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{Chapter One}
The names Rosanna,
I don't usually write diaries but I think it would be cool to document my life e
vents. Who knows what could happen in a few months, I could be happily married w
ith five children. I'm only joking, that could never happen to me I'm only seven
teen so I'm not looking to become a mother anytime soon, plus my mind is strictl
y focused on my grades and well... making the right choices. Speaking of choices
, I met this guy named Kyle T.Miller, he's cute. In my eyes he's the ultimate pa
ckage. I like him a lot but I just don't know if he's the right one for me. He's
been a little distant lately which makes me worry as we haven't yet made our re
lationship official, so far he has made me happy... but I just feel as if there'
s something missing between us.
What could it be?
- Ps. Roe, xoxo
Before closing the book Rosanna looked at the silly diary entry a couple times a
nd sighed, she was proud of herself for getting everything she needed off her ch
est. Rosanna softly threw the notepad onto her sparkling white bedside table jus
t as a long and extremely unattractive yawn escaped her lips. She suddenly felt
exausted but not quite ready to go to sleep, she scooted deeper onto her bed, th
e mattress complained as she spread out on top of her messy purple sheets. Her e
yes focused on the white ceiling above her, she began to think of something she
could do to prevent herself from drifting off to sleep.
She didn't feel like going downstairs or watching television and she deeply need
ed to avoid the fridge due to her strict diet and her recent habbit of eating ou
t of boredom.
About five seconds later her mobile phone started vibrating, at first she couldn
't find it but then she remembered that she had left it inside the sheets. Groan
ing she sat up completely and pulled back her covers from underneath her and rea
ched for the buzzing device. The caller ID read Carren whom was her best friend
of three years. In a daze she let the phone ring twice more before answering it.

"Hey Rosie got any plans for tonight?" Rosanna remained silent waiting for Carre
n to continue.
"I hope not. There's this awesomely huge party going on down town, you up for it
?" she squeaked.
A sigh left Rosanna's mouth. Carren did this nearly every week, most of the part
ies Carren invited her to were cool and fun but for some reason Rosanna felt dif
ferently about this one as she didn't feel prepared or ready to party but she kn
ew she couldn't disappoint her best mate.
Rosanna decided that she was thinking too much into it. It was just a party in a
mansion, who would say no. And if she didn't go she would be stuck at home.
Mind made up she finally replied to Carren who seemed to have been holding her b
reath waiting for Rosanna's conclusion "Okay I'll be there, email me the address
." as soon as she said it she regretted it. She hadn't thought of who might be t
here, she didn't get along with most of the people in her college as she wasn't
cool enough to hang with them, she started thinking about Kyle... would he be th
ere? she wanted to ask Carren but stopped when she heard a loud sigh echo throug
h the phone.
As if Carren had read her mind she replied. "Tonight's not about him Rosie just
let loose and have fun okay. If you're looking for someone else you may just get
lucky tonight. I heard there's going to be a load of hotties. I gotta get ready
so please be there for 10pm tops can't wait to see you." She squealed in Rosann
a's ear and blew sloppy kisses before hanging up.
Rosanna couldn't believe how typical her friend had become. The way she was alwa
ys on the look out for men even though she had her fare share of boy experiences
. Rosanna would never judge Carren like everyone else did because she wasn't jus
t her best friend. She was her only friend, it sounded sad but that's what she w
as used to. It didn't hurt her anymore knowing that no one understood her like C
arren did. Of course she wished she had someone else to confide in but she never
dwelled on things she didn't or couldn't have.
Rosanna looked at her neon green alarm clock and panicked realising she only had
an hour to get ready for the party. She slid off her bed and headed straight fo
r the bathroom that was attached to her bedroom. She unclipped her auburn hair w
hich fell just under her elbow and turned on the shower. Around 30 minutes later
she was out and dried, she went over to her closet and began to rummage through
the wardrobes for something classy yet tempting to wear. After all she was and
wasn't taken.
Satisfied with the clothes she found, she put on her underwear and plugged her i
Pod into the speakers connected to her stereo and pressed play. Azealia Banks be
gan to blast and she started jumping around like a total fool. Dancing her way t
owards her bed she put on her red skinny jeans that fitted her perfectly followe
d by a well matched black laced bralet top.
She smiled in the mirror having to admit that she looked hot. She sat at her gla
mour table and began to apply foundation onto her plain face, she wasn't the typ
e of girl that wore a lot of makeup unless she was making a statement which she
definitely planed on doing tonight. Unzipping a black storage bag she grabbed a
brush to apply some blusher on her pale white cheeks, the peach coloured blush w
ent well with her cat eyeliner and cherry lip tint. Her hair was left straight s
o that it framed her face. Before leaving her room she turned her music off and
twirled once more in the mirror as she sprayed her favourite perfume on by Britn
ey Spears and was pleased with the results.
The wind outside played with her hair, it was pretty musky and dark for late Jun
e but she didn't mind, luckily the party was in a house and not outdoors. The dr
ive hadn't taken long as she arrived at a fully blasting and packed mansion just
in time to get an okay and not to far parking space. Carren wasn't lying when s
he said it'd be huge and full of hotties like real life Abercrombie looking mode
ls. Rosanna looked around her and couldn't help but notice that she was the only
female arriving at that time. It didn't usually bother her as she had been arou
nd lots of guys on numerous occasions but it was different this time, as she fel
t vulnerable because they were all watching her.
Feeling her heartbeat quicken she lowered her head and avoided eye contact with
every guy she passed. As she neared the house she noticed more men outside the f
ront door, automatically she didn't feel any type of emotion as they didn't even
look in her direction as she passed them and went inside. The house was white a
nd crystalized with expensive looking marble floors, it was smokey in some areas
, which made Rosanna squint as she tried to find Carren. It took her a while bef
ore she spotted her best friend on the dance floor. Rosanna hesitated before hea
ding towards Carren as she wasn't alone she was with the fake girls aka the fake
ass bitches. She called them that because that was exactly what they were all s
urgery and no originality. Rosanna was never a fan of them due to their habits o
f stealing nearly every guy she had ever liked, it made her sick to even be next
to them but for C's sake she decided not to cause a scene. Exhaling deeply she
smiled and hurried over to them.
Carren's: POV
A bright and wild smile broke across my face when I laid eyes on the auburn hair
ed beauty, Rosanna who from afar looked somewhat like cat woman, her straight ha
ir swayed loosely around her body as she walked towards me, who knew she could p
ull of such a daring outfit. Her red skinny jeans enhanced the curves of her hip
s and her short but appealing legs. Let's not forget the way her black bralet to
p hugged her small chest and showed a glimps of her toned stomach, It was a big
step for my best friend she was so pure, she hardly ever dressed down. Clearing
my thoughts I welcomed her with a bone crushing hug, which made her laugh uncont
rollably smiling my best smile at her I stepped back from the hug and jiggled my
boobs at her. I always did that to her it was almost like a welcome signal plus
I knew she wouldn't judge me for having them on display. She gave me the thumbs
up for my outfit, and I watched as Rosanna gave my friends fake smiles which di
dn't bother me as I knew it wasn't anything serious. Even if it was I didn't wan
t to know right now as I just came here to party and to leave with someone attra
ctive by the end of the night.
Rosanna took in Carren's outfit and couldn't help but check out her rack that we
re truly on display. She wore a bodycon aztec dress that had slits on each side
of her waist with black tights that had been deliberately wrecked followed by he
r lady gaga inspired silver glittered platform heels. Her best friend's baby pin
k pixie hairstyle was back combed and bunched up at the back. It wasn't a big de
al as Carren always dressed that way as she liked to be... 'Different' and anyon
e that had a problem with it was in for a hell of a cat fight. Not wanting to se
em rude Rosanna swiftly gave her attention to the girls who stood beside her bes
t friend, giving them a quick fake smile before asking Carren to dance with her
to 'Fareast movement - Fly like a G6'.
