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Department of ECE

Class S5 ECE A & B
Subject Code 11L501
Subject Digital Communication
Prepared By C.Kamalanathan

Lesson. No 1


Content List: Matched Filter.


Skills Addressed: Reading, Writing, Listening, Understanding, Drawing Mind Map,

3. Objectives:
1. To detecting a pulse transmission over a channel
2. To study the properties of Matched filter

4. Lesson Links:
1. What is matched filter?
2. Define Linear filter.
3. Draw the block diagram of an Linear receiver.
5. Alpha Breathing : (2 Mins)
The three steps for alpha breathing are
Breathe in
Breathe out
(Repeat the three steps for 8 times)
6. Evocation : (5 mins)

7. Introduction:( 20-25 mins)
Attached as power point presentation in Annexure I

8. Brain Activation: (2 mins)
9. Survey and Reading by students: (15-18 mins)
Book: Communication Systems 4
Edition Author: Simon Haykin Page No: 248 - 253

Discussion: ( 9 mins)
The students will be asked to discuss the relevant topic among their team/other
team/Faculty. The students those who have not taken part will be noted and kindle them to
11. Mind Map: (5-7 mins)
Attached as power point presentation in Annexure II

12. Summary: (5 mins)
Attached as power point presentation in Annexure III

13. Gazing/Rote memory: (2 mins)
1. Matched filter
2. Channel Noise
3. Peak pulse signal-to-noise ratio
4. Schwarzs inequality
5. Power spectral density
6. Additive noise
7. Impulse response
8. Rayleigh Energy Theorem
9. Signal energy-to-noise spectral density ratio
10. Noise spectral density
14. Assessment:
Attached as power point presentation in Annexure IV

15. Learning outcomes:
By learning this topic the students will be able to understand Matched filter and it will help
them to apply this knowledge in real time applications.

Annexure II - Mind Map

Delayed version of the input
signal that is matched to the
input signal
The function of the receiver is
to detect the pulse signal g(t)
in an optimum manner, given
the signal x(t)
The filter resulting
output y(t) = go(t)
+ n(t)
A linear time-
invariant filter in
this way is called a
matched filter
Properties of
matched filters

Matched Filter
Detecting a pulse transmitted over
a channel that is corrupted by
channel noise
Annexure III Summary

Matched filter : It is a filter which is matched to a unknown signal of T-section duration.
And which, when with this signal corrupted by additive signal white Gaussian noise,
maximizes the output SNR at time t=T.
H(f ) and h(t) of a matched filter
H(f) = kP* (f) exp (-j2*pi*f*T) Matched Filter
h(t) = kP(T-t) Matched Folder

Annexure IV - Multiple choice Questions

The line code which suppresses the dc component is
a) Bipolar RZ b) Manchester code c) Polar NRZ d) Unipolar NRZ

The line code which has an inbuilt error-detecting capability against sign
version of a transmitted pulse due to channel noise is
a) Bipolar RZ b) Manchester code c) Polar NRZ d) Unipolar NRZ

The Rayleighs energy theorem is expresses by
a) E = ()

b) E = ()

c) E = ()

d) E = ()

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