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What blessings I have received from knowing Victoria Cardoso. She was one of the first to take me
under her wing when I arrived In Portugal. My sister also found a place in her heart and she always
asked about my family in the States and how things were for them. When my grandmother died,
"Grandma Victoria" was right by my side, praying, hugging and holding me up both emotionally and
spiritually. Our heavenly Father gave us something special and I am proud to be a "granddaughter" of
Victoria. Grandma Victoria was very sick the past few months and I would like to ask for prayer for her
family. Grandma Victoria died at 3:45 am on May 18th. She had surgery and did not recover. Her
family and the church family were at her side continually the past few weeks. Victoria was a fighter and
a very strong dedicated Christian lady who wanted more than anything to see her entire family serving
the risen Christ. Please pray for her family.
The leadership here had planned a week of Consecration which would begin on the Wednesday before
Easter and end Easter Sunday. The youth made up the drama club called "Alpha and Omega" and
they started planning a program for that week. I was asked to sing "Via Doloroso" and they planned to
portray the scene through drama. One thing led to another and before we knew it we had a fifteen
minute presentation. I wrote some thoughts down of what might have happened in those three days
while Christ was in the tomb. What did the disciples do? Where were all of His followers? What did the
future hold for each one?
The results of the presentation were overwhelming. The entire group learned, cried, and rededicated
their livesduring the presentation. Ittouched each of us ina special and unique way. There were many
barriers to overcome, but we were on the WINNING side! The Sunday before Easter I began losing my
voice and by Wednesday was talking in the basement and didn't have much volume at all. I prayed all
day and the team prayed with me as did the drama group. With the help of a microphone and the heal
ing power of the Lord Jesus, we presented the play and I sang. What a night! We presented the play
again on Sunday and It was even better. The youth did a fantastic job and are to be commended. All
glory and praise to our Lord and Savior!
Meet four of my ESL (English as a Second Language) students all from the second grade. Rodrlgo
Katayama is from Brazil. Joong Kyu Kang is from Korea. Daniel Katayama is Rodrigo's little brother.
Luana Hayes is from Brazil and England. I have reallyenjoyed my classes this year and have gotten to
know the students a little better. I also teach Rodrigo's and Daniel's sister, Tamara, who is in fifth
grade. I have a kindergarten class, a first grade class, second, third, and fifth grade classes. Needless
to say, I keep busy. We meet every morning and then I have Music two afternoons a week.
The fellowship with the teachers and staff is great fun and very encouraging as well. We are losing
some of our teachers this year as they return to the States to continue their careers. We are praying
and trusting in the Lordto bring those whom He has set aside for the next school year. Please pray with
Speaking of schools, I also coached at St. Julians this year. This is a British school and I really enjoy the
company of the fellow coaches and team members. I coached basketball again this year and had a
great time. I also had the opportunity to do quite a bit of referee work.
I am looking forward to spending the summer
and early fall in the States and will be seeing
many of you during that time. I have so much
to share, and the different ways that the Lord
is working In our lives and that of His church
here in Carcavelos is exciting!
There has been much time spent in the last
two months on practices and "jam" sessions
to get ready for recording time as the Fifes
and Fernando Cunha and myself recorded
our first cassette tape together. If all goes
well, 1 should be bringing several to the
States with me. If you are interested in ob
taining a copy, please contact my forwarding
agents. The cassette is in Portuguese but we
know that God can use it in a special way.
We give Him the Glory and Honor!
I still have some time available for speaking
dates during my furlough. Please contact the
Mitchells for details.
Cheri Lynn Oakley
Rua Por do Sol, 29
2775 Carcavelos
Portugal Christian Mission
Bob & Bonnie Mitchell
R.R. #2. Box 288
Bloominglon, IL 61704
i'.'y ^
Non Profit Org.
Permit No. 12
Heyworth, IL
Mission Services
P O Box 2427
Knoxville, TN 37901
1 234 5 67 8 90
Greetings once again from Carcavelos, Portugal. After three months in the USA, I am
back home. The summer was very busy, but also very encouraging. One of the high
lights of my furlough was my last day in the States which happened to be my birthday.
Yes, I turned 35! There were many wonderful surprises and great fellowship with
family and friends. I didn't even mind adding another year! I even wore the shirt
announcing, "Aging Graysfully 35"! The Lord has blessed me beyond words and I
just pray that I may serve Him faithfully.
Psalms 108:1-5
Praises to God our Father! The summer passed so quickly but I was so blessed and encouraged.
Much of my time was spent presenting the work of Portugal Christian Mission to different churches,
camps, and individuals. I had the privilegewithevery presentation to use the gift God has given me In
singing. How I love to praise the Lord in song, giving Himthe glory and honor due His name.
The summer started off
with a few days with my
family when we did some
resting, shopping and
catching up on family
affairs. My first week of
camp was in Indiana at
Scenic Hills. Dave
Eichenberger was the
dean and we had a great
week. I made many new
friends and enjoyed
working with the whole
staff. I not only taught
on Missions, but-also-
had a music group. They
performed "Awesome
God" the last evening
and did a great job.