One song after the other Carren and Rosanna danced together. Until a slow but be
autiful song by 'Miguel' came on.
Rosanna's heart sank as she watched her best friend grab onto the nearest guy an
d begin to dance. She loved this song but it was unfortunately one that you coul
dn't dance to with your best friend, she looked at Carren who was getting her gr
ind on and felt super awkward.
Backing up, Rosanna began to head for the exit she was walking so fast trying no
t to get crushed by the people who were suddenly flooding to the dance floor.
She wasn't watching were she was going and slammed face first into a strong and
well built chest. She froze waiting to feel pain but it never came instead she f
elt shocked as she could feel sparks gliding across her face. It paralysed her f
or while and she felt ashamed as she came back to her senses and remembered that
there was still someone standing in front of her. Blushing she looked up at the
person and her heart skipped a beat or three he was so...
{Chapter Two}
Rosanna's: POV
I stepped out of the handsome guys arms and began to apologies. "I'm s-ooo sorry
god, I'm such a cluts" He smirked at my stuttering which made me slightly nervo
"I'm not God and I assure you it was I who should say sorry to you, are you hurt
? you hit your head quite hard" He said while reaching a hand towards my ashamed
His deep voice caught me off guard and all I could do was shake my head feeling
slightly light headed. He seemed so sweet I hadn't expected such a warm encounte
r after all I had carelessly barged into him. Just as his hand was about to care
ss my reddened face I took a step back.
Smiling up at him I replied to his question "No I'm...I'm fine." He emmidiately
put his hand back down to his side and made a face before asking for me to dance
with him. He explained that he wanted to make it up to me by having a quick dan
ce. Not thinking it was a good idea I stuttered what do I say?
"I-I uh should get..." he cut me off.
"If you don't want to, I won't mind it's just that I noticed you're on the dance
floor alone and well... So am I" That made me smile.
It's only a dance and Kyle wouldn't know. What harm could it really do?
"Alright why not. I love this song" I said smiling and heading back into the cro
He followed my lead and held me gently to his body, I don't know why but it felt
so good to be this close to him. A stranger. Shit. What was I thinking, this sh
ould feel wrong I shouldn't be this close to his body. But how could I not admit
to myself that this guy was super hot.
I tried to clear my thoughts so that I could just enjoy the moment. One thing I
noticed about him was that he wasn't pushy or touchy as our bodies moved togethe
r. He came across as more of a gentleman which I liked as it was pretty hard to
find one these days due to most dudes wanting to skip your name and head straigh
t for your pants.
I was to busy day dreaming about nothing, to realise that we'd been dancing for
a long time. I had become extremely comfortable in his presence, so comfortable
that my arms had found their way around his waist. Which made it easier for my h
ead to rest on his perfectly chiseled chest and his arms embraced my back. I was
surprised with myself I had just met this guy and I didn't know anything about
him yet here I stood completely entwined with him.
The moment felt too good to interrupt but I had to break away and ask him someth
ing. If I didn't we'd just be two strangers enjoying each other's company which
was just weird. Slowly I distanced myself from his body and locked eyes with him
, and attempted to say something but for some reason speaking suddenly felt like
an issue as my throat automatically became horribly dry. I looked down at my fe
et gulping a few times before looking into his green eyes "So Mr. Stranger what'
s your name? I'm pretty sure I haven't seen you around. Are you a student, are y
ou in college?" I mentally slapped myself. Could I have sounded any dummer.
He chuckled at me cutely. The sound captivated my every emotion, I knew my face
would give me away so I looked away from him as my thoughts fluttered to the cro
wded dance floor seeing that Carren was missing.
I hadn't realised he had started speaking which made me snap back to reality jus
t in time to hear his cheeky statement. "Ly...attend Orrington High, it is Sebas
tian I'm 19 and I'm single" This made me to laugh aloud but not loud enough to c
ause a scene. Recovering from my laughing fit I realised it was my turn to speak
but I didn't know what to say, should I say something cheeky back?
I decided to go with the cool and collected approach I didn't need to make a foo
l out of myself again. "You're a cheeky one, aren't you. I'm guessing I missed t
he part where you said you were new to town" I smiled at the idea of having some
one else to talk to. I had always enjoyed making friends whenever the opportunit
y came along.
Memories of how long It took to let Caren into my life came rushing to me, it wa
s a hard process for me but I'm glad I did otherwise I'd still be alone till thi
s day. You could say I wasn't the most popular girl in school. I told myself I d
idn't mind and that it was okay but deep down it wasn't.
I was sick and tired of feeling lonely there was no one to run to as I didn't ge
t on much with my family. I guess that's why I wanted to be in love, to finally
have that someone to claim as mine. I chuckled remembering Sebastian's cheeky hu
I continued with what I was trying to say to him. "Nice to meet you Sebastian, y
ou dance pretty well. I've got to get going now, I guess I'll see you around" St
epping out of his embrace I oddly felt cold shrugging I smiled at him one last t
ime and waved awkwardly just as I headed towards the toilets.
I really needed to freshen up before going home all that body contact and dancin
g really had me sweating. The house seemed empty as I left the bathroom and clon
ked down the stairs. I decided to scan the hall once more for Caren before takin
g my leave.
She didn't seem to be anywhere so I left and got into my car and drove straight
home. Once I was back home I didn't bother looking at my mobile I wanted nothing
more than to hop into bed and curl up on my side and sleep. It was going so wel
l until it was interrupted by the image of Sebastian chuckling... oh Sebastian.
My stomach was yet again taken over by buzzing butterflies just thinking of thos
e plumped full lips and broad chest made me reminisce about his perfect shoulder
s, the enticing smell he seemed to reek of. I could've gone on forever but I dec
ided to save it for another diary entry.
{Chapter Three}
7:50 am
Rosanna woke up with a massive headache and very saw feet she automatically regr
etted wearing those heeled shoes to the party. She sighed knowing that she would
have to deal with her after party effects all day long at college, sitting up o
n the bed Rosanna looked around her room and groaned when she saw the clothes fr
om last night scattered across the floor. Feeling lazy she made a mental note to
clean up her room later as right now was not a good time for her because Kyle w
ould be arriving soon to take them to college. She had to get ready quick as she
once (Stupidly) vowed to him that she'd never keep him waiting, Kyle would pick
her up every college morning from Monday to Thursday in order to prove to her p
arents that he was a good guy as they didn't seem to like him.
Rosanna didn't really care what they thought about Kyle as they weren't ever aro
und to help her with anything, her mum and dad weren't ever home because of thei
r new jobs. Her mother worked out of town as a nurse and her father owned a priv
ate and independent company which she knew absolutely nothing about. She just kn
ew that both of her parents left the house super early and come back home really
late. She knew it wasn't their fault for their absence in her life but she coul
dn't help but think that they were being inconsiderate to her and her brothers n
eeds. She wished she could spend time with her mum and relax on the sofa whilst
she listened to her fathers silly jokes. Whenever they were available Rosanna wo
uld lock herself away in her room because she found it hard to forgive them and
their stupid decisions. It really sucked because she really did love and miss th
em both, Rosanna also loved her annoying twenty-one year old brother Joe who was
n't around much as he kept himself to himself.
And whenever Joe did come home he would go straight into his room to rest from a
ll the drinking and partying, and if he wasn't drunk he'd be lounging around in
his room playing video games and smoking. It wasn't like they didn't get along b
ecause they did, Rosanna had learnt a lot from her brother in the past as he was
a cool talented guy who just needed a bit of a push in the right direction. Ros
anna put her thoughts behind her and went downstairs to the kitchen to eat her b
reakfast, she grabbed two pieces of bread and some butter and jam, she sat down
on the kitchen stall and chomped down her jam sandwich.
