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Attributes define how much potential a character has in three domains of Traits: Physical, Social and Mental. If
a character has only one dot in a Trait, the default score, he's pretty piss-poor. Having five dots, however,
represents the best human level of achievement possible. Some Traits change as the werewolf shifts forms, even
above the human maximum; all of these Attributes can be developed through time, training and experience. No
character can have, more than 5 dots, in any Attribute (barring Garou in other forms, such as in Crinos, which is
the only exception.)

Physical Traits measure just how hearty a character is. These characteristics cover not only brute force, but also
the werewolf s general constitution and nimbleness. Many Ahroun and lupus have particularly high marks in
these Traits. As werewolves shift forms, their Physical Traits change as well, and space is provided on your
character sheet to note these differences.

• Strength
The Strength Trait indicates how much weight the character can carry, shove or lift. Strength figures into
jumping and leaping, and it also measures the raw damage you can deliver in a fight. The higher your Strength
is, the more punishing your blows are. Generally, characters with high strength are big and brawny, although
such is not always the case; the short and wiry types can also pack quite a punch.
• Poor: You can carry or lift 40 pounds.
• • Average: You can carry or lift 100 pounds.
• • • Good: You can carry or lift 250 pounds.
• • • • Exceptional: You can carry or lift 400 pounds.
• • • • • Outstanding: Outstanding: You can carry or lift 650 pounds and turn wild beasts into hamburger.
Specialties: Steely Grip, Lower Body, Strength Reserves

• Dexterity
Dexterity represents a number of physical aptitudes, including agility, speed and manual deftness. Characters
with a high Dexterity have good hand-eye coordination. Generally, they're graceful and light on their feet to
boot. Dexterity influences accuracy in combat, as well as the ability to do precision work with one's hands.
• Poor: You trip and stumble just walking across carpet.
• • Average: A gymnast you're not, but you don't embarrass yourself either.
• • • Good: There is some grace in your movements and a lightness to your step.
• • • • Exceptional: You've got the potential to be a world-class acrobat, dancer or thief.
• • • • • Outstanding: Your agility and control over your movements is possibly the stuff of legends. Every step
you take is fluid, graceful and lithe.
Specialties: Preternatural Grace, Nimble Fingers

• Stamina
Stamina is a state of both mind and body. It indicates the physical ability to withstand great strain over a long
period of time (such as running for hours on end or going without food for days), but it's also a matter of inner
resistance (such as holding up in the face of torture or shrugging off dire wounds to finish a mission). High
Stamina allows you to endure an opponent’s blows, so it's the Trait of choice for representing tough-as-nails
• Poor: Your body tires easily, and you prefer to sleep to a good jog through the meadow.
• • Average: You can take a punch.
• • • Good: A day's hike without food or water isn't too much for you to bear.
• • • • Exceptional: Whether it's a two-day forced march or sneering at the face of your torturers, you are up to
the task.
• • • • • Outstanding: There's little that can tire you or force you to give up secrets. It'll take a lot more than
torture or threats to weaken your resolve.
Specialties: Unbreakable, Tireless, Resilient

Are you a natural leader? Do you find it easy to make others do your bidding? Does the opposite sex find you
irresistible? The Social Traits rank your aptitude in dealing with others, both your good looks and your general
personality. Naturally, some penalties apply to these Attributes as the werewolf shifts forms. Many Galliards
and Philodox find high Social Traits extremely useful.

• Charisma
Charisma isn't really about good looks, rather, it's innate charm, personality and power of influence. Even ugly
people can have high Charisma, and many great leaders possess a commanding presence without being
beautiful or handsome. Characters with a high Charisma Trait generally serve as inspiration for their fellows,
exuding an air of trust and likeability. Others depend on them regularly to provide motivation and
encouragement, a great expectation indeed. In contract, characters with low Charisma have poor social skills, no
matter what form they wear. They do and say the wrong things, and they generally end up pissing people off
who might otherwise be friends.
• Poor: Making friends is harder for you than most.
• • Average: People think you're kind of friendly and fairly easy to get along with.
• • • Good: You generally inspire others to trust you, even in tough circumstances.
• • • • Exceptional: You draw in admirers like bees to honey. No one is a stranger for long.
• • • • • Outstanding: You've got tremendous leadership potential, and your mere presence stirs entire septs to
extreme acts of reverence and duty.
Specialties: Air of Confidence, Captivating, Commanding Voice, Infectious Humour