Cheri, Doug &Cindy Oakley
I also had the opportunity to share with my family the
work in Portugal. August 7th we celebrated my grand
father's 81St birthday with a family reunion in Vestaburg,
Ml. Everyone was present and we had a great time.
I spoke at the church on Sunday and it was great to be
among family and friends.
There was also time for some relaxing moments with my
immediate family. We had a couple of cook-outs. It was
fantastic to spend time with my brother and sister and
just goof-off together. They each have someone special
in their lives and I was happy to get to know them tool
As 1 started out saying, I was richly
blessed - how true! I would like to
take this opportunity to thank each
and every one who had a part in
making this past summer the great
est. Those who opened their homes-
hospitality unmatchable anywhere;
those who fed me - you made gaining
weight fun; those who contributed
financially throughout the summer
and monthly; my supporting churches
for their continued support; my
friends for their encouraging words;
those who provided transportation for
the summer; but most of all for all of
your prayers. Thank you!
PRAISE - for safety in travel through
out the summer and the
return to Portugal.
- for a great time with family
and friends, and for the
many new friends I met.
PRAYER - for the church here in
Carcavelos which is grow
ing in number and in spirit.
- for my new apartment and
final arrangements.
- for the purchase of a com
puter to be used in our
work here.
- for the preparations to be
made for the MISSION 93
Conference in Holland.
- for continued health and
energy to continue my
work here.
Throughout the summer I made
many new contacts and made
many new friends. One family in
particular really blessed my life
with their hospitality and avail
ability. Dr. Mike and Mary Jones,
along with their children were an
encouragement to me. They
opened their home many times for
me to stay in between speaking
engagements. Thank you Mike,
Mary, Meredyth, and Mark.
Cheri Lynn Oakley
Rua For do Sol, 29
2775 Carcavelos
Portugal Christian Mission
Bob & Bonnie Mitcheii
R.R. #2, Box 288
Bioomlngton, iL 61704
Nonprofit Org.
Permit No. 12
Heyworth, IL
Mission Services
P 0 Box 2427
Knoxville, TN 37901
Chert Lynn Oakley
Rua POr do Sol, 29
2775 Carcaveios
Tele: 011-351-1-156-1596
FA: Bob Si Bonnie Mitchell
R.R. *2 Box 266
Bioomington, IL 61701
Tele: (399) 376-1338
iqqz - iqqj, ?
December - February
Grace and peace to each of you in the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ!
I echo the very words of Paul in his letter to Philemon
when he wrote, "I always thank my God as' I remember you in
my prayers." I can change the last part.- of that verse to
read as follows; "because I hear about your faith In the
Lord Jesus and (feel) your love for (irte and) all the
saints." (Philemon 1) What a blessing! Thank you!
Wow! How time flies. Where did January and February
go? Seems like l Just turned around and', the holidays were
over and the new year had begun. Whew! So much has
happened since my last prayer letter. Allow me to spend a
few minutes with you as I share the differ.ent activities of
January and February, 1992, as well as December of 1991.
(You may want to have a cup of coffee as you read! Don't
forget to offer some to me!-<^)
Where do I begin? How about with December and the
different Christmas programs with which I ;was involved. The
17th of December found me at the school - with almost seventy
kids, ten teachers/staf f. two lambs, .two rabbits, two
chickens, a rooster, and a dog. The program was excellent
and everyone enjoyed the time together. . The lambs stole the
show when they jumped up on the hay-bal6 In front of the
stable and went to sleep. What a picture! I felt as If I
was there In the stable with Mary and Joseph. A beautiful
memory indeed!
The Christmas Program here at the church also went very
well and the youth are to be commended. They sang like
angels and performed like professionals. No6mla and Deborah
Lee did an excellent Job! wow! The building was packed
with family and friends who all heard the real message
of Christmas! Praise to the King of Kings!
We had the opportunity once again this year to present
our program at the Handicapped Home. My sister was able to
attend and even video tape the event. Many were touched as
we shared the same message of the angels so long ago, "...I.
bring you good news of great Joy ... today in the town of
David a Savior has been born to you; 'he is Christ the
Lord." (Luke 2:io,il)
Cindy arrived on the 27th of December and her eleven
days In fortugai were packed full of different events, some
of which were new experiences for both of us. Chicken and
pork cooxed on the open fire of a fire place (potatoes too)
we're part of an anniversary celebration. An all day trip to
Seslmbra' with AntOnIo and Concelgao Pardal was another
outing. tPf course we enjoyed time by ourselves tool It was
really a joy to have her here and to participate and see the
work first hand. Every time we are together I realize how
very blessed I am to have a sister who supports and
encourages me in everything. (Reaiiy a whole family!!!)
Cindy also got a taste of late nights as we celebrated
New Year's . Eve together with the church family here In
Carcavleos. we even played basketball at three in the
morning. Crazy?!? you better believe it! it was a great
evening as we sang, prayed, and met around the Lord's table.
What a way to start the new year! we drank hot chocolate
and ate different goodies throughout the rest of the
evening. .We called Mom and Dad at four-thirty or so to wish
them a Happy New Year and finally went to bed around
five-thirty, it was worth every single minute too!