Grabbing a glass of apple juice she headed back upstairs to get ready for colleg
e, just as Rosanna stepped out the shower her phone started ringing 'Come here b
aby ey be my baby ey be my baby oh o-h' she smirked to herself knowing who it wa
s judging by the ringtone.
Rosanna's: POV
I cleared my throat and said "Hey Kyle" in a relaxed tone. Kyle being Kyle repli
ed with a lazy tone "Sup babe, you ready? I'm around the corner" I could tell he
was driving fast because of the concentration that lingered in his voice. I tol
d him I would be ready soon and that I had missed him last night. With guilt he
replied "Sorry babe I'll make it up to you. I'm close so I'll be there in five"
I rolled my eyes because he had avoided answering my question. Feeling annoyed I
hung up on him and started getting ready. I had no idea what to wear to college
today, it wasn't a place to dress fancy but that didn't mean I had to dress lik
e a nun I liked to stand out even though no one would be looking.
I focused on my face by making sure my lips were plumped with a hint of pink. I
then lightly put on eyeliner and a layer of mascara, I lifted my hair off my sho
ulders and tied it in low ponytail at the back of my head I then left my side fr
inge out. I put on a sleeveless dark blue button up denim crop top with a pair o
f high wasted black ripped jeans and black & gold ballet flats. A honk of a car
sounded outside just as I put on my leather backpack, I headed downstairs and ou
t of the door. Kyle didn't bother to open the car door for me as he just sat the
re tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. I got in and purposely slammed the
car door this made Kyle look my way and frown, still not making eye contact wit
h him I smirked. The ride with Kyle was long quiet and boring, as I sat in compl
ete silence while he made excuses as to why he hadn't gone to the party. He info
rmed me that he knew I was attending and mumbled something about not going in or
der to avoid cramping my style. I chuckled thinking to myself yeah right as if.
Let's just say we both know that it would've been the other way around.
I sat there pretending to be upset that he didn't go. I found it funny how he di
dn't have a clue that I was joking... guys these days. Kyle leaned in and kissed
me on the cheek and promised to go to the next party which was good as we haven
't been to any together or out in public together yet. Thinking of parties made
me feel sick as I remembered that my birthday was coming in four months time whi
ch meant that I'd be having a party of my own even though I wasn't too fussed ab
out it as I still hadn't been able to complete my birthday goal of 2 years which
was to be in love (Real Love) My thoughts trailed off when I noticed we had pul
led into the colleges driveway. I hurriedly got out of the car and waved goodbye
to Kyle who just nodded.
In the halls I tried to search for Carren but I got distracted by the strange lo
oks people were giving me. I was confused because I wasn't the type of girl peop
le hated but I also wasn't loved by many. I had just gotten to my locker when I
found her standing their smiling brightly in my direction. I frowned at her expr
ession and proceeded with my accusing tone "Carren what's going on."
"Ooo Nothing, what has you so jolly Rosie." Carren said with raised eyebrows.
Shocked I replied "Me jolly? pssht you're the one that's practically glowing..."
sarcasm always worked with Carren but it didn't seem to this time as she deepene
d her gaze. Was I really being jolly? Carren noticed my questioning expression a
nd decided to yell out "Yes yes your tots jolly. What happened at the party babe
? We like danced to all the bangers then you went missing on the slowies." That
was so not true she's the one that left me alone or not so alone on the dance fl
oor. Closing the space between us I shhh'd her not wanting her to cause even mor
e of a scene plus I didn't want Kyle thinking I had done something terrible at t
he party. And I didn't feel like talking about Seb if I could I'd keep her waiti
ng until later or even better another day. I removed my hand from her mouth just
as her face went tomatoe red, I made an excuse to drop the subject and walked a
way heading for my first class. I wasn't looking were I was going and ended up y
et again walking into someone.
And just like those love stories I typically drop all my books on the floor. Wit
h a sigh I bent down and hurriedly collected all of my books up off the ground,
when I straightened up I was in complete shock that I nearly fell back down. He
reached out and steadied me.
{Chapter Four}
This had to be a dream, standing right in front of me was ...Sebastian?
He held himself in a way that made him look tall and mighty almost as if he were
a god. He was dressed in black from head to toe which I didn't consider the bes
t tone for someone like him. As he'd probably look best in much richer and light
er colours. Even with that said I knew I was wrong. No matter how much or little
I looked at him he became sexier and sexier. He stepped away from me a little p
robably realising how close we'd been standing. I was thankful as it allowed me
to have some (MUCH NEEDED) breathing space. He looked down at me and smiled. It
was a smile that made my heart speed up to an abnormal rate I was surprised at h
ow I still stood on both feet when all I wanted to do was run off somewhere and
crumble. I always imagined feeling this electricity whenever Kyle and I were aro
und each other but it never came.
"Hello stranger" Was all he said to me.
My eyes where focused on his lips that seemed to move in slow motion so slow I h
ad to take in deep breathes and lick my now cracking lips in order to reply. "He
y S-nice seeing you again" frustrated I shook my head and carried on.
"I completely forgot you were new here." I lied. He grimaced and replied "It's h
ardly been a day and you've forgotten me already." I blinked a few times trying
to focus on his words and not just on his now poked out plumped bottom lip. I bl
ushed at the thoughts that were rushing through my mind. I couldn't believe I wa
s thinking about such things.
Especially about a guy that I just met and was not even dating, I didn't want to
ruin whatever connection we had so I simply made an excuse about not meaning to
forget him and that I was still very tired from the party last night.
I didn't feel bad about it as it was partly true, we spoke some more whilst we w
alked down the halls in slow motion. It was nice to have someone like Sebastian
to talk to as we had a lot in common due to our backgrounds being similar as bot
h of us had rebellious siblings who were around the same age.
It made me laugh as I pictured our siblings hanging out together which I didn't
mind as his sister sounded nice. Sometime during my thoughts we had stopped talk
ing, as we were now at the end of the corridor where the lanes split going left
and right. Sebastian was the first to speak which I was grateful for.
"So I've got to turn right which means you'll be going left" he looked at me and
I couldn't tell what the look meant but I felt sad all of a sudden I didn't kno
w what to say so I remained silent.
"I think this is where we hug goodbye or you could skip the hug whichever's ok w
ith you" I looked up at him thinking about what he'd just said. I thought it was
sweet that he wanted to give me a hug. I didn't see anything wrong with two fri
ends hugging so I nodded giving him the go ahead. I couldn't stop the smile that
spread across my face, he was such a sweetheart. The hug he gave me set sparks
like the ones I experienced from the party running down my body, I wasn't prepar
ed for such beautiful sensations to take over me.
You could say I was caught off guard... again, without thinking I lifted my clam
my hands and gripped his shoulders pressing my body closer to his. The one thing
I had no control over was my killer grip I just hoped he wouldn't be hurt or in
pain later on. Surprisingly he didn't react to my grip so I guessed that he was
n't feeling the electric currents running through our linked arms.
I was probably over thinking things, his arms softened around me which made the
hug feel extra nice and comfortable. It made me want to stay in his arms for a v
ery long time but I knew better as everything good always came to an end. Feelin
g like a creep I decided to be the first one to let go and say goodbye, I was ab
out to walk away when I realised I hadn't actually Introduced myself to him. Whi
ch was strange since we'd clearly became friends, I didn't want to be known to h
im as 'Stranger' so I plucked up the courage to turn back around and said "Sebas
tian wait"
He looked into my eyes and replied "Yes" as I turned towards him "If its not too
late to let you know, my name is Rosanna by the way."
Sebastian turned away from me and replied "Goodbye Rosanna by the way" which nea
rly made me die of laughter. My name coming from his mouth sent an army of tingl
es racing down my spine once again.