• Manipulation
Manipulation is the art of getting others to do what you want, preferably without them realizing how they're
being used. It differs from Charisma in that the person being -persuaded- doesn't have to be a friend; a character
with a high score in Manipulation can even exploit her enemies. This Trait is usually subtle, and it involves
some variety of quick talking, bluffing or understated threat, unless an overt action fits the story. Botching a
Manipulation roll can bring down the wrath of the intended target. Nobody likes to be manipulated. This
Attribute is generally easier for homids to master than it is for lupus, although many betas and omegas are no
stranger to the idea.
• Poor: You'd have trouble getting a starving wolf to eat freshly killed rabbit.
• • Average: You're as sly as the next person; sometimes you got it, sometimes you don't.
• • • Good: Haggling and striking a good deal is a snap for you.
• • • • Exceptional: Folks generally agree with whatever you say, despite their better judgment.
• • • • Outstanding: You could convince the most devoted to turn against his mother if you wished.
Specialties: Forked Tongue, Unswerving Logic, Doubletalk

• Appearance
Appearance describes your physical features and related qualities, such as voice or bone structure. A high score
in this Attribute denotes a character who is physically attractive or who has some mysterious allure that others
find enticing. A low score means that he's unattractive or lacking physical features that most folks find pleasing.
Appearance is important for first encounters and impressions. Charisma can go a long way after acquaintances
are made, but Appearance certainly influences initial gut instincts.
• Poor: Not pretty. Young ones howl when you come too close.
• • Average: Your looks and features don't set you apart, which can be an asset.
• • • Good: You've heard all the pickup lines at the local pub, good and bad.
• • • • Exceptional: You could make a living as a model, and photographers are always bugging you to post for
• • • • • Outstanding: It's a bit of everything: your body, hair, face and voice that makes you exquisite to behold.
Specialties: Genial, Exotic, Alluring, Noble Bearing

Thinking, reasoning and sharp observation are all in the realm of Mental Traits. These Attributes help
determine, among other things, reaction time and awareness of what's going on around you. Werewolves who
want to be known for their cleverness would do well to have high Mental Traits.

• Perception
Perception is a combination of watching your surroundings actively while also relying on instincts and certain
feelings. It may or may not involve intense concentration; it's more like having a certain awareness or sensitivity
to what's going on in the immediate vicinity. Perception comes in handy when characters search for clues,
maintain alertness for ambushes or seek hidden knowledge. Characters who are too cocky or skeptical probably
don't rely on their Perception as much as they should if they want to live a bit longer.
• Poor: Oblivious. You won't have a clue when the Apocalypse comes.
• • Average: You get the general idea when trouble brews, as long as there's some racket.
• • • Good: You're usually alert to changes in your environment, enough not to be surprised easily.
• • • • Exceptional: You notice just about everything, even when one of your senses is dulled.
• • • • • Outstanding: Nothing escapes your notice, not even that click beetle painted with the Magadon logo,
living in the neighbor's potted plant.
Specialties: Eyes in the Back of Your Head, Farsighted, Uncanny Instincts, Detail-Oriented

• Intelligence
Intelligence includes raw reasoning ability, problem-solving and memory. It's not just your IQ score; instead,
Intelligence involves how well a character can make sense of seemingly random facts and data, organizing them
into stable and constructive patterns. Many Knowledge Traits work with Intelligence to reflect working through
dilemmas and conundrums. Lateral thinking and leaps of intuition are also a part of Intelligence, as is logic,
both deductive and inductive. Having a low Intelligence doesn't necessarily imply stupidity; it's just that the
character probably thinks in simple patterns, with no shades of gray. And by the same token, high Intelligence
doesn't make a character Stephen Hawking. Instead the character is just a whiz at remembering facts and pulling
them out when they're needed most.
• Poor: Slow on the uptake, you don't comprehend anything but the here and now (IQ 80)
• • Average: You finish parts of the daily crossword (IQ 100)
• • • Good: Puzzles and trivia games are a snap. You see patterns in given data easily, if you've got the time to
spare. (IQ 120)
• • • • Exceptional: Sorting and classifying even complex information is a breeze. Also you have excellent
recall, although your memory isn't quite eidetic. (IQ 140)
• • • • • Outstanding: You're a true genius who can figure out just about any problem, no matter how complex,
with the time and resources. (IQ 160+)
Specialties: Lateral Problem Solver, Creative Logic, Probability Calculation, Trivia

• Wits
The Wits Trait encompasses planning, quick thinking and cleverness. It affects a character's reaction time in
combat and his adaptability to new stimuli. If she has a low Wits score, she's probably gullible and not
particularly fast on the uptake; jokes slip right past her, even if she's the victim. On the other hand, a high Wits
Trait indicates an ability to keep cool in stressful circumstances and respond to unforeseen events with precision
and aplomb. This Attribute comes in handy both in lively conversation and during the heat of a fight.
• Poor: The local Ragabash loves to torment you.
• • Average: You know enough to duck when punches or bullets start flying.
• • • Good: You can handle a fast-paced debate and make a good showing of yourself.
• • • • Exceptional: You're infamous for your quick retorts; it's difficult to catch you off balance.
• • • • • Outstanding: Almost nothing takes you by surprise, whether a stab in the back or a fiery remark at a
Specialties: Snappy Retorts, Ambushes, Cool-Headed, Cunning

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