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1. Complete the sentences. Use a lot of/ much/ many.
Jane has a problem. She wants to get married, but doesnt know which man to choose.
Johns got 1___________ cars but he hasnt got 2 __________ patience.
Davids got 3 ___________ money, but he hasnt got 4 ___________friends.
Michel hasnt got 5 ______money, but he has got 6 __________charm.
rthur has got 7 __________ fun, but he hasnt got 8 ___________sense of humour.
!ill hasnt got 9 ___________clothes, but hes got 10 ___________fun.
Sids got 11 ____________style, but he has not got 12 ___________humour.
"red has not got 13_________ style, but hes got 14___________ luck.
Jane is very lucky because all the men love her and want to marry her because shes got 15________ charm,
16_________ personality and 17________ friends. !ut she hasnt got 18_________ money, so she hasnt got
19._________ clothes although she dresses with 20.____________ elegance.
#hich man do you think would be the best for her$
2. Complete the sentences with a few or a little.
%. &here is ________ bread in the cupboard. !ut its
enough for dinner. '. Susan has ________ friends.
She doesnt feel lonely. (. )an * have _________ milk
in my coffee$ * like white. +. &here are ________
puddles on the road. ,ets put on rubber boots. -.
_______ apples are enough for me not to feel hungry.
.. * have ________money in my wallet. /. 0ou have
_________ mistakes in the test. 1. &here is ________
meat in the fridge.
3. A few/few or a little/little. Circle the right anwer.
%. * need a little2little money. )an you lend me some$
'. 3e went out a few2few minutes ago. (. * have a
few2few friends here. #e always spend time together.
+. &here were a few2few guests at the party. &he hosts
were unhappy. -. 0ou dont have to hurry. &here is a
little2little traffic at this time of the day. .. 0ou have a
little2little time to finish the test. 0ou must write faster.
/. &here are a few2few trees in our garden. #e are
going to plant some more ne4t spring. 1. )an * speak
to you for a few minutes$
Complete the sentences with ome or any. (I)
%. &here are ________ books on the shelf.
'. &here isnt _____ water in the glass.
(. #ould you like _____ tea$
+. &here isnt ______ information in this book.
-. Do you need _______help$
.. 5ive me _______ colour pencils to draw a picture.
/. * heard ______ good news yesterday.
1. #e didnt learn ______new grammar rules at the
6nglish lesson yesterday.
7. Did you see _______children in the playground$
%8. &here aren9t _______ boys in the hall.
%%. &hey have _______pretty dresses in the store.
%'. Dont tell me ______ bad news.
%(. Did she tell you about _____ of her e4perience.
%+. &he baby is asleep. Dont make _______ noise.
Complete the sentences with ome or any. (I)
%. &here are ________ books on the shelf.
'. &here isnt _____ water in the glass.
(. #ould you like _____ tea$
+. &here isnt ______ information in this book.
-. Do you need _______help$
.. 5ive me _______ colour pencils to draw a picture.
/. * heard ______ good news yesterday.
1. #e didnt learn ______new grammar rules at the
6nglish lesson yesterday.
7. Did you see _______children in the playground$
%8. &here aren9t _______ boys in the hall.
%%. &hey have _______pretty dresses in the store.
%'. Dont tell me ______ bad news.
%(. Did she tell you about _____ of her e4perience.
%+. &he baby is asleep. Dont make _______ noise.
Complete the sentences with a few or a little.
%. *m going shopping. * need to buy _______
things for tonights party.
'. _______people swim in the sea in the winter.
(. * cant wait for you. *ve got ___ ___ time.
+. &here is ____________ snow on the ground.
&he children cant make a snowman.
-. 3e knows ________people. &hey can help
him find a :ob.
.. 3e knows ________people. &hey can help
him find a :ob.
/. #e need __________ milk and ________
eggs to make a cake.
1. * have __________free time for hobbies
because * work a lot.
Complete the sentences with ome or any. (II)
!tanley: *9m so hungry and there is nothing in the fridge; &here aren9t <*= _________bananas and there isn9t <'=
________ yoghurt.
"eter# #ell, we can cook something; ,et9s make pancakes;
!tanley: >?. #e need <(= ______flour, <+= ______ milk, <-= _____sugar and eggs. 3ave we got <.=
_______eggs$ Peter@ 0es. &here are </= ______eggs in the fridge.
!tanley: Aow, have we got <1= ________flour$
"eter: 0es. &here9s <7= ________flour in that cupboard.
