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In Lesson #11 Iesus entered Ierusa|em on the most crowded day of the year,
the beg|nn|ng of assoverthe |argest of the three annua| p||gr|mage
fesnva|s, dur|ng wh|ch the popu|anon of Ierusa|em swe||s from 100,000 to
1,000,000 peop|e.
Iesus enters Ierusa|em, not as a humb|e servant, but as a k|ng to the cheers
of thousands: :;$#/%%/< =>"##"0 ,# ?" @?$ -$A"# ,% .?" %/A" $1 .?" !$20<
=>"##"0 ,# .?" B,%C0$A $1 $D2 1/.?"2 E/F,0 .?/. ,# .$ -$A"< ;$#/%%/ ,% .?"
?,C?"#.G (11: 9-10)! De||berate|y staged to |nvoke |mages of So|omon
enter|ng Ierusa|em when Dav|d e|evates h|m to the k|ngsh|p, the cheers of
the crowd are |ncend|ary, a ca|| to arms, accompan|ed by the crowd wav|ng
thousands of pa|m |eaves, symbo||c swords.
In the eyes of the Iew|sh re||g|ous |eaders and koman omc|a|s, Iesus
"tr|umpha| entry" |nto Ierusa|em |s a b|atant ca|| to |nsurrecnon, re|nforced
by Iesus auack|ng the money changers and merchants at the 1emp|e,
smash|ng the|r sta||s, scauer|ng the|r goods and dr|v|ng them out.
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nav|ng auacked the merchants and money changers at the 1emp|e,
overturned the|r tab|es and wreaked havoc, the next morn|ng the
re||g|ous |eaders confront Iesus, demand|ng: "8y what author|ty are
you do|ng these th|ngs . . . who gave you th|s author|ty to do
them" (11: 28)? Iesus r|ses to the occas|on: "No, I'|| ask the quesnons
around here!" And thus he engages the re||g|ous |eaders |n heated
debate, besnng them w|th each encounter, pub||ca||y hum|||anng
them |n the eyes of the grow|ng crowd. Day by day, Iesus ups the
ante, fue||ng the anger and resentment of the crowds toward the
re||g|ous |eaders and the komans. As the week progresses the
poss|b|||ty of a r|ot |ncreases to a near certa|nty, and |f such a r|ot
breaks out, thousands w||| d|e |n the ensu|ng b|oodbath.
Iesus |s p|ay|ng a very dangerous game, one des|gned to ensure h|s
arrest, tr|a| and cruc|hx|on that very week.
0 #$%&'() *%+ #$%,-$%)*.$%
Aher Iesus' "1r|umpha| Lntry" |nto Ierusa|em "the
ch|ef pr|ests and the scr|bes . . . were #""B,%C / @/H
.$ ID. ?,A .$ 0"/.?" (11: 18).
1he fo||ow|ng day Iesus dea|s w|th h|s opponents
one group at a nme:
1. Ch|ef pr|ests, scr|bes and e|ders (11: 27-12: 12)
2. har|sees and nerod|ans (12: 13-17)
3. Sadducees (12: 18-27)
4. Scr|bes (12: 28-44)
1 #$%&'() *%+ #$%,-$%)*.$%
Scr|bes were tra|ned experts |n the Law, the profess|ona| theo|og|ans of the|r day.
As scho|ars and |nterpreters of both the wr|uen and ora| Law the|r op|n|ons carr|ed
great we|ght among a|| parnes, har|sees and Sadducees a||ke. 1he Scr|bes were
Iesus' most voc|ferous and sk|||ed adversar|es.
Mauhew and Mark genera||y refer to the Scr|bes as grammateus (C2/AJA/.JH$$-"',
"wr|ters" or "copy|sts"), wh||e Luke prefers nomiko (%$AJ,BJ$#K, "|awyers").
See the we||-researched and |ns|ghuu| arnc|e: L.S. Ma|bon, "1he
Iew|sh Leaders |n the Gospe| of Mark: a L|terary Study of Marcan
Character|zanon," L=! 108 (1989), pp. 2S9-281.
2 #$%&'() *%+ #$%,-$%)*.$%
1he 1emp|e |n Iesus' day.
((MNO #-/>" A$0"> $1 (
J-"%.D2H L"2D#/>"AP Q#2/"> RD#"DAM)
S?$.$C2/I?H TH U%/ R/2,/ V/2C/#
Anton|a Iortress !