Either I was going crazy and imagining this or I was really getting hormonal, be
cause even though the feeling was strange I unbelievably liked the feeling. Bitt
ing my lip I blushed all the way to class. It was English literature and I could
n't focus as my mind was on Kyle and Seb. They were two different people that ma
de me happy and comfortable in two different ways. I didn't know what to do, I h
oped I didn't have to choose like Elena in Vampire Diaries because that's just s
tupid. I needed to cut it out I couldn't have two guys and I didn't have the gut
s or the time to choose.
I stayed behind to speak to my English teacher after the class which made me lat
e for lunch. When I finally got to the canteen Carren had already opted for sitt
ing with the sluts from last night's party, Kyle was sitting with the rest of th
e soccer gang and I didn't want to be the one to walk over to them.
So I decided to head towards the seats where the 'other people' sat, sitting wit
h the 'nobody's' brought back the bad memories of the past, memories that I didn
't ever want to bring up let alone experience again. The days when I had a hard
time fitting in back when I didn't have Carren or Kyle.
I was sitting down looking at my plate full of fries, the hot steam made my mout
h water as I focused my eyes on the cheese burger that sat abandoned at the side
of my plate. Licking my lips I reached for the burger and was about to take a b
ite when a shadow blocked my view. Holding back a growl I frowned.
Tilting my head upwards I met eyes with the invader and I immediately smiled. Se
bastian stood their towering over me looking like Thor with his perfectly smooth
ed pushed back hair and his godly bone structure. "l couldn't help but notice yo
u sitting here. Please may I have your permission to sit with you Rosa" his voic
e boomed sweetly. I blinked playfully tipping my face from one side to the other
pretending to think about my answer when really I was relieved to have him sit
with me. Looking at his pouting face I smiled my best smile and nodded. "Sure si
t down anywhere. I wasn't really up for sitting here with the stoners and self h
armers so I really could do with some eye cand-" shocked with my ultimately dumb
statement I slapped my hands over my mouth I couldn't believe I had just said t
hat and out loud. I felt so embarrassed I lowered my head avoiding any type of e
ye contact with him as I whispered curses at myself. Stupid stupid mouth.
Sebastian seemed amused at my confession as he began to chuckle, he bent down so
he could peep at me through my fringe that was covering my ashamed face. "Did y
ou just tell me you secretly like me ooo you like what you see Rose. I'll be sur
e to remember that" I emmidiately looked up at him shocked and wacked him softly
on the shoulder.
Maybe he was a jerk after all, my hand connecting with his shoulder yet again se
nt sparks up my arm, warming up to the feeling I jokily said "Hey stop putting t
houghts in your head I said none of that" he moved his black hair onto his face
mocking me and said with a smirk " is your love life with Kyle going, is
he behaving himself?" I froze in place as I was completely taken aback by his r
eply, my heart dropped and my eyes popped out. How on earth did he know? I didn'
t tell him anything about Kyle. "Seb. I mean Sebastian how do you Erm..". He loo
ked me in the eyes and I noticed he had dark green eyes, they were truly the bes
t I'd ever seen. "I like that name" He smiled to himself and leaned back in his
chair which creaked under his weight, his face held an expression that suggested
that he was thinking of something to say. This made me a little paranoid. I alw
ays got that way whenever I was waiting for someone to speak.
"No biggie I just overheard Kyle in soccer class talking about this girl he call
ed his girlfriend by the name of Rosanna. I wondered if that was you that's all.
" he replied while smiling. I took in a lot of air then sighed.
This made his smile widen, oh how I loved to see him smile "Okay I was going to
tell you but I didn't think it was a problem as Kyle and I aren't even official
as we haven't been getting on well lately so..." I had to stop talking because I
didn't really know what else to say. I wasn't about to apologies for not tellin
g him, after all were just friends. Sebastian looked me in the eyes again which
cut off my train of thoughts, making my heart beat speed up I pouted not enjoyin
g the affect he had on me. He leaned in so close that I could feel his breath on
my lips and said " You don't need to explain yourself. I understand. Don't feel
stressed, you haven't done anything wrong. I've got go now but before I go can
you do me one favour?" I nodded unable to breathe properly.
"Tell your unofficial boyfriend to stop being a dick" I laughed as I wasn't expe
cting that at all. He leaned in once more and brushed away the hair covering my
cheek and said " You're a strong girl, if he's smart he'll listen to you. I'll s
ee you around Rose" Taking his hand away and stuffing it in his jeans trouser po
cket, he stood up to his full length making me automatically tip my head back in
order to see his face. Saddened but still laughing I waved him goodbye.
{Chapter Five}
Sebastian's: POV
I didn't want her know that I knew about Kyle, but I couldn't hide it from her.
If we were ever going to work out in the future I had to be honest with her from
the start. Rosanna's trust was all I wanted and needed, sitting with her made m
e notice all the little things about her. Like the way she blinked and fidgeted
whenever I was silent, the way she would sometimes scrunch up her nose whenever
I leaned into her. I wasn't too sure what it meant yet but for now I was enjoyin
g the beauty of being around her. I highly enjoyed the moments were she'd begin
to blush, she'd cover her face with her hair as if it was her web of protection.
I smiled at the thought of being the one to make her smile and blush. The feeli
ng it gave me was pure, so pure it sent a warm feeling of comfort down my chest
finishing at my toes. She had no idea what she was doing to me. Sitting in silen
ce with her felt peaceful but I couldn't help asking about her relationship with
Kyle, I needed to know if she was receiving the right protection and care a gir
l like her deserved. I didn't quite get the answers I wanted but she did mention
that they were having a rough time getting along. A part of me was relieved and
the other part of me was so angry that I just wanted to flip the table over and
punch him in the face.
I hated feeling angered it was a reminder of my humanity slipping away from me,
how on earth could I forget about the change. It's slowly consuming my body maki
ng my feelings and emotions more intense. It's driving me mad, I only have six m
onths left to be human as I would have completed my transformation by the fifth
month. I can't seem to escape that feeling of wanting to protect her, I'd do any
thing for her, yes anything.
Not wanting her to hate me for hurting her friend I got up after telling her tha
t I had to leave. I could tell she was disappointed but I told myself to make it
up to her once I complete my transformation. I stormed out of the college halls
and headed to my car and slammed the door shut. I sat there in the cold car jus
t looking at the gates waiting for them to magically open. I began to think abou
t Rose hoping it'd help me to calm down, I thought about her beautiful
and unique. She wasn't too tall but I liked that about her, her soft auburn and
light brown hair fell past her shoulders making her look angelic and cute. I th
ought about the ways I could get to know her more without coming across as nosey
. God it was hard trying not to touch her or hold her. I've waited for her for s
o long, I've put up with nearly every girl in the college expect for her friend
Carren throwing themselves at me.
I never paid any of them any attention because I knew they couldn't do anything
for me or be anything to me. None of them were capable of making me happy. There
was only one girl that could give me everything I'd been waiting for and I knew
it was Rose ever since that party I knew I had found her. Dancing with her at t
he party was a blessing and the moment she put her arms around my waist I knew t
hat she was the girl I'd spend my life with. She'd be mine and If she'd let me I
'd happily be hers.
But until then I would hide my feelings and distance myself by just being her fr
iend in order to watch Kyle closely.
Two months later...
Rosanna hadn't touched her diary for weeks and weeks, she'd been too caught up i
n her studies. Her college exams were just around the corner literally and she n
eeded to focus in order to get the scores and grades that would get her into uni
versity. She couldn't wait for exams to come as she had missed many parties and
hanging out with Kyle. They still weren't an offical couple yet but they spoke o
n the phone and texted eachother once a week. It wasn't the best as her studies
put a strain on their development causing them to have a few misunderstandings, it
wasn't anything too serious.
Sometimes it felt as if they were both from different worlds, he barely took his
studies seriously as he just wanted to be a soccer superstar and get every girl
s attention. On the other hand she wanted to make her family proud, have good gr
ades, go to university find a job, make good money and later have a family of he
r own and be happy.