!tanley: 5reat; 3ave we got <%8= _____milk$
"eter# &here9s <%%=______ milk in that bottle.
!tanley# re we ready$ )an we make the pancakes$ *9M 3BA5C0;
"eter# Ao, we can9t. #e haven9t got <%'=______ eggs.
!tanley: 6ggs$ #e9ve got two eggs. &hey9re on the table;
"eter# Ao, they aren9t. &hey9re on the floor;
5. Choose the correct answer.
%. * eat___C___ meat. * prefer fish.
D. very few !. a few ). very little
'. 3as he got many interesting books in his library$
D. a little !. much ). a lot
(. She doesnt eat ______ chocolate because she doesnt like it.
D. much !. a lot of ). little
+. &here are ________apples on the plate. &ake one.
. a few !. a lot ). a little
-. 0ou havent got _______ mistakes in your test.
. a few !. a lot ). many
.. &here is ______ milk in the fridge. )an you buy some$
. a few !. a little ). little
/. Eut _______sugar into your tea.
. a few !. a little ). little
1. Fery _______ pupils in our class can do such
difficult sums.
. a few !. few ). little
7. &her are ________ of shops and restaurants in our district.
. a few !. a lot ). many
%8. &her are _________ of mushrooms in the forest this year.
. a few !. a lot ). a little
%%. * can speak 6nglish _________, but not very much.
. a few !. a lot ). a little
%'. &here is _______ furniture in the houseG its almost empty.
. little !. a little ). few
5. Choose the correct answer.
%. * eat___C___ meat. * prefer fish.
D. very few !. a few ). very little
'. 3as he got many interesting books in his library$
D. a little !. much ). a lot
(. She doesnt eat ______ chocolate because she doesnt like it.
D. much !. a lot of ). little
+. &here are ________apples on the plate. &ake one.
. a few !. a lot ). a little
-. 0ou havent got _______ mistakes in your test.
. a few !. a lot ). many
.. &here is ______ milk in the fridge. )an you buy some$
. a few !. a little ). little
/. Eut _______sugar into your tea.
. a few !. a little ). little
1. Fery _______ pupils in our class can do such
difficult sums.
. a few !. few ). little
7. &her are ________ of shops and restaurants in our district.
. a few !. a lot ). many
%8. &her are _________ of mushrooms in the forest this year.
. a few !. a lot ). a little
%%. * can speak 6nglish _________, but not very much.
. a few !. a lot ). a little
%'. &here is _______ furniture in the houseG its almost empty.
. little !. a little ). few
5. Choose the correct answer.
%. * eat___C___ meat. * prefer fish.
D. very few !. a few ). very little
'. 3as he got many interesting books in his library$
D. a little !. much ). a lot
(. She doesnt eat ______ chocolate because she doesnt like it.
D. much !. a lot of ). little
+. &here are ________apples on the plate. &ake one.
. a few !. a lot ). a little
-. 0ou havent got _______ mistakes in your test.
. a few !. a lot ). many
.. &here is ______ milk in the fridge. )an you buy some$
. a few !. a little ). little
/. Eut _______sugar into your tea.
. a few !. a little ). little
1. Fery _______ pupils in our class can do such
difficult sums.
. a few !. few ). little
7. &her are ________ of shops and restaurants in our district.
. a few !. a lot ). many
%8. &her are _________ of mushrooms in the forest this year.
. a few !. a lot ). a little
%%. * can speak 6nglish _________, but not very much.
. a few !. a lot ). a little
%'. &here is _______ furniture in the houseG its almost empty.
. little !. a little ). few
5. Choose the correct answer.
%. * eat___C___ meat. * prefer fish.
D. very few !. a few ). very little
'. 3as he got many interesting books in his library$
D. a little !. much ). a lot
(. She doesnt eat ______ chocolate because she doesnt like it.
D. much !. a lot of ). little
+. &here are ________apples on the plate. &ake one.
. a few !. a lot ). a little
-. 0ou havent got _______ mistakes in your test.
. a few !. a lot ). many
.. &here is ______ milk in the fridge. )an you buy some$
. a few !. a little ). little
/. Eut _______sugar into your tea.
. a few !. a little ). little
1. Fery _______ pupils in our class can do such
difficult sums.
. a few !. few ). little
7. &her are ________ of shops and restaurants in our district.
. a few !. a lot ). many
%8. &her are _________ of mushrooms in the forest this year.
