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Worksheet : Subject and object relative clauses

- we use who /which / that

Who people
Which animals, things
That all three: people, animals, things
The woman who lives next door is a doctor. (subject)
The girl who was injured in the accident is now in hospital. (subject)
The bus which goes to the airport runs every half hour. (subject)
Have you found the keys that you lost? (object)
Are these the books which you were looking for? (object)
The woman I wanted to see was away. (object)
1. a!e one sentence using who /which / that.
Whales are mammals. They live in the sea.
Whales are mammals which / that live in the sea.
We stayed at a hotel. This is it.
This is ...................................................................
That lady is my piano teacher. She is wearing a red hat.
The lady ...............................................................
There is a man over there. His daughter is a famous singer.
Thats the ............................................................
This book was written by ackie !ollin. "m reading it now.
The book ..............................................................
Someone broke the window. He or she will have to pay for it.
The person ...........................................................
We live in a village. "ts very small.
The village ...........................................................
There is a car parked outside our house. "t is a #ord.
The car ...................................................................
Have you ever been to that town$ The president was born there.
Have you ................................................................
Some people eat too much. They put on weight.
%eople ....................................................................
& waitress served us. She was impolite and impatient.
The waitress .........................................................
The police have caught the men. They stole my car.
The police ...........................................................
". #ut a correct word who /which / that to sentences:
& saw is a tool .................. is used for cutting wood.
" dont like people ................... make others wait.
This is the part of the country .......... the best wine is produced.
Two people ............ birthdays are on the same day are not necessarily twins.
&nyone ......... tells you that you are talented is a liar.
This is the most poisonous snake ............ lives in this country.
&ll .......... " need is a cup of tea right now.
The film ......... they are showing tonight is a comedy.
" feel sorry for people .......... friends arent honest to them.
" feel sorry for people .......... cant ride a bicycle.
$. %re these sentences true or &alse' (orrect the &alse ones.
" dont like stories who have unhappy endings.
What was the name of the person who phoned you$
Wheres the nearest shop who sells newspapers$
The driver which caused the accident was fined '(( ).
*o you know the person that took these photographs$
We live in a world what is changing all the time.
*an said some things about me that were not true.
What was the name of the horse it won the race$

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