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The Medical Rights and Reform Act of 2009

University of Maryland University College

The Medical Rights and Reform Act of 2009
With the United States health care system steadily crumbling each year the !resident has
come u" #ith a health reform that can change the future of America$ The Medical Rights and
Reform act is a "ro"osed change of action that "romises to e%"and health coverage to all
Americans #hile decreasing the cost of health care s"ending$ Al#ays #ith change comes
There are some that o""ose this idea and some that a""rove$ A fe# "oliticians are
s&e"tical because of their fear of ta% hi&es assuming that every citi'en is at ris&$ Those that
su""ort this bill are o"en to this hi&e in order to reform the health care system entirely$ (ut at
this "oint it has not been "assed$ What is causing the hesitation from some of our Congressmen
and #omen) *on+t they #ant the U$S+s health care system to be su"erior to the rest of the #orld)
*ecide for yourself$
With a ne# !resident in office (arac& ,bama his "lan is to ree%amine the health care
system that both the "revious !resident and Congressmen-#omen have set in "lace$ .t is time that
The Medical Rights and Reform Act of 2009
the nation+s bro&en health care system is reformed to ensure that every American #ill have
better more affordable access to /uality health care services$ A true reform cannot change
overnight #ith 0ust a little alteration$ .t ta&es an in1de"th loo& and a""roach to create a cohesive
"lan that #or&s together to address the clear "roblems that are in our health care system today
2access cost coverage and /uality3$
,ne of the most im"ortant factors influencing the 4ederal 5overnment+s change in health
care is the rate of gro#th in health care costs$ The amounts that health care costs both to the
nation and it+s "eo"le are gro#ing e%"onentially every year$ The Whitehouse has develo"ed a
ne# health reform for American families and has named it 6The Affordable Care Act 6$ The
!resident+s health reform "ro"osal addresses the unsustainable gro#th of health care costs #ith
much significance "laced on #ellness and "revention the use of electronic medical records and
the integration of clinicians for treatment$
The Senate 7ealth 8ducation 9abor and !ensions bill 2789!3 directs the 4ederal 7ealth
and 7uman Services 277S3 secretary to "lan and im"lement a national "ublic1"rivate
"artnershi" for a "revention and health "romotion outreach and education cam"aign 2CSAC
20093$ This bill "rovides "ublic health community activities #ith screenings and referrals that
hel" the community "revent the diagnosis and "rogression of a disease$ Screenings for oral
health immuni'ations blood "ressure cholesterol and diabetes is an e%am"le of ho# these
illnesses are being "reventive by the use of "ublic health "rograms$
An electronic medical record 28MR3 is the electronic version of "revious hand#ritten
medical charts and #hat is "o"ularly used in today+s time of health care$ 6.t includes all
com"onents of the "atient+s medical records and enables any member of a "atient+s treatment
The Medical Rights and Reform Act of 2009
team to access the "atient+s "rogress notes treatment "lans medications and other "atient
information from a variety of locations: 2Richards 20093$ (y using this system drug interaction
#arnings "rescri"tion refill notifications and annual screening reminders are #hat save our
"o"ulation today$ The .nstitute of Medicine recommended the use of 8MR+s since the year 200;$
Since then electronic medical records have been "roven to "rovide effective treatment reduce
medical errors and im"roved accessibility to "atient+s medical records$
The !resident+s health care reform "ro"osal describes ne# #ays that "romote a better
coordination bet#een multi"le health care clinicians$ The ne# reform #ill su""ort secure
communication of health records bet#een health care "roviders as #ell as "atients and their
families$ The use of this integrative health system is a #ay to "revent drug interactions and
reduce the redundancy of tests and "rocedures that #ere assigned by different "hysicians$ This
#ill both save time and money #hen a health care team is treating a "atient$ The most im"ortant
outcome of health care reform is to "rovide all Americans affordable access to /uality health care
services #hile e%ercising their right to "rivacy$
.n 2009 U$S$ Re"s$ Mar& <ir& 2R1.ll$3 and Charlie *ent 2R1!enn$3 released details of the
=Medical Rights and Reform Act= a com"rehensive health care reform "ro"osal$ This act is