. a few !. a lot ). a little
%%. * can speak 6nglish _________, but not very much.
. a few !. a lot ). a little
%'. &here is _______ furniture in the houseG its almost empty.
. little !. a little ). few
7. $ea% the letter an% chooe the correct &ariant.
Dear 3elen ,
&hanks a lot/much for your letter. *m glad you had a good time in summer. * en:oyed myself in summer too.
* spent it with my parents in *taly. *n ugust my family moved to a new flat so * have a little/a few things to tell
you about my new school.
*t is a very big school. &here are a lot of/a little tu%ent in my class and * have &ery little/ a lot of friends.
&his year we study ome/few new sub:ects. &hey are interesting, though Huite difficult. * havent got very
much/little free time because * have a lot of/ few hobbies.
Elease write to me soon and tell me a little/little about your school.
!est wishes,
7. $ea% the letter an% chooe the correct &ariant.
Dear 3elen ,
&hanks a lot/much for your letter. *m glad you had a good time in summer. * en:oyed myself in summer too.
* spent it with my parents in *taly. *n ugust my family moved to a new flat so * have a little/a few things to tell
you about my new school.
*t is a very big school. &here are a lot of/a little tu%ent in my class and * have &ery little/ a lot of friends.
&his year we study ome/few new sub:ects. &hey are interesting, though Huite difficult. * havent got very
much/little free time because * have a lot of/ few hobbies.
Elease write to me soon and tell me a little/little about your school.
!est wishes,
8. Complete the sentences with SOME/!"/MUC#/M!"/ $O% O&/() &E'/() $I%%$E.
In some sentences se(eral (ariants are possi)le.
%. )ome here. &here is _________dirt on your collar. '. * love vegetables. * dont eat __________ meat. (. *
cant go out tonight . * have _________ homework. +. *m sorry, * cant finish my pro:ect. )an you give me _____
more time$ -. *ts not sunny today. &here arent ________ people at the beach. .. &here arent ________ flowers
in our garden. /. * know its bad for me, * have only _______ sugar in my tea. 1. )ould * have _________ bread
with my soup$ 7. &here isnt ______ space in my office. %8. &hey used to be rich, but now they dont have
_______ money.%%. &here is only ______ oil in this bottle. 3ave you got some more$ %'. &hey Ive got a farm,
but they havent got ________ animals. %(. &his isnt a difficult te4t. &here are only _______ words * donIt know.
%+. 0ou can have as _______ coffee as you like.
8. Complete the sentences with SOME/!"/MUC#/M!"/ $O% O&/() &E'/() $I%%$E.
In some sentences se(eral (ariants are possi)le.
%. )ome here. &here is _________dirt on your collar. '. * love vegetables. * dont eat __________ meat. (. *
cant go out tonight . * have _________ homework. +. *m sorry, * cant finish my pro:ect. )an you give me _____
more time$ -. *ts not sunny today. &here arent ________ people at the beach. .. &here arent ________ flowers
in our garden. /. * know its bad for me, * have only _______ sugar in my tea. 1. )ould * have _________ bread
with my soup$ 7. &here isnt ______ space in my office. %8. &hey used to be rich, but now they dont have
_______ money.%%. &here is only ______ oil in this bottle. 3ave you got some more$ %'. &hey Ive got a farm,
but they havent got ________ animals. %(. &his isnt a difficult te4t. &here are only _______ words * donIt know.
%+. 0ou can have as _______ coffee as you like.
6. Correct the mistaes.
%. 3ow many free time do you have$
'. &here isnt a lot of snow in the streets.
(. &he doctor gave me any medicine for my cough.
+. &here are a little students in the class.
-. * wanted to buy any fresh eggs, but there weren9t some in the store... 3e never gives his kids few money.
/. &here is many :uice in the glass.
1. Elease give me any more coffee.
7. 3e never makes much mistakes in spelling.
%8. &here aren9t some good seats left for the play tonight.
6. Correct the mistaes.
%. 3ow many free time do you have$
'. &here isnt a lot of snow in the streets.
(. &he doctor gave me any medicine for my cough.
+. &here are a little students in the class.
-. * wanted to buy any fresh eggs, but there weren9t some in the store... 3e never gives his kids few money.
/. &here is many :uice in the glass.
1. Elease give me any more coffee.
7. 3e never makes much mistakes in spelling.
%8. &here aren9t some good seats left for the play tonight.

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