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Processing of aluminium dross is one of the most challenging tasks because of its toxic nature. The
dross generated while melting at various facilities is generally remelted with salts to recover residual
metal values. The remaining residue dross contains mostly aluminium oxide, alloying elements and
salts such as NaCl or KCl. This residue dross while stock iling creates ollution of the ad!oining area as
salts leach out to water stream and also emits harmful gases. "n the resent study domestic aluminium
dross was treated for develoing a suitable rocess flow sheet to obtain #$alumina a high valued
roduct. "nitially %&'()leaching was carried out for both un$washed and washed dross. *ith un$washed
dross the leaching e+ciency achieved was ,-./ but washing of dross followed by leaching raised the
recovery to ,0)/. *ashing of dross is essential to have higher alumina recovery and also to recover
salt for recycling. The li1uor obtained after treatment of the dross with acid was further rocessed to
obtain aluminium hydroxide of amorhous nature by hydroly2ing aluminium sulhate with a1ueous
ammonia. The aluminium hydroxide was then sub!ected to calcinations which resulted in the formation
of #$alumina at 344 5C.
The worldwide aluminium industry produces nearly five million tonnes of furnace waste each year.
Known as dross, the residual waste material is produced from any process in which aluminium is
melted, and is left behind after conventional recycling has been carried out. Traditionally, black (which
has a much higher salt content) and white dross is disposed of in landfill, costing the industry an
estimated 5 million, but tighter regulation and spiralling costs are forcing the industry to consider
alternatives. !ne such solution, which could dramatically reduce landfilling of furnace waste and
recover saleable products has been developed by aluminium recycling and manufacturing firm "#$
%nternational &td.
Reasons to Recycle Dross
'eveloped as part of a ma(or waste minimisation initiative backed by the )K *overnment and
industry, the new treatment method makes it economically viable to treat residual waste left after
conventional recycling, offering cost savings and environmental benefits. +This process offers a means
of reducing the amount of residual waste from primary and secondary aluminium manufacturers that
ends up in landfill,, says $iles #rough, $anaging 'irector of "#$ %nternational &td. +%t provides the
industry with more choice of what to do with their waste products and because these waste products
can be converted in saleable commodities these savings can be saved from the cost of production.,
Evolution of the Dross recycling Technology
The provision of a -., grant from the *overnment,s /aste $inimisation through 0ecycling,
0ecovery and 0euse in %ndustry (/$01) &%2K programme, and collaborations with e3perts in chemical
engineering, metallurgy and mineralogy from the #runel and #irmingham universities, helped the
company find an economically viable solution to deal with their furnace dross. +4very single furnace in
the world produces a different kind of dross, characterised by what is being melted in the furnace,,
e3plains #rough. +/e started by using variation analysis to characterise the whole spectrum of dross
that we 5the industry6 produce. /e tried to mi3 and match various wastes with which on their own,
nothing can be done.,
How the Recycling Process Works
The modular process combines novel separation methods, including a crushing system modified to
handle a far broader range of dross, allowing virtually any type of dross to be processed. 7n eddy
current separator then separates metals from non8metals. %ts novel design incorporates a new kind of
ridged belt system that separates very fine aluminium particles that would otherwise be lost. +%t,s a
very diverse process, which is modular in se9uence,, says #rough. The length of the process depends
on the 9uantity of material being processed and the final product being produced. Therefore, it can
take as little as a few hours to as much as a day.
From Pilot Plant to Commercialisation
7 small pilot plant was built at "#$ %nternational,s :i3on plant to test the treatment process, from
initial crushing, physical and magnetic separation, to melting and refining. The two8year pilot scheme
produced promising results and conse9uently led to the implementation of a full8scale production
process, which included the installation of four production units at the :i3on plant with the capacity to
process ;, tonnes of white dross a year and recycle all the black dross produced by the company.
+%nitially there was scepticism about the pro(ect from the aluminium industry,, e3plains #rough, +but
three years down the road we have proven the pro(ect is financially viable, and the figures speak for
themselves. /e are one of the few companies that are actually able to recycle these materials in a
financially viable way.,
dvantages of the Recycling Process
)nlike e3isting processes that are very e3pensive and offer less financially viable solutions for the
aluminium industry, "#$ %nternational has developed a process focused on providing a low8cost
solution for processing aluminium waste. +/e are still a long way from utopia,, says #rough. +The
aluminium industry is increasingly burdened with more and more regulation on what it can and can,t
do with its waste. 7nything the industry can do to reduce its waste output, whether it,s in gases,
particulates or landfill can only be a good thing, particularly when you can convert those into a
saleable commodity.,
!alea"le Products and #ther $$lications for the Process
)sing the new physical and separation process, #rough has already looked at producing saleable
products for the powder metallurgy industry, which have been mainly granular. +%nitially there was a
lot of trial and error,, e3plains #rough, looking back to the start of the pro(ect. +<or every one product
that we were able to successfully market, there were probably a hundred applications that we failed
on., :owever, "#$ %nternational is now focusing on using the process to manufacture chemicals and
chemical compounds. The process could also be applied to recycling other nonferrous metals, including
=inc and copper.
%nterest in the Technology
There has already been widespread international interest in the process, which is available under
licence from )K foundry design engineers and aluminium specialists $echatherm %nternational &td.
+/e,ve seen huge improvements at "#$ %nternational,s :i3on plant,, says #rough. +/e had to alter the
way we processed this material to survive in the business. % believe the innovations that have occurred
have ensured the longevity and continuity of the company.,
Further Develo$ments
7s #rough points out, the aluminium industry must remain open8minded to change and continue to
innovate itself, otherwise increased pressures on the industry will cause further closures. >ince $ay
;;, "#$ %nternational,s work has continued, and using further funding from a 'T% recycling award,
#rough is involved in a two8year pro(ect to develop a chemical pre8production prototype for refining.
The aluminium industry is becoming an increasingly difficult industry in which to succeed and
companies can,t afford to stand still. +7t this moment in time we are still miles away from where we
want to be,, says #rough. :owever, this new treatment process offers a step in the right direction for
the aluminium industry and a move closer to #rough,s vision of utopia in which aluminium is recycled
without any impact on the environment.
Foreign References:
Process for the functionalization of polystyrene resins.
W!1991!010"#9$uly, 1991
P%&ESS '% (S)*+ ,%SS %ES),(ES - P%,(&E
%E'%.&-%/ P%,(&-S
W!1995!00851"0arch, 1995
P%&ESS '% -1E P%EP.%.-)* ' &.2&)(0
.2(0)*.-ES '%0 .2(0)*(0 ,%SS %ES),(ES
Other References:
"Market Opportunities for the Alcan Plasma Dross Residues," by Raymond Breault et al, Light Metals !!" Month #na$ail%
Primary Examiner:
Andre&s, Mel$yn
Attorney, Agent or Firm:
'atson (ole, )te$ens Da$is P% L% L% (%
'hat is claimed is*
% A method of processing aluminum dross residue resulting from the remo$al of aluminum from aluminum dross and the
aluminum dross residue is substantially free of +a(l and ,(l, comprising the steps of reacting the dross residue at a
temperature - abo$e ./01 (% &ith lime to form calcium aluminate as an at least partially melted material, and rapidly
cooling said calcium aluminate to form a glassy solid product%
2% A method according to claim &herein rapid cooling of said calcium aluminate is performed by pouring it onto a cooled
.% A method according to claim &herein the &eight ratio of Al2 O. to (aO in said material at said temperature - is about
3% A method according to claim &herein said temperature - is lo&er than /001 (%