currently in the !resident+s health reform "ro"osal bill$ The Medical Rights and Reform Act
e%"lained by Congressman <ir& #ill reform health care #ithout 6brea&ing the ban&: 2<ir&
20093$ This act #ill lo#er the cost of health care #hile e%"anding access to services$ The
confidential relationshi" bet#een the doctor and the "atient #ill not be severed$ The Medical
Rights and Reform Act "rotect "atient+s rights #hile it reduces the cost of health insurance for all
Americans$ (y ma&ing health insurance more affordable and giving all Americans more o"tions
The Medical Rights and Reform Act of 2009
and control over their health care decisions access to health care #ill be e%"anded$ With the
im"rovement of technologies /uality of care #ill also be increased$
The !resident+s "ro"osed health reform #ill e%"and coverage to ;2 million Americans
#ho are no# uninsured$ This accounts for infants children teenagers adults and senior citi'ens
and covers all income brac&ets$ When this bill is "assed 9>? of Americans #ill have coverage
com"ared to only @;? that are covered today$
The uninsured and self em"loyed #ill be able to "urchase insurance through state
"rograms #ith subsidies available to individuals and families of lo# income$ 9o# income
families are categori'ed as a family of four bringing home A220>0 or less annually$ 8ven though
they #ould not be eligible for 4ederal "rograms they #ill be able to contribute to their health
"remiums on a sliding scale$
4ederal "rograms 2Medicaid and Medicare3 #ill e%"and their "rere/uisites so that a
larger grou" of Americans can /ualify$ Americans that are already covered by their current
em"loyer #ill continue to be covered even if they change com"anies$ There are no# infractions
on em"loyers #ho sever health coverage of "revious em"loyees and can no# be fined$ Boung
adults that are 0ust starting their careers can no# be covered by their "arent+s health coverage
until the age of 2C$ With all of these offers to gain ho# can the government refuse the "assage of
this bill)
!resident 5eorge W$ (ush has set a goal of establishing an electronic medical records
28MR3 for all "atients by 20DE and has established a ne# coordinator "osition in 77S 27ealth
and 7uman Services3 to develo" technical s"ecifications for standardi'ation of 8MR+s2 (adger
20DD3$ 6The stimulus bill "assed in 2009 set aside A2F billion to encourage doctors to migrate
The Medical Rights and Reform Act of 2009
their illegible hand#riting and "a"er charts into the electronic medical records that "olicyma&ers
and "oliticians have for years been saying could revolutioni'e medical care 2and the amount of
money it costs us3: 2(adger 20DD3$ .n this reform by 20DE everyone must "urchase health
insurance or face a AC9> annual fine 2Gac&son 20DD3$ With regards for lo# income families
ad0ustment to this fine #ill run accordingly$ The only "eo"le that are not covered in this reform
are illegal immigrants$ They #ill not be allo#ed to buy health insurance even if they "ay #ith
their o#n money$ This reform "rotects the rights of Americans only$
4or the uninsured Americans this bill #ill "rovide greater incentives to em"loyers and
small businesses that choose to cover their em"loyees$ This could be from lo#ering their ta% rate
or "roviding them a grant to even avoiding a large "enalty fee$ 8m"loyers #ith more than >0
em"loyees must "rovide health insurance or "ay a fine of A2000 "er #or&er each year if any
#or&er receives federal subsidies to "urchase health insurance$
.t #ill encourage the develo"ment of state health "rograms and #ill give the lo# income
families the o"tion to use "ublic funds to "urchase "rivate health insurance "lans$ 8%"anding
rural health care "rograms is another goal of this reform to give those that live far from the city
the chance to receive ade/uate health care$ Currently hos"itals #ith the innovative health
machines are located in "o"ulated cities and "assing this reform #ould give an o""ortunity for
those that aren+t able to travel the distance /uality care$ 4or the young adults this bill #ill allo#
them to remain de"endants on their "arent+s "lan to receive health care$
After the age of 2C they must be em"loyed and receive health insurance from their o#n
em"loyers or "ay as an individual$ 6To lo#er health care costs the Act #ill foster state
innovation through insurance mar&et reforms high1ris& "ools community health net#or&s and
The Medical Rights and Reform Act of 2009
ne# association o"tions for small businesses: 2Gac&son 20DD3$ ,nce this bill is enacted