Today was Kyle's eighteenth birthday, he was throwing a massive party but it was
n't at his house which was a shame. Rosanna had always wanted to go to Kyle's ho
use as he often bragged about how cool his house was and how much space he had t
o himself. But instead he was having a party in a abandoned mansion which was ex
citing for Rosanna but annoying at the same time as it meant she was unable to d
rive her car there, due to not knowing the location properly. Rosanna had only o
ne choice left which was to get a ride with Carren who promised to pick her up a
nd drive her home.
Rosanna wanted to look pretty for Kyle so she put on a red flowery cocktail dres
s that reached the top of her knees. It clung to her small but good sized boobs
and loosely fell around her waist, she smiled in the mirror and left her hair st
raight as it had been cut over a week ago and hung a little shorter around her s
houlders. She put on her cat eye eyeliner and painted her lips a cherry red colo
ur before leaving the house.
Rosanna waited about eight minutes on the curb outside of her parent's house for
Carren when she finally decided to arrive. They said their 'hellos' and pulled
out of the driveway, Carren blasted music that they both loved. They listened to
'Fall out Boys' songs and 'Kpop' bands, both of them sang their lungs out until
they arrived at a mansion in the middle of the woods.
Rosanna's: POV
Cars were parked in the strangest places and cups were scattered on the floor le
ading to the entrance, we stepped out of the car and began to walk through the s
toned paths of the entrance. Once we made it to the door we noticed the house ha
d no lighting which meant we'd have to squint our eyes to try and find people (T
ypical Kyle). I was once again abandoned by Carren as she managed to find her sl
uts to hang out with which left me by myself. I decided not to join them this ti
me as I was more interested in searching for the birthday boy.
The first place I searched was the kitchen which was filled with smokers so I tu
rned back not wanting to choke on the fumes, I was heading for the stairs when s
omeone patted my shoulder. I turned around which put me extremely close to the p
ersons face, the room was so smokey I had to squint at the person who was standi
ng in front of me. I put my hands on their chest as I began to gently push the p
erson out of the smoke so that I could see their face.
My face lit up when I realised it was Sebastian.
"Seb you scared me, where have you been hiding I didn't realise you were friends
with Kyle" he laughed at me which sent a few strands of hair flying across my f
ace due to how close we stood together. "Hey Rosa, I didn't mean to scare you. S
orry" He said and flashed his signature smile at me. "I've been busy with family
stuff, I met him a few times can't say I know him as a friend. To be honest wit
h you I just came for the party" I nodded in agreement while we spoke some more
until the music got real loud that he could no longer hear what I was saying. I
tip toed and balanced my hands on either side of his strong and firm shoulders w
hispering into his ear "Have you seen Kyle anywhere? I'm trying to find him" He
replied that he'd last seen him upstairs but he wasn't sure and that he'd help m
e find him as it was dark and he didn't want me to fall on the stairs. I thought
that was sweet and we began our journey upstairs. My legs wobbled with every st
ep I took to the top of the stairs, it wasn't very often you'd be followed upsta
irs by a handsome guy like Sebastian whom you could feel their eyes piercing int
o your back.
It wasn't in a creepy way but a protecting way. It felt good to know someone so
nice and currently perfect existed amongst the high school creeps. When we reach
ed the top of the stairs I was completely lost, there were far too many rooms to
know which one Kyle was hiding in. I turned to Sebastian with a pout and said "
Seb, I don't have a clue please be an angel and point me in the right direction"

Sebastian's: POV
Chuckling at her words I couldn't believe she thought I was an angel. I began to
hum and frown then replied "Take the second left down the corridor and the door
should be the forth down the hall" Shocked she followed my directions without a
sking me any questions, wow she actually believed me. Once she got to the door I
stood behind her as we both listened to the strange breathing noises, sounds th
at came from what sounded like a male and female. She looked at me with a doubtf
ul frown that shouted for me to confirm that this was indeed the incorrect door.
But my face said something different. Stepping towards her I whispered "you don
't have to go in there you could just go and wait downstairs until he's ready to
tell you what he's been doing up here for so long. This isn't going to end well
There and then realisation hit her in the face and she began to go over what I'd
just told her over and over and over again the voice telling her that something
behind the door would upset her. She refused to walk away she refused to wait f
or Kyle to be done with whatever he was doing. Because she had decided that she
needed to see it for herself. Decision made she wasted no more time and grabbed
onto the door handle and pushed the door open.
The room that was revealed was dark and smokey but even with those signs she kne
w that the room was indeed a bedroom breathing calmly she began to lower her eye
s to the floor where she identified a pair of thrilly laced knickers followed by
a pair of light blue Levi Jeans which Rosanna recognised as the ones she bought
for Kyle just a few weeks ago. She then looked towards the bed where Carren's s
lutty friend Patrice sat straddling a fully naked Kyle.
{Chapter Six}
Rosanna's: POV
My cheeks became hot as my finger tips started to burn with hate and disbelief,
how could Kyle do this to me did he ever care for me? Was I ever important to hi
m? I couldn't look away from them even though my heart felt like it would burst
out of my chest. The couple hadn't been affected by my entrance as they simply c
ontinued with what they were doing, annoyed I stepped further into the room, whe
n I reached the foot of the bed I froze in place. What do I do now? I needed to
stay strong I didn't want to cry in front of Kyle, if I cried now it would revea
l that he had broken me.
"How could you! to think I actually once liked you makes me sick, Kyle I hope it
was worth it because this right here... is unforgivable" without hesitation I p
icked up one of Candice's shoes and threw it at them before turning my back to l
eave the room. Reaching the door I turned around and shouted "Enjoy your slut wh
ile she lasts because you'll never EVER get a piece of me" with that said I ran
away from the scene heading for the front door. My heart was pounding so fast as
I ran I completely forgot about Sebastian on the way out of the room I was in s
uch a rush to rid myself from the scene I had just witnessed that my body couldn
't stop I just had to keep moving because if I didn't I'd be sure to have a brea
k-down. I had just reached outside of the house when I began to breathe normal a
gain but I still hadn't gained control of my legs which kept on moving, with eve
ry step I became more and more fragile and lost, I was in such a dream world tha
t I fell on the stoned pathway face first. The impact made me cry as I didn't ha
ve the strength to get up, I just layed there with my face buried in the ground.
I was so useless I couldn't find love or keep a boyfriend. What did I do that wa
s so bad to have a punishment like this, all I wanted now was to be held and tak
en away from this place but the possibility of that happening was rare I began t
o sob even louder. Through the pain and sadness I could hear footsteps approachi
ng me but I didn't move I just waited for the person to walk past me, suddenly m
y body was lifted into a pair of strong arms and my mind went wild as I automati
cally slapped, scratched and pinched the person in order to injure them but they
wouldn't budge they just carried my fighting body as if I was a fragile object.
I tried to blink through my tears in order to see the persons face, black hair
came into my view and immediately I began to feel bad for fighting as I knew it
was only Sebastian.
Instantly I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tight as he began to whi
sper into my ear softly "I'm here for you, don't cry it'll be okay I promise" Sa
ddened by his tone I replied as if we were in a fairytale "Then don't let me go.
" Sebastian nodded as he carried me towards his car. He placed me softly onto th
e comfy chair inside his car and got in beside me, we didn't speak as I stared s
traight ahead not wanting him to see the tears that fell down my cheeks. I knew
it was too late as Sebastian quickly brought his hand up to turn my face so that
I had nowhere else to look. I lowered my eyes to my lap feeling ashamed, I hadn
't known him very long and I hated the fact that he was seeing me this vulnerabl
e. I just hoped he'd still be my friend and not think I was pathetic, I closed m
y eyes just as he lifted a hand to stroke my face wiping the remaining tears awa
y. His touch was gentle and soothing it made me want to smile and be happy but I
couldn't I just wanted to get out of this place, I didn't want to go home and f
or some reason I knew that Seb knew that too which was why he was stalling.