"% A method according to claim &herein said rapid cooling of said calcium aluminate is performed in a cooled granulation
/% A method of processing aluminum dross containing Al and Al2 O., and originating from aluminum production, comprising
the steps of separating aluminum from said dross to produce a dross residue, said aluminum dross and said aluminum
dross residue are substantially free of +a(l and ,(l, reacting said dross residue at a temperature - abo$e ./01 (% &ith a
calcium o4ygen compound to form calcium aluminate as an at least partially melted material, and rapidly cooling said
calcium slate so as to obtain it in the form of a glassy solid product, &herein said step of separating aluminum from said
dross and said step of reacting said dross residue and said calcium5o4ygen compound are carried out in the same $essel
and said $essel has a &ear lining comprising a refractory material based on a refractory )i compound or &ith a mi4ture of at
least one component selected from the group comprising MgO, Al2 O., and spinal MgO%Al2 O.%
6% A method according to claim / &herein said refractory material is based on MgO%
7% A method according to claim / &herein said refractory material is based on at least one of )i(, )i. +3 and sialon%
!% A method according to claim 7 &herein said refractory material is in the form of pre5shaped articles containing at least
608 by &eight in total of at least one of )i(, )i. +3, sialon and a mi4ture of t&o or more thereof%
0% A method according to claim 7 &herein said refractory material is one applied to said &ear lining in unshaped form and
contains at least 308 by &eight in total of at least one of )i(, )i. +3, sialon and a mi4ture of t&o or more thereof%
% A method according to claim / &herein said refractory material also contains a binder%
2% A method according to claim / &herein said refractory material also contains graphite in an amount of " to 208 by
.% A method according to claim / &herein said refractory material also contains at least one of metallic Al and metallic Mg in
an amount of 0%0" to 08 by &eight%
9:;LD O9 -<; :+=;+-:O+
-his in$ention relates to methods of processing aluminium dross, and aluminium dross residue, into a calcium aluminate% :t
further relates to the use of the calcium aluminate produced by the method in steel5making%
D;)(R:P-:O+ O9 -<; PR:OR AR-
Aluminium dross occurs in, for e4ample, the processing or production of aluminium &hen the metal comes into contact &ith
air &hile in the molten state% Dross comprises usually aluminium o4ide, aluminium nitride, other >metal? o4ides and minerals
originating from scrap or contaminants from melting furnaces% -he dross also contains metallic aluminium in a concentration
&hich depends on the process from &hich the dross originates% :t is kno&n to process the dross first by separating
aluminium from it to obtain aluminium dross residue, &hich is also kno&n as non5metallic product >+MP?%
9ormerly +MP originating from kno&n dross processing techni@ues in rotating salt furnaces &as put in a landfill as &aste%
)uch disposal is increasingly facing en$ironmental problems or is e$en banned, not least because salts can leach from the
+MP and pass into the soil belo&%
'O !A0!!67 discloses a method for at least in part recouping metallic aluminium as a $aluable component from dross &ith
a relati$ely lo& content of metallic aluminium, in &hich ammonia and other $aluable products may be produced from the
+MP >or dross &ith a lo& content of metallic aluminium?% -hese products can be ammonium salts, aluminate solutions or
aluminium hydrate% Any residue still remaining may be used as base material for refractory materials or dumped as inert
'O !A0/2! proposes using the +MP in the production of a refractory product% -he +MP is mi4ed &ith a metal o4ide and
this mi4ture is then calcined to allo& a refractory product to form% ;4amples gi$en are the production of spinel >MgAl2 O3? and
mullite by the addition of MgO and silica respecti$ely% Addition of (aO is also mentioned &ithout further detail%
More recently, it has been proposed that aluminium dross is used to make calcium aluminate, &hich is a material used in the
steel industry as an additi$e &hich reduces sulphur content of the steel >see McBannon, "-he Making, )haping and -reating
of )teel", #nited )teel (orporation, 0th edition, !7", 37!5!0?% :n "Light Metals", !!", pages 72.56, there is reported a
disclosure at the -M) Annual Meeting, Las =egas, 9ebruary !!", in &hich the con$ersion of aluminium dross to a non5
metallic residue by a plasma process is described% -he non5metallic residue is sintered &ith calcium carbonate in a rotary
kiln at temperatures belo& the eutectic temperature of calcium aluminate >./01 (%? to gi$e a dust5free product%
#%)% Pat% +o% ",.7",/0 describes remo$al of aluminium metal from aluminium dross by crushing, siCing and mi4ing,
follo&ed by melting of the resultant product &ith a flu4 containing calcium o4ide and silicon o4ide% A flu4 containing 7%"8
(aO and 0%78 )iO2 is used to make calcium aluminate for the steel industry% )iO2 is presumably employed to reduce the
melting temperature% -he melting temperature &as 3!015"201 (% -he calcium aluminate contains about /8 )iO2%
Because of the presence of )iO2 the off5gas stream from the melting furnace contains compounds &hich must be
)#MMARD O9 -<; :+=;+-:O+
An obEect of the in$ention is to impro$e the suitability of the calcium aluminate formed from aluminium dross for its use in
Another obEect is to impro$e the process of making calcium aluminate%
According to the in$ention there is pro$ided a method in &hich aluminium dross residue is heated at abo$e ./01 (% &ith a
calcium5o4ygen compound, to produce an at least partially melted material &hich is then rapidly cooled so as to obtain a
glassy solid product% -his product has been found to be especially effecti$e in steel production for achie$ing a high5@uality
slag layer on the steel bath% By use of the product of the in$ention, a rapid melting and &ell5flo&ing slag is formed, &hich is
ad$antageous for the necessary slag bath reaction kinetics, in other &ords for the sake of the diffusion to&ards and retention
into the slag layer of substances lea$ing the steel bath%
-he calcium aluminate melt is preferably rapidly cooled by pouring it onto a cooled surface, e%g% a cooled steel sheet% :t may
be cooled in a cooled granulation drum, &hich allo&s large5scale processing%
-he material added to the aluminium dross residue to form the melt preferably contains no silica% Preferably the calcium5
o4ygen compound used is lime% Lime is easily obtained and relati$ely ine4pensi$e% Residues containing lime are also
Preferably the &eight ratio of Al2 O. 55(aO in the product is appro4imately *% -his ensures that a molten phase forms for the
compound in the intended temperature range%
Preferably the heating temperature is lo&er than /001 (% -his achie$es the effect that besides energy ad$antages the
refractory lining of the reaction $essel does not become unduly o$erloaded%
-he in$ention further pro$ides a method of processing aluminium dross in &hich in a first step aluminium is separated from
the dross to form a dross residue, and in a second step the dross residue is treated as abo$e% :n this method the dross
residue >+MP? is preferably contacted &ith the calcium5o4ygen compound in the same $essel as that in &hich Al is
separated from the dross% :n this manner a high energy efficiency can be obtained% +MP &ith for e4ample 28 metallic Al and
appro4imately 2"8 Al+ has an energy content of appro4imately 200 MFAtonne%
-he metallurgical $essel for carrying out this t&o5step method preferably has a &ear lining of a refractory material based on
high grade MgO, Al2 O., the spinel MgO%Al2 O. or a refractory )i compound or a mi4ture of t&o or more of these% By pro$iding
the $essel &ith a &ear lining of such a material it has been found feasible to carry out alternately the operation of dross
processing for separating metallic aluminium, and subse@uently in the same $essel the operation of +MP processing &ithout
the incon$eniences that might be e4pected &ith such alternating operation under atmospheres differing for each type of
operation because this kind of &ear lining is chemically resistant to molten calcium5aluminate% -he mi4ture of MgO, andAor
Al2 O., andAor )i5based materials can be in all suitable ratios% A binder may be employed%
Besides the alternating non5o4idiCing and o4idiCing atmospheres for processing dross and +MP respecti$ely in one and the
same metallurgical $essel, the &ear lining of the $essel is also attacked by &ear, and by abrasion in particular, &hen
processing the dross into +MP% 9rom e4periments it has been learned that )i5based refractory materials in particular are
resistant to both o4idiCing and non5o4idiCing conditions, are abrasion and impact resistant and resistant to both high
