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Electrical Engineering

SUBMITTED TO: Air. Codr. Sir Tahir


Muhammad Nouman

Muhammad Arsalan Khan

Muhammad Saad-Ullah

Owais Moinudin

Section – C

Lab Report Number 03

The practical number 3 is about comparing the charging and discharging of capacitor on A.C. power,
and to check out the behaviors of resistor on the same input.

Introduction to the Equipment used:

The equipments used are below:

• 1 Kilo-Ohm Resistor
• 5 Kilo-Ohm Resistor
• 1 micro-Farad Capacitor
• AC source
• DC source
• Wires

Circuit for 1 kilo-Ohm:



7.07V_rms C1
50Hz 1uF

Explanation of the Graphs & Time of Charging/Discharging of Capacitor:

(Graph Showing Theoretical Capacitor Charging)

The above graph is scaled at 500micro-second per division. So the total time taken for
charging of capacitor is nearly at 6 divisions.
So, the time of charging is = total divisions * quantity showing per division
= 6 * 500 micro-seconds
= 3000 micro-seconds.

(Graph Showing Theoretical Capacitor Charging)

The above graph is scaled at 500micro-second per division. So the total time taken for
discharging of capacitor is nearly at 6 divisions.
So, the time of charging is = total divisions * quantity showing per division
= 6 * 500 micro-seconds
= 3000 micro-seconds.

Theoretical ‫ד‬
= 1 kilo-Ohm * 1 micro-Farad

= 1ms.

As we see that, from the practical, we calculated the time of charging = 3000 micro-seconds,
which can be written as 3 mili-seconds.

But we know that, the capacitor usually charge in T= 3 ‫ד‬

with 95-96% charging state.

So, from the above equation,

‫ד‬ =T/3

= 1mili-seconds.

So, comparing the theoretical and practical reading, we conclude that the experiment
accuracy was nearly 100%.

Circuit for 5 kilo-Ohms Resistor:

Now we will replace the resistor with 5 kilo-Ohm resistor, and would compare the result with
that of 1 kilo-Ohm resistor.

So, the circuit would be:


0Deg 1uF

Time of Charging/Discharging of Capacitor:

Theoretical Reading:

= 5 kilo-Ohm * 1 micro-Farad

= 5ms.

Practical Reading:

As we see that, from the practical, we calculated the time of charging = 15000 micro-seconds,
which can be written as 15 mili-seconds.

But we know that, the capacitor usually charge in T= 3 ‫ד‬

with 95-96% charging state.

So, from the above equation,

‫ד‬ =T/3

= 5mili-seconds.

Same is repeated in case of Discharging of Capacitor.

So, comparing the theoretical and practical reading, we conclude that the experiment
accuracy was nearly 100%.

From the above experiments, we conclude that, by replacing the capacitor with “n” ohms, the
time Practical value of will increase by “n”.

e.g. The value of RC for 1kilo-Ohm = 1ms.


The value of RC for 5 kilo-Ohms = 5ms.

The time of charging is effected the same way,

e.g. The time of charging for 1kilo-Ohm attached Capacitor = 3mili-seconds.


The time of charging for 5kilo-Ohms attached Capacitor of same capacitance =

3*5 = 15ms

Suggestions and Recommendations:

• We came across some of the resistors having practical resistance of more than the
showed resistance, so we faced a bit problem with choice of resistance for accuracy,
the resistors must be checked practically before its delivery to the students for
performing practical.

• The oscilloscope at the lab was some times giving wrong graphs on the same input,
there was some systematic error in the oscilloscope; it must be checked before
commencement of practical.

• There must be a proper training to the students for taking their practical work from the
oscilloscope in USBs, so that they may reproduce the same practical work figures and
graphs in the lab report.

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