It was reaiiy hard for Cindy to leave Portugal this
time. However, she knows how much everyone here loves her
and she will be back. She was also able to see and feel the
love that my "family" here in Portugal shows and gives to me
so freely. "From him the whole body, Joined and held
together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds
itself up- in love, as each part does its work." (Eph. -1:16)
We took Cindy * to the airport on January 6th to return to the
States and picked up a Brazilian couple from Deriani's home
town of ^oibnia. What a pleasure to have Luis and SedOnia
with us for a short time. School also started again on the
sixth and "so everyone was really busy the rest of the week.
The 9th, 10th and nth of January found the PCM team
(Dick and Sarah Roblson, Robert and Deriani Fife and myself)
away from Carcaveios in a leadership retreat. Praise be to
God for- His faithfulness and mercy. During a little more
than forty-eight hours we prayed, fasted, planned, cried,
shared, discussed and prayed some more seeking God's
guidance for the work here In Portugal. We returned to
Carcaveios with plans for 1992 and ideas and tentative plans
for 1993 - and beyond. It was time well spent and God blessed
us all ifi^ - special ways.
The-, .first two months of 1992 have gone very well even
though there have been those trying times that bring forth
patience and perseverance. One of those times was the
closing of. the church in Rio de Mouro. it was a very
difficult decision to make, but after much prayer, fasting
and tear^f ^.the team along with the congregation here in
Carcaveids -agreed upon the closing. But, our God Is an
awesome .-Ogd ..and has continued to show His will to His
children.... Tlid'*' doors of the church closed, but the Lord has
brought -His ^sheep back into the fold. One such example is
that of.-De'vld .-Braz; who has returned and is working very hard
In different activities of the church. We continue to
praise the. Lord for His understanding and patience with us
His children.
The church is growing both In spirit and In number.
Five more Individuals were baptized in the middle of
December, Including Christlanne Fife. (second daughter of
Robert and Deriani) There are others who have expressed
the de'sire to know more of this new life in Jesus Christ
and we are studying with them on a one to one basis.
Isn't our God great!?!
The end of January was pretty tough for me personally
as i was down (In bed) for over a week and missed eight days
of school. I Injured my back and It was very painful to
move to any position. Thankyou to Dr. Lyie Grenz and to all
those who offered prayers in my behalf, i returned to school
the 10th of February. I began the catching up with the
. church work and correspondence as well, i stayed with the
^Flfe kids over valentine's Day weekend so that Robert and
DerlanI could celebrate their nth weddiny anniversary away
from home. We (the '^ids ^nd i) had a great time! -O*/
Each and every day brings something now and unexpected,
but I thank God contiriualiy for renewed strength that I may
carry out that to which i have been called. Doors are
opening up for new areas of work here in our midst an^l we
are very encouraged with the possibilities.
The church has taken the first steps In establishing a
"Christian Bookstore". with the assistance of LlFC^VIda
Publishers, we have been able to have an exposition of books
here at the church for people to choose and order. I am
responsible as the contact person with VIda for this
endeavor. I was able to attend a luncheon meeting sponsored
by VIda on the 29th of February which was a new and
rewarding experience. The members are happy with the
selection of books we have offered. I have purchased
several for my own library and really enjoy reading In
As I make plans for my furlough this summer (July -
September, 1992), I ask for your prayers. Also remember the
Fife family who will be returning to Brazil during the same
time to report to their churches there. We are already
planning the trips and schedules are being made as well as
preparation with lessons, video tapes, cassettes, etc.
1992 Is off to _a great start and I am excited with what
the Lord has planned for us here In Portugal. Won't you
share that excitement with me? i would love to see each of
you this summer, but know that time Is limited. However,
..ATU..-please contact .Bob and Bonnie Mitchell if you are Interested
In a time to share with you the fantastic things that are
happening wit/i PCM and the Igreja de Cristo (Crlsta) In
V Portugal.
Praise God with me for:
... a great holiday season and visit with Cindy;
... a quick recovery with my back;
... the growth we have seen in the last few months, and for
David Braz and his willingness to serve:
... the leadership retreat in January:
my faithful supporters and prayer partners.
Ask God believing!
... for the plans of 1992 and the new areas of service;
... for my furlough preparations as well as the rife's;
.... for the finances to secure an apartment of my own;
.... for increased financial support (the prices continue to
rise and the exchange rate has dropped making items
even higher);
.... for Portugal and the government and changes that are
being made as they enter the Common Market;
.... for our different discipieship programs and the final
printing of "A Peace Treaty With God" which will be
used as a tool in evangelism.
"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to
sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been
tempted in every way, Just as we are yet was without sin.
Let us then approach the throne of grace with
confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to
help us in our time of need." (Heb. ^:15,16)
i will close this small epistle sending my love and
prayers. May God continue to bless you richly throughout
the next weeks and months, i hope to hear from you or meet
with you in the summer. Remember, love is our ID card! Are
you showing it proudly? Until next time!!
in his Service and love;

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