temperatures and thermal shocks, and ha$e a particular good resistance to molten aluminium andAor magnesium and a
good chemically resistance to molten calcium5aluminate%
-he )i5based refractory material can be applied in $arious &ays, for e4ample as moulded bricks, or unshaped as ramming
mi4, or castable or gunning mi4%
-he base material for the refractory material comprises )i5compounds such as )i(, )i. +3, or a solid solution containing the
elements )i, Al, O and + >kno&n as sialon?, or mi4tures thereof%
-he indi$idual )i5based compounds or mi4tures thereof may be bonded in a chemical or ceramic manner, or &ith a cement
bonding, or resin5bonding or pitch5tar bonding%
'hen re@uired the additi$es carbon or graphite andAor metallic Al andAor Mg can be added, depending on the type of
bonding used% :n chemically bonded refractory materials the metallic Al andAor Mg is added during production of said article
in a range of 0%0" to 08 by &eight, and the graphite may be added in a range of "5208 by &eight%
'hen the refractory material is applied in an unshaped manner, the content of )i5based compounds should preferably be
o$er 308 by &eight% :n this manner ease of construction and sufficient &ear and heat resistance are combined%
'hen the refractory material is applied as shaped articles, the content of )i5based compounds should preferably be o$er
608 by &eight%
-he first step, of remo$al of aluminium from dross, may be carried out in $arious kno&n &ays, for e4ample as described in
:n the in$ention, preferably the aluminium dross and the aluminium dross residue employed are salt5free, in particular
substantially free of +a(l and ,(l% -his reduces processing problems and pro$ides a superior product for use in steel
-he in$ention is also embodied in the use of the calcium5aluminate produced according to the method of the in$ention as an
additi$e in steel production, particularly as a slag additi$e in ladle steel5making%
D;)(R:P-:O+ O9 A+ ;MBOD:M;+-
-he in$ention &ill no& be illustrated by reference to the results of se$eral e4periments%
:n a uni$ersal clay graphite crucible a mi4ture of appro4imately 0 kg dross residue >+MP, i%e% salt5free aluminium dross from
&hich aluminium metal has largely been remo$ed by a process such as that of ;P5A50/!0.!? &ith a composition of*
Al2 O. "!%/8
Al+ 6%/8
Al metallic .%/8
MgO !%.8
)iO2 %!8
and appro4imately 2 kg (a>O<?2 &as mi4ed in such a proportion that follo&ing calcination of (a>O<?2 into (aO and
o4idation of Al+ into Al2O. a ratio of Al2 O. * (aO of appro4imately * &as obtained% -he mi4ture &as heated in an electric
resistance furnace to ."01 (% >solid?, 3001 (% >plastic?, 3.01 (% >thickly li@uid?, 3"01 (% >difficult to cast? and "001 (%
>pourable?% )ubse@uently the melt &as poured and cooled rapidly in three &ays, in &ater, to stationary air and onto a &ater5
cooled steel sheet respecti$ely%
-he calcium5aluminates obtained in this &ay &ere assessed for suitability for use as artificial slag in the steel production,
&ith the follo&ing results*
coolin4 to 5 pro6uces meltin4 rate flo7 beha8iour suitability
7ater 9 9 9
air .:ua6rature.
; .:ua6rature.
7ater9coole6 steel sheet
;; ; ;
-he symbols mean*
5 +ot suitable
%@uadrature% Poor suitability
G )uitable
GG =ery suitable
:t appears that cooling by pouring into &ater produces a foamed calcium5aluminate &hich impairs the transfer of heat and
that melting does not occur @uickly enough%
'hen cooled in air the resultant calcium5aluminate melts reasonably promptly and then flo&s out &ell%
'hen @uenching by casting onto a &ater5cooled steel sheet, a glassy calcium5aluminate of e4cellent suitability &as
-hese e4perimental results sho& that &hen prepared correctly calcium5aluminate produced from +MP is highly suitable for
use as artificial slag in steel production% On an industrial scale processing may take place in the reaction $essel and the
desired cooling may be obtained by means of casting onto a cooled sheet or into for e4ample a granulation drum% -he
selection depends on the scale of siCe of the process%
:n order to determine &hether a $essel for processing dross pro$ided &ith a magnesite5carbon refractory &ear lining &ould
be resistant to a subse@uent +MP processing process being carried out, a melting crucible from magnesite5carbon refractory
material holding molten calcium aluminate &as kept in molten state at "001 (% for 3 hours under slightly reducing
conditions% +o reaction or deterioration &hatsoe$er occurred%
Aluminium and its chemicals are generally roduced from its oxidic ores, mainly bauxite through Na(%
leaching by 6ayer7s rocess. There are other oxidic raw materials such as coal ash, clay etc. which are
being exlored with little success.
Aluminium dross formed while melting of aluminium in resence of air is recycled back to the smelter
to recover the residual aluminium after salt treatment. The remaining residue dross is usually
considered as a waste. This contains a comlex mixture of mostly aluminium oxide 894:-9/;,
remaining metallic aluminium, nitride, carbide and sulhide of aluminium, some alloying elements and
salts. (n one hand, this residue is considered as ha2ardous waste, on the other hand as a rich source
of alumina.
"n the resent study the waste dross rich in alumina value was taken for acid dissolution studies to
recover alumina value. The material resonded favourably towards the acid dissolution. The washed
material under stoichiometric condition of acid leached out , 09/ of alumina while under stringent
condition more than 34/ could be leached out. The results obtained therefore, shows that aluminium
dross could be utili2ed to reare alumina chemicals and thereby avoiding stockiling.
%nternational "ournal of $etallurgical 4ngineering
p8%>>2? ;@AB8BC e8%>>2? ;@AB8B@D
;@;E @(5)? BD8D;
doi? @.5.;1F(.i(mee.;@;@5.;
Com$arative !tudy on the Preci$itation of Hydrated lumina from
Different !ources
<ull8Te3t G'<
<ull8Te3t :T$&
Barsha Dash , B& C& Tri$athy , %& '& Bhattacharya , T& !u""aiah
H>%08%nstitute of $inerals and $aterials Technology, #hubaneswar, %ndia
Horrespondence to? #arsha 'ash , H>%08%nstitute of $inerals and $aterials Technology, #hubaneswar,
Hopyright I ;@; >cientific J 7cademic Gublishing. 7ll 0ights 0eserved.
:ydrated alumina from three different sources like sodium aluminate li9uor, waste aluminium dross
and synthetic salt like aluminium sulfate were studied to obtain various form of aluminium hydro3ide.
#oehmite (7l;!1.:;!), a form of hydrated alumina, has better performance in obtaining alumina, as
the enthalpy of dehydration of boehmite is less as compared to gibbsite due to the less number of
water molecules in the crystal lattice as compared to gibbsite. Grecipitation of hydrated alumina was
also studied by using synthetic aluminium sulfate solution with a9ueous ammonia and alternating the
se9uence of reagent addition. >ubse9uently, the variation in the p: of precipitation and followed by
variation of the ageing temperature produced a range of hydrated alumina with different phases and
crystallinities. %n another option hydrated alumina was precipitated from the sulfuric acid leach li9uor
of waste aluminium dross by varying the p: of the precipitation followed by temperature of ageing.
(eywords) :ydrated 7lumina, >odium 7luminate, /aste 7luminium 'ross, 7luminium >ulfate,
7ctivated 7lumina
Cite this $a$er) #arsha 'ash , #. H. Tripathy , %. 2. #hattacharya , T. >ubbaiah , K7 Homparative
>tudy on the Grecipitation of :ydrated 7lumina from 'ifferent >ourcesK, International Journal of
Metallurgical Engineering, Lol. @ 2o. 5, ;@;, pp. BD8D;. doi? @.5.;1F(.i(mee.;@;@5.;.
Article Outline
@. %ntroduction
;. 43perimental
;.@. $aterials
;.;. $ethod
1. 0esults and 'iscussion
1.@. Grecipitation of boehmite
1.;. Grecipitation of :ydrated 7lumina from >ulfate >alt of 7luminium
1.1. Grecipitation of :ydrated 7lumina from /aste 7luminium 'ross
1. ntro!uction
The research in the field of alumina is very interesting and encouraging as plenty of raw materials
are available, which have to be e3ploited for newer applications as well as recovering the metal at a
competitive cost. The process for the precipitation of boehmite (7l;!1.:;!) from sodium aluminate
li9uor instead of regular gibbsite (7l;!1.1:;!) precipitation is one such innovative option where
reduction in the energy consumption can be investigated. The precipitation of crystalline boehmite
from supersaturated sodium aluminate li9uor was investigated5@8D6 to ascertain its applicability. 7s
the properties of the hydrated alumina can be steered by changing the method of preparation, more
work can be done in this area. Lariation in the condition of precipitation such as p:, temperature,
ageing conditions etc. produces aluminium hydro3ides of various compositions, structures,
morphologies, etc5.8@A6. $any investigators have also tried to modify the #ayerMs process as well
as to utili=e raw materials other than the bau3ite ore.