insurance com"anies #ill no longer be able to deny coverage to children and adults based u"on a
"ree%isting condition$ Currently this is a "roblem in our health care system #here insurance
com"anies are refusing coverage to individuals because of a "revious condition$ This usually
results in negligent treatment and "rogresses the illness further$ The bill states that beginning the
year 20DE #ould be the end to the denial of coverage to every Americans$
The most controversial issue in this bill is the ta%ation of individuals families and
businesses$ .n this bill the White house is declaring that only the #ealthy families those #ho
earn more than A2>0000 "er year #ill see a boost in their ta%es$ 4or the #ealthy this seems a bit
unfair$ Why should . be ta%ed more 0ust because . ma&e a higher earning may be a /uestion that
the #ealthy "eo"le as&) Should they be "enali'ed for the sa&e of the country+s health care
system) 4or the 9F? of Americans #ho do not fall in that category they have nothing to #orry
about$ .t is no# u" to Congress to decide if this strategy if fair and e/ual to all$ This may be a
reason for the delay in "assing this bill$
Those that o""ose of the !resident+s health reform don+t believe that this ta% raise #ill
only be done to the #ealthy$ The #orry is that #hether over the ne%t cou"le of years Will middle
income families begin to see a raise in fees reduction in ta% brea&s and additional surcharges)
While su""orters are saying that the !resident #ill find more than enough cuts and revenue to
continue #ith this "lan$ =There is substantial sco"e for e%"enditure reductions in health care and
for raising enough revenues from "eo"le #ith incomes over A2>0000 and from com"anies=
2Sasseen 20093$
The Medical Rights and Reform Act of 2009
4or me this is the most controversial issue because it directly affects the consumers of
health care$ Those #ho don+t believe in the increase in ta%es for the #ealthy may be harming the
nation+s health care system indefinitely$ (ecause of the deficit that this country has accumulated
due to #ars health care s"ending and global #arming #e have to sacrifice some#here in order
to build a system from the ground u"$ . feel that if #e don+t get this bill "assed health care costs
as #e &no# it #ill continue rise and steadily increase every year$ .n other #ords it #on+t be
affordable anymore$ This ris&s the health of all Americans and the health of the country+s
financial system$
The !resident+s total health reform "ro"osal #ill cost the U$S A9E0 billion over the ne%t
ten years$ This cost #ill reduce the deficit by ADE; billion over the first D0 years and AD$2 trillion
over the second D0 years 2Gac&son 20DD3$ The main sources of benefactors for the health reform
#ould come from ne# ta%es fees on industries involved in health care and cuts in s"ending
gro#th for government "rograms 2Medicare3$
The most costly com"onents of this "lan #ill come from Medicare and Ta% revenues$ The
estimated long1term deficit reduction comes mainly from more than A>00 billion in savings from
health "rograms li&e Medicare and AE;@ billion in ne# ta% revenue$ Starting in 20D2 the
Medicare !ayroll Ta% #ill be e%"anded to include unearned income$ 4or individuals ma&ing
A200000 a year and families ma&ing A2>0000 or more annually #ill see an increase in their
Medicare !art A bill from 0$9? to 2$;>?$ This "ro"osal #ill not ta&e effect until the year 20D2
and is estimated to bring in A2D0 billion to the health care industry bet#een years 20D; and 20D9$
Currently the Medicare "ayroll ta% is 2$9? on all #ages 11 #ith the #or&er and his
em"loyer each "aying D$E>?$ That #ill be a ;$@ "ercent ta% on investment income for families
The Medical Rights and Reform Act of 2009
ma&ing more than A2>0000 "er year$ Medicare "ayments for home health care #ould also be
reduced by AE0 billion over D0 years 25rier 20D03$ And cuts in certain "ayments to hos"itals
#ould raise another A22 billion by 20D9 25rier 20D03$
.n the current state of recession millions of Americans #ere forced to neglect their health
"rocedures and medications due to their loss in 0obs and health insurance$ .n 20D0 the national
health s"ending gre# only ;$9? #hich is the lo#est rate in decades$ 7o"efully #hen this
economy begins to recover the rate of health s"ending #ill gro# to alleviate the deficit$
The !resident and his su""orters figure that it is only fair to add some fees on health care
industries since they+d be getting lots of ne# customers if this health care reform "asses$ So