Looking at him sideways I said "What do we do now" he looked at me then at his w
atch. It was about 2am now which meant we didn't have a variety of options as mo
st places would already be closed. "I will take you home, you need to get some s
leep" instead of arguing with him I let him drive me home. I directed him toward
s my house which left us to enjoy a silent and peaceful ride. He really wasn't l
ike other guys that asked stupid questions or made me feel super awkward which I
was grateful for.
Unwillingly my thoughts went back to what I had seen at the party I couldn't bel
ieve I had let myself fall for such a disgusting guy. I hated Kyle for using me
for so long only to destroy my feelings like this, I could feel my throat throbb
ing as tears started to fall from my eyes once more. Sniffing I tried my best to
snap out of it just as we pulled into the driveway outside my house. I looked t
owards Sebastian just as he reached towards me and lifted me out of my seat and
into his arms, he began to stroke my cheeks again probably finding more tears to
wipe away, slowly he twisted me around until I was facing his direction and loo
ked me in my eyes and said "Stop thinking about it Rose" I nodded and he began t
o exit the car with me still in his arms. I wondered how heavy I felt to him...
I hoped I wasn't too much work for him. We were about to reach my door when I re
alised my keys were stuffed in my shorts under my dress, still in his arms I beg
an to wiggle my butt while trying to reach the keys but I couldn't get to them.
Politely I asked Seb to get them for me. Surprisingly he reached for them withou
t touching my whole entire body and I began to wonder if he was always this nice
to girls or if he was just pretending. He shuffled me from a cradle to a sittin
g position with my legs securely around his waist as he began to unlock the door
, I tried so hard to ignore the sparks and tingles that erupted at my crutch are
a from his closeness but it was impossible to not feel the slight pleasure it ga
ve me. I wasn't much of a sexual person as I was always busy and hadn't had any
time for anything that went beyond kissing. Blushing at the thought of liking th
e feeling I was experiencing I hid my face in the crook of his neck while he ret
urned the keys into my shorts pocket, he steadied my body against his once more
and pushed the door open enough for us both to fit in, he then asked for the dir
ections to my bedroom which I told him was the second one on the right side of t
he staircase.
I grew nervous as he neared my bedroom I hadn't brought a guy to my room before
and I wasn't sure what Sebastian would think of my purple themed room. I knew he
'd never judge me so I put my feelings aside as we entered my light purple room.
Sebastian layed me down onto my back on top of my bed as he went to sit at my b
lood red seat at the window....It was my favourite place to chill whenever I was
stressed or working on an essay, it was a really good spot especially to look a
t the stars that shone extremely bright at night-time. That was one thing specia
l about my room as it was the only one facing the brightest stars. I'd spent man
y days gazing at the moon as it made me think of wolves and how they communicate
d with each other through howling at the sky, I'd wished for so long that I'd be
supernatural or just to be a part of a miracle. I would always favourite immort
al creatures especially Vampires as I enjoyed the way they spoke so exotically a
nd how nice they treated their girlfriends, as if they were the most precious pe
rson in the world.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I realised Sebastian had moved from the seat b
y the window and was now approaching me, he moved in slow motion which made me n
ervous he kneeled in front of me and began to take off my shoes I didn't know wh
at to do. I had forgotten I even had them on when he was finished I thanked him
which he replied with a simple nod, I thought to myself if it was the correct ti
me to ask him the questions I had thought about earlier but then decided it wasn
't the time as he said "Rosanna I'll be leaving now, it's late and I'm sure you'
re exhausted." It was true I was tired but for some reason I didn't want him to
leave I didn't want to be alone. Clearing my throat I looked him in the eyes and
pleaded with him "please don't leave now, I don't want to be left here alone wo
uld you stay with me Seb...just for tonight."
{Chapter Seven}
Sebastian's: POV
I watched her face change from a concerned expression to a saddened one, it kill
ed me inside just a little to know that it was me that caused her face to portra
y those feelings. How could I not stay I wouldn't be able to sleep at night know
ing I had left her dealing with a harsh break up and a never ending disappointme
nt all because of me. I looked her in the eyes and stroked her face, "Yes I will
stay with you for tonight but... no funny business my mum wouldn't approve of y
ou trying to have your way with me". Giggles erupted from the mouth I cherished
the most. It gave me an amazing feeling in my heart knowing that through the cra
zed antics of today I could still make her laugh.
Rosanna's: POV
Sitting up on the bed I politely ask Sebastian to kindly straighten up the bed w
hile I go to the bathroom to take a much needed shower. Closing the door I strip
down to my bra and knickers as I walk over to the mirror, I begin to rub at the
itchy mascara that had been left smeared around my eyes. The person before me l
ooked almost unrecognisable but of course it was only me, not wanting to ever lo
ok at the image again I splashed my face with warm water and hurriedly brushed m
y teeth. Tying my hair in a high bun I hopped into the shower. Leaving the bathr
oom I rode back into the bedroom to find Seb already cosy in bed, I couldn't hel
p but smirk at how cute he looked in my blackish purple sheets. It made me think
of a few inappropriate things I'd enjoy experiencing with him, I didn't know wh
y but Seb did that to me... making me want to do things that I'd never wanted or
even thought about doing with Jake. Once I was in my bed shorts and T-shirt I l
ooked at Seb and smiled "Thanks for staying with me, after all you didn't have t
o. I am grateful." I moved closer but not too close to him in the bed just becau
se I couldn't stand the distance that was between us. I wanted to feel the warmt
h of the electricity that erupted within my body whenever we were close to one a
nd other. He smirked at me and offered to wrap his arms around me which made me
realise how tall he was as my head barely reached his shoulder, it was almost a
struggle to see his expression as I attempted to look up at him. "You don't have
to thank me so much I just don't like to see you so distressed, it saddens me a
nd If It means being your knight in shining armour that is what I will be." His
words brought a single tear to my eye I couldn't believe how sweet and caring on
e person could be, it just felt like a dream like everything I ever wanted in a
guy actually did exist.
Feeling like it was the correct time to question him I sat up a little and looke
d him in his beautiful green eyes and said "why are you so amazing? Your always
kind and never straight forward, you're crazy're like the guy every g
irl wants but can never have."
Sebastian's: POV
Frowning I just stared at her for a while I couldn't understand why she'd think
she couldn't have a guy like me, when I was trying to give her my all, I just ne
eded her to accept me. Yes I knew I tempted many girls but that didn't matter wh
en I only wanted her. The room became silent and I heard her breathes become imp
atient, I tried wrecking my brain for the words to explain to her but it was too
difficult. With that I looked her in her golden eyes and lowered my head toward
s hers and kissed her lips.
Rosanna's: POV
I began to panic when he didn't answer me, I felt stupid I was about to convince
him to forget my silly questions when his mouth suddenly met mine. Our lips con
nected so fast I didn't have time to breathe, I felt no hesitation to get closer
to him, all of a sudden my hands were gliding up his face and into his silky ha
ir. This was so unlike me but I couldn't help myself, it felt so good, his mouth
was so welcoming to my tongue I shivered.
Without much hesitation he wrapped his arms around my waist and began to caress
my lower back which made me moan aloud. Shocked with my reaction I pulled out of
the kiss and looked at Seb with a guilty and highly embarassed face. "I'm so so
rry, I didn't mean t-" he began to laugh which made me confused. "What's so funn
y" I said with a saddend face. Sitting up he looked me deep into my eyes and sai
d "You are truly amazing Rose, apologising for something so small". He threw one
of his arms around my shoulder and shuffled me closer to his side. "Don't worry
about it, no one will ever know so let's just get some sleep." Feeling grateful
and a little less embarrassed I simply nodded. He kissed the top of my head and
said "Sweet dreams my love" with that I smiled happily and closed my eyes.