)tili=ation of secondary sources of alumina is
a search for alternate source to be used in future. >ome of the attempts are already made in these
The paper deals with the precipitation of boehmite. The preparation of activated alumina from waste
aluminium dross, which can be considered as an alternate secondary source, is a first step in
advancing towards Nfrom waste material to value8added products.O 7luminium salts solutions are also
having practical use of making different varieties of hydro3ides and activated materials.
". Experimental
*&+& ,aterials
*ibbsite was obtained from $Fs 2ational 7luminium Hompany, #hubaneswar, %ndia. #oehmite seed
was prepared hydrothermally from the supplied gibbsite at @.5PH for -h. 7luminium granules and
sodium hydro3ide (70) obtained from $erck, %ndia. The additives like tartaric acid, o3alic acid and
4'T7 (0ankem, %ndia), succinic acid, salicylic acid, glutaric acid and citric acid (7cros Hhemical, %ndia),
aspartic acid, 3ylose, glucose and glycerol ($erck, %ndia) were used in the precipitation process.
7luminium sulfate heptahydrate and ;5Q ammonia solution, used as the starting material, were
supplied by $erck, %ndia. 7luminium dross is a waste material obtained from aluminium melting
plants. The RD5 Sm (Tyler ;) si=e particles were taken for the study.
*&*& ,ethod
The supersaturated sodium aluminate li9uor was prepared by dissolving re9uired amounts of
aluminium granules in sodium hydro3ide solution. The li9uor was prepared for different 7l;!1F 2a;!
(7FH) ratios. %n general @5gF& 7l;!1 solution with 7FH ratios of @. was prepared by taking @5 gF&
of 2a;! (added as 2a!:). Grecipitation e3periments were carried out in a 1 m& capacity stainless
steel reactor having a fitting lid. >tirring speed of ;5 T ;5 rpm was maintained in each
e3periment. To the aluminate li9uor (@ m&) with pre8ad(usted 7FH ratio @gF& boehmite seed
was added and stirred continuously at stipulated temperature. The time period mentioned Dhrs
e3cept where it was varied. The additives were added at the time of seed addition.
7luminium sulfate solution (.;$) was neutrali=ed with 5Q a9ueous ammonia by alternate addition
of the reagents lik @. 7mmonia added to salt, ;.>alt added to ammonia. Three end point p: were
selected for both the cases. :alf of the samples were aged with a temperature of @5> for -h. The
samples are named as 7, # and H for p: 5, B and @ of ammonia added to salt systme and ', 4
and < for p: 5, B and @ of salt added to ammonia system.
The e3periments on the dissolution of dross in :;>!- were carried out in a flat8bottomed glass reactor,
which was placed on a magnetic stirrer with hot plate and temperature was maintained at . T ;>.
The leach li9uor was analysed by conventional 4'T7UVn>!- method to determine the amount of
alumina e3tracted. Grecipitation and ageing were carried out e3actly like the aforementioned
procedure e3cept the se9uence adopted here is ammonia added to salt not the other one. 7fter
filtration each of the mentioned samples were washed with distilled water and dried in a hot air oven
at DPH for -D h.
#. Results an! Discussion
-&+& Preci$itation of "oehmite
Grecpitation of hydrated aluminas from sodium aluminate li9uor is strongly dependent on 7FH ratio
which refers to the degree of supersaturation as the main driving force for precipitation. >eed
provides surface on which newer crystals grow. Therefore, more seed amount and lesser seed si=e,
more is the yield as illustrated in <igure@J;. /hen the 7FH ratios varied from .B5 to @.; it was
found that at 7FH ratioW@ and when temperature was XD> the precipitated boehmite was mi3ed
with gibbsite phase because at that condition supersaturation was more and gibbsite precipitation is
kinetically more favoured (<igure 1).
Figure 1. <?ect of seed 1uantity on boehmite yield, A@C A ..4, 0h,
B&.&Cm (Dash et al.,Hydrometallurgy, 2009)
Figure 2. <?ect of seed si2e on boehmite yield, A@CA ..4, .44 g@D,
0h (Dash et al.,Hydrometallurgy, 2009)
Figure 3. Dowest temerature of boehmite 8only; reciitation vs A@C ratio,
0 h, .44 g@D, B&.& Cm (Dash et al., Hydrometallurgy, 2009) Eiew *ithin
To get only boehmite precipitation at temperature XD> without any gibbsite precipitation 7FH
ratios less than @. is mostly favoured. #ut under this condition the yield of precipitation is less. >o,
for industrial practice yield has to be increased and to increase the yield the 7FH ratio has to be
increased. :ere comes the real problem when 7FH is higher and temperature is lower, gibbsite
precipitation occurs along with boehmite. >o, to restrict gibbsite precipitation some additives were
selected which when used only boehmite is precipitated without the gibbsite precipitation even at
higher 7FH ratio and low temperature as mentioned. The details of the additives are mentioned in
Table8@. (Dash et al., Dalton Trans, 2010)
!nly four additives such as tartaric acid, 3ylose, glucose and starch are successful in resisting the
precipitation of gibbsite with boehmite at A>. The reason behind the fact may be attributed to
their stereochemical structures. 7ll these four addives have minimum four vicinal U!: group and all
the U!: groups are in threo position. This arrangement makes a stable comple3 where it may form
a boemitic template so that preferably boehmite is precipitated. 7lternative reason may be
attributed to the formation of hydration shell around the precipitation site at the seed surface with
the additives as all the shotlisted additives are hydrotopes. The ultimate result of the use of additive
in a precipitation and the yield is shown in <igure -.
Table 1. <?ect (f Additives (n 6oehmite Preciitation, Conditions= A@C=., 'eed= .44gD
, Additives= 9gD
<ach. 6= 6oehmite, F= Fibbsite
Additives Tem.@5C Gield@gD
Tartaric acid
-4 9.B 6
B4 ) 6
(xalic acid
-4 .&4 6HF
B4 .&9 6HF
'uccinic acid
-4 .- 6HF
B4 &) 6HF
'alicylic acid
-4 &.I 6
B4 .4 6HF
Flutaric acid
-4 4.I9 6
B4 I..9 6HF
Citric acid
-4 ..3 6HF
B4 I.9 6HF
-4 94.-9 6HF
