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Lxplorlng MulLlpllcaLlon and ulvlslon wlLh LLCCS

!"#$ &"'()*$+$#, &)-. A round peg on Lop of a Lego ls called a sLud." We can name Lego
brlcks by Lhelr sLud dlmenslons.

/0'( 1-.
1hls plece has ______ sLuds. lL ls a ___ by ___ brlck. 1hls brlck ls also called a
flaL" because lL ls very shorL. lL ls ofLen used a bulldlng base for oLher brlcks.
! 1ake a bag of mlxed Lego brlcks.

" Pow are Lego brlcks slmllar Lo an !""!#? _________________________________________

llnd a brlck wlLh 6 sLuds. uraw Lhe brlck.

WhaL are Lhe dlmenslons of Lhe brlck? ______
llnd a brlck wlLh 12 sLuds. uraw Lhe brlck.

WhaL are Lhe dlmenslons of Lhe brlck? ______
Pow many sLuds are on your largesL brlck?
uraw Lhe brlck. _______

WhaL are Lhe dlmenslons of Lhe brlck? ______
llnd a square brlck. Pow many sLuds? ______
uraw Lhe brlck?

WhaL are Lhe dlmenslons of Lhe brlck? ______

! !"#$%&'$()*
ulvldend = 1he number ln dlvlslon LhaL ls belng dlvlded
ulvlsor = 1he number ln dlvlslon LhaL dlvldes anoLher number. lL Lells you Lhe number of parLs.
CuoLlenL = 1he resulL of dlvldlng one number by anoLher number.

- Z =

ulvldend - ulvlsor = CuoLlenL
!"#$%#& ()" *+$,,"))- .,# /0 1+0*2$ 32--#"-$45 6786

Pow can you show dlvlde by Lwo" wlLh your Lego pleces? Cne example ls drawn for you.
uraw and label Lwo oLher examples of dlvlde by Lwo" wlLh your Legos.

4 - Z = Z

Pow can you show dlvlde by Lhree" wlLh your Lego pleces? Cne example ls drawn for you.
uraw and label Lwo oLher examples of dlvlde by Lhree" wlLh your Legos. (1lp: ?ou can
comblne Legos Lo make your dlvldend.)

Z4 - 3 = 8

Pow can you show dlvlde by four" wlLh your Lego pleces? Cne example ls drawn for you.
uraw and label Lwo oLher examples of dlvlde by four" wlLh your Legos. (1lp: ?ou can comblne
Legos Lo make your dlvldend.)

3Z - 4 = 8

!"#$%#& ()" *+$,,"))- .,# /0 1+0*2$ 32--#"-$45 6786
! uraw Lhe Lego pleces ln your bag LhaL dlvlde evenly by 2. (Cne has been done for you.)

" uo you have any pleces LhaL do noL dlvlde evenly by Lwo? Why or why noL?

! uraw Lhe Lego pleces ln your bag LhaL dlvlde evenly by 3. Color Lhe pleces LhaL also dlvlde
evenly by 2 wlLh a red crayon.

! uraw Lhe Lego pleces ln your bag LhaL dlvlde evenly by 4. Color Lhe pleces LhaL also dlvlde
evenly by 3 wlLh a blue crayon.

" Are Lhere any pleces LhaL do noL also dlvlde evenly by 2? ____________________________
!"#$%#& ()" *+$,,"))- .,# /0 1+0*2$ 32--#"-$45 6786
! uslng your 4 by 2 Lego brlcks, draw Lo show .


48 - 6 = _____

40 - 6 = _____

6Z - 7 = _____

Z4 - 3 = _____

! 1ake a 6 by 8 Lego brlck flaL." Pow can you cover Lhe flaL compleLely wlLh one Lype of
brlck? Cover Lhe flaL compleLely, and Lhen draw and label whaL your covered flaL looks llke.

now cover your 6 by 8 flaL compleLely wlLh a dlfferenL Lype of brlck. uraw and label.

!"#$%#& ()" *+$,,"))- .,# /0 1+0*2$ 32--#"-$45 6786
Are Lhere any oLher ways you can cover your 6 by 8 flaL compleLely wlLh [usL one Lype of brlck?
uraw and label any remalnlng ways.

! !"#$%&'$()*
All of Lhe brlcks LhaL cover Lhe 6 by 8 flaL are 4$1*5)*# *1(6"' ,$#-"(." of 48. 1hls means LhaL
each number can be mulLlplled by anoLher counLlng number Lo make 48.

! 1ake an 8 by 2 Lego brlck. uraw and label all of Lhe ways you can cover up Lhe 16-sLud
brlck. Make sure Lo label Lhe brlck Lype and Lhe number of brlcks needed.

Lxample: I can cover the 16-stud brick with 16 1-stud pieces.
Factors: 1, 16

" Are Lhere any oLher posslble facLors for 16? Pow do you know?

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