" 1emp|e
Southern Steps !
" Go|den Gate Lastern Wa|| !
koya| ornco !
" k|dron Va||ey !
3 #$%&'() *%+ #$%,-$%)*.$%
S?$.$C2/I?H TH U%/ R/2,/ V/2C/#
Southern steps of the 1emp|e where the re||g|ous |eaders confront Iesus.
Nonce the c|ose prox|m|ty of the Anton|a Iortress and the koman omc|a|s.
Southern Steps !
(where Iesus taught)
Anton|a Iortress !
4 #$%&'() *%+ #$%,-$%)*.$%
Conflict with the chief
priests, scribes and elders
5 #$%&'() *%+ #$%,-$%)*.$%
arab|e of the V|neyard
6 #$%&'() *%+ #$%,-$%)*.$%
Conflict with the Pharisees
and Herodians
!7 #$%&'() *%+ #$%,-$%)*.$%
S||ver denar|us w|th the Lmperor 1|ber|as (re|gn, A.D. 14-37).
1he |nscr|pnon reads: "*/"#/2 UDCD#.D# W,T"2,/#P #$% $1 .?" E,F,%" UDCD#.D#M"
1he reverse features L|v|a, w|fe of Augustus and mother of 1|ber|as, as ax ("eace").
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S||ver sheke| m|nted |n Ierusa|em |n A.D. 68 dur|ng the 1
Iew|sh kevo|t, A.D. 66-73.
Cbverse (L) reads: "Sheke| Israe|. ear 3", keverse (k) reads: "Ierusa|em the no|y."
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Conflict with the Sadducees
!0 #$%&'() *%+ #$%,-$%)*.$%
arab|e of the V|neyard
Grandma's Grave
:U. .?" 2"#D22"-3$% @?$#" @,1" @,>> #?" T"" (Mark 12: 23)
!1 #$%&'() *%+ #$%,-$%)*.$%
Conflict with the
Scribes . . . again!
!2 #$%&'() *%+ #$%,-$%)*.$%
Unknown Arnst. "1he W|dow's M|te" (mosa|c), 6
8as|||ca d| Sant'Apo|||nare Nuovo, kavenna, Ita|y.
!3 #$%&'() *%+ #$%,-$%)*.$%
1he "w|dow's m|te" (Greek = leptovn, s|ngu|ar, leptav , p|ura|: mean|ng "sma||") |s
a nny copper co|n, the sma||est denom|nanon, equ|va|ent to about a penny.
:U I$$2 @,0$@ />#$ -/A" /%0 ID. ,% .@$ #A/>> -$,%#
@$2.? / 1"@ -"%.#G (12: 42).
!4 #$%&'() *%+ #$%,-$%)*.$%
1. Aher Iesus' "1r|umpha| Lntry" |nto Ierusa|em and h|s
"c|eans|ng of the 1emp|e" the prev|ous day, |s |t
reasonab|e for the ch|ef pr|ests, scr|bes and e|ders to
confront h|m, demand|ng, "8y what author|ty are you
do|ng these th|ngs" (11: 28)?
2. now wou|d you character|ze Iesus' response to the ch|ef
pr|ests, scr|bes and e|ders to the quesnon they ask h|m?
3. Why d|d the har|sees and nerod|ans pose the spec|hc
quesnon to Iesus about pay|ng taxes to Caesar? What
d|d they hope to accomp||sh by do|ng so?
4. kegard|ng marr|age and resurrecnon, what |s the aw |n
the Sadducees' th|nk|ng?
S. What |s the |esson |n Iesus po|nnng out that the poor
w|dow put |nto the 1emp|e treasury every penny she
!5 #$%&'() *%+ #$%,-$%)*.$%
Copyr|ght 2014 by W||||am C. Creasy
A|| r|ghts reserved. No part of th|s courseaud|o, v|deo,
photography, maps, nme||nes or other med|amay be
reproduced or transm|ued |n any form by any means, e|ectron|c
or mechan|ca|, |nc|ud|ng photocopy|ng, record|ng or by any
|nformanon storage or retr|eva| dev|ces w|thout perm|ss|on |n
wr|nng or a ||cens|ng agreement from the copyr|ght ho|der.
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