B4 B4 6HF
-4 &.9 6
B4 &&.) 6
-4 ..0 6
B4 I.I9 6
Asartic acid
-4 9..9 6HF
B4 B.I 6HF
-4 ..- 6HF
B4 -4 6HF
Figure 4. <?ect of reciitation time on boehmite yield, A@C A ...,
tem.A04>, tartaric aci6<"4!D
-&*& Preci$itation of Hydrated lumina from !ulfate !alt of luminium
C8ray diffraction patterns of 7 and # (without ageing) were found to be broad indicating an
amorphous structure and having gel like characteristics. Thus no crystalinity was observed in these
cases. :owever, with higher ageing temperature like @5>, the C0'8patterns of 7@5 and
#@5 showed sharp peaks indicating a crystalline structure as shown in <igure 5. Thus crystalinity
was found to develop on ageing at higher temperature. The diffraction patterns of the materials
obtained at p: @ (H and H@5) were found to be distinctly crystalline bayerite for both aged and
unaged samples.
The conditions are different in the case when salt added to ammonia. The C0' pattern of all the
samples (', 4 and <) was found to be crystalline as shown in <ig.A. 4ven the freshly precipitated
samples (', 4 and <) i.e. the unaged ones were also crystalline. The peaks are however broad
enough showing low maturity in the crystal growth. /hen the materials were aged at @5> proper
crystallinity was marked in the C8ray diffraction pattern.
%t was observed that in the system where ammonia is added to salt the crystallinity is either a
function of p: or ageing. #ut if the addition is reversed precipitate crystallinity was obtained.
Figure 5. KLJ attern of samles of ammonia added to salt without
ageing 8subscrit 4; and with ageing at .94> =subscript 150;
The reason behind the difference in crystallinity with respect to se9uence of reagent addition is
attributed to the fact that when drops of alkali falls on the salt solution there e3ist competition
between 7l
ions to take the !:
ions. That,s why if more and more !:
ions are added more
crystalline precipitate is formed. 7nd reverse is the case when drops of salts fall into the large
e3cess of ammonia for each 7l
ion there are number of !:
ions. There is no competition for
ions. The aluminium ions transforms into fully crystalline aluminium hydro3ide. That,s why all
the samples are crystalline in salt added to ammonia system.
7ll the si3 aged samples from both the systmes are calcined at different temperatures ranging from
1 to @1PH and it was found that at .> Z8alumina was formed and at @1> [8alumina was
formed. 7ll the samples follow same trend of calcined phases.
Figure 6. KLJ attern of samles of salt added to ammonia without
ageing 8'ubscrit 4; and with ageing at .94> =subscript 150;
-&-& Preci$itation of Hydrated lumina from Waste luminium Dross
The typical dross sample taken was found to be containing A-.DQ of alumina. %t was found to be
containing both alumina and 7l metallic phases. The leaching with sulfuric acid brings the aluminium
values in any form to ionic form in the leach li9uor. The following reactions are supposed to be
taking place8
Figure 7. KLJ attern of the reciitated aluminium hydroxide without
ageingM = aluminium hydroxide, = iron hydroxide
Figure 8. KLJ attern of the reciitated and aged aluminium
hydroxide Maluminium hydroxide, = iron hydroxide
The optimi=ed leaching conditions are @Q pulp density, 1Q acid at room temperature for @hr. The
obtained leach li9uor was then neutrali=ed with @Q a9ueous ammonia upto p: 5, B and @ without
ageing and aged at @5>. >imilar to the earlier case the unaged samples were less crystalline as
compared to the aged one. 7s the solution was a leach li9uor the aluminium was accompanied with
iron also. >o, peaks of iron hydro3ides are also appeared with aluminium hydro3ide (<igure BJD). To
remove iron from the solution the early formed precipitate at p: -.5 was discarded where iron was
removed from the system.The percentage of alumina present in precipitate of each p: is given in
Table 2. Comosition (f The
'amle Al&(I 8/; '()
H%&( 8/;
%$9 8aged; &3.0) B-.3&
%$- 8aged; II.-B BI.4)
%$.4 8aged; )-.&& )9.B0
The precipitated hydro3ide at p: @ was sub(ected to calcinations in the range of 1U@1>. The
transformation to Z8alumina at @@> and finally to [8alumina at @1> was observed.
N.O K. *afer, C. Pisra, Q(xides and hydroxides of aluminiumR, Alcoa Tech. Paer No.
.3, Lev., .30-, Pittsburg.
N&O <.A. <lkatatatny, '.A. %alawy, P.A. Pohamed, P.". Saki, QA novel synthesis of
high$area alumina via %&(& $ reciitated boehmite from sodium aluminate
solutionsR, *iley ublications, T Chem Technol 6iotechnol, vol. -&, . I&4:I&0,
NIO J. Panias, ". Pasaliaris, A. Amanatidis, %.*. 'chmidt, A.l. %ollnagel, Q6oehmite
rocess= An alternative technology in alumina roductionR, *iley Publications,
Dight Petals, . 3-:.4I, &44..
N)O J. Panias, P. Asimidis, ". Pasaliaris, Q'olubility of boehmite in concentrated
sodium hydroxide solutions= model develoment and assessmentR, <lsevier
6.E.,%ydrometallurgy, vol. 93, . .9$&3, &44..
N9O C. 'koufadis, J. Panias, ". Pasaliaris, QKinetics of boehmite reciitation from
suersaturated sodium aluminate solutionsR, <lsevier 6.E., %ydrometallurgy,
vol. B0, . 9-$B0, &44I.
NBO 6. Jash, 6. C. Triathy, ". N. 6hattacharya, '. C. Jas, C. L. Pishra, 6. '. Pani,
Q<?ect of temerature and alumina@ caustic ratio on reciitation of boehmite
in synthetic sodium aluminate li1uorR, <lsevier 6.E., %ydrometallurgy, vol. 00,
. .&.$.&B, &44-.
N-O 6. Jash, 6.C.Triathy, ".N.6hattacharya, '.C.Jas, C.L. Pishra, 6.K.Pishra,
QPreciitation of boehmite in sodium aluminate li1uorR, <lsevier 6.E.,
%ydrometallurgy, vol. 39, . &3-$I4., &443.
N0O 6. Jash, 6.C.Triathy, ".N.6hattacharya, 6.K.Pishra, QAdditive action on
boehmite reciitation in sodium aluminate li1uorR, Loyal 'ociety of Chemistry,
Jalton Trans, vol. I3, . 3.40$3.., .&4.4.
N3O T. K. Pradhan, ". N. 6hattacharya, '. C. Jas, L. P. Jas, L. K. Panda,
QCharacterisation of fine olycrystals of metastable #$alumina obtained through
a wet chemical recursor synthesisR, <lsevier 6.E., Pater 'ci <ng 6, vol. --, .
.09$.3&, &444.