after negotiations #ith some big sectors the White 7ouse struc& a number of deals 25rier 20D03$
4irst drug manufacturers are to "ay the U$S a total of ADC billion bet#een the years 20DD and
20D9$ Second 7ealth insurers #ould "ay AEF billion bet#een the years 20DD120D9$ Thirdly
medical device manufacturers #ould "ay a 2$9? ta% on the sale of their e/ui"ment beginning
20D;$ 4inally this reform "ro"osal #ould establish a ta% of D0? on indoor tanning services
#hich #ould bring in A2$F billion bet#een the years 20D0120D9$
,ne &ey com"onent of this health reform is to im"rove /uality of health care and find
#ays that measures its outcomes$ 7ealth insurance com"anies "hysicians and "hysicians grou"s
#ould be re/uired to re"ort on health outcomes that im"rove "atient safety reduce medical
errors and "rograms that im"lement #ellness and "revention$ This idea #ill be used to analy'e
#hether certain techni/ues or e/ui"ment and health "rograms are successful in im"roving
"atient+s health$
The Medical Rights and Reform Act of 2009
.nsurers #ill have to re"ort the amount of revenue that is s"ent on these activities to
account for the cost of health "rograms$ Medicaid and Medicare #ill develo" a 6value based:
system #here "ayments #ill be a#arded to facilities that meet "articular /uality standards that
are set 2Mc*ermott 20DD3$ 8ach fiscal year there #ill be a variation in standards that are set by
Medicaid and Medicare giving the facilities a C0 day notice before each "erformance "eriod$
The Medical Rights and Reform "ro"osal is beneficial to this country+s health system and
financial system$ The !resident and these Congressmen 2<ir& and *ent3 too& a great amount of
time and energy in creating a system that both reduce health care costs #hile decreasing the
amount of health care s"ending$ .t+s time that our country loo&s into something different so that
#e can get things moving$ ,ur current health system is in the ground both economically and
morally$ Millions of dollars are being s"ent unnecessarily and can be sto""ed if this "lan is
A chance that the Medical Rights and Reform Act #ill "ass is slim$ This bill #as
"ro"osed in 2009 #hen !resident ,bama began "residency$ .t has continuously been &noc&ed
do#n by the o""osing "arty and #ith a little less than a year to go his "residency is u" for grabs$
. believe if the !resident is elected for a second term this bill #ill have a greater chance of
"assage$ Since the timing is so short . believe Congress #ill continue to allo# time to "ass so
that this bill #ill not be recogni'ed$
This bill must be "assed for the good of the country$ .t #ill give "o#er bac& to us the
consumers of health care instead of the health insurance com"anies by increasing our assurance
of affordable coverage$ This bill #ill ma&e every effort to control and im"rove /uality and safety
#ith more information on #hat the best "ractices are and #hat the outcomes are$ We cannot let
The Medical Rights and Reform Act of 2009
this bill sli" bet#een our fingers$ .f #e leave this bill alone #e #ill end u" #ith more uninsured
Americans higher "remiums an even larger 4ederal deficit and health care costs that #ould not
be affordable even to the #ealthy$ The only res"onsible action to ta&e is to "ass this bill because
#e cannot afford the system that #e currently are in$ 9et+s 0ust ta&e this ris&H
(adger 8$ 220DD3$ Can !rivacy 8lectronic Medical Records Coe%ist) Retrieved from
The Medical Rights and Reform Act of 2009
California State Association of Counties 2CSAC3$ 220093$ 4ederal 7ealth ReformJ !revention
and Wellness !rovisions$ Retrieved from htt"I--###$counties$org-images-users-D-77S?20fed
5rier !$ 220D03$ 7ealth Care Reform (ill D0DI Who Will !ay 4or Reform) Retrieved from
Gac&son G Lolen G$ 220DD3$ 7ealth Care Reform (ill SummaryI A 9oo& At What+s in the (ill$
Retrieved from htt"I--###$cbsne#s$com-@;0D1>0;>EEKDC2120000@EC1>0;>EE$html
<ir& M$ 220093$ Re"s$ *ent and <ir& unveil Medical Rights and Reform Act$ Retrieved from
Medicare #ebsiteI htt"I--###$medicare$gov-default$as"%
Mc*ermott$ 220DD3$ 7ealth Care ReformI Ouality .nitiatives1the Thread That Ties .t All
Together$ Retrieved from
Richards M$ 220093$ 8lectronic Medical RecordsI Confidentiality .ssues in the Time of 7.!AA$
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Vol 402C3 ""$ >>01>>C
Sasseen G$ 220093$ 7ealth Care Reform+s 7idden Ta%esJ Why a lot of health reform+s costs could
be borne by the middle class des"ite ,bama+s "ledges$ Retrieved from

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