leviticus 22:21
Now, I want us to think for a
minute. When they o"ered an
animal to God was it really
possible for the animal to be
perfect and without blemish?
No. That animal was born into,
and raised in a fallen world. It is
a part of the fallen, created
order. Therefore, it has, even in
its best perceived state, a
blemish called sin, something
only grace can take care of.
The call was not that perfection
could be attained, but that we
would take great care with what
we brought to the Lord. That we
would comb over it, and care for
it in such a way that we would
proclaim in our giving that He is
worthy of our best.
I have shared in many places that
often I feel our biggest problems
lie in the fact that we start with
us, and not God.
In prayer we often start with
our needs, and not the utter
adoration of a God who can and
is willing to answer our prayers.

In study we might start with
our desire for knowledge up and
over Gods desire for divine
In serving we often weigh the
importance of our time, instead
of His call to therefore go, and
make a di"erence in simple and
profound ways.
In giving we may start with how
it a"ects us instead of how God,
who is worthy of all our praise, is
in the same way worthy of all we
have to give.
In Exodus 24:8, Moses proclaims
a covenant of blood through
giving sacrice. In Luke 22:20,
Jesus uses the same language of
Himself. It would have been
impossible for the disciples to
not have connected the two
together deeply. What had been
given continually was now going
to be given once and for all time.
This past Sunday at the 10:45
service, I shared with you that
you have been chosen by God.
That He set His a"ections and
love upon you, and in doing so
gave without question, remorse,
or regret His best. The only truly
unblemished sacrice for sin
available is His son, Jesus Christ.
Not only did He o"er the best as
a means of atonement, but He
o"ered His best as resurrection;
a sign of the new life available in
Because of Gods indescribable
gift we never have to think of
giving as obligation, but as
worship, because Jesus is alive!

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