T. K. Pradhan, P. K. Fochhayat, ". N. 6hattacharya, '.C.Jas, Q'tudy on the
various factros a?ecting the 1uality of reciitated non$metallurgical alumina
trihydrate articlesR, <lsevier 6.E., %ydrometallurgy, vol. B4, . .)I$.9I, &44..

". N. 6hattacharya, T. K. Pradhan, P. K. Fochhayat, '. C. Jas, QUactros controlling
reciitation of Vner si2e alumina trihydrateR, <lsevier 6.E., "nt T Pineral
Processing, vol. B-, . .43$.&), &44&.

K (kada. T. Nagashima, G. Kameshima, A. Gasumori, T.Tsukada, QLelationshi
between Uormation Conditions, Proerties, and Crystallite 'i2e of 6oehmiteR,
<lsevier 6.E., T Colloid "nterface 'ci, vol. &9I, . I40$I.), &44&.

'. PusiW, X. JragYeviW, ' .PooviW, QUormation of boehmite via reciitation
from a1ueous solutionsR, <lsevier 6.E., Pater Dett, vol. &), . 93$B), .339.

'. PusiW, X. JragYeviW, '. PooviW, N. EdoviW, QPicrostructural roerties of
boehmite formed under hydrothermal conditionsR, <lsevier 6.E., Pater 'ci <ng
6, vol. 9&, . .)9$.9I, .330.

J.A. Feorgantas, %.P. Frigorooulou, Q(rthohoshate and metahoshate ion
removal from a1ueous solution using alum and aluminum hydroxideR, <lsevier
6.E., T Colloid "nterf 'ci, vol. I.9, . -4$-3, &44-.