The Next Step
{Chapter eight}
Sebastian's: POV
The morning light seeped through the curtains in Rosanna's room causing me to wa
ke up. I looked towards Rosa who slept peacefully in my arms, my hand instantly
went to her face as I pushed back the auburn hair that layed across her face. Sh
e was even more beautiful when she slept. I didn't want to leave her, she looked
so fragile I wish I could stay like this with her for the whole day.
But I couldn't I had to get to the family meeting.
Groaning I placed her sleeping figure beside me in the bed. Fixing a pillow unde
r her head I rose from the bed and took in the surroundings. Her room was a soft
purple which didn't surprise me, after all it was the colour of angels. She was
my angel, even though she didn't know it yet, I looked at the neon green clock
and cursed silently. I had less than an hour to get to work, I hurriedly put my
clothes back on and picked up some of Rosanna's clothes that were scattered acro
ss the floor before placing a kiss on the top of her head.
Rosanna's: POV
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window, stretching my arms a
nd legs I opened my eyes to see that my room had been cleaned. Blinking a few ti
mes I tried to remember the previous events and came up blank. Shrugging I smile
d remembering that it was Sunday, I loved Sundays I could just chill out, relax
and catch up on Pretty Little Liars.
Laying back down I snuggled deeper into the sheets drowning in the heat I was in
my own world when I heard a crackling sound. I froze thinking that someone had
broken into my parent's house. I stayed completely still holding my breath liste
ning for more noises. And heard nothing.
Slowly I lifted my hands above my head pulling the covers from my face and looke
d around my room. My eyes landed on a piece of paper that sat on top of my bedsi
de table, I reached for it and read...
"Morning sleeping beauty, you're probably missing me... it's okay, we will see e
achother again. I promise, love from your knight in shining armour..."
Oh my goodness what did I do last night. I ran to the bathroom and splashed free
zing cold water on my face. Looking directly into the mirror the events of last
night came rushing back. The party, Kyle and the slut, my break down and the kis
s... the kiss oh my god I kissed Sebastian.
A part of me wanted to jump for joy and another part of me was disappointed. I w
as ashamed that we had shared a kiss because of a horrible breakup. I liked Seba
stian he was amazing but I didn't want him to pitty me and think that I was usin
g him to get over Kyle. Feeling sad I headed downstairs and it became clear as t
o what the popping sound was that I heard earlier. Someone made a massive bowl o
f sweet popcorn, my mouth instantly watered I battled with my inner thoughts tha
t were telling me to ignore the urges to eat it all. Looking around I saw multip
le goods scattered in different bowls around the kitchen counter. My eyes widene
d it was like Christmas so many tasty treats to choose from, I didn't know where
to start so I grabbed a handful of everything and returned to my bedroom and be
gan the Pretty Little Liars marathon.
Rosanna had been laying around in her room for almost 7 hours, she had watched t
he whole of season four of Pretty Little Liars again and was scrolling through h
er Tumblr. She looked at her alarm clock that revealed that it was now 9pm she c
ouldn't believe she hadn't even gotten washed yet she was too busy being lazy. S
tretching she pulled her top off and went into the bathroom and got into the sho
wer. 20 minutes later she came out wearing a new pair of pajamas from Victoria's
Secret it was a shorts and T-shirt set in a pale pink colour, she had just tied
a bow in her shorts when her phone rang.
The caller ID was unknown, Rosanna didn't hesitate she quickly accepted the call
. She brought her mobile up to her ear and listened, she waited for the person t
o speak first.
"Rose" said a voice she knew all too well.
"Sebastian how did you get my number?" Her voice was filled with shock and delig
ht. She hadn't seen or spoken to anyone all day and she was pleased to hear a vo
ice that wasn't her own.
"I have my ways, what are you doing right now?" He cheekily replied. Pretending
to be busy she sat on her bed and continued to scroll through her Tumblr feeds "
I'm pretty occupied actually, busy... super busy. What are you doing?" She repli
ed smiling to herself. His voice was so calming she wished she could listen to h
im speak all day-night long.
"Is that so. I guess you're too busy for me to visit you then." Her heart sped u
p just thinking about seeing his face again of course she would never be too bus
y for a guy like Sebastian. Without thinking she said "Wait, I mean no I'm not b
usy at all actually." Cursing herself for sounding like a desperate teenage girl
she turned over laying on her back and waited for his reply which never came.
Instead there was a knock at her bedroom window...
The Next Step Pt.2
Rosannas: POV
My heart sped up as I approached the window ledge. Slowly I pulled the curtains
open and came face to face with a drenched Sebastian, I wanted to laugh my head
off. How long had he been standing there, he looked so magical under the moonlig
ht. In a daze I stood there watching him as he took in my appearance from behind
the window, I hadn't combed my hair and I wasn't wearing much. I looked down at
my bare legs and tiny little laced shorts and suddenly felt naked.
Stepping back I closed the curtains and put on my favourite jogging bottoms, not
that I ever went jogging. When I returned to the window he was gone, my heart d
ropped and my eyes instantly became watery. I couldn't believe he was gone.
Sulking I sat back on my bed with a thump feeling disappointed, I picked up my i
Phone and texted him. "Where'd you go?" Minutes passed before he replied "behind
you" at that I jumped up and managed to trip over my laptop charger and landed
on my ass on the bedroom floor.
My eyes bluged out of my head as they scanned the room looking for Sebastian. He
wasn't anywhere to be seen, emmidiately I felt stupid for falling for his trick
. Huffing aloud at my own stupidity it texted him back "Haha very funny."
Sebastian's: POV
There was a bang and a moan as I appraoched Rosannas front door. I chuckled to myse
lf knowing that she had recieved my text. How typical of her to really believe t
hat I had magically appeared in her bedroom, I may be able to smell and hear thi
ngs that other people couldn't but I wasn't a supernatural creature at least not
I was about to knock on Rosanna's front door when I recieved a text from her "Ha
ha very funny", so she thought I was a joker I'll show her funny. Placing a hand
on the door handle of her front door I gave it a nudge, to my luck it wasn't lo
cked. Entering the house I went straight to her fridge grabbing a can of cream I s
ilently headed upstairs.
Once I was outside her bedroom door I removed the cap from the cream, pushing th
e door open aiming the cream in front of me and squeezed.
Rosanna's: POV
I began to get frustrated as I sat on the floor facing my bedroom door looking a
t my phone. Why hadn't he replied to me yet? Maybe the message hadn't gone throu
gh yet or maybe it wasn't worth replying to. After all he wasn't my boyfriend an
d he hadn't even said he liked me he didn't have a reason to reply to me. Oh cra
p why hadn't I thought of it before maybe he wanted to speak to me about our kis
s. He probably wanted to tell me that it was a mistake and to keep it a secret..
How had I gotten so carried away thinking that we had become something special a
fter one kiss. Stupid me of course he was just being a good friend right? Maybe
those snacks he left me this morning were to butter me up for the next step... t
he friend zone!
Satisfied with the idea that he wasn't going to reply or turn up anytime soon I
began to stand up, I was about to pull my jogging bottoms off when my bedroom do
or flew open.
I screamed at the top of my lungs as white foam came flying at me, I didn't even
have time to run away or defend myself. I just stood there dumbfounded as the whi
pped cream covered me from head to toe.
I brought my hands up removing some cream from my face and ran towards Sebastian
who was at the other side of my bed laughing his head off. Just as I was about
to throw it on him he ducked and started running across the room heading for the
bedroom door. No way was I about to let him leave untouched.
I hopped over my bed and beat him to the door, standing in front of him I smirke
d at my achievement and jumped at him making sure the whipped cream on my body s
meared all over his clothes. We both fell back onto the bed leaving me straddlin
g his waist, looking down at him I laughed at his shocked expression as I grabbed
the can of cream from his hands and sqeezed the remains onto his beautiful face.