A. Koc!an, K. Krnel, T .KosmaY, QThe inZuence of temerature and time on the
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6.L.Jas, 6.Jash, 6.C.Triathy, ".N.6hattacharya, '.C.Jas, QProduction of #$
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6.Jash, 6.L.Jas, 6.C.Triathy, ".N.6hattacharya, '.C.Jas, QAcid dissolution of
alumina from waste aluminium drossR <lsevier 6.E., %ydrometallurgy, vol. 3&,
. )0$9I, &440.
Aluminium dross containing 628 Al2O. and 3%08 )iO2 &as fused &ith +aO< for a period of up to /0 minutes
in the temperature range of "00 H 6"01( in a stainless steel crucible% -he fused mass &as dissol$ed in &ater%
Amount of alumina in the solution &as determined by ;D-A comple4imetric >masking and demasking? chemical
method% -he optimum condition for alumina e4traction &as determined as +aO< to aluminium dross &eight
ratio I .%", temperature I 6"01( and time /0 minutes% A$rami5;rofee$ e@uation J5ln >5K? I >k.t? m, m I .A2L
seemed to be most appropriate one to fit the kinetic data of fusion of aluminium dross &ith +aO<% -he
acti$ation energy &as found to be /%3"2kFAmol%
At a glance: Figures


9igure 2

9igure .

9igure 3

9igure "

9igure /

9igure 6

9igure 7

9igure !