His midnight black hair was covered completely which made me laugh, his long bla
ck lashes were now hidden, so were his bright green eyes. My hands went to cares
s his jaw as they made him a beared made out of the cream.
Sebastian didn't know what to do he hadn't expected her to take him by surprise
like that. She sat straddling him as she played with his face, secretly he enjoy
ed the feeling of her body on his. The position they were now in was beyond frie
ndship which he hadn't expected from her. He had prepared himself to hear a spee
ch from her suggesting that he should forget about their kiss and keep it a secr
Rubbing the cream from his eyes he looked at her pink lips, then at her hazel ey
es. They both held each other's gazes for a while before he flipped them over so
that he was on top of her. Looking into her dazed eyes he lowered his face and
gently pressed his lips onto hers, she kissed him back after two minutes of no r
esponse he deepened their kiss by sliding his tongue into her welcoming mouth.
Her chest pressed against his as her breathing became ragged, he could tell that
she wasn't used to being kissed so passionately. Deciding not to overwhelm her
he pulled back just a little, looking deeply into her twinkling eyes and said "B
e my girlfriend."
A new beginning
Rosannas: POV
My breathing was ragged as Sebastian kissed the life out of me. I was happy to f
inally have the answers to my never ending questions, he actually liked me... wh
y else would he be here right now kissing me senseless. I looked into his eyes a
s they bored into mine he was so beautiful I know you shouldn't call dudes beaut
iful but Sebastian was.
He was so dreamy in his all black outfit, he wore a black circle neck top and bl
ack fitted levi jeans, his midnight black hair hung slightly over his bright gre
en eyes. His jaw line was hairless, broad, sharp and very masculine it was a stu
ggle to not focus on those plumped lips of his. He reminded me of a vampire I on
ce read about during my vampire book addiction faze, back then no one could talk
to me I was too lost in falling in love with the seductive vampire characters.
I especially had a crush on that teacher from the House of Night series who fell
in love with Zoey Redbird he was my dream guy.
Snapping out of my thoughts I realised Sebastian was still pressed against me as
he kept his mouth inches from my lips. My attention drifted from his lips to hi
s eyes just as he said "Be my girlfriend."
It was like my world had stopped my heart beat began to race and happily thud ag
ainst my chest, I'm sure he felt it too. My ears and face began to heat up as my
mind felt dizzy, slowly I was drifting away into coo-coo land. I couldn't belie
ve it Sebastian wanted me to be his girlfriend. Me
I began to picture us hanging out together at restaurants and bowling alleys. To
be able to walk beside eachother holding hands was nothing but a crazy dream to
me. Wait am I dreaming? I hope I'm not because I could die of happiness right n
ow. A warm fuzzy feeling rushed over me followed by a strange shaky feeling whic
h kept getting more and more intense. I snapped out of my thoughts looking up at a
frightened Sebastian who seemed to have been shaking me back to reality judging
by the way his hands gripped my shoulders.
Smiling up at him I answered his question "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend" and eager
ly kissed his lips with a new hunger I had never experienced before.
The next day
6:30 am
I woke up an hour before my alarm time and entered the bathroom with a smile on
my face. This was the last week of college which was also known as exams week fo
r every student, Rosanna felt anxious just thinking about results day. She had t
o remind herself to do her absolute best so that she could enjoy the six weeks b
reak before starting university. Rosanna had planned to spend most of it with Se
bastian, however Carren had other plans which included many shopping trips to fi
nd her the best birthday gown as Rosanna's 18th birthday was three months away.
Rosanna's: POV
Brushing my teeth I set myself a nice hot bath and put two drops of my best bubb
le bath from Lush into the tub to keep me relaxed throughout the day. I got in o
nce I was done brushing my teeth and cleansing my face and tilted my head back l
etting my hair swish around in the water and closed my eyes. It felt so good to
be able to take things slow in the morning I was always rushing whenever I was w
ith Kyle because he was so impatient and never let me take my time to enjoy a ni
ce hot bath.
After washing my body I stepped out and wrapped a large towel around my body and
a smaller towel around my hair. I headed to the stereo in my room putting my favo
urite song on by Two Door Cinema Club - What you know and started to get ready f
or college.
I was dressed in green high waisted leggings with gold zippers on each side of m
y hips, with a black sheen dipped shirt which slightly showcased my glittery bla
ck under top, I put on my dull black pair of Doc Martens followed by a chuncky b
lack cardigan and my denim backpack. My hair was in its natural texture (soft cu
rls) as I had washed all the whipped cream out of it last night before going to
Because it was Monday I didn't put any foundation on I just put on my favourite
mascara, some simple eyeliner and peach coloured lip gloss and headed downstairs
to eat breakfast alone. Once I had finished my bowl of shreddies I headed back up
stairs and into my room to get my iPhone which had been charging.
I noticed I had a missed call from Sebastian so I called him back. He picked up
straight away as if he had been expecting a call from me.
"Hey, I missed your call" he explained that he had been wondering if I wanted to g
o to college with him which made me even happier of course I wanted to go with h
im why wouldn't I. "Sure, I'll be waiting. " I said with a chuckle and headed fo
r the front door. Just before calling out to Joe saying goodbye, he didn't say a
nything so I assumed he was asleep and closed the front door just as Sebastian p
ulled up in a range rover.
My mouth was wide open forming an "O" shape as I approached the car. He smirked
at my stupid expression and unlocked the door pushing it open for me climp in. E
mmidiately I was grateful that I hadn't decided to wear a skirt otherwise it wou
ld've been a lot more difficult for me to get into the car in one piece.
"H-how did you get such an expensive car?" I asked once I was seated. His smile
grew wider, he started the car before saying "Oh it was handed to me. My father
gave it to me as a present for starting my new job." Wow what kind of parents di
d he have, they must really love him to buy him such an awesome car just for sim
ply getting a job. He looked at me before pulling out of the driveway of my pare
nts house and headed for the motorway. We didn't say much and I was happy but co
nfused I really wanted to hear his voice so I decided to try and get to know him
some more.
Flipping my hair to one side as I looked at his peaceful face whilst he focused
on the road ahead of us. "Are you just gonna stare at me the whole ride?" I look
ed away feeling embarrassed to have been caught so soon. "Umm yes and no. I want
ed to get to know you some more but I didn't know what to ask you." He looked at
me and smiled a smile that made me feel calm "What do you want to know?" I shru
gged I didn't have a clue I just knew I wanted to keep him talking.
"Okay I will tell you more about myself after this week when we have more time t
o spend together... is that okay?" feeling excited and slightly saddened I simpl
y nodded as we pulled into the colleges parking lot.
I was about to leave the car when Sebastian locked the door causing me to look a
t him with confusion. "Hey open the door we'll be late for the first exam." He c
huckled lifting me off the chair and onto his lap, my breathing hitched as I loo
ked into his determined green eyes, "You look extra beautiful today Rosa" he sai
d breathlessly just inches away from my mouth all I could say was "Uh-huh" I was
too busy focusing on his soft lips that were now pressed against my cheek. I wa
s struggling with my sudden urge to turn my face to the right and connect my mou
th to his.
I started to blush which made me hide my face with my hair, he pushed the hair b
ack from my face exposing my reddness "Don't do that anymore, we're together now
you don't have to hide I love seeing your blush." I smiled as he finally kissed
my lips it only lasted a second or two as some dumb teenagers came tapping on t
he window of his car sending us into a miniature shock. I took the opportunity t
o unlock the doors and step out of the car, to my luck Sebastian followed me and
latched onto my hand.
Looking down at our joined hands made me all giddy inside, I'd never been able t
o do this with Kyle. I was glad that I could actually feel happy with Sebastian
he wasn't hiding anything from anyone he was the complete opposite of Kyle.. he
was proud to show everyone that he was in a relationship with me.
Smiling I looked up at him as he said "Shall we get this day started." I nodded
as we made our way into the schools croweded halls hand in hand.

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