9igure 0


9igure 2
View all figures
$ey%or!s: alumina reco$ery, aluminum foundry &aste, sodium hydro4ide, fusion, reaction mechanism, kinetics, acti$ation energy
American Journal of Materials Engineering and Technology, 20. >.?, pp .05.3%
DO:* 0%2/!Amaterials55.5
Recei$ed December 27, 202M Re$ised May 2!, 20.M Accepted May .0, 20.
Copyright N 203 )cience and ;ducation Publishing% All Rights Reser$ed%
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)ultana, # ,, et al% ",inetics of Reco$ery of Alumina from Aluminium (asting 'aste through 9usion &ith )odium <ydro4ide%" American Journal of Materials Engineering and Technology %. >20.?* .05.3%
"mort into
"mort into <ndNote "mort into LefPan "mort into Lef*orks
1. !tro"uctio!
Dross is generated during melting of aluminium% -ypically "52" kg of dross is produced per metric ton of molten aluminium
% -he main constituent of dross is aluminium, &hich $aries from 75708 depending upon grades% Apart from aluminium metal, dross may also contain other chemical compounds
e%g% Mg92, )iO2 and MgO etc
% Anumber of in$estigations ha$e been carried out to e4tract alumina from different types of secondary sources such as micas, anorthite, spent catalysts
J., 3L
, clays and kaolins
J", /L
, fly ash
etc% Attempts ha$e been made to e4tract alumina from the secondary sources by
adopting either pyro5 or hydrometallurgical methods
J7, !L
% All these secondary sources ha$e the potentials to be the industrial ra& material as they are rich in alumina content%
Amer carried out the dissolution of &aste dross in sulphuric acid in order to produce highly pure aluminum sulfate
% <o&e$er, the process has found little practical application because of the en$ironmental haCard due to the highly corrosi$e nature of the concentrated acid and alkali in$ol$ed% Miskufo$a
et al studied the leachability of aluminium from aluminium dross fines in alkaline solution at atmospheric condition
% <e found a ma4imum e4traction of about 32 8 of total Aluminium content by leaching of dross fines in 0 8 +aO< solution%
Beaulieu et al de$eloped a process for preparing aluminium chloride by >i? leaching aluminium dross residues &ith <(l, >ii? hydrochlorinating the li@uid to form a precipitate comprising aluminium chloride and >iii? con$erting aluminium chloride into alumina
Luche$a et al
described a process 5 similar to BayerOs process 5 for reco$ery of Al>O<?. from black aluminium dross% -hey leached dross in 08 +aO< solution at ambient temperature for 2 hours and precipitated Al>O<?. by bubbling (O2 through the leach li@uor% Park et al also noted that alkaline
leaching of aluminium dross follo&ed by precipitation of aluminium hydro4ide Al>O<?. is a potential method for the reco$ery of alumina from dross
% -his method of fine aluminium dross processing is economically and en$ironmentally con$enient% <o&e$er, dross is a $ery heterogeneous material and
applicability and efficiency of proposed method for indi$idual dross samples should be e4perimentally in$estigated
:n this study, aluminium dross &as fused &ith caustic soda so that sodium aluminate can be formed% -his sodium aluminate is useful for the determination of alumina in dross and also for the reco$ery of alumina% Ma4imum formation of sodium aluminate is facilitated by a high temperature of fusion%
2. #$%eri&e!tal
".1. &aterial Composition
-he compositional analysis of the aluminium dross &as done by the 45ray fluorescence analysis and the 45ray diffraction analysis &as performed to find out the phases present in it% -he result of the analysis is sho&n in the table belo&*
'a(le 1. Compositional analysis of the !ross
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=ie& current table in a ne& &indo&
=ie& ne4t table
".". Phase !entification
9igure sho&s an P5rays diffraction pattern of the fine aluminum dross samples% Almost all of the peaks are identified% )ome $ery small peaks could not be identified% All phases are mentioned in the -able 2%
Figure 1.PRD pattern of aluminium dross
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=ie& ne4t figure
'a(le ". Phases present in the sample
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=ei& figure
=ie& current table in a ne& &indo&
=ie& pre$ious table
".#. Fusion Proce!ure
Dross of different &eight &as mi4ed &ith a specified amount of sodium hydro4ide >+aO<?% -he mi4ture &as put in a stainless steel crucible, co$ered &ith a cap and placed in a muffle furnace% -he fused sample &as cooled to room temperature and dissol$ed in distilled &ater% -he solution &as filtered
and the amount of alumina in the solution &as determined by ;D-Acomple4imetric >masking and demasking? chemical method% -he effects of +aO< to aluminium dross ratio in the range 2%053%0, temperature in the range "00 H 6"01( and time of fusion of up to /0 minutes on the e4tent of alumina
reco$ery &ere studied% -he acti$ation energy of fusion &as determined and a kinetic model &as fitted for the fusion process%
3. 'e(ult( a!" )i(cu((io!
#.1. Compositional Analysis
9rom -able it can be seen that the alumina constitutes the maEor portion of the sample and silica is the second maEor constituent%
#.". Phase Analysis
Most of the maEor peaks in the 45ray diffraction pattern correspond to alumina and silica% -his is in good agreement &ith the results of compositional analysis%
#.#. Optimisation of Fusion Parameters
#.#.1. Optimi)ation of *aO+ to Aluminium Dross Ratio
;ffect of sodium hydro4ide >+aO<? to aluminium dross ratio >&eight basis? in the range 2%053%0 &as studied% -he e4traction of alumina &as found to increase &ith an increase in concentration of sodium hydro4ide in the fusion mi4ture up to a sodium hydro4ide to dross ratio of .%" >9igure 2?% -his ratio
sodium hydro4ide to dross &as taken to be the optimum and &as kept constant in the subse@uent e4periments%
Figure ". ;ffects of +aO<AAluminium dross ratios on the e4traction of alumina >fusion time* /0 min, -emperature* 6"01(?
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#.#.". Optimi)ation of 'emperature
9igure . sho&s the e4tent of e4traction increased &ith an increase in reaction temperature up to 6"01(%
Figure #% ;ffects of temperature on the e4traction of alumina >fusion time* /0 min, +aO<ADross* .%"?
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=ie& current figure in a ne& &indo&
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=ie& ne4t figure
-hese e4periments &ere conducted at a constant +aO< to dross &eight ratio of .%" and for a time period of h% :t can be said that the dross and sodium hydro4ide mi4ture fused at 6"01( sho&ing the ma4imum yield%
#.#.#. Optimi)ation of 'ime
-o optimiCe the time of fusion +aO<5dross mi4ture &as fused for different periods of time by using the optimiCed parameters of fusion >temperatureI 6"01(, +aO<Adross ratio I .%"?% :t &as found that ma4imum yield &as obtained after /0 minutes >9igure 3?%
Figure ,. ;ffects of time on the e4traction of alumina >+aO<Adross ration* .%", -emperature* 6"01(?
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=ie& current figure in a ne& &indo&
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#.,. !entification of Reaction &o!el
:n systems in$ol$ing solid reactants, the chemical reaction takes place at the interface of the reactants to produce a final compound
% Diffusion must then occur through the product for the reaction to continue and the chemical reaction &ill proceed at the interface of one or both of the reactants% -he
mechanisms of these steps depend upon the e4perimental conditions and upon the characteristics of the solid reactantsM therefore, the o$erall rate of the process may be controlled by chemical kinetics or transport processes%
-he follo&ing ,inetic Models are usually considered for the study of such reactions
%Binstling and Brounshtein* 1-".#/-01-/1 2 0".#1 3 41t
2%Fander e@uation * J1-01-/1201.#152"34"t
.%A$rami5;rofee$ e@uation* 56* 01-/1 3 04#t1
KI fraction of reacted particles
t I time for fraction of reacted particles
ki I specific rate constant
mI parameter &hich depends on geometry
9rom 9igure " time re@uired for different fractions of reacted particle of alumina &ere calculated at "001(, /001( and 6"01( and then plotted according to e@uation >? to e@uation >.? in 9igure / to 9igure !% (orrelation of coefficient $alues of the plotted lines are also sho&n in these figures% :t can be
seen that the correlation is not high enough for all temperatures and also the lines do not pass through the Cero point% 9igure / suggests that the dissolution of alumina in dross is not follo& the Binstling and Brounshtein e@uation% 9igure 6 suggests that the dissolution does not follo& the Fander
mechanism% )o none of these t&o mechanisms are suitable for e4plaining the kinetics of the fusion procedure%
Figure 7. K5t plots at different temperatures
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Figure 8. ,inetic plots for Binstling and Brounshtein >52A.K5>5K? Q >2A.? I kt? model e@uations% Binstling and Brounshtein
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Figure 9. ,inetic plots for Fander e@uation >J5>5K?Q>A.?LQ2Ik2t? model e@uations
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=ie& current figure in a ne& &indo&
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Figure :. ,inetic plots for A$rami5;rofee$ e@uation >5ln >5K? I >k.t?
? model e@uations for mI
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Figure ;. ,inetic plots for A$rami5;rofee$ e@uation >5ln >5K? I >k.t?
? model e@uations for mI2
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=ie& current figure in a ne& &indo&
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:n order to in$estigate if the mechanism represented by A$rami5;rofee$ e@uation i%e% 5ln >5K? I >k.t?
is the mechanism, the left hand side of ;@uation >.? for mI, 2 and . &ere plotted against time for different temperatures >9igure 7, 9igure ! R 9igure 0?% Among all these plots 9igure 0 yielded a $ery
high correlation at all temperatures under in$estigation% Moreo$er, the plotted lines passed through the Cero point%
Figure 1<. ,inetic plots for A$rami5;rofee$ e@uation >5ln >5K? I >k.t?
? model e@uations for mI.A2%
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=ie& current figure in a ne& &indo&
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#.8. E=aluation of Acti=ation Energy
Both the con$entional integral approach and differential approach &ere used to e$aluate the acti$ation energy of the fusion process%
n the integral approach the relationship bet&een the rate constant k and temperature is gi$en by the Arrhenius e@uation
&here A is the fre@uency factor and E is the apparent acti$ation energy% Apparent acti$ation energy determined from the Arrhenius type plots >9igure ?, &here 5 ln,% =ersus A- is plotted for 9 model% )lope of the plot ga$e ;AR and acti$ation energy found to be /%3"2kFAmol%
Figure 11. Arrhenius type plots of 9igure 0
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=ie& pre$ious figure
=ie& ne4t figure
n the !ifferential approach acti$ation energy &as determined in three different e4traction le$els >K? i%e% K I 0%., 0%3 and 0%" of alumina by differential approach% -ime of attaining different e4traction le$el at different temperatures are cross plotted in 9igure 2% 9rom these figures &e get $alues of
acti$ation energy for K I 0%., 0%3 and 0%" &ere /%/., /%0/ and /%7"kFAmol respecti$ely%
Figure 1". Plots of ln>tK? $ersus A- to determine acti$ation energy >differential approach?
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9igures inde4
=ei& figure
=ie& current figure in a ne& &indo&
=ie& pre$ious figure
4. Co!clu(io!(
-he optimum conditions for the ma4imum yield of alumina from dross and the kinetics for the e4traction reaction &ere studied in this &ork% )e$eral parameters i%e% fusion reagent >+aO<? to dross ratio, temperature of fusion and time of fusion &ere studied in this study% Ma4imum e4traction of alumina
&as obtained at +aO< to dross ratio of .%" and 6"01( at /0 minutes% -he rate of alumina e4traction follo&ed the A$rami5;rofee$ e@uation* 5L+ >5K? I >k.t?m &here mI.A2 &ith apparent acti$ation energy of about /%3"2kFAmol%
-he authors are grateful to Bangladesh #ni$ersity of ;ngineering and -echnology >B#;-? for pro$iding the funds for this study and to Bangladesh (ouncil of )cientific and :ndustrial Research >B():R?? for pro$iding the necessary facilities for this study and to Dr% Abdul Bafur for his help